Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.


1. For each of the item (i-x) choose the most correct answer from the among given alternatives

  1.         Choose the phrasal verb that best replaces the underlined word in the sentence:

The meeting was postponed until further notice.

  1. put off
  2. put up with
  3. put through
  4. put on
  5. put out
  1.       Which option correctly negates the sentence: "They have completed the project."
  1. They have not completed the project.
  2. They have not been completed the project.
  3. They haven't not completed the project.
  4. They did not complete the project.
  5. They don't complete the project.
  1.     Change the direct speech to indirect: He said, "I will finish this tomorrow."
  1. He said that he would finish that tomorrow.
  2. He said that he will finish this tomorrow.
  3. He said that he finished this tomorrow.
  4. He said he would finish that yesterday.
  5. He said that he has finished this tomorrow.
  1.        Arrange the adjectives in the correct order: "A delicious, round, chocolate birthday cake"
  1. Chocolate, delicious, birthday, round
  2. Birthday, round, chocolate, delicious
  3. Delicious, chocolate, round, birthday
  4. Round, delicious, chocolate, birthday
  5. Round, chocolate, birthday, delicious
  1.       Choose the correct question tag: "You haven't met my sister, _____?"
  1. haven't you?
  2. have you?
  3. don't you?
  4. did you?
  5. isn't it?
  1.     Identify the word that is NOT a homonym of the others:
  1. Right
  2. Write
  3. Rite
  4. Wright
  5. Light
  1.  The team won the match _____ facing strong opposition.
  1. in front of
  2. in spite of
  3. instead of
  4. in case of
  5. in between
  1.   Choose the correct comparative form: "Winter days are _____ than summer days."
  1. short
  2. more short
  3. shorter
  4. shortest
  5. more shorter
  1.        Select the correct tense for the sentence: "By this time next year, I ______ my degree."
  1. will have finished
  2. have finished
  3. had finished
  4. will be finishing
  5. am finishing


  1.       “Even though it was raining we continued playing” What does this statement mean?
  1. We stopped playing because of rain 
  2. The rain made us to stop playing
  3. The rain could not stop us from playing 
  4. We played despite much rain
  5. We could not afraid of rain

2. Match the phrasal verbs given in LIST A with their corresponding meaning written in LIST B and write the letter of the correct answer in spaces given



  1. Break down
  2. Call off
  3. Look into
  4. Put up with
  5. Carry on
  6. Give up


A. Investigate

B. Stop doing something

C. Continue

D. Tolerate

E. Cancel

F. Malfunction (stop working)




3. (a)Identify the types of verbs that has been underlined

  1. The chef carefully chopped the onions. 
  2. The puppy is a bundle of energy. 
  3. They had been waiting for the bus for over an hour. 
  4. Birds fly south for the winter. 
  5. Susan  gave  her friend a thoughtful gift.
  6. Please  remain seated until the performance is over. 


Direct Speech Question 1: "Where do you live?" the woman asked.

Direct Speech Question 2: "Have you finished your homework yet?" my brother inquired.

Direct Speech Question 3: "Can you help me with this project?" Sarah pleaded.

Direct Speech Question 4: "What time wills the store close?" the customer wondered.

  1. (a) Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the underlined word (s)
  1. They made a big noise.
  2. Somebody has spoiled my drawing on the wall.
  3.  People speak English all over the world.
  4.   Love brings happiness to everyone
  5. People drink Coca-Cola everyday


   (b) Construct one meaningful sentence using one of the items for each.

  1. Since
  2. Never
  3. For
  4. Always
  5. seldom


5. For each of the items (i)-(vi) construct one sentence to show different expressions of actions by using each of the following guidelines

  1. An action which happened in the past using irregular verbs
  2. An action which has occurred
  3. The use of shall +have +gerund +noun
  4. An action ended before another action took place
  5. A progressive action in present with transitive verb
  6. Habitual action in the past with intransitive verb

6. Re write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each

  1. Alan is tall. He can fix the blackboard.( Join the sentences using..........enough to...)
  2. Mr Alex did not come. Dr Leon did not come too.( Join the sentence using ....... neither....nor)
  3. Haika plays piano. Asha plays piano too.(Join both........)
  4. Mr Akilimali was sturbbon. His father was also sturbbon .(Use
  5. The weather is bad. We are enjoying ourselves. (Begin Although............
  6. We had good players yet we lost three matches (Begin Inspite of..........

7. Consider that you have witnessed a serious accident on your way home .use the following words to construct a sentence for each to describe the accident

  1. Bad
  2. Injured
  3. Terrible
  4. Unconscious
  5. Reckless

8. Use the given details below and write an application letter from the following advertisement.


National Bureau of Standard (NBC), a company registered under the section 101 of the companies' ordinance 1988 and incorporated by the federal government invites application for a DRIVER which was advertised in The Citizen Newspaper on 23rd may, 2023.

