1. During Maulid day, Muslims celebrate;

  1. End of fasting
  2. Death of phrophet Muhamad
  3. Birth of Prophet Muhammad
  4. End of Pilgrimage to Mecca.

2. Sheik Abeid Karume was assassinated on:

  1. 14th October, 1999
  2. 26th April, 1964
  3. 7th April,
  4. 12th January, 1964

3. Which is not a component of a Nation?

  1. Country
  2. People
  3. State
  4. Language.

4. Which of the following countries do not border Tanzania?

  1. South Sudan
  2. Democratic Republic of Congo
  3. Mozambique
  4. Burundi.

5. Freedom of a country to govern itself is called?

  1. Independence
  2. Freedom
  3. Sovereignty
  4. Governance

6. Customs and beliefs of particular group of people is

  1. History
  2. Traditions
  3. Taboos
  4. Culture

7. Which is not a national symbol?

  1. The National soccer team.
  2. National flag
  3. Uhuru torch
  4. Constitution

8. Red band on coat of arms represents

  1. Developed country
  2. Freedom and enlistment
  3. Defense for the country
  4. Fertile soil of our country

9. Golden yellow colour on National flag represents

  1. Vegetation
  2. Wealth
  3. Colour of people
  4. Water bodies.

10. One significance of constitution is that:

  1. Symbolize authority of president
  2. Show the unit of our people
  3. Gives people freedom to enjoy their rights
  4. It is a subsidiary law.








(i) Ability to do something is

  1. Potential
  2. Knowledge
  3. Skills
  4. Capability

(ii) Enables a person to manage his/her life properly

  1. Life knowledge
  2. Life skill
  3. Problem solving
  4. Social skill

(iii) Which is not a life skill?

  1. Solving problem
  2. Building some relationship
  3. Being responsible
  4. Passing examination

(iv) Which of these is not an individual skill?

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Coping with stress
  3. Assertiveness
  4. Self awareness.

(v) Ability to express ones opinions, desires, strongly with confidence is?

  1. Self � awareness
  2. Social skill
  3. Assertiveness
  4. Copies with emotion.

(vi) Which is not aspect of social skill?

  1. Peer resistance
  2. Negotiation
  3. Self improvement
  4. Empathy

(vii) Ability to understand other people�s feelings, and feel concern about their problem is concerns is

  1. Sympathy
  2. Care
  3. Empathy
  4. Friendship

(viii) Which is not a component of effective communication?

  1. Listening
  2. Reading
  3. Writing
  4. Responding

(ix) Ability of a person to develop new thing is termed as

  1. Decision making
  2. Innovation
  3. Creating
  4. Critical thinking

(x) Which is the main some of life skills

  1. Family
  2. Neighbors
  3. Friends
  4. School.





2. Write short notes on:

a)      Critical thinking

b)     Creativity

c)      Problem solving

d)     Personal life skills

e)      Social skills.


3. Mention main sources of skills

4. Briefly explain five examples of social skills

5. Mention and explain three types of life skills.

6. Discuss the importance of life skills.








(i) Freedom to live as one wish is?

  1. Democracy
  2. Dictatorship
  3. Anarchy
  4. Liberty.

(ii) Basic things that all beings are entitled to and to which nobody should interfere with are called?

  1. Civil rights
  2. Political rights
  3. Human rights
  4. Bill of rights.

(iii) The right to do or say what you want without interference is called?

  1. Human right
  2. Liberty
  3. Democracy
  4. Freedom of expression.

(iv) Which of the following is not a civil and political right?

  1. Right to life
  2. Equality before the law
  3. Freedom of assembly
  4. Freedom of expression.

(v) Right to live in a clean and free from political life falls under

  1. Economic right
  2. Environmental right
  3. Social right
  4. Sanitation right

(vi) Which is non enshrined in constitution?

  1. Freedom of association
  2. Freedom of violent demonstration
  3. Right of life
  4. Freedom of religion.



(vii) Which of the following is not a basic need?

  1. Foods
  2. Education
  3. Shelter
  4. Clothing

(viii) Freedom of expression can be limited when;

  1. The person expresses religious views
  2. When views are outside parliament
  3. If a person uses abusive language
  4. If one have bad intentions.

