This paper consists of sections A, and B
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All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
equation X2+
+ 2e-
Oxidation reaction
Reduction reaction
Displacement reaction
Synthesis reaction
The reaction between Silver nitrate and Sodium chloride to form Silver chloride and Sodium nitrate is an example of a . Reaction.
Direct combination
Simple displacement
Double displacement
Ammonium chloride reacts with sodium hydroxide solution on warming. The net ionic equation for the reaction is.
H+(aq) + OH-(aq) ? H2O(l)
NH+(aq) + OH-(aq) ? NH3(aq) + H2O(aq)
Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) ? NaCl(aq)
2NH4+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) ? NaCl(aq) + Cl(g) + H2(g)
The percentage composition of compound K is 53.3% oxygen, 6.7%hydrogen and 40%carbon by mass.The empirical formula is;
If 1g of hydrogen is exploded in air, the mass of water formed is:
The ionic equation of the reaction between hydrochloric Acid and Sodium hydroxide is;
+ Cl-
+ OH-
+ Cl HCl + H2O
+ Cl HCl + H2O
+ OH-
Write the letter of the best match from column B against a statement in column A.
Cu(s) + 2HNO3(aq) ? N.R
Answer the questions in this section in brief
Rewrite complete and balance the following chemical equation of reactions:
+ Cl2(g)
+ H2O(l)
+ N2(g)
+ HCl(aq)
+ Na2SO4(aq)
Write ionic equations from the following chemical reactions:
Magnesium reacts with dilute sulphuric acid
Silver nitrate solution reacts with iron (II) chloride solution
Dilute solution acid reacts with solid calcium carbonate
Iron displaces copper of copper (II) sulphate solution
Chlorine gas displaces iodine of potassium iodide solution
(a) (i) Define
Ionic equation
Molecular equation.
(b) Complete and balance the following chemical equations.
(i) KCLO3
+ H2O
With the aid of a well balance chemical equations explain what would happen in each of the following reactions
Potassium carbonate is strong heated
Concentrated sulphuric acid added to dry salt and heated
Sodium nitrate heated
Concentrated sulphuric acid slowly acted to the sugar
Soluble alkali added to the soluble salts
Carbon dioxide passed through lime water
Water is added to a white copper (11) sulphate
A glowing splint of wood is lowered into a jar of (i) Hydrogen gas (ii) Carbon dioxide gas
Ammonium chloride is heated
Dilute nitric acid was heated with (i) warm copper oxide (ii) Zinc carbonate
Write the product and balance the following chemical equations
+ BaCl2(aq)
+ HCl(aq)
Complete and balance the following chemical equations:-
+ H2 SO4
+ HCl
+ O2
+ Al2O3
Explain the meaning of each of the following types of chemical reactions and support your explanation with the help of a relevant chemical equation.
Synthesis (combination) reaction
Decomposition reaction
Precipitation reaction
Single displacement reaction
Neutralization reaction
(a) Define:-
Redox reaction
Oxidation reaction
Reduction reaction
(b) Classify the following reactions into oxidation and reduction reactions:-
+ O2(g)
+ 3H2(g)
(c) Write the balanced equations for the following reactions.
Hydrogen + chlorine Hydrogen chloride
Magnesium oxide + carbon Magnesium + carbon
nitrate + sodium chloride silver chloride + sodium nitrate
(a) Explain the meaning of an ionic equation
(b) Write an ionic equation for each of the following:
Carbon dioxide gas dissolves in an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide
The reaction between magnesium and dilute hydrochloric acid.
This paper consists of sections A, B and C
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All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
Hard water which can be softened by boiling method contains dissolved:-
Calcium Hydrogen sulphate
Magnesium chloride
Magnesium carbonate
Calcium sulphate.
Which of the following compounds can be used to remove hardness of water?
Calcium chloride
Sodium carbonate
Magnesium hydroxide
Potassium hydroxide
Zinc chloride.
.. Is a one of the substance whose dissolution in water caused permanent hardness?
Carbon dioxide
Calcium sulphates
Magnesium carbonate
Sodium carbonate
One of the disadvantages of hard water is that is;
Causes corrosion of water pipes
Causes increased tooth decay
Requires more soap for washing
Contains minerals that are harmful
Hard water which is softened just by boiling contains dissolved;
Calcium carbonate
Calcium chloride
Sodium carbonate
Magnesium sulphate
Calcium hydrogen carbonate
Which of the following methods can be used to remove both temporary and permanent hardness of water.
Using ion exchange chamber
Using of calcium hydroxide
Which of the following is not an advantage of hard water?
Suitable for drinking
Strengthens bones and teeth
Suitable for brewing of beer
Makes our teeth coloured
One advantage of soft water is that;
Forms lather with soap
Suitable for drinking
Has a nice taste
Used in treatment of ulcers
Which is the best method that removes hardness of water to a large extend?
Using washing soda
Using calcium hydroxide
The main source of salt water on earth is;
2. Matching Items Questions.
Water that easily forms lather with soap Water that does not form lather with soap Water that contains dissolved calcium and magnesium hydrogen carbonate Water that contains dissolved sulphates of calcium and magnesium An element whose complex ion is used in softening water Substance formed when soap is used in washing using hard water An element which forms constituent of eggs. Substance formed on kettles when used to boil hard water. A gas that dissolves in water in soils to cause hardness Another name for hydrated calcium sulphate |
Plaster of Paris Gypsum Nitrogen dioxide Carbondioxide Calcium Phosphorous Soft water Hard water Permanent hard water Temporary hard water Scum Stain Fur Coating Sodium Potassium magnesium |
Write down the chemical equations used when softening water of the
Temporary hardness through (i) boiling water (one question) (ii) use of chemicals (two equations)
Permanent hardness through (i) use of chemicals (one equation) (ii) iron exchange (one equation)
Define the following terms;
Soft water
Hard water
Permanent hardness of water
Temporary hardness of water
a) What is the hardness of water?
b) Briefly explain types of hard of water.
c) State the causes of hardness of water for each type mention in (b) above.
d) Explain how you would remove the hardness of water according to its type.
e) Give three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of the hard water.