Position: A driver — male/ female

Qualification and experiences.

  • Form four leaver
  • Driving license from reputable college with class A, B, C, D and E of driving
  • 1-year experience up to maximum of 3 years' experience in the job.
  • He/she should be not having any criminal offence.
  • He/she should have height of 167 cm and above.

Clerk job description.

  • Driving officers of the company
  • Supervising the car's services
  • Protecting the car and use it for office use only

Salary: salary range from Tshs 500,000= to Tshs 700,000/=.

Age: from 18 years old up to 30 years' old

Application process: submit before 4:00 pm on 31"june, 2023.

Apply to the director of National bureau of standard (NBC) COMPANY of P.O.BOX 345567 DAR-ES-SALAAM.

Use your address as P.O.BOX 4764 HANDENI. And sign your name as YATAPITA YANAMWISHO.

HR Department



Phone 0255-88773456. Fax number 0255-6743289


Answer two (2) questions from this section. Question number nine (9),is compulsory. 



  • A Wreath for Fr.Mayor - S.N Ndunguru (1977), MIculd na Nyota
  • Unanswered cries -Osman Conteh, Macmillan
  • Passed Like a Shadow Spared -B.M Mapalala (2006), DUP
  • Weep Not Child -Ngugi Wa Thiong'o (1987), Hienmann
  • The Interview - P.Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia(1994), Eyre Methuen
  • The lion and the Jewel -  W. Sonyika(1963), OUP
  • This Time Tomorrow -Ngugi Wa Thiong'o (1987), Hienmann
  • The black Hermit -Ngugi Wa Thiong'o (1987), Hienmann


  • Song of Lawino and Ocol - 0. P'Bitek (1979) ,EAPH
  • Growing up With Poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), hienman
  • Summons - R.Mabala (1960), TPH

9. Analyze the use of sense devices in the two poems you have read and appreciated. Give three points for each poem.

10. How playwrights uses protagonist characters to portray various social realities in the society through literary works. Choose two plays you have read to portray the social realities. (Six points)

11. "Women are useful person in the society." Show the relevance of this statement in your own society by referring to two novels that you have read. Three points for each novel.












Time: 3Hours 


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.
  2. Answer all questions from sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B forty (40) marks and section C carries forty-five (45) marks
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the Examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. For each of items (i) –(x), choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given then write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet given.
  1. You are reading a literary work in which the story is told in the third person. Having covered the concept of reading extensively, how can you categorize this genre?

  1. Play
  2. Novel
  3. Biograph
  4. Poetry
  5. Fantasy

  1. Your father wants to buy a house and he has asked you to help him to negotiate with the seller. Below are the expressions that you would use to ask for the price except:
  1. How much is this house?
  2. What is the price of this house?
  3. What is the asking price of this house?
  4. How much are you selling this house for?
  5. How much are you selling this house?
  1. Aisha said, “I am both tall and slim”. What is the synonym of the underlined word?

  1. Elegant
  2. Beautiful
  3. Skinny
  4. Fat
  5. Intelligent

  1. You witnessed a fatal accident recently and you want to write a composition about it with details that will create vivid images in the reader’s minds. What kind of composition will that be?

  1. Narrative composition
  2. Persuasive composition
  3. Description composition
  4. Argumentative composition
  5. Expository composition

  1. Mr Mwaipopo announced a trip to Ngorongoro in assembly this morning. All students jumped happily. This shows that upon hearing the new, the students felt:

  1. Excited
  2. Overwhelmed
  3. Great
  4. Confused
  5. Upset

  1. “I shall have sold my house by the end of this year”. Having covered the concept of expressing future plans. How can you categorize the future expressed above?

  1. Future continuous tense
  2. Future perfect tense
  3. Future perfect continuous tense
  4. Future going to
  5. Simple future

  1. You are participating in a debate as a main speaker. The other team is speaking against the topic while you are supporting the topic. In which team are you?

  1. Negative team
  2. Audience team
  3. Composite team
  4. Affirmative team

  1. A formal letter that we read last week had a complimentary close “Yours Sincerely”. This indicates that the writer was:

  1. Unfamiliar with the addressee
  2. Unacquainted with the addressee
  3. Familiar with the addressee
  4. Stranger to the addressee
  5. Sarcastic to the addressee

  1. The class monitor said to other students, “Shhh! The teacher is coming”. What does the underlined sentence express?
  1. A repeated activity before the moment of speaking
  2. An activity going on at the moment of speaking
  3. An activity going on after the moment of speaking
  4. An activity completed in the moment of speaking
  5. An activity completed before the moment of speaking.
  1. Salaam Sesay said, “The bondo tradition is as old as Africa”. Based on literary devices, what he said is referred to as:

  1. Simile
  2. Satin
  3. Irony
  4. Paradox
  5. Metaphor


  1. Match the description in List A with the correct part of speech in List B by writing the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet(s) provided.




