1. For each of the following items, choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

  1. The study of charge at rest is known as:-

  1. Current electricity

  2. Electronics

  3. Electrostatics

(ii) The following are types of charges:

  1. Positive charge and negative charge

  1. Positive charge and neutral charge

  1. Negative charge and electrons.

(iii) Charges acquired by glass when rubbed with silk.

  1. Negative

  1. Positive

  1. No charge acquired.

(iv) The process whereby material loose or gain electrons is known as:-

  1. Charging

  1. Magnetization

  1. Earthing.

(v) The following are methods of charging.

  1. Friction, conduction and reduction

  1. Conduction, friction and convection

  1. Induction, conduction and Friction.

(vi) The device which produces numerous positive charges from a single negative charge is called?

  1. Gold leaf electroscope

  1. Electrophorus

  1. Earth wave

(vii) The device which used to store electric charge is called?

  1. Conductor.

  1. Gold leaf electroscope

  1. Capacitor.

(viii) Capacitance is?

  1. Ability of the capacitor to resist the flow of electric current.

  1. Ability of the resistor to store electric.

  1. Ability of the capacitor to store electric charge.

(ix) A giant electric spark that arises due to discharge of atmospheric electricity is known as.

  1. Thunderstorm

  1. Lightining

  1. Electric shock.

(x) The effective capacitance of three capacitors in series is given by:

  1. C1 + C2 + C3



2. Match the phase in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response in List B.



  1. Positive charge

  2. Cellulose

  3. Induction method

  4. Gold leaf electroscope

  5. Factors affecting capacitance

  6. Lightning conductor.

  1. Area, dielectric materials and distance between plates.

  2. Detect the presence of charge on a body.

  3. Metal rod with tip has sharp spikes attached to a build.

  4. Obtained when a body loose electrons.

  5. Become positively charged when rubbed with woolen cloth.

  6. When two bodies charged and uncharged brought near to each other.

3. (a) Define the following terms:

  1. Static electricity

  2. Charging

(b) Mention types of electric charges.

4. (a) State the fundamental low of electrostatics.

(b) List three methods of charging.

5. (a) What is electrophorus?

(b) With the aid of diagram explain briefly how electrophorus is charged.

6. (a) What is Gold leaf electroscope?

(b) Draw a well labeled diagram of Gold leaf electroscope.

7. (a) List three uses of Gold leaf electroscope.

(b) Fill the table below.

Charge on electroscope

Charge brought mear cap

Effect on leaf divergence









8.(a) (i) Insulator is a material…………………………………

(ii) Conductor is a material……………………………….

(b) (i) What is capacitor?

(ii) What is capacitance? State its SI unit.

9. (a) With the aid of circuit diagram explain briefly the following processes.

  1. Charging capacitor

  2. Discharging capacitor.

(b) Two capacitors of 20MF and 25MF are connected in

(i) In series

(ii) In parallel.

What is the effective capacitance for (i) and (ii)?

10. (a) Write down the expression for potential difference across the capacitor with capacitance C and charge stored in it be Q.

(b) Given that the potential difference across capacity of capacitance C = 20MF is 2V. Calculate the charge stored in the capacitor.

11. (a) Draw electric fields for the following static charges showing neutral (N) points.



(b) In each the circuit below, find effective capacitance and the total stores in each circuit.

12. (a) List factors affecting capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.

(b) Explain briefly how each factor in 12 (a) above affect the capacitance of parallel plate capacitor.

13. (a) Define the following terms:

  1. Lightning

  2. Thunderstorm

  3. Lightning conductor.

(b) Explain briefly how lighting happens.

14. Complete the distribution of charge in each of the following diagram.

(a) (b)







1. Choose the most correct answer.

  1. The word current electricity means?

  1. Moving electrons

  2. Electricity in our homes.

  3. Electricity generated from hydroelectric power.

  4. Electricity which is static.

(ii) Which of the following does not produce electricity?