Soap solution of different amount of water are tested from four different sources and produces lather observed for 30 seconds. The three groups of waster were the untreated; boiled and treated by ion exchange. The results are as follows;
Sample |
Volume of soap (cm3) used for water that was |
Untreated |
Boiled |
Passed through ion exchanger |
A B C D |
12 17 26 1.6 |
1.8 17 20 1.6 |
1.8 1.7 1.8 1.6 |
Use the above results to answer the following questions;
Which is the hardest water sample? Why?
Which sample is like distilled water? Explain.
Which chemical substance might be the cause of hardness in (i) Sample A (ii) Sample B?
Write an equation for the reaction of removing hardness in sample C.
(a) State two advantages of hard water.
(b) State two disadvantages of hard water.
(c) Give two methods of softening temporary hardness of water.
(a) Distinguish between;
Acidic salt and basic salt
Hydrated and anhydrous salt
(b) Vinegar, lemon juice and yoghurt all have sour taste. Give the other possible properties would you expect them to have? Give 3 points.
(a) Give meaning of the following;
Basicity of an acid
The pH scale
(b) Name substances which when dissolved in water causes;
i. Temporary hardness of water
ii. Permanent hardness of water
(c) Explain with the help of one chemical equation in each case how?
i. Temporary hardness of water can be removed by boiling. (3 marks)
ii. Permanent hardness of water can be removed by chemical means.
Give a brief account to the following
Why does water note have any effect on litmus paper?
(i) What would happen to a well stoppered bottle full of water left in a deep freezer over the night? Why does this happen?
(ii) Why is iron not usually recommended in the construction of steam pipes and boilers.
(i) Name two compounds which may cause temporary hardness of water and two
ions which largely cause permanent hardness of water.
(ii) Write one balanced chemical equation which shows how temporary hardness can be removed by boiling. Also write one balanced equation which shows how sodium carbonate can be used to remove permanent hardness of water.
(a) What do you understand by the following terms:-
Abase (ii) Alkali (iii) Weak acid (iv) Hygroscopic substance.( 2 marks)
(b) With the aid of chemical equation describe how permanent and temporary hardness of water can be removed?
(a) State two advantages of hard water.
(b) State two disadvantages of hard water.
(c) Give two methods of softening temporary hardness of water.
This paper consists of sections A, B and C
Answer all questions
All answers must be written in the spaces provided
All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
Sea water contains various salts. Which salt is present in the largest proportion?
Magnesium sulphate
Sodium chloride
Calcium sulphate
Magnesium chloride
Which pair among the following comprises of good drying agents?
Calcium carbonate and lead (II) chloride
Anhydrous calcium chloride and concentrated sulphuric acid
Calcium sulphate and calcium oxide
Concentrated nitric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid
A weak acid is the best describe as ..
An acid that does not ionize completely.
A dilute acid.
An acid that does not react with any substance.
An acid that is harmless.
When dilute solutions of calcium chloride and sodium carbonate are mixed;
A white precipitate of sodium chloride is formed
A white precipitates of calcium carbonate is formed
A colourless solution of calcium carbonate and sodium chloride are formed
A mixture of precipitates of sodium chloride and calcium carbonate are formed.
Insoluble salts like lead (II) chloride, generally can be obtained in the laboratory by;
Evaporation of its concentrated solution
A hygroscopic substance;
Evaporates to the air
Loses water to the air
Add water to a compound
Absorbs moisture from the air
Removes elements of water from a compound
An efflorescent substance;
Evaporates to the air
Loses water to the air
Absorbs moisture from the air
Removes elements of water from a compound
Adds water to a compound
Which of the following is a weak acid?
Sulphuric acid
Hydrochloric acid
Ethanoic acid
Nitric acid
A solution of a PH of 1 is said to be;
Slightly acidic
Slightly basic
Strong acid
Which of the following is not a product when silver nitrate is heated?
Silver oxide
Silver metal
Nitrogen dioxide gas
Oxygen gas
2. Matching items questions.
A) Acids can react with, carbonates, hydrogen carbonates, oxide and hydroxide. Presence of carbon dioxide can be proved using lime water. Support the above statements by using balanced chemical equations.
B) How can one prepare a flower extract indicator and use it?
Distinguish between the following terms
Hydrate salts and unhydrate salts
Efflorescence and deliquescence
Base and alkali
Acid and base
Acid salts and normal salts
Fill the following tables
Table one.
Test |
Observation |
1. Blue and red litmus paper dipped into sodium hydroxide |
2. A piece of magnesium metal dropped into diluted hydrochloric acid |
3. One spatula of sodium carbonate added into dilute sulphuric acid |
4. 2cm3 of AgN03 solution added to the solution of mgcl2 |
Table Two.
Indicator |
Colour change in acidic solution |
Colour change in alkaline solution |
1. Phenolphalein |
2. Methyl orange |
3. Litmus paper |
(a) 416g of anhydrous barium chloride where obtained when 488g of hydrated salt were heated.
Calculate the value of n is the formula BaCl2.nH2O (Ba = 137)
(b) Give the meaning of the following;
(i) An acid
(ii) Molar solution of an acid
(iii) Give three characteristics of acid.
Differentiate salts behave differently when heated. Complete the following equations that show the actions of heat on certain salts;
(a) Distinguish between strong acid and weak acid
(b) Explain three applications of neutralization
25cm3 of potassium hydroxide were placed in a flask and a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added. Dilute hydrochloric acid was added until the indicator changed colour. It was found in the 21cm3 of acid were used.
From above information answer the following questions;
A: (i) What piece of apparatus should be used to measure out accurately 25cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution?