  1. A word or group word used before a noun or pronoun to show direction, time, place or location.
  2. A word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause.
  3. A word that gives more information about a noun or a pronoun. It describes a noun or pronoun
  4. A word that gives more information about a verb. It modifies or qualifies verb or an adjective.
  5. A word referring to a name of a person, place, animal, object or idea.
  1. Adverb
  2. Noun
  3. Adjective
  4. Preposition
  5. Interjection
  6. Conjunction
  7. Verb


SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1. Read the passage below carefully then write the occupation of each of Mr. Maganga’s children in one word.

Mr.Maganga has four children, Harun, Sembe, Fatma and Rama. Harun is forty-five years. He has a butchery where he sells meat. Sembe is a doctor. He specializes in skin diseases. Fatma is also not jobless. She has got a big office where she makes shirts, dresses etc. The last one Mr. Rama has a small factory. He makes furniture out of wood. Therefore Mr. Maganga lives a very good life.

  1. Harun is _______________________________
  2. Sembe is _______________________________
  3. Fatma is ________________________________
  4. Mr. Rama is _____________________________
  1. Mr. Andunje, the English teacher was teaching parts of speech. He asked Amina to mention four examples of nouns and she mentioned.

(i)Poison  (ii)Skill (iii)Rain  (iv)Pride

Form adjectives from the mentioned examples and construct one sentence for each.


  1. Change the following sentences according to the given instructions after each:
  1. You are requested to post this letter. (Change it into active voice)
  2. Halima is beautiful (Change it into exclamatory sentence)
  3. The book was on the table (Change it into question tag)
  4. That is my English teacher. His wife was taken to the hospital. (Join the sentence using a relative pronoun)
  1. Ally and Omar were arguing on the uses of definite article “the”. Their friend Abubakar explained to them the five uses of definite article “the”. Basing on the given guidelines, create one sentence as an example for each to show such uses.
  1. It is used before superlatives
  2. It is used before double comparatives
  3. It is used before adjectives used as nouns
  4. It is used before something that is unique in nature
  1. Your mother has taught you good manners in expressing yourself in various situations in the society. construct one sentence for each of the following situations to show the application of such knowledge
  1. Asking for permission
  2. Apologizing
  3. Refusing an offer
  4. Booking for a bus ticket
  1. Your friend Bahati is going to sit for form four final exams in November 2022. Design the “best wishes card” that you will send her before the exams begin. Your name is Machenza.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section

  1. Kipepe is a school dropout as a result of gambling addiction. His friends blame him for that. And this issue has now become a growing concern among youths. Outline three causes and three effects of his problem.




A Wreath for Fr. Mayer - S.N. Ndunguru (1977) Mkuki na Nyota

Unanswered Cries   - Osman Conteh, Macmillan

Passed Like a shadow  - B.M. Mapalala (2006), DUP

Spared    - S.N. Ndunguru (2004) Mkuki na Nyota

Weep Not, Child  - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987), Heinemann 

The Interview    - P.Ngugi (2002), Macmillan 



Three Suitors: One Husband  - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen 

The Lion and the Jewel  - W. Soyinka (1963), DUP

This Time Tomorrow  - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1992), Heinemann

The black Hermit   - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968), Heinemann 



Songs of Lawino and Ocol - P. Bitek (1979), EAPH

Growing Up with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann 

Summons    - R. Mabala (1980), TPH


  1. Habib is a form three student and he wants to analyse a poem for the first time. Explain to him six essential items that he should consider so as to have effective analysis.
  2. Setting is one of the powerful techniques that novelists use to reveal various issues. With reference to two novels you read under this section assess the validity of this statement. Give three(3)points from each reading
  3. Writers normally target a specific society when carrying their intentions, yet their works sometime cross borders and are not limited to a specific to a specific period of time either. How far do the happenings in two plays you have read justify this statement? Give three points per reading.




Candidate's Number........



FORM FOUR-2022    



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of twelve 12 questions
  • Answer all the questions in both section A and B, and three (03) questions from section C.
  • Cellular phones and any un authorized materials are NOT allowed in the examination room
  • Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s)


Answer ALL questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) - (x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided

i. "I am a teacher" she said to me. This means:-

  1. She told me that she was a teacher
  2. She told me that I am a teacher
  3. She said that she is a teacher
  4. She told that she was a teacher
  5. She said that shc was a teacher 

ii. She lived in Musoma five years ago. This implies that:-

  1. She is still living in Musoma
  2. Five years have passed, since she stopped living in Musoma
  3. She has been living in Musoma for five years
  4. She went to live in Musoma five years ago up to now
  5. She plans to stay in Musoma for five years in. 

iii) By this time next year . . . . . . . . NECTA exams.