  1. Dynamos

  1. Rubbed clothes

  1. Cells

  2. Batteries

(iii) Quantity of electricity is measured in;

  1. Charge

  1. Amperes

  1. Coulomb

  2. Ammeter.

(iv) The electric symbol means?

  1. Switch.

  1. Galvanometer

  1. Fixed resistor

  2. Cell.

  3. Lamb.

(v) An instrument uses for measuring electric current is called?

  1. Ammeter

  1. Voltmeter

  1. Galvanometer.

  2. Resistor.

(vi) The SI unit of resistance is?

  1. Ohms

  1. Volt

  1. Coulomb

  2. Voltage drop.

(vii) Which statement is true?

  1. Ohms is measured in coulomb

  1. Series connection of resistors give small value of effective resistance.

  1. Connecting resistors in parallel cause voltage to drop across each resistor.

  2. Currents in all branches of resistors in parallel are equal in any way.

(viii) A cell of P.d 6V is connected in series with 30 ohms resistors. What is the value of current through the resistor?

  1. 2C.

  1. 6V.

  1. 2A

  2. 6A.

(ix) Given that R1 = 4? and R2 = 6?. Find equivalent resistance when the resistor are connected in series.

  1. 4.2?.

  1. 2.6?

  1. 10?

  2. 2.4?.

(x) To get a positive reading on a voltmeter, its positive terminal should be connected to:

  1. Negative germinal of voltmeter

  2. Negative terminal of the source

  3. Positive terminal of the source

  4. Negative terminal following by positive terminal of the source.

2. Match the items from list A with those in list B.



  1. Unit for electric charge

  2. Unit for electric current.

  3. Can store electric charge.

  4. Measures potential difference.

  5. Connect electrical appliances to the power supply

  6. A source of electric current.

  7. Used to measure electric current

  8. Switches on and off electric circuit.

  9. Gives a bigger value of effective resistance.

  10. S.I unit of resistance.

  1. Circuit

  2. Ammeter

  3. Resistance

  4. Voltmeter

  5. Parallel resistors

  6. Galvanometer

  7. Series resistors

  8. Cell

  9. Resistors

  10. Capacitor

  11. Switch

  12. Ohms

  13. Socket

  14. Coulomb.

  15. Ampere.

3. Fill the gaps;

  1. Point at high potential is said to have___________ potential and the one which is at low potential is said to have___________ potential____________

  2. The quantity of electricity is measured in ____________

  3. A Galvanometer is used to measure___________

  4. An electric current (I) encounters_______________ along its path, which result in ____________ in a circuit.

  5. Total resistance between two points A and B is referred to as_________

  6. He investigated the relationship between potential difference and current flowing through a metallic conductor__________


4. Two conductors of resistance 4? and 5? are connected in series across a 60v supply, find;

  1. Find total resistance

  2. The current in the circuit

  3. The potential difference across each resistor.

5. Two resistors of resistance 15? and 5? are connected in parallel across a 37.5v supply, find;

  1. The total resistance

  2. The total current in the circuit

  3. The current through each resistor

  4. The potential difference across each resistor.

6. (a) What is electric circuit?

(b) Draw an electric circuit with the following components

  1. Electric lamp

  2. A cell

  3. A switch.

7. (a) Give the SI unit of the following quantities.


  1. Potential difference

  2. Current.

(b) Name the instrument which measures each quantity in (i), (ii) and (iii)/

8. (a) List four sources of electricity.

(b) In a certain circuit, the amount of charges passing through a point is 9 coulombs in 4.5 seconds. What is the electric current passing at those points?

9. (a) The potential differences between the terminal of a resistor is 1.8v when a current of 0.6A is passing through the resistor.

Find value of the resistor.

(b) State Ohms law and write its mathematical expression.






                    MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS.

1. Choose the most correct answer.

(i)                The word current electricity means?