(ii) What color was the solution in the flask at the start of the titration?
(iii) What color did it turn when the alkali had been neutralized?
B: (i) Was the acid more concentrated or less concentrated than the alkali?
(ii) Name the salt formed in the neutralization.
(iii) Write an equation for the reaction.
(iv) Is the salt, normal or acidic salt? Give reasons for your answer.
C: (i) Utilizing the given information of question 9 (a) and (b) above describe how you can obtain pure crystals of the salt.
(ii) Is it a soluble salt or insoluble salt? Give a reason for your answer.
A sample of water forms scum with soap. When the water was boiled and then cooled it still formed scum.
Does this water have temporary hardness or permanent hardness?
Suggest one treatment that can be used to soften the water.
(a) Define the term indicator.
(b) Write only two uses of pH scale.
(c) Write two uses of salts.
(a) Give meaning of the following;
Basicity of an acid
The pH scale
(b) Name substances which when dissolved in water causes;
i. Temporary hardness of water
ii. Permanent hardness of water
(c) Explain with the help of one chemical equation in each case how?
i. Temporary hardness of water can be removed by boiling.
ii. Permanent hardness of water can be removed by chemical means.
(a) Differentiate between basic salt and acidic salt.
(b) Categorize the following salts;
i. PbSO4 ii. MgHSO4 iii.Zn(OH)Cl iv. MgHCO3
v. NH4HSO4 vi. Ba(NO3)2
Salts |
Category |
(a) Define the term neutralization reaction (give one example)
(b) Write down the names and formulae of three common acids in the laboratory.
(c ) What is an indicator? Give four (4) examples of acid- base indicators.
(d) Write down the products formed when each of following pairs of compounds react:
(i) Acid and metal
(ii) Acid and metal carbonate
(a) Name of element found in all acids
(b) Describe two tests you would carry out on a liquid to decide whether it is an acid or not in each case describe the test and result you would expect.
(c)If some acids spills on your clothes, which of the following substance would you put on the cloth to prevent further damage? Sodium hydroxide solution, sodium hydroxide pellets, concentrated ammonia solution or sodium hydrogen carbonate? Why?
This paper consists of sections A, B and C
Answer all questions
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All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
Which one of the following energy transformation can produce H.E.P?
Electrical energy changes to heat energy
Electrical energy changes to mechanical energy
Mechanical energy changes to Electrical energy
Mechanical energy changes to chemical energy
One of the following is not correct about coke being a better fuel than coal as it;
Does not produce carbon dioxide gas
Does not produce poisonous gas
Has a higher heat content [ ]
Is clean and smokeless
___________is the characteristic of good fuels:-
Easily available ( )
Ability to burn houses into ashes.
What is kindling temperature
A kind temperature
Temperature out of a burning material
The highest temperature obtained from a burning substance
The lowest temperature at which a combustible material can catch fire.
Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?
Natural gas
Which of the following is not a primary source of energy?
Crude oil
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good fuel?
Readily available
Should have low energy value
Should be affordable
Easy to transport
In production of hydroelectric power, which of the following is the best energy transformation?
Electric energy to heat energy
Electrical energy to mechanical energy
Mechanical energy to electrical energy
Chemical energy to electrical energy
Which of the following has a chemical energy?
Natural gas
Solar energy
Which of the following is not an advantage of biogas?
It is cheaper source of energy
Pollutes the environment
It is renewable source of energy
Creates employment among the youth
Matching items questions
Electricity can be used to perform work also for heating purpose. Explain how it can happen and use four (4) practical examples in each case.
(a) What is fuel?
(b) Mention three categories of fuel and give two examples for each category.
(i) ..
examples . and .
examples and
examples . and .
(c) The problem facing Tanzania society is misuses of charcoal and fire wood as a
source of fuel. Give two points of advice to the society on how to use less
charcoal and firewood efficiently.
(a) Write P for primary and S for secondary in the following fuels.
Wood . Petrol Coal gas .
(b) Which gaseous fuels are a result of the following processes?
(i) Destructive distillation of coal .
(ii) Destructive distillation of wood ..........
(iii)Air reacts with red hot coke at 10000C ..
(a) Write the chemical symbol for each of the following elements.
Argon_________(ii)Lead________(iii)Silver__________(iv)Manganese____ (v) Barium______________(vi)Xenon_____________.
(b) Write the chemical formulae of the following compounds:-
Potassium sulphate
Copper (II) carbonate
Aluminium oxide
Magnesium hydroxide
Explain the major ways of obtaining artificial fuels from natural fuels in all the three states of matter.
By the help of a well labeled diagram explain how one can conduct an experiment on destructive distillation of coal.
(a) What is fuel
(b)Give two example of each of following categories of fuels
i) Solid fuel
Liquid fuel
iii) Gaseous fuel
( c) State any two qualities of good fuel
(a) Define the following terms
Green house effect
Global warming
Acidic rains
(b)Give any four examples of green house gases
(a) Define the following terms:
Calorific value of a fuel
Energy value of a fuel
(b) Give two examples of each of the following:
(i) Solid fuel .., ..
(ii) Liquid fuel .., ...
(iii) Gaseous fuel .., .
(c) Name four characteristics of a good fuel
(iii) ..
(iv) ..
This paper consists of sections A, B and C
Answer all questions
All answers must be written in the spaces provided
All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
i) If 0.9g of calcium metal is burnt inair, the mass of powder formed is:
ii) If 1g of hydrogen is exploded in air, the mass of water formed is:
What mass of pure sulphuric acid is found in 400cm3 of its 0.1M?
2.45gm B. 9.80gm C. 3.92gm D. 4.90gm
The volume of 18M concentrated sulphuric acid that must be diluted with distilled water to prepare 10 litres of 0.125M sulphuric acid is;
69.44cm3 B. 22500cm3 C. 225cm3 D. 4440cm3
If two jars labelled W and Z contain 22.4cm3 of oxygen gas and 22.4dm3 of nitrogen gas at STP respectively, then it is true that;
There were 6.02 x 1023 oxygen molecules in jar W and 6.02 x 1023 nitrogen molecules in jar Z.