(ix) Parents can abuse children right by/

  1. Giving right education
  2. Not punishing them
  3. Choosing children�s marriage partner
  4. Giving severe punishment to children.

(x) Which of those is not a way government abuse human right?

  1. Passing oppressive laws
  2. Discriminating people on basis of religion or ethnic group.
  3. Inducing bill of right in constitution
  4. Not maintaining rule of law.


2. Fill the gaps below.

a)      Right to life is an example of?

b)     An example of economic, social and cultural right is_____

c)      All humans are born free and are equal is a human right under______

d)     Freedom of expression can be withheld if__________

e)      Food, shelter and clothing are example of_________


3. (a) Define the following terms

  1. Human right
  2. Bill of right
  3. Freedom.

   (b) Mention five examples of civil and political right.


4. (a) Mention the aspect of human right in the constitution

    (b) Name two parts of right to equality in Tanzania constitution.


5. Write short notes on the following

a)      Freedom expression

b)     Right to life

c)      Right to work

d)     Basic human right.


6. (a) Describe ways in which human right can be promoted?

    (b) Mention ways of protecting human rights


7. How are human right abused by?

a)      Parents

b)     Society

c)      Government






1. Multiple choice questions

(i) A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage or adoption is

  1.               Family
  2.                Relatives
  3.                Mom and dad
  4.               Siblings and parents

(ii) A pattern of interaction with one or more persons over time

  1.               Communication
  2.                Socializing
  3.                Relationships
  4.               Best friends

(iii) All the people who are born and live in about the same time span.

  1.               Age group
  2.                Generation
  3.                Close friends
  4.               Family member

(iv) Married man and woman and their biological children

  1.               Parents
  2.                Nuclear family
  3.                Family unit
  4.               Step family

(v) Chosen by family to take responsibility for a child if parents are no longer able to provide.

  1.               Grand parents
  2.                Adoptive family
  3.                Uncles
  4.               Guardian

(vi) A couple or single parent decide to raise to raise another parent�s child as their own

  1.               Single parent family
  2.                Foster family
  3.                Adoptive family
  4.               Step family

(vii) A single parent marries:

  1.               Childless family
  2.                Foster family
  3.                Family type
  4.               Step family

(viii) Single parent family

  1.               One adult raising one or more children
  2.                A single parent marries.
  3.                A couple without children
  4.               Childless family

(ix) Cares for children who are not related to other children

  1.               Adoptive family
  2.                Foster family
  3.                Guardian family
  4.               Step family


(x) Two people get to know each other before marriage

  1.               Courtship
  2.                Dating
  3.                Spying
  4.               Pre � marriage



2. Match the following items:

List A

List B

(i)                Gift give in consideration for marriage

(ii)              Father, mother and children

(iii)            Habits passed from one generation to another

(iv)            Things though to be true in a certain community

(v)              Marriage before 18 years of age

  1.               Family
  2.                Courtship
  3.                Nuclear family
  4.               Extended family
  5.                Dorory
  6.                Customs
  7.                Beliefs
  8.               Habits
  9.                  Earlier marriage
  10.                  Adoptive family



  1. Why is courtship important? Give three reasons.
  2. Write down three ways n which courtship and marriage are related.
  3. Explain four causes of early marriages.
  4. State four ways in which early marriages can be prevented.
  5. Give two conditions that are necessary for a stable marriage.
  6. a) Which are the three common types of families?
  7. b) Explain the importance of a family.
  8. C)List down there factors that are necessary for family stability.







1. Multiple choice questions

In roman i � v identify the behavior shown by the individual.

(i) Jane is highly respected because she dresses well and respects all people

  1.               Proper behavior
  2.                Improper behavior
  3.                Risk behavior
  4.               Assertive behavior

(ii) Musa fight other people on slight provocation

  1.               Risk behavior
  2.                Passive behavior
  3.                Aggressive behavior
  4.               Assertive behavior.

(iii) Judith asks money from her mother with tolerance and humility 

  1.               Assertive behavior
  2.                Risk behavior
  3.                Proper behavior
  4.               Passive behavior

(iv) Kyara drinks alcohol and taken Bangi

  1.               Risk behavior
  2.                Passive behavior
  3.                Improper behavior
  4.               Aggressive behavior

(v) Very quiet and reserved student.