  1. will preparing for
  2. We will have prepared
  3. We will be preparing for
  4. We will have been prepared
  5. We will had been preparing for

 iv) Although he is tall, he cannot touch the roof. Begin; Despite .

  1. Despite of he is tall, he cannot touch the roof
  2. Despite he cannot touch the roof, he is tall
  3. Despite he is tall, he cannot touch the roof
  4. Despite being tall, he cannot touch the roof
  5. Despite of his tallness, he cannot touch the roof

v. If I had known the answer. I would have told you. This means that:-

  1. I knew the answer
  2. I didn't know the answer
  3. I knew the answer, but I didn't tell you
  4. I know the answer and I told you
  5. I didn't know the answer, yet I told you 

vi. Baraka . . . . . . . . Kiswahili . . . . . . . . . English

  1. Likes . . . . . . . . . to
  2. Prefers . . . . . . . . to
  3. Prefers . . . . . . . . . than
  4. Prefers . . . . . . . . . more than
  5. Loves . . . . . . . . . to 

vii. The main words in bold facetype that are shown on the margin of a dictionary are known as:-

  1. Guide works
  2. Dummy entries
  3. Passwords
  4. Synonyms
  5. Headwords 

viii. I am tired eating succotash everyday

  1. With 
  2. By 
  3. For 
  4. In 
  5. Of

ix. I am than my younger sister

  1. More intelligent
  2. Most intelligent
  3. More clever
  4. The more intelligent
  5. The most intelligent

x. "I am writing a letter" put in passive voice

  1. A letter is being written by me
  2. A letter is written by me
  3. A letter was written by me
  4. A letter was being written by me
  5. I am being written by a letter

2. Match the descriptions of occupation in List A with the correct occupation in List B by writing its letter beside the corresponding in the boxes provided below



i) A person whose job is to prepare the bodies of dead people to be buried or cremated and to arrange funerals

(ii) A person whose job is to examine people's eyes to recommend and sell glasses 

iii) A person whose job involves treating some diseases and physical problems by pressing and moving the bones and muscles 

iv) A doctor who studies and treats the diseases of children

v) A person whose job is to prepare medicines and sell or give them to the public in a shop/store or in a hospital

  1. Pharmacist 
  2. Oculist
  3. Undertaker
  4. Nutritionist 
  5. Osteopath
  6. Pediatrician
  7. Nurse
  8. Optician
  9. Medicine man


Answer all questions in this section 

3. The auxiliary verb HAVE has various uses. With the help of well-constructed sentences show the following uses:-

a) To show possession

b) To form perfect aspect of tenses

c) Have + to infinite express command or obligation

d) To form tag questions

4. In each of these sentences one of the words is wrongly used. Identify the wrong and replace it with the right word to make the sentence meaningful.

a) They wear here last month

b) Her mother needs some flower for porridge

c) All people are needed accept you

d) Rachel prefers speaking in the coat before judges

5. Construct one sentence for each word in the pair of the words below, to prove that you know their meaning

a) Accept and except

b) Desert and dessert

c) Beside and besides

d) Whom and whose

6. The auxiliary verb "DO" have various uses. With the help of well contracted sentences show the following uses:-

a) To make questions

b) To form tag questions for statements without auxiliary verbs

c) To avoid repetitions

d) To form negations

7. Imagine that you attended a wedding ceremony of your sister last Sunday. Repcrl what the guests said at a wedding

a) Miss Monica, "They'll make a lovely couple"

b) Mr. Smith: "They're going to live in Dar es Salaam"

c) Mrs. Jones: "The bride and the groom are vejy nice young people"

d) Mr. Robert: "The bride is wearing a beautiful wedding dress"

8. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow:-

Tom lesser said that, the worst part of his experience was hearing the snowmobiles nearing above him. The blizzard had become so bad that he had to pull his 20-ton rig over to the side of the road. He took a map. When he woke up, he couldn't see a thing. He tried to open the door of his truck, but it wouldn't bridge.

a) What had happened to Tom?

b) During which season did this event happen?

c) What was Tom doing when this happened?

d) What was Tom's occupation?


Answer three (03) questions from this section

9. It has been noted that most people are dying from COVID -19 due to ignorance. Write a letter to the editor Nipashe News of P. O. BOX 2121 Dar es Salaam to educate people on cause and precautions to be taken to avoid the spread of the vircial disease. Sign your name as Mpenda Maisha.