6.02 x 1023 oxygen atoms were in jar W and 6.02 x 1023 atoms of nitrogen in jar Z.
There were 12.4 x 1023 molecules of oxygen and nitrogen in the gas jars W and Z.
6.02 x 1023 molecules of oxygen and nitrogen were in the two jars W and Z.
Which of the following statement is true about one mole of CO2;
It is contains Avogadros number of molecules.
It contains 6.023 x 1023 molecules at room temperature
It contains 44g of carbon and 16g of O2
It contains 12g of carbon and 16g of O2
The loss in mass when 100g of marble is heated to a constant mass is;
200g B. 88g C. 44g D. 22.4g E. 22400g
The number of atoms present in 0.025 moles of iron is;
6.02 x 1023 atoms B. 56 atoms C. 5.6 x 1023 atoms D. 22.4 x1023 atoms E. 1.51 x 1023 atoms
How many atoms of zinc are there in 165g of zinc?
1.505 x 1025
1.0997 x 1022
2.2586 x 1023
9.63 x 1025
3.5 g of a hydrated salt, MSO4.XH2O, was heated to a constant mass of 3.21g of the anhydrous salt. Calculate the value of X. (M= 63.5, S= 32, O = 16, H= 1)
With the help of a chemical equation, calculate the volume of carbon (IV) oxide produced when 20g of calcium carbonate is heated at standard temperature and pressure (STP). (Ca= 40, C= 12, O =16,)
What would be the volume of the gas produced at 200C and 750mmHg.
Molar gas volume at STP is 22.4 litres)
25.0cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution containing 4.0g/dm3 were required for complete neutralization of 0.18g of a dibasic acid. Calculate the relative molecular mass (RMM) of the acid. (Na=23, H= 1, O=16).
(a) How many molar volumes of 132.0g of CO2 are there at STP?
(b) Determine the number of molecules in 0.25 moles of lead (II) nitrate.
(a) What mass in grams of hydrated sodium carbonate (Na2CO3 . 10H2O) in 65cm3 of 0.2M solution?
(b) What volume of carbon dioxide would be evolved at STP when 6.2g of copper (II) carbonate is reacted with sulphuric acid?
When excess lead (II) nitrate solution was added to a solution containing sodium chloride, a white precipitate was formed and weighed 5.56g. determine the amount of sodium chloride in the solution. (Bb = 207, Cl = 35.5, Na = 23)
32.5 of IRON (III) chloride was reduced by hydrogen to iron metal. Calculate the volume of hydrogen used to in the reaction at room temperature and pressure. The equation of the reaction is shown below.
2FeCl3(s) + 3H2 (g) ? 2Fe(s) +6HCl (g)
(Fe = 56, Cl = 35.5, molar gas volume = 24 liters at r.t.p).
7. (a). How many moles of calcium are present in 20g of the metal?
b. determine the grams of magnesium that contains 1.8 Χ 1024 atoms
c. how many ions are there in 4.6 of Na+ ions? (Ca ? 40, Mg ? 24, Na ? 23)
8. Find the mass of 3.0g of calcium carbonate.
150g of Calcium carbonate were reacted with 0.2 moles of hydrochloric acid.
Write equation of reaction
Calculate amount of calcium carbonate that will remain unreached.
0.7 g of gas Χ occupies 560 cm3 at s.t.p. determine its relative molecular mass.
Molar gas vol. = 22.4L
A certain carbonate aCO3 reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid according to the equation given below.
ACO3(s) + 2HCl (aq) ? Al2aq + CO (g) + H2O (l)
If 1g of the carbonate reacts completely with 20cm3 of the IM HCl. Calculate the relative atomic mass of G. (C = 12.0, O = 16.0)
When a hydrocarbon was completely bunted in oxygen, 4.2g of carbon dioxide has1.71g of water were formed. Determine the empirical formula of late hydrocarbon. ( H= 1.0, C = 12.0 , O = 16.0 )
9. Suppose you have 3.92 g of hydrated ammonium iron (II) sulphate, how many moles of the compound do you have?
(H ? 1, N ? 14, Fe ? 56, S ? 32, O ? 16)
10. How many grams are there in 3 moles of water?
11. Determine the number of molecules in:
1.3 dm3 of hydrogen at S.T.P
1.2 dm3 of sulphur (IV) Oxide at R.T.P
(L ? 6.0 Χ 1023, Molar gas volume at S.T.P ? 22.4 dm3 )
This paper consists of sections A, B and C
Answer all questions
All answers must be written in the spaces provided
All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
During electrolysis the molten Aluminium oxide, 3 Faradays were needed to deposit one mole of aluminium. The number electrons of aluminium will be :
6.02 x 1023
1.806 x 1023
18.06 x 10.23
180.6 x 1023
1806 x 1023
If a steady current of 2 amperes were passed through an aqueous solution of iron deposited are the cathode will be:-
The use of electricity to decompose molten sodium chloride into its components elements is an example of:-
What is the meaning of electrolysis?
Decomposition of a chemical compound by electricity
Breaking up by using electric power
Oxidation reduction process
Passing electricity through a conductor
Which is the correct property of an electrolyte
It contains free charge carriers
It does not have free ions
It can not be decomposed by an electric current
It contains mainly undissociated molecules
Which of the following is not an electrolyte
Aqueous sulphuric acid
Solid common salt
Molten calcium chloride
Alcohol in water
When dilute sodium chloride solution is electrolysed using carbon electrodes which substance is collected at the cathode
What are cations?
Cathode going ions
Anode moving ions
Negatively charged ions
Unionized particles
Which particles will be anions in the electrolysis of aqueous copper sulphate using platinum electrodes?
