1. Multiple choice questions
(i) Informal authority flows upward and downwards or horizontally in
(ii) Rules, duties and responsibilities of workers are given in writing in
(iii) Motivation based on force of fear is called
(iv) The practice of management was written by
(v) To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize to command to co-ordinate and control. This definition was given by:-
(vi) Management function that regulates activities is called?
(vii) A statement which reflects future income and expenditure is called?
(viii) Overall and strategic planning is done by the
(ix) If a general manager asks the sales manager to recruit some salesman on his behalf. It is an instance of:-
(x) While delegating, a superior delegates
(xi) Which of the following is true with respect to planning function?
(xii) Each subordinate should have only one superior whose command he has to obey. This is known as:
(xiii) In line and staff organization the staff performs the function of
(xiv) Planning function is mainly performed at:
(xv) Leadership is a function of the following except
(xvi) Which is not true in respect to planning?
(xvii) Which of the following order indicates the correct logical order of managerial functions?
(xviii) Which of the following is the oldest form of organization?
(xix) Organization theory dials with:-
(xx) The main advantage of functional organization is
2. Match the following items.
List A | List B |
(i) Father of management (ii) Need to develop morale in work place (iii) Each subordinate should recover orders from one supervisor (iv) Command responsibility and consequences (v) Vertical relationships between different levels in a firm |
3. (a) Define management
(b) Explain six principles of management
4. (a) What does the term level of management mean?
(b) Give the roles of each level of management
5. Discuss the importance of management in an organization
6. (a) Briefly explain historical development of management
(b) Explain the meaning of the following management functions
(i) Planning
(ii) Organizing
(iii) Coordinating
(iv) Staffing
(v) Controlling
7. (a) Mention five types of organization
(b) What are advantages of line organization?
(c) Differentiate line organization from staff and line organization.
1. Multiple choice questions
(i) The best definition of a sole trader form of business is?
(ii) One of the claimed advantages of a sole trader is that;
(iii) One disadvantage of sole trader is that
(iv) One advantage of a partnership form of business organization is that:-
(v) Which of the following is not a feature of private limited company?
(vi) Which statement best applied to public limited company?
(vii) Which of the statement about most public limited companies is true?
(viii) In corporation, owners share profit but liability is limited to:
(ix) Which is an advantage of partnership?
(x) In which type of organization does one person take all the risks?
2. Match the following items:
List A | List B | |
(i) Shares can be bought by public (ii) Easiest business to form (iii) Decision making is difficult (iv) Liability is on owners (v) An agreement among partners |
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3. (a) What is a business unit?
(b) Name four types of business organization
4. (a) What is sole proprietorship?
(b) Give features of the proprietorship
(c) Briefly explain advantages and disadvantages of proprietorship.
5. (a) What is partnership?
(b) Discuss main features of partnership
6. What are advantages of Joint Stock Company over partnership?
7. Explain formation of forming
(i) Partnership
(ii) Private limited company
1. Multiple choice questions
(i) Which of these is not a term related to insurance?
(ii) Insurance works on the principle of:
(iii) Insurance help to:-
(iv) The term risk includes
(v) The principle of ______ ensure that an insured does not profit by insuring with multiple insurers
(vi) Fidelity guarantee policies cover losses due to fraud by?
(vii) A policy where policy holder makes a one time payment of premium is called?
(viii) _________ may be described as a social device to reduce or eliminate risk of loss to life and property
(ix) Which of the following types of insurance is mandatory?
(x) The document which embodies the contract in insurance is called
2. Match the following items:
List A | List B |
(i) Be honest to each party (ii) Claimed amount from third party responsible for loss (iii) Insured must treasure subject matter (iv) Principle of nearest cause (v) Money paid for insurance |
3. (a) Define the terms below
(i) Insurance
(ii) Insurance police
(iii) Premium
(iv) Sum insured
(v) Risk
4. (a) Differentiate between insurance and assurance
(b) Briefly explain historical development of insurance.
5. Discuss the need for insurance in our life.
6. (a) What is pooling of risk?
(b) Why is pooling of risk important to insurance companies.
7. Explain the following principles of insurance
(i) Nature of contract
(ii) Principle of insurable interest
(iii) Principle of indemnity
(iv) Principle of subrogation
(v) Double insurance
(vi) Principle of proximity cause
8. (a) Differentiate between property insurance and life insurance
(b) Explain procedure followed when taking an insurance cover.
1. Multiple choice questions
(i) The objective of Taxation by government are;
(ii) Pick out a factor which is not a feature of indirect taxes
(iii) Which factor has no role in the shifting of a tax?
(iv) Impact of tax refers to:-
(v) Principle of equity means?
(vi) An example of direct tax is?
(vii) One disadvantage of sales tax is that:
(viii) An example of progressive tax structure is?
(ix) Non payable money provided by government to another government is called?
(x) An advantage of indirect tax is
2. Match the following items
List A | List B |
(i) Tax should be allocated fairly and reasonable (ii) Also called Valorem tax (iii) Ability of tax payer to understand taxation (iv) Paid by person/entity to whom it is imposed (v) Earn more pay more tax |
3. (a) Define taxation
(b) Give the purpose of Tanzania
4. Explain the following principles of Taxation
a) Principle of simplicity
b) Principle of convenience
c) Principle of certainty
d) Principle of equity
5. (a) Differentiate between direct and indirect taxation.
(b) Explain two types of taxes on property
6. (a) Taxes on goods are regressive explain
(b) What is proportional tax structure?
7. Explain five sources of government Revenue.
8. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of indirect tax.
9. What are advantages and disadvantages of direct tax?