A Wreath for Fr. Mayer S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
Unanswered Cries Osman Conteh, Macmillan
Passed Like a Shadow B. M Mapalala (2006), DUP
Spared S. N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
Weep Not Child Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1987); Heinemann
The Interview P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan
Three Suitors: One Husband O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
The Lion and the Jewel W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
This Time Tomorrow  Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1972), Heinemann 
The Black Hermit Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1968) Heinemann
Songs of Lawino and Ocol O. P'Bitek (1979), EAPH
Growing up with Poetry  D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann 
Summons R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. A woman is portrayed in various position in Africa literature. She is either a pot full of poison or a beehive full of honey. By using two poems you have read under this program show the validity of this statement. (Give three points in each poem)

11. Support the argument "the reality of the happenings in any society is reflected in its literature". Using two novels. Give three points from each novel

12. Choose two characters from two plays you have done under this section and explain their positive contributions to their societies using three points each






TIME: 2:30 HOURS MARCH 15, 2021


1. This paper consist of section A,B and C with total of twelve (12) questions.

2. Answer all questionbs in section A,B and three questions from section C

3. Cellular phones and any authorized material not allowed in the Examination room.

4. Write your Examination number on every page of your booklet(s)

SECTION A (15 Marks)

1. For each of the item (i) –(x) choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i)Where is Mr............ sister staying?

  1. Chapakazis'
  2. Chapakazi's
  3. Chapazis's
  4. Chapakazi
  5. Chapakazis.

(ii) I am intelligent, but my sister is ........ than me

  1. Intelligent
  2. More intelligent
  3. Most intelligent
  4. Equally intelligent
  5. Very intelligent.

(iii)Which sentence among he following is gramatically correct?

  1. They drawn a picture
  2. They have drawing a picture
  3. They draw pictures
  4. They have been drawn a picture 
  5. They are draw a picture.

(iv)Does money ............. more money?

  1. Attract
  2. Attracts
  3. Attracted 
  4. Attracting
  5. Has attracted.

(v)Salome .............. the school compound every day

  1. Has
  2. Cleaned
  3. Is cleaning
  4. Cleans
  5. Clean.

(vi) My heart is beating fast “what does underlined part of the word indicate in the sentences?

  1. The past continous
  2. Daily routine
  3. Future activity
  4. The simple present tense 
  5. On going activity.

(vii)These are my daughters

  1. Can they
  2. My they?
  3. Aren?t they?
  4. Are they?
  5. Do they?

(viii)she ........... working in the gardern when you came

  1. Is
  2. Were
  3. Are
  4. Has been 
  5. Was.

(ix)I have sent a message to Joyce” How can this sentence be changed to past perfect form?

  1. I was sending a message to joyce
  2. I had sent a message to joyce
  3. I have been sending message to joyce
  4. I sent a message to joyce
  5. I had to sent a message to joyce

(x)They clean their sorrounding daily “which indicator show you that the sentence express routine.

  1. The use of pronoun 'they'
  2. The use of noun 'sorrounding'
  3. The use of pronoun 'their'
  4. The use of the word 'daily'

2. Match the expression in column A with their meanings in column B by writing letter of the correct answer beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

Column A 

Column B

(i) A female child of your daughter or son

(ii) A sister of ones father or mother

(iii) A mother of one's father or mother

(iv) A daughter of your father or mother

(v) A daughter of one?s aunt or uncle

  1. Aunt
  2. Sister
  3. Grandmother
  4. Cousin
  5. Brother
  6. Niece
  7. Granddaughter

SECTION B 40marks

(Answer all questions in this section)

3. re-arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful conversation by writing the corresponding letter in the answer booklet provided. Use the following format your answers.

Sentence number


a.Gosh! That's kind of you “said the old man climbed quickly into the car.

b.Few minutes later, the driver noticed that the old man was still holding the heavy bag and he asked him to put it down

c.A business man was driving along a lonely country road when he met an old man carrying a heavy bag.

d.“well, “replied the old man “You have already done me kindness of giving me a ride. I can?t ask you to carry my bag as well”.

e.He stopped a car and asked the old man, “Can I give you a lift to town?” asked the businessman.

4. Complete the following sentences using the words given in the list by writing it beside the iterm number in the answer booklet provided.

My, yours, his, hers, her, its, ours, our, theirs, their, mine

(i)That farm belongs to us. It is ………………………….

(ii)My teacher gave me a pen as a gift. It is ………………………………

(iii)Our teachers have an office at school. It is ……………………………..

(iv)Hamisi has a new book. It is ……………………………………

(v)My mother bought a new car. It is ……………………………………car.