SO42- and OH
Cu 2+ and H+
Cu 2+ and SO4 2-
What is the name given to quantity of substance deposited by one coulomb of electricity on the electrode?
Electrochemical equivalent
Chemical equivalent
1 mole of the substance
1 G.M.V at s.t.p.
Which one of the following is the application of electrolysis
Isolation of elements
Purification of metals
All of the above
What is the name of the vessel in which electrolysis process is conducted
Match the items in list A with those from list B by writing the letter of the correct response from List B besides the item number in List A.
(a) Define
I) Electrochemical equivalent
Chemical equivalent
(b) An electric current was passed in series through solutions of calcium chlorides and copper (ii) sulphate. Carbon electrodes were used in both electrolytes. If 2.5 litres of chlorine gas measured at S.T.P. were produced, what volume of oxygen gas would also be produced? What mass of copper was produced?
(a) Explain the meaning of the following terms;
(b) State faraday laws of electrolysis.
(c) (i) Write chemical equation for the reaction that take place at each electrode during the electrolysis of dilute sulphuric acid using platinum electrode.
(ii) 19300 coulombs of electricity was passed through a solution of copper (II) nitrate.
Calculate the mass of copper deposited at the cathode.
(a) By the help of a well labelled circuit diagram explain the electrolysis of a dilute
solution of sodium chloride using graphitic carbon electrodes.
(b) Is the above electrolysis having special name? If yes explain.
(c) Is there any further reaction at the electrodes if the electrolysis is continued near to
dryness of the electrolyte? Explain your answer.
Calculate the mass of magnesium metal that will be produced during the electrolysis of molten magnesium chloride if a current of 1.93A is passed through for 16 minutes and 40 seconds.
(a) State faradays 1st law of electrolysis
(b) What mass of silver and what volume of oxygen (at s.t.p) would be liberated in electrolysis by 9650 coulombs of electricity?
7. I)(a) State the faraday laws of electrolysis
(b) An element P has relative atomic mass of 88. When current of 0.5A was passed through fused chloride of P for 32 minutes and 10 seconds, 0.44g of P was deposited at cathode;
Calculate the number of faraday required to liberate 1mole of P.
i).Write the formula of P ions
ii).Write the formula of hydroxide of P
(a) Distinguish between chemical equivalent and electrochemical equivalent of a
(b) Describe electrolysis of copper (II) sulphate using graphite electrodes.
Note: Diagram is necessary.
I) (a) State Faraday laws of electrolysis.
(b) An element Z has a relative atomic mass of 88. When a current of 0.5 amperes was passed through fused chloride of Z for 32 minutes and 10 seconds 0.44 of Z were deposited at the cathode;
Calculate the number of Faradays needed to liberate one mole of Z.
Write the formula of the Z ions
Write the formula of hydroxide of Z.
(a) i. List down three (3) factors affecting the selection of ion discharge at the electrode.
ii. Define the term electrolyte.
(b) A bluish copper sulphate aqueous solution was electrolysed by using copper
Write ionic chemical equations for the reactions which occurred at the cathode and anode.
Explain what will happen to blue colour of copper sulphate solution as electrolysis continues.
(c) i. Define the term Electroplating.
The following apparatus was used in experiment to electroplate an iron knife with Silver;
The K.Ag(CN)2 contains Ag+, K+ and CN ions;
ii. Which electrode is the cathode?
Name the process taking place at the anode as either oxidation or reduction.
Represent the process at each electrode by the appropriate ionic equation.
What happen to the electrolyte?
(a) 0.02 moles of electrons were passed through a solution of sodium hydroxide using platinum electrodes.
Give the names of the gases evolved to each electrode.
Write ionic equations of the reaction taking place at the electrodes.
Calculate the number of moles of each gas produced and the volume which each gas would occupy at S.T.P.
(b) What mass of copper will be liberated during electrolysis of copper sulphate solution by a charge of one faraday?
(c) An element X has a relative atomic mass of 88. When a current of 0.5A was passed through the fused chloride of X for 32 minutes 10 seconds, 0.44g of X was deposited at the cathode.
Calculate the number of faradays needed to liberate 1 mole of X.
Write the formula for X ion.
Write the formula for hydroxide of X.
(i) What mass of potassium chloride is needed to prepare 250cm3 of 0.235M solution?
(ii) Which of the following laboratory equipments can accurately measure volume of a titre that has reacted completely with an a liquid?
(iii) What will be the molarity of a solution which contains 26.5g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in 5dm3of solution?
What volume of 0.2M H2SO4 is required to neutralize completely 25cm3 of 0.05M KOH?
(v)The mass of sodium hydroxide contained in 25cm3 of 0.1M is .
(vi) A solution of sodium carbonate was prepared in order to get a 2M solution. 200cm3 of this solution was used in a titration experiment. The number of moles present in 200cm3 of 2M solution used in the titration will be;
(vii) Which indicator is suitably used for the titration of weak acid and a strong base?
2. Given that in the chemistry national four examination, chemistry practical (2A), the following data were obtained by titrating-0.1M HCl with 5.3g/dm3 of X2 C03 using methyl orange as an indicator. Pipette used was 20cm3
Titration number | Pilot | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Final reading (cm3) | 20.00 | 40.00 | 20.00 | 40.2 |
Initial reading (cm3) | 0.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 20.1 |
Volume used (cm3) |
3. What do we mean by volumetric analysis?
4. State the use of each of the following apparatus used in the volumetric analysis:
5. An experiment was carried out to find the value of X in Na2CO3.XH2 . O.12.4g of Na2CO3.XH2O was dissolved in water to make 0.5dm3 of solution. 25cm3 of this solution was transferred to a conical flask and few drops of methlyorange(MO) was added.The solution in a conical flask was then titrated against 0.25M HCl and 20cm3 of acid were required to reach the end point.