  1.               Moving electrons
  2.                Electricity in our homes.
  3.                Electricity generated from hydroelectric power.
  4.               Electricity which is static.

 (ii) Which of the following does not produce electricity?

  1.               Dynamos
  2.                Rubbed clothes
  3.                Cells
  4.               Batteries

 (iii) Quantity of electricity is measured in;

  1.               Charge
  2.                Amperes
  3.                Coulomb
  4.               Ammeter.

 (iv) The electric symbol means?

  1.               Switch.
  2.                Galvanometer
  3.                Fixed resistor
  4.               Cell.
  5.                Lamb.

 (v) An instrument uses for measuring electric current is called?

  1.               Ammeter
  2.                Voltmeter
  3.                Galvanometer.
  4.               Resistor.

 (vi) The SI unit of resistance is?

  1.               Ohms
  2.                Volt
  3.                Coulomb
  4.               Voltage drop.


(vii) Which statement is true?

  1.               Ohms is measured in coulomb
  2.                Series connection of resistors give small value of effective resistance.
  3.                Connecting resistors in parallel cause voltage to drop across each resistor.
  4.               Currents in all branches of resistors in parallel are equal in any way.


(viii) A cell of P.d 6V is connected in series with 30 ohms resistors. What is the value of current through the resistor?

  1.               2C.
  2.                6V.
  3.                2A
  4.               6A.


(ix) Given that R1 = 4? and R2 = 6?. Find equivalent resistance when the resistor are connected in series.

  1.               4.2?.
  2.                2.6?
  3.                10?
  4.               2.4?.

(x) To get a positive reading on a voltmeter, its positive terminal should be connected to:


  1.               Negative germinal of voltmeter
  2.                Negative terminal of the source
  3.                Positive terminal of the source
  4.               Negative terminal following by positive terminal of the source.


2. Match the items from list A with those in list B.



(i)                Unit for electric charge

(ii)              Unit for electric current.

(iii)            Can store electric charge.

(iv)            Measures potential difference.

(v)              Connect electrical appliances to the power supply

(vi)            A source of electric current.

(vii)          Used to measure electric current

(viii)       Switches on and off electric circuit.

(ix)            Gives a bigger value of effective resistance.

(x)              S.I unit of resistance.

  1.               Circuit
  2.                Ammeter
  3.                Resistance
  4.               Voltmeter
  5.                Parallel resistors
  6.                Galvanometer
  7.                Series resistors
  8.               Cell
  9.                  Resistors
  10.                  Capacitor
  11.               Switch
  12.                Ohms
  13.              Socket
  14.               Coulomb.
  15.               Ampere.



3. Fill the gaps;

a)                  Point at high potential is said to have___________ potential and the one which is at low potential is said to have___________ potential____________

b)                 The quantity of electricity is measured in ____________

c)                  A Galvanometer is used to measure___________

d)                 An electric current (I) encounters_______________ along its path, which result in ____________ in a circuit.

e)                  Total resistance between two points A and B is referred to as_________

f)                   He investigated the relationship between potential difference and current flowing through  a metallic conductor__________




4. Two conductors of resistance 4? and 5? are connected in series across a 60v supply, find;

a)                  Find total resistance

b)                 The current in the circuit

c)                  The potential difference across each resistor.


5. Two resistors of resistance 15? and 5? are connected in parallel across a 37.5v supply, find;

a)                  The total resistance

b)                 The total current in the circuit

c)                  The current through each resistor

d)                 The potential difference across each resistor.


6. (a) What is electric circuit?

    (b) Draw an electric circuit with the following components

a)                  Electric lamp

b)                 A cell

c)                  A switch.


7. (a) Give the SI unit of the following quantities.


(i)                Potential difference

(ii)              Current.

    (b) Name the instrument which measures each quantity in (i), (ii) and (iii)/



8.  (a) List four sources of electricity.