5. Re-write the following sentenses according to the instructions given

(i). If you don't eat a balanced diet,you will get sick. (Begin with : unless…)


(ii)Ali does not ride a bicyle. He also does not drive a car. (Join using : neither…nor)


(iii)The boy is playing football. His parents work in Unguja. (Join using: whose)


(iv)Upendo is a good woman. Halima is a good woman too. (Begin with: „Both?)


(v)He is a hard worker. He is polite. (Join using: not only……but also)


6. Read the following passage carefully then answer the questions that follow.

Gender discrimination against African women is very widespread and deeply rooted in the culture of many African societies. Several factors combine to disadvantage the African Women. First, we have primitive beliefs that the women is naturally inferior. Secondly, many negative cultural practice like female genital mutilation and bride price demean African women. Thirdly, the poverty and ignorance in many African societies make it difficult for Aftican women to make positive decisions about life. Lastly, the African man?s greed for power and insensitivity to the needs of his mother, daughter, sisters and companion is a hindrance to female liberation.

However, the African women are fighting to change the situation and claim their rights. Their struggle has many aspects. They begin by organizing themselves in self-support, self-education and advocacy groups. Secondly, they have strongly questioned and challenged the outdated beliefs and practices which keep them in subjection. Thirdly, they have directly demanded to be treated equally in economic, political, education and legal activities.

They insist that they should get the same opportunities as men in schools and colleges, in employment, in trade and commerce, in the owing and inheriting of property, in marital and domestic relations of their countries.


(i) Suggest a suitable title of this passage.

(ii) The writer of this passage says, gender discrimination is rooted in............

(iii) According to th passage, how are women considered in African culture.

(iv) In what ways do women use to fight to change the situation? (two ways).

(v) By considering the last paragraph, write in one word the demand for African women.

7.In each of the following sentences,one of the word is wrong. Identify the wrong word and replace it by writing the correct word.

(a) Kitchen is good meat.

(b) His uncle is a hat surgeon

(c) May I have a peace of chalk.

(d) This is not a light place for you to stay

8.Write an official letter to the general manager NMB Dodoma branch P. O. Box 60, Dodoma. Asking for a bank letter position. Sign your name as Emanuel Joseph P. O. Box 640, Dodoma.

SECTION C (45 marks) 

Answer three questions from this section

9.Suppose that you are the medical Officer (D.M.O). Write a speech of not less than 250 words to educate the community on the causes and measures to be used to protect the community against Covid 19.



  • A wreath for Fr. Mayer -S.N. Ndunguru (1997), Mkuki na Nyota
  • Unaswered Cries -Osman Conteh, Macmilian
  • Passed Like Shadow -B. M Mapalala (2006), S. N Nduguru
  • Weep Not Child -Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987), Heinemann
  • The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


  • Three suitors one Husband -O. Mbias (1994), Eyre methuen
  • The lion and the Jewel -W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
  • This Time tomorrow -Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972) Heinemann
  • The Black Hermit --Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968) Heinemann


  • Song of Lawino and Ocol -O. P’Bitek (1979) EAPH
  • Growing up with Poetry -D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), HINEMANN 
  • Summons -R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10.When we read any work of art we are expected to have learnt something from it. Justify the truth of this statement by using two novels you have read (Give four (4) point from each.

11.Playwrights use different characters to portray various issues in their literary words. Choose three characters from each of the two plays chosen and shows how they have been used in portray different issues.

12.Mention and explain the important items to consider in the criticism of a poem






Time 3:00 Hours                                                                                         MAY 2020 


  1. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The rains in 1972 were the lowest in living memory. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, sensed disaster as early as 1972 and warned of impending food shortages and possible famine.

Six months later, the governments of six Francophone countries jointly declared themselves a disaster area and called for international relief. Nigeria also declared parts of the north to be disaster areas and decided to launch its own food relief operation without outside help. Relief to the six Francophone countries was late and air flights could only reach the more accessible towns. The regions' poor roads meant that vast areas never received relief. Thousands of nomads were on the move abandoning their land in the south.

Mr. Telesphore Yaguibon from Upper Volta described the situations as follows:

"Whole families line up for days for a few grams of sorghum. Shepherds deprive themselves of the last of their supplies of water and cows milk to give the calves one more chance of survival. Others simply choose suicide rather than looking on powerlessly while their flocks on which their very existence depends are totally destroyed "

But the drought disaster has ironically brought a glimmer of hope to the future of the endangered nomadic population of the Sahara. For a total war on drought has been declared and international agencies, governments, regional authorities, traditional rulers and the people are now preparing to move into the battle against the slow advancing Sahara desert.