6. 6cm3HCL required 22 cm3Of 0.2 M NaOH for complete neutralization. Calculate the concentration of the acid in moles per time.
7. Solution Q was made by dissolving 2.65g of a X2CO3in water and diluting it to 250cm3. 25 cm3 of P was titrated with 0.25 MHCL solution. The results obtained were tabulated as shown.
I | II | IV | |
Final burette reading (cm3) | 18.90 | 37.9 | 19.0 |
Initial burrete reading (cm3) | 0.00 | 18.90 | 0.00 |
Volume of HCL(Cm3) | 18.90 | 19.00 | 19.10 |
8. Calculate the molarities of the following solutions:
9. Calculate the molarities of the following solutions:
10. Calculate the number of moles in:
10. (a) Explain the meaning of the following.
(b)Given that 5.6g of KOH were dissolved in 1dm3 .25cm3 of this solution ( KOH) were titrated with 25cm3 of hydrochloric acid. Calculate;
(i) Molarity of acid
(ii) Concentrationof KOH
(iii) Name suitable indicator for this titration.
11. (a) Define
(b) A solution of sulphuric acid is made by dissolving 5.2g of its mass containing some impurities to make 1 dm3 of solution.
If 25cm3 of this solution required exactly 25cm3 of 0.1M NaOH for complete neutralization during the titration process. Calculate the percentage purity of sulphuric acid.
12. Define the following terms:
13. 190 cm3 of the 0.4M lithium carbonate solution was neutralized by 16.0Cm3 of 1MH2SO4. Write an equation for the reaction.
14. In an experiment, 22.00cm3 of 1.0 NaOH Was neutralized by 170.0 cm3 of nitric (v) Acid. What is the concentration of nitric (v) acid in mol/ dm3.
15. Calculate the molarities of the following solutions:
16. Calculate the volume of
17. Xg of Sodium hydroxide were dissolved in distilled water to make 100cm3 of solution . 50 cm3 of the solution required 50cm3. 2M nitric (V) acid for complete neutralization. Caliculate neutralization. Calculate the mass (x) of Sodium hydroxide dissolved ( Na ? 23 O ? 16 H ? 1)
18. Calculate the amount of calcium carbonate that would remain in 17.0g of calcium carbonate were reacted with 0.25 Moles of hydrochloric acid. The equation for the equation for the reaction is CaCO3(g) + 2HCL(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2 + H2O(I) (C ? 12 O ? 16 Ca ? 40).
19. 0.88gcm-3. Calculate the morality of the ammonia solution.
20. How would you prepare 0.15 L of 0.5 M NaOH, Starting with 6.0M Solution.
21. How would you prepare 0.75 litre of a 0.5M NaoH Solution, starting with solid sodium hydroxide and water.
22. Calculate the volume of 1M sulphuric (vi) acid need to completely neutralize 100cm3 of sodium hydroxide 0.2M in concentration.
23. The reaction below shows, reaction between calcium hydroxide and nitric (iv) acid.
Ca(OH)2(S) + 2HNO3(aq) → Ca(NO3)2(aq) + 2H2O(l)
If 20 Cm3 of0.2 M nitric(v) acid was used, calculate the volume of Ca(OH)2 used, given its morality is 0.1M
24. 3M nitric acid reacted with 0.5g copper powder as shown below
CU(S) + 2HNO3 (aq) → Cu (NO3) 2 + H2O
Given (CU = 63.5)
Calculate the volume of 3M nitric acid that reacted with copper.
25. Calculate the mass of nitrogen present in 25kg bag of ammonium phosphates (NH4)2 HPO4.
(N = 14, H= 1, P = 31, O = 16)
26. When 1.08g of aluminium foil were in a stream of chlorine gas, the mass of product formed was 3.47g. calculate the
27. 15.0 cm3 of ethanoic acid (CH3COOH) was dissolved in water to make 500cm3 of solution. Calculate the concentration of the solution in moles per litre.
(C= 12.0 H = 10, O = 16.0) (Density= 1.05g/cm3 of ethanoic acid)
28. The relative formula mass of a mass of hydrocarbon is 58. Draw and name two possible structure of the hydrocarbon
29. An alcohol has this composition
H= 13.5%
O2 = 64.9 %
30. 6.84g of aluminum sulphate were dissolved in 150cm3 of water calcululate molar concentration of the sulphate ions in the solution. In of aluminium sulphate is 342).
31. Work out the simplest formula of a compound. Which has the follows composition
32. 150g of Calcium carbonate were reacted with 0.2 moles of hydrochloric acid.
33. 0.7 g of gas × occupies 560 cm3 at s.t.p. determine its relative molecular mass.
Molar gas vol = 22.4L
34. A certain carbonate aCO3 reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid according to the equation given below.
ACO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → al2aq + CO (g) + H2O (l)
If 1g of the carbonate reacts completely with 20cm3 of the IM HCL.Calculate the relative atomic mass of G. (C = 12.0, O = 16.0)
35. When a hydrocarbon was completely bunted in oxygen, 4.2g of carbon dioxide has1.71g of water were formed. Determine the empirical formula of late hydrocarbon. ( H= 1.0, C = 12.0 , O = 16.0 )
36. (a) What is titration?
(b) 25cm3 of impure sulphuric acid contains 5.2g/dm3 reacted with 23cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution made by dissolving 4.0g of NaOH in distilled water to make 1.0dm3 solution
(c) Calculate the percentage of
(i) Purity of the acid and(ii) its impurity
(d) Mention two areas of application of volumetric analysis
37. 20.0cm3 of a 1.4M, Dibasic acid H2X solution was titrated against 1.0M NaOH solutionuntil neutralization was complete.
This paper consists of sections A, B and C
Answer all questions
All answers must be written in the spaces provided
All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
Which of the following properties generally increases down the group?