    (b) In a certain circuit, the amount of charges passing through a point is 9 coulombs in 4.5 seconds. What is the electric current passing at those points?


9. (a) The potential differences between the terminal of a resistor is 1.8v when a current of 0.6A is passing through the resistor.

 Find value of the resistor.

    (b) State Ohms law and write its mathematical expression.







1. Multiple choice questions:


 (i) Another name for Kelvin scale is?

  1.               Celsius
  2.                Fahrenheit
  3.                Absolute
  4.               Thermometric

(ii) Which is not physical property of thermometer

  1.               Expansion of liquid when heated
  2.                Expansion of compound slope of two metals
  3.                Wire resistance which do not change
  4.               Thermoelectric property that can change.

(iii) The scale widely used in meteorological purposes is 

  1.               Degree Celsius
  2.                Kelvin
  3.                Fahrenheit
  4.               All of the above

(iv) Which is not property of thermometric liquid?

  1.               Low specific heat capacity
  2.                Good conductor of heat
  3.                Exert low vapour pressure
  4.               Shiny and transparent

(v) The reason why thermometric liquid should have uniform rate of expansion is?

  1.               So that it does not absorb heat
  2.                So that linear scale can easily be marked
  3.                So as to exert low pressure
  4.               For easy recording

(vi) Which is not reason why mercury is used in thermometer/

  1.               Expands rapidly
  2.                Uniform expansion
  3.                Opaque and shiny
  4.               Do not stick on sides of glass.

(vii) One disadvantage of mercury is that:-

  1.               Large expansion
  2.                Uniform expansion
  3.                It is opaque
  4.               Freezes below - 39

(viii) Which is not a reason why alcohol is used in thermometer?

  1.               Can record very low temperature
  2.                Large expansion per degree centigrade
  3.                Can be coloured
  4.               Easily available in pure state

(ix) One disadvantages of water as thermometric liquid is?

  1.               Has high specific heat capacity
  2.                Sticks on glass
  3.                Bad conductor of heat
  4.               All of above


(x) One limitation of clinical thermometer is?

  1.               Reflect core of temperature
  2.                May spread infection
  3.                Not delicate to handle
  4.               Non – of above.



2. Match the following items.


List A

List B

(i)                Device used to measure temperature

(ii)              Liquid used in thermometer

(iii)            Scale used in clinical purpose

(iv)            Liquid that sticks on glass

(v)              Maximum and minimum thermometer

  1.               Hygrometer
  2.                Thermometer
  3.                Celsius
  4.               Fahrenheit
  5.                Thermometric liquid
  6.                Alcohol
  7.                Mercury
  8.               Water
  9.                  Sixth thermometer.





3. (a) What instrument is used to measure temperature?

    (b) Mention physical properties of thermometer


4. (a) Identify two thermometric scales

    (b) What is advantage of Fahrenheit scale over Celsius scale.


5. (a) Mention eight things to consider when choosing thermometric liquid.

    (b) What are thermometric liquids?


6. Explain why mercury is used in thermometer.


7. What is advantage of alcohol over water is a thermometer liquid.


8. State six disadvantages of water as thermometric liquid.


9. State five types of thermometer


10. What precaution should you take when using clinical thermometer?






1. Multiple choice questions:


 (i) Magnetism of a magnet can be destroyed by?

  1.               Heating
  2.                Hammering
  3.                By inductive action of another magnet
  4.               All of above

(ii) Strength of an electro magnet can be increased by:-

  1.               Increasing cross – sectional area
  2.                Increasing number of tums
  3.                Increasing current supply
  4.               All of above

(iii) A magnetic field exists around

  1.               Iron
  2.                Copper
  3.                Alluminium
  4.               Moving charges

(iv) Temporary magnets are use in 

  1.               Loud speaker
  2.                Generators
  3.                Motors
  4.               Al of above

(v) The material having low retentivity are suitable for making

  1.               Weak magnets
  2.                Temporary magnets
  3.                Permanent magnets
  4.               Non – of above

(vi) A permanent magnets

  1.               Attracts some substances and repels others
  2.                Attracts all paramagnetic substance and repel other
  3.                Attracts ferromagnetic substances and repels all others.