The area was not always stricken by drought. Wall paintings using water colour on the wet plaster in Sahara caves depict scenes of pastoral life in the midst of what is now desert. Areas which are now unable to support the growth of vegetation were once tree covered savannas. Six thousand years ago big herds of cattle and antelope, giraffe and ostrich grazed on expansive grass land.

Man must take much of the blame for the blame for the present crisis. Overgrazing, the cutting down of trees and over cropping, have all over the centuries led to soil erosion turning good land into deserts. The goat has also done its worst in the Sahel zone, which has got a population of 30 million goats. The goat contributes greatly to soil erosion as it eats as much of the plant as it can? leaves, stem and roots. When the more juicy plants are consumed, it stands on its hind legs and eats leaves and barks of trees. The goat then does not merely eat: It destroys. The irony is that it is not even particularly useful to herdsmen, and could be easily replaced by sheep, which live in far great harmony with the environment.


(a)  Choose the most correct answer from among the alternatives given and write its letter in your answer booklet.

(i) The Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) warned of the famine disaster as early as 1972 because

  1. it was its responsibility to ensure that people did not suffer from famine 
  2. the governments of the six Francophone countries were a disaster area 
  3. rains had been the lowest that year in the living memory
  4. international food relief had not reached Francophone  countries 
  5. nomads had moved to search for better areas in the south.

(ii) Big areas of the six Francophone countries did not get relief food because

  1. Nigeria had launched its own food relief operation without  help 
  2. nomads had abandoned their land and moved south
  3. relief food was not sufficient for all people in need
  4. relief operation was late and most urban areas were inaccessible
  5. relief was not immediate and most areas in need were inaccessible.

(iii)  According to the passage, the most endangered population was 

  1. people in northern Nigeria only
  2. people in sub Saharan Africa 
  3. herds men in Africa
  4. nomads in Sahel area
  5. Nomads in six Francophone countries.

(iv) The glimmer of hope that the endangered population got, came as a result of 

  1. the fact that the affected areas were once tree covered savannah
  2. man’s acceptance to bear the blame for the current crisis
  3. efforts of international agencies, governments and regional authorities 
  4. wall painting using water colour on the wet plaster
  5. the little water and cow’s milk they had spared for their calves

B. For question v-vii, choose the sentence that means the same as the underlined sentence.

(v)  Mariamu is two years older than Chege

  1. Chege is two years older than mariamu
  2. Mariamu is the same age as chege
  3. Mariamu is two times cheges age
  4. Chege is two years younger than mariamu
  5. Mariamu and Chege have different ages

(vi)  When I grow up, I will become a chef.

  1. I will become a chef when I grow up
  2. I do not want to become a chef
  3. I will decide whether to become a chef
  4. I want to become a chef when I grow up
  5. Becoming a chef is my not my ambition

(vii) This river is longer than that road.

  1. The river is shorter than the road
  2. The road is longer than the river
  3. The river is wider than the road
  4. The road is shorter than the river.

For questions viii-x, fill in the gap with the correct answer

(viii) The pupils clapped ……………….during the sports day

  1. Excitedly
  2. Badly
  3. Quickly
  4. Slowly
  5. faster

(ix)  The bag was…………small for all the books to fit in.

  1. too
  2. little
  3. more
  4. much
  5. less

(x)  Mushi felt …………better after visiting the doctor.

  1. A lot of
  2. More
  3. A lot
  4. Too
  5. Much.

2. Read and summarize the following passage in five sentences in a single paragraph.

Soil erosion is a problem that causes concern world widely. This is because it has very bad effects on the areas concerned.

The causes of soil erosion are many and varied. Deforestation is one major cause of soil erosion. People cut down forests for various reasons? for example, for firewood and construction purposes. They may also cut down trees in order to make room for cultivation where land is scarce, and to get timber for commercial purposes. Poor farming practice is also a cause of soil erosion. Overcropping is one of the poor farming methods. In many places, the same types of crops are grown on the same place over the years without any attempt to replace used up nutrients. These crops use up the soil nutrients and leave the soil loose and vulnerable to erosion by wind. People who cultivate on hillsides or sloppy areas also contribute to soil erosion. When such areas are cultivated, the vegetation cover is removed and the soil is left bare. During the rains, running water easily washes away the soil down, to the lowlands.

In many places, people tend to overgraze. Many animals are reared on small pieces of land. The animals eat vegetations and leave the land bare. This makes it easier for the agents of soil erosion to carry away the soil.

The new development in agriculture and improved methods of farming has helped in prevention of soil erosion. In the sloppy areas, cover plants such as sweet potato vines are grown. The farmers practise contour farming and terracing. These methods ensure the running water does not carry away the soil to the lowlands.

Crop rotation and meaningful intercropping should be practised as they help prevent soil erosion by retaining the nutrients in the soil. Few animals should be grazed in a plot of land to ensure that overgrazing does not take place.