Ionization energy
Atomic sixe
Electro negativity
Sodium and zinc
When does a chemist fail to identify a compound between sulphur and
a black solid is formed
heat is used to join them up
yellow color of sulphur and silvery shinny
the resulting mass is greater than the individual mass of the elements
any of the above A-D does not take place.
Which of the following sets of elements is arranged in order of increasing electro negativity.
A. Chlorine, fluorine, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon
B. Fluorine, chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
C. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine, fluorine
D. Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, fluorine, chlorine
E. Fluorine, nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine, carbon
(iv) Which method could be used to separate the products in the following equation?
Pb(NO33)2(aq) + 2KI(aq) ? Pb12(s) + 2KNO3(aq)
Colourless colourless yellow colourless
A. Chromatography B. Crystallisation
Distillation D. Filtration
(v) The metal nitrate which will NOT give a metal oxide on heating is
calcium nitrate
silver nitrate
lead nitrate
copper nitrate
zinc nitrate
(vi) Which of the following pairs of compounds can be used in preparation of calcium sulphate?
Calcium carbonate and sodium sulphate
Calcium chloride and ammonium sulphate
Calcium hydroxide and barium sulphate
Calcium nitrate and lead (II) sulphate
Calcium chloride and barium sulphate
(vii) The ionic equation when aqueous ammonium chloride reacts with sodium hydroxide solution is represented as:
NH4(aq) +0H-(aq) +0H (aq) ? NH3(g) + H20(I)
Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) ? NaCl (s)
H+(aq) + OH(aq) ? H2O(l)
2NH4(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) ? 2NH3(g) + 2HCl(g)
(viii) Three elements, X, Y and Z, are in the same period of the periodic table. The oxide of X is amphoteric, the oxide of Y is basic and the oxide of Z is acidic. Which of the following shows the elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number?
X, Y, Z
Y, Z, Y
Z, X, Y
Y, X, Z
X, Z, Y
(ix) The only metal which does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid is:-
(x) Brown ring test is a technique used to test the presence of;
A. Sulphate
B. Nitrate
C. Chloride
D. Potassium salts
Match the items in List A with their correspondence responses in List B.
(c) Give reasons for the following:
A solution of chlorine in water is acidic.
Yellow phosphorus is stored under water.
Give an account of the following:
Anhydrous copper (II) sulphate becomes coloured when exposed to the air for a long time.
Carbon dioxide can be collected by the downward delivery method
Concentrated sulphuric acid is not used for drying hydrogen sulphide gas.
Sodium metal is kept in paraffin oil.
4. (a) With the aid of chemical equations, explain what will happen when aluminum chloride reacts with water.
(b) A student accidentally broke a beaker containing copper (II) sulphate crystals. He decided to separate the blue crystals from the small pieces of glass by first dissolving the mixture and then filtering. What were the next steps?
5. (a) Asubuhi Njema child was sick. When she took her to the hospital, she was prescribed some medicine including a bottle of syrup. The bottle was written: shake before you use. What does this statement signify?
(i) What is the first step to take when you want to identify the contents of a given salt containing one anion and one cation?
(ii) In a solution of salt and water, identify a solute and a solvent Justify your answer.
Sodium is a solid while chlorine is a gas at room temperature although they are in the same period in the Periodic Table. What is the cause of this difference?
6. (a) Describe the effect of:
Strongly heating a piece of marble in a Bunsen burner flame.
Moistening the residue from (i) above with water.
(i) For what reason is slaked lime added to the soil in gardening?
(ii) Why is concentrated sulphuric acid used as a drying agent?
Why is zinc used as a coat for iron and not vice versa?
(d) What will happen when:
Yellow flowers are introduced into a gas containing chlorine gas?
A burning splint is introduced into a gas jar containing hydrogen gas?
A glass rod which was dipped in concentrated hydrochloric acid is introduced into a gas jar containing ammonia gas?
Sulphur dioxide gas is bubbled through a yellow acidified potassium dichromate solution?
7. (a) Name the ore commonly used in the extraction of copper metal.
(b) Steps (i) to (iv) below are used during the extraction of copper metal from its ore. Write a balanced chemical equation for each step.
(1) Roasting of the concentrated ore (CuFeS2 ) in air.
Heating the roasted ore with silica in the absence of air.
Burning copper sulphide in regulated supply of air.
Purification of copper by electrolysis using copper sulphate solution electrolyte, pure copper cathode and impure copper obtained from the extraction anode.
(c) With the help of chemical equations explain what will happen to:
An iron earring dropped into a container of copper sulphatesolution.
Copper knife dipped into zinc nitrate solution.
Copper turnings dropped into a container of dilute hydrochloric acid.
8. (a) Explain briefly the following observations with the help of equations.
i) White anhydrous copper (II) sulphate changes its colour to blue when water is added.
Vigorous reaction takes place when a small piece of sodium metal is placed in water.
Addition of Zinc metal into a solution of copper (II) sulphate results into decolourization of the solution and deposition of a brown solid substance.
9. (a) Sodium, magnesium, zinc, copper and silver are five metals which appear in this order in the activity series; sodium being the most reactive and silver the least reactive. Which one of these metals is:
Likely to tarnish most rapidly when exposed to air?
Most likely to be found free in nature?
Least likely to react with steam?
Two of the metals in 4(a) above are usually extracted by electrolysis of their molten chlorides. Name the two (2) metals and give one reason of using this method.
(1) Name the positive and negative electrodes of an electrolytic cell.
To which electrode will sodium ions in an aqueous dilute solution of sodium chloride migrate during electrolysis?
What other ions will migrate to the electrode stated in 4(c)(ii)?
Which ions will be discharged at the electrodes stated in 4(c) (ii)?
10. (a) Chemical reactions can be classified into several types. Study the following reactions and then indicate to which type they belong.
i) Action of heat on lead nitrate
ii) The addition of dilute hydrochloric on silver nitrate
Action of heat on calcium carbonate in a closed vessel.
iv) Action of chlorine gas on iron(II) chloride
Explain how you can separate a mixture of iodine and copper (II) oxide.