(vii) Which of the following is not a property of a magnet?

  1.               Attract all materials
  2.                Attract magnetic materials
  3.                Magnetic force is stronger near poles
  4.               Magnetic force is action at distant force.

(viii) Which is not an application of magnetism?

  1.               Electric generator
  2.                Magnetic recording media
  3.                Engine Igniter
  4.               Credit debit and ATM cards.

(ix) Which material below is ferromagnetic?

  1.               Steel
  2.                Nickel
  3.                Cobalt
  4.               All of the above



(x) Magnets can be destroyed by

  1.               Keeping away from magnetic field
  2.                Keeping far from ferrous materials
  3.                Storing magnet in pairs using magnetic keeper.
  4.               All of the above.



2. Match the following items:-

List A

List B

(i)                Imaginary line which cuts earth half horizontally.

(ii)              Imaginary line which cuts earth magnetic horizontally half

(iii)            Imaginary line joining earth magnetic poles

(iv)            Imaginary line joining earth North pole and South pole

(v)              Pole near geographic North pole of magnetic

  1.               South magnetic pole
  2.                Geographic meridian
  3.                Magnetic equator
  4.               North magnetic pole
  5.                South magnetic pole
  6.                Angle of declination
  7.                Geographic pole




3. (a) What is a magnet?

    (b) Differentiate magnetic and non – magnetic materials

    (c) State three properties of magnets


4. Explain the three types of magnets


5. (a) What is magnetization

    (b) Elaborate three methods of magnetizing


6. (a) What can destroy a magnet?

    (b) Explain how you can store a magnet


7. (a) What is magnetic field lines

    (b) Mention properties of magnetic field lines.


8. Describe application of earth’s magnetic field


9. (a) State what you understand by

(i)                Magnetic field

(ii)              Magnetic line of force.

    (b) Sketch lines of force between (2) bars of magnet placed horizontally on table with;

(i)                Their N – poles facing each other

(ii)              Their N – poles facing South pole.

    (c) Explain why;

(i)                Strength of magnet cannot be increased beyond certain limit.

(ii)              Increase in temperature destroys a magnet.


10. (a) Why an attraction is not a sure test of polarity of a magnet

      (b) What is angle of inclination?






1. Multiple choice questions:


 (i) Which of the following energy source is not renewable?

  1.               Sun
  2.                Water
  3.                Wind
  4.               Fossils

(ii) Which is not characteristic of water energy

  1.               Reliable
  2.                Readily available
  3.                Can be generated constantly
  4.               Non – renewable

(iii) Which of these countries least relay on wind energy?

  1.               Japan
  2.                Spain
  3.                German
  4.               Denmark

(iv) Which is not a characteristic of wind?

  1.               Not reliable
  2.                Harnessed using nosy turbines
  3.                Need small area to set up
  4.               Non of above

(v) Which is not method of harvesting sea wave energy?

  1.               Point absorber buoys
  2.                Underground attenuators
  3.                Surface attenuators
  4.               Overtopping device.

(vi) One challenge of harvesting sea wave energy is 

  1.               Availability
  2.                Very expansive
  3.                Dangerous
  4.               Affected by wind.

(vii) Rising and falling of ocean level is called?

  1.               Wave
  2.                Turbulence
  3.                Tide
  4.               Frequency

(viii) The energy that comes from earth is called?

  1.               Tidal
  2.                Geothermal
  3.                Wave
  4.               Hydro

(ix) Which statement is not true?

  1.               All energy comes from sun
  2.                Wind is caused by unequal heating of earth
  3.                The energy in fossils originally come from plants
  4.               Wind energy is derivative of solar energy.


(x) Bay Dam is used to harvest?