Afforestation is another measure used to control soil erosion. Where forests have been cleard by man or fires, new trees are planted. The roots of these trees hold the soil and protect it from agents of soil erosion.


Answer all questions in this section.

3. Re­write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

(a) I hurried. I didn’t want to be late. (Rewrite using: so that)

(b) Had he faced financial problems, he would have paid the school fees. (Rewrite using: if)

(c) She worked very hard. She didn’t pass the interview. (Begin with: Despite)

(d) If you don’t work hard, you will never achieve your dreams. (Begin with: Unless)

4. Using the words below, complete the following expressions.

Nurse, accountant, artist, teacher, thief, tenant, doctor

(a)  A person who takes other people properties without permission is called               .

(b) A person who paints pictures, signs and composes poems is called               .

(c) A person who pays rent for the use of a room, building or land to the person who owns it is called               .

(d) A person whose job is to keep or check financial accounts is called               .

5. Correct the following sentences accordingly.

(a)  I am planning to came at 4:00p.m.

(b) Please does this work very carefull.

(c) One of our friends have left school.

(d) Students they failed because they did not study hard.

(e) My friends is working very hard.

(f) There is many water in the ocean.

(g) Maya’s brother is study at the university.

(h) Us are planning to use the new syllabus.

6. In each of these sentences one of the words is wrong. Identify and correct them by writing the correct spelling for each word.

(a) Goats eat backs of trees.

(b) They are walking to school by foot.

(c) We are matching to the office.

(d) They bit me with a stick.

(e) How march do you sell this mango?

(f) You are supposed to study had for your exams.

(g) Many of as are the best students in our class.

(h) My hear is aching.

7. Using the words below, complete the following expressions.

guardian, trader, chef, grocer, dean, lawyer, keeper, journalist, deacon

 (a) A person who advises clients on legal matters is called  .

(b) A person who cooks in a hotel or restaurant is known as  .

(c) A person who administers the property, house and finances of another is referred to as


(d) A person who sells household items is called   

(e) A person who rank immediately below a priest   .

(f)  A person who is a chief administrator of a college or university  .

(g) A person who looks after someone    .

(h) A person who is engaged in commercial purchase and sale  .

8. (a) Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate prepositions provided.

from, to, by, of

  1. I would abide        their decisions.
  1. The patient was suffering      ebola.
  1. Bongolala is afraid       dogs.
  1. Hawa was married       Selemani.

(b)  In each of the following sentences, one word is wrong. Identify and replace it by writing the right word.

  1. Our headmaster told us to make sure that everyone has paid the school fare.
  1. I don’t want to cat this tree today.
  1. His leg was hut when he kicked the ball.
  1. There was a red mark on her left chick.


Answer three questions from this section.


Answer two questions from this section. One question should be selected from poetry and the other from novels and short stories or plays.



A Wreath for Father Mayer - S.N. Ndunguru (1997), Mkuki na Nyota

Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan

Passed Like a Shadow - B.M Mapalala (2006), DUP

Spared - S.N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota

Weep Not Child - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987); Heinemann

The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan


Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen

The Lion and the Jewel - W. Soyinka (1963), OUP

This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann

The Black Hermit - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann


Songs of Lawino and Ocol - O. P’Bitek (1979), EAPH

Growing up with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann

Summons - R. Mabala (1980), TPH

9. Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow: He read medicine,

Specializing in the tooth And graduated, with honours With new thesis

To cure the aching malady.

"Our teeth shall be all right"

People chanted, welcoming his services. And he started work, prompt and immediate. They brought him all the teeth they had Decaying teeth, aching teeth, strong teeth.

And he started working on their jaws Diligently pulling out every tooth From the jaws of every mouth,

And they paid him with meet Which now they could not eat. And so on went the dentist Making heaps and heaps of teeth Useless. Laying them waste Without fear that soon,

Very soon indeed,

He would have no teeth to attend to

No tooth for which to call himself a dentist.


(a) Suggest the title of this poem.

(b) What is the poem about?

(c) What type of poem is this?

(d) Describe the form of this poem.

(e) Analyse two musical features used in this poem.

(f)  What are the possible two themes in this poem?

(g) What message do we get from this poem?

(h)  Comment on the selection of words in the poem.

(i)  What is the mood of the poet.

(j)  Does the poem have any relevance to your society? Give reason for your answer.

10. Choose eight characters, four from each of the two plays you have read under this section and discuss their roles to the societies.

 11. With reference to any two novels you have read under this section, explain how the behaviour of some of the characters affect the welfare of the majority in society. Give four points from each novel.

12. With reference to two poems you have studied in this section, comment on the poet’s use of language. Give four points from each poem.



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