List three product formed when copper (II) nitrate is heated strongly in a test tube.
Aluminum has atomic number 13.
Write down the formula of aluminum chloride.
State and explain the observation made when a burning magnesium ribbon is plunged into a gas jar of carbon (IV) oxide.
State why water is not a suitable extinguisher of an e the observation made when a burning magnesium ribbon is plunged into a gas jar of carbon (IV) oxide.
State why water is not a suitable extinguisher of an electrical fire.
State the name given to the reaction in which ethane is converted to ethane.
Calculate the volume of 0.09M acid that can be from 1DM3 of 1.2M acid.
Explain how you would distinguish between a sulphate using barium choride solutions and silute hydrochloride acid.
15.2g of the oxide of metal X was formed when 10.64g of X reacted with excess oxygen. Dermine the formula of the metal oxide of X . (X = 56, O = 16)
Name the products found at the cathode anode when concentrated sodium chloride is electrolytes using carbon electrodes.
Some iodine became contained with black copper (II) oxide.
Explain how you would separate the mixture.
Name the chemical techniques that can be used to separate sodium chloride is electrolyzed using carbon electrodes.
Name a substance which decomposes on heating to give two gaseous, other than water vapor.
Name the two gaseous above.
A compound J React with concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4) TO GIVE BROWN fumes of a compound K. a solution K in water reacts with copper metal to give a dark brown gas L. Name substances J, K and L.
This paper consists of sections A, B and C
Answer all questions
All answers must be written in the spaces provided
All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
In the reaction;
+ Cl2
Chlorine may be regarded as;
A reducing agent
An oxidizing agent
A catalyst
ii) The best method to extract iron from its ore is;
Reduction using carbon
Electrolysis of its solution
Roasting of iron ore in air
Electrolysis of its molten form
iii) In the blast furnace, iron ore is converted into iron metal, which of the following statements about the blast furnace is not true;
The reaction in the blast furnace produces a lot of heat which keeps the iron molten
Limestone is reacted with impurities to form slag
Coke is reacted to reduce iron oxide to iron metal
Coke combines with some impurities in the ore
iv) A less electropositive metal may be extracted by;
Ore concentration and electrolytic reduction
Ore concentration and chemical reduction
Ore concentration and purification
Ore concentration, reduction and purification.
v) The reason why carbon is put on the reactivity series of metal is because;
A. Has both metallic and non metallic property
B. They are very electropositive
C. They are reducing agents just like metals
D. They are metallic in nature
vi) which of the following is the most electronegative element?
vii) the addition of calcium chloride in sodium chloride during the extraction of sodium helps to;
Increase the solubility of sodium
Lower boiling point of sodium
Increase boiling point of sodium chloride
Make the solution more soluble.
viii) which of the following is not a method of purifying an ore after extraction?
ix) the common ore used during the extraction of alluminium?
x) The following are the three steps which are followed during the extraction of any metal except one, which one?
A. Ore concentration
B. Ore purification
C. Refining
D. Extraction
2. Matching items questions.
(a) (i) Name four important ores of iron.
(ii) What objective is achieved when concentrated ore iron is roasted?
(b) Briefly describe balanced chemical reactions taking place in the blast furnace for the extraction of iron.
(a) List down four (4) common stages in the extraction of less reactive metals like zinc and copper.
Name the ore commonly used in the extraction of iron metal.
The following are series of chemical reactions which occur in the blast furnace during the process of extraction of iron metal.
C(s) + 02? CO3 + heat (1)
CO, +C?2C0 (2)
Fe203 +3C?2Fe +3C0 (3)
Fe2O3 +CO ? Fe +2CO2 (4)
Indicate the two reducing agents in the blast furnace.
Explain the importance of steps (1) to (3).
In this process, a compound L which produces a chemical substance that removes impurities as slag is added. Give the name of the substance.
Write the complete chemical reactions that compound L undergoes to form slag.
study the chart below and answer the questions that follows
Ore T
StepI Excess
sodium hydroxide
solution residue Pure
aluminium oxide Cryolite Na3Al6 Molten
aluminium Molten
Step II
Step III
ElectrolysiStep IV
Name the ore labeled T
State why the ore is first dissolved in excess sodium hydroxide
Write down the formula of the aluminium compound in the solution
Name the process that takes place in step II
Write down the ionic equation taking place in step IV
State why the anode electrode is replaced from time to time
Name one compound present in the residue
Explain why alloys of aluminum are preferred to aluminum for use in overhead power cables.
The diagram below shows the blast furnace used in the extraction of iron. Study it and answer the questions that follows;
of coke limestone and iron Oxide A
Hot air blast
Hot air blast
Slag iron
State the use of the following in the process
Hot air blast
b) (i) state one important use of the pipe marked
(ii) Give the uses of slag in the furnace and as a product of the process
Sodium is extracted by use of a down cell. Study diagram below and answer the questions that follow;
What is a down cell?
Name substance X and Y
In the extraction of sodium, molten calcium chloride is added to the ore, why is this done?
Write equation for the reaction occurring at the;
Sodium is collected at the top most part; explain why this is possible
Mention one environmental effect of extraction of sodium
Explain the role of steel gauze diaphragm
How can we store sodium in laboratory
Mention some of the uses of sodium.
8. (a) what is a blast furnace?
b) Name the common ore used in the extraction of iron
c) One of the reducing agents in blast furnace is limestone, explain two roles of limestone
d) What is steel? name two uses of steel
e) is there any environmental impact of extraction of iron?
9. ( a) define the term ore?
b) Name the common chief ores of the following metals;
i) Copper
ii) Iron
c) Give the factors that determine the methods used in extraction of metals
d) Explain why it took so long for chemists to be able to extract aluminum from its ore