  1.               Tidal energy
  2.                Geothermal energy
  3.                Wave energy
  4.               Hydro – electric power.


2. Match the following items

List A

List B

(i)                Comes from sun

(ii)              Comes from tides

(iii)            Harvested from earth’s heat

(iv)            Harnessed from waves

(v)              Also called water energy

  1.               Hydro – electric power
  2.                Solar energy
  3.                Sea waves
  4.               Geothermal energy
  5.                Tidal energy
  6.                Wind energy
  7.                Sea energy




3. (a) What is sustainable energy?

    (b) Mention examples of sustainable energy source


4. (a) Differentiate between renewable energy source and non – renewable energy source.

    (b) Explain why fossil fuel is non – renewable


5. (a) State characteristics of water energy

    (b) What are advantages of using water energy?


6. (a) What is wind energy

    (b) Give characteristics of wind energy

    (c) What are advantages of wind energy?


7. (a) What is sea wave energy?

    (b) Explain three ways of harvesting sea wave energy

    (c) Describe challenges of sea wave energy.


8. (a) What is geothermal energy?

    (b) Give reason why Tanzania do not depend  a lot on geothermal energy?


9. (a) State the energy conversion is a solar cell and give two practical application of it.

    (b) Explain why solar cells are not likely to be used to generate electricity in future?


10. Discuss the problems associated with fuel energy to the environment.






1. Multiple choice questions.


 (i) When  a body remains in one position for a long time we say it is in:

  1.               Motion
  2.                Stationery
  3.                Rest
  4.               Non of above

(ii) The act process or state of change in place or position of a body with respect to time and relative to observes is to be 

  1.               Rest
  2.                Stationery
  3.                Motion
  4.               All of above

(iii) Which of the following is a type of motion?

  1.               Circular
  2.                Rectilinear
  3.                Periodic
  4.               All of above

(iv) If an object moves in straight line it is said to be in _______ motion

  1.               Linear
  2.                One dimensional
  3.                Both A and B
  4.               Two dimensional.

(v) The physical quantities used in displacement both direction and Magnitudes are called?

  1.               Vectors
  2.                Scalars
  3.                S.I
  4.               C.G.S

(vi) Displacement of a body means

  1.               Speed
  2.                Acceleration
  3.                Velocity
  4.               None of the above

(vii) What is meant by the ratio of total displacement to total time taken by the body?

  1.               Non – uniform velocity
  2.                Average velocity
  3.                Instantaneous velocity
  4.               Uniform velocity

(viii) Velocity of a body at given instance is called?

  1.               Instantaneous velocity
  2.                Uniform velocity
  3.                Non – uniform velocity
  4.               None of the above

(ix) Which quantity is independent of direction?

  1.               Vectors
  2.                Magnitude
  3.                Scalars
  4.               S.I

(x) What is meant by the rate of displacement of a body?

  1.               Speed
  2.                Acceleration
  3.                Velocity
  4.               None of above



2. Match the following items


List A

List B

(i)                Moves in circular path

(ii)              Study body motion considering what cause it

(iii)            Study body motion without considering what cause it

(iv)            Has both magnitude and direction

(v)              Velocity of body at ending point of observation

  1.               Linear motion
  2.                Average velocity
  3.                Final velocity
  4.               Kinematics
  5.                Circular motion
  6.                Displacement
  7.                Vector
  8.               Scale
  9.                  Initial velocity




3. A Jet air plane traveling at speeding of 500km/h ejects its products of combustions at speed of 1500km/h relative to jet plane. Find speed of the later with respect to an observer on the ground.


4. A car moving along a straight line with a speed of 126km/h is brought to a stop within a distance of 200m. What is the retardation of the car? And how long does it take for the car to stop?


5. A ball is dropped from a height of 90m on a floor. At each collision with floor, the ball loses one tenth of its speed. Plot the speed – time graph of its motion between t – 0 to 12 seconds.

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