  1.               Improper behavior
  2.                Passive behavior
  3.                Aggressive behavior
  4.               Proper behavior

(vi) Which is an indicator of proper behavior? 

  1.               Calm and kind
  2.                Cooperative
  3.                Good eating habits
  4.               All of the above

(vii) The following are indicators of improper behavior except;

  1.               Violence
  2.                Hard work
  3.                Robbery
  4.               Alcoholism

(viii) Which factor below does not affect behavior?

  1.               Hereditary
  2.                Peer pressure
  3.                Culture
  4.               Technological influence

(ix) The way one selects acceptable altemative which help him or her act and reach targeted goals is;

  1.               Critical thinking
  2.                Passive behavior
  3.                Proper behavior
  4.               Decision making

(x) Which of these greatly affects decision making? 

  1.               Education level
  2.                Financial ability
  3.                Religion
  4.               Traditional values.



2. Match the following questions.


List A

List B

(i)                Action of person to respond to external stimuli

(ii)              Choosing between altemative so as to act

(iii)            Going after what you want with tolerance

(iv)            Behavior that endanger your wellbeing.

(v)              Easily provoked

  1.               Risk behavior
  2.                Aggressive behavior
  3.                Passive behavior
  4.               Improper behavior
  5.                Behavior
  6.                Decision making
  7.                Critical thinking
  8.               Assertive behavior
  9.                  Proper behavior



  1.                   Define the following terms;

a)     Improper behaviors.

b)     Proper decision making.

c)      Sexually transmitted diseases.

  1.                   Mention the indicators of proper behavior.
  2.                   Write down the way to control improper behavior.
  3.                    What are the factors affecting decision making in a family.
  4.                   Write down the steps to make proper decision.
  5.                   Write down some of the deeds which indicate improper behavior.
  6.                   Who are the participants in decision making

a)     At family level�������������������

b)     At national level.����������������






1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) What is the safe place to cross a road?

  1.               Zebra crossing
  2.                Behind parked car
  3.                On clear road
  4.               While cars are coming

(ii) When crossing a road, which direction should you walk?

  1.               Diagonally
  2.                In a wavy line
  3.                In straight line
  4.               Up and down.

(iii) When crossing a road, what should you be doing constantly?

  1.               Running
  2.                Looking and listening
  3.                Closing eyes
  4.               Praying

(iv) When out at night what should you wear?

  1.               Warm coat
  2.                Treid cloth
  3.                Reflective clothing
  4.               Light clothing

(v) Before you cross the road, you should

  1.               Look, stop, talk
  2.                Stop, look, run
  3.                Stop, listen, talk
  4.               Stop look, listen

(vi) At a pelican crossing what does the flashing green man mean?

  1.               Do not cross
  2.                Start to cross
  3.                Go back to the pavement
  4.               Stop

(vii) What does it mean when cyclists put out their right aim and moves it up and down?

  1.               I�tuming right
  2.                I�m losing my balance
  3.                I�m slowing down or slopping
  4.               I�m in danger

(viii) What do triangle shaped road signs do?

  1.               Give orders
  2.                Give warning
  3.                Give information
  4.               Entertain pedestrians.

(ix) At red light;

  1.               You can keep going if path looks clear
  2.                You can stop and wait for it to turn green
  3.                Quickly return your friend text message
  4.               Run faster and cross road


(x) Where should you stand before crossing the road?

  1.               Behind the kerb
  2.                On the road
  3.                On the pavement where drivers can�t see.



2. Match the following items;


List A

List B

(i)                Being free from danger or accidents

(ii)              Being from danger when using roads

(iii)            Roads affected by climate

(iv)            Jom districts to the head quarters

(v)              Connects wards and village.

  1.               Trunk roads
  2.                Regional roads
  3.                Feeder roads
  4.               Seasonal roads
  5.                Weather roads
  6.                Road safety
  7.                Emergency
  8.               Safety
  9.                  Danger free
  10.                  Districts roads.




  1.   Explain the meaning of the following  terms;

i) Vandalism

ii) Towing

iii) Break down

2. Explain six ways in which road accidents can be prevented.

3. What are the consequences of road accidents?

4. Briefly explain the causes of road accidents

5.  Mention six types of road users.

6.  Mention four information signs

7.  What are priority signs? Mention examples.

8.  Give the importance of road traffic signs

9. Describe the main categories of roads.


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