Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6.         Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s)



  1.         For each of the following items  (i-x).Choose the correct answer from given alternatives and writer its letter besides the item number in the answer booklet

(i) The main function of the cell wall in a plant cell is to:

A) Control the movement of materials in and out of the cell.
B) Provide structural support and protection.
C) Carry out cellular respiration.
D) Contain the genetic material.
E) Produce proteins.

(ii) Deoxygenated blood from the body enters the heart through the:

A) Aorta.
B) Superior Vena Cava.
C) Pulmonary Artery.
D) Pulmonary Vein.
E) Right Atrium.

(iii) During cellular respiration, glucose is broken down into simpler molecules to produce energy. Which of the following is NOT a product of cellular respiration?

A) Carbon dioxide
B) Water
C) Oxygen
D) ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
E) Heat

(iv) White blood cells are a vital part of the body's immune system. Which type of white blood cell is responsible for the immediate immune response by engulfing pathogens?

A) Red blood cells
B) Plasma
C) Phagocytes
D) Antibodies
E) Lymphocytes

(v) The cerebellum is part of the brain responsible for:

A) Sight
B) Hearing
C) Balance and coordination
D) Memory
E) Voluntary muscle control

(vi) In humans, fertilization typically occurs in the:

A) Ovary
B) Fallopian tube
C) Uterus
D) Vagina
E) Testes

(vii) The primary organ responsible for filtering waste products from the blood is the:

A) Liver
B) Lungs
C) Skin
D) Kidneys
E) Large intestine

(viii) According to Mendelian genetics, the principle of segregation states that:

A) Traits are inherited from both parents.
B) Alleles for a single gene separate during meiosis.
C) Genes on different chromosomes are inherited independently.
D) Acquired traits can be passed on to offspring.
E) Mutations always have negative effects.

(ix) Which hormone is primarily responsible for regulating growth and development during childhood and adolescence?

A) Insulin
B) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
C) Estrogen
D) Testosterone
E) Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

(x) A 17-year-old athlete is struggling to recover after intense training sessions. She experiences muscle fatigue and soreness. To promote faster recovery, which of the following lifestyle changes would be MOST beneficial?

A) Reducing her protein intake

B) Getting adequate sleep
C) Drinking plenty of water
D) Skipping meals
E) Limiting strenuous exercise

2. Match the following in list A with the corresponding terminology in list B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number




i)                    Gibberellin

  1. Stimulates stem elongation, inhibits bud growth (apical dominance), promotes root initiation

ii)                  Abscisic Acid (ABA)

  1. Stimulates cell division, promotes seed germination, delays senescence (aging)

iii)                Auxin

  1. Stimulates stem and leaf elongation, seed germination, fruit development and growth

iv)                Ethylene

  1. Stimulates ripening, promotes leaf abscission (falling), senescence

v)                  Cytokine 

  1. Inhibits growth, promotes seed dormancy, closes stomata (pores on leaves) during drought conditions

vi)                Brassinosteroids

  1. Promote cell elongation and division, resistance to stress factors, vascular tissue development



3. Colour blindness is due to a recessive gene linked to the X chromosome.  A man with normal colour vision married a woman with normal colour vision but one of their sons was colour blind.

a) Using letter N to represent the gene for normal colour vision, work out the genotype of the children.                                                                                                                              

b) What is the probability of a child born by this couple being a boy and colour blind?               

c) Explain why colour blindness is more common in males than females in a population. 

4. Two visking tubings X and Y were each half filled with 10ml of sugar solutions of different concentrations. The tubings were then immersed in a beaker containing 15% sugar solution and left for four hours. The results were as shown in the diagrams below.


     At the end of experiment                                                 At the beginning of experiment

a) Name the process being investigated in the experiment

b) Compare the nature of the solution in to that in the beaker.                               

c) (i) Account for the observation in Y.                                                                        

ii) State and explain the observation that would be made if another visking tubing filled with 30% sugar solution is immersed in the same beaker

d) Briefly explain the significance of the physiological process named in (a) above in gaseous exchange in plants.                                                                         

5.(a) Explain why athletes breathe quickly and deeply after a 100 meters sprint.          

b) State two proteins that determine human blood groups.                                    

 (c)(i) What is the role of blood capillary?                                                                  

 (ii) Explain why blood does not clot in undamaged blood vessels

6.(a)(i) List one type of chromosomal aberrations.                                                         (ii) State one advantage of polyploidy in modern farming.                                                      

(b) Explain why stomach wall is lined with mucus                                                             

(c) Outline adaptations of ileum in absorption of food

7.(a) What is homeostasis?                                                                                     

 (b) State two behavioral mechanisms used by snakes to increase their body temperature.              

(c) A patient complained of frequent thirst. A sample of the patient’s urine was found not to have any sugar. 

  1. Name the hormone the person was deficient of
  2. Name the gland that secretes the above hormone

8. (a) Differentiate between respiration and gaseous exchange

(b) A fish living in a cold, fast-moving river has gills with a large surface area and many blood vessels. Explain how these adaptations help the fish to efficiently extract oxygen from the water for respiration.

9. (a) Show the difference between divergent and convergent evolution

(b) Explain how the evolution of lungs in some fish, like the lungfish, may have been an advantage that allowed them to survive in low-oxygen environments.

10(a) Name three structures used for gaseous exchange in plants

(b) In plants, water and nutrients absorbed from the soil need to be transported to all parts of the plant. How is the structure of the xylem tissue adapted to efficiently transport these materials upwards?

SECTION C: 15 Marks

11. (a) Describe the events that take place from the time a pollen grain lands on the stigma until fertilization.                                                                                            

b) Describe the changes that take place in a flower after fertilization.                               















  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two questions from section C
  3. Section A carries 16marks, section B carries 54 marks, and section C carries 30 ,arks
  4. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for a diagram that must be drawn with pencil.
  5. Remember to write your examination number in every page of your answer booklet



Answer all questions in this section

  1. For each of the items choose the correct answer from among of the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.
  1. Viruses are considered to be non-living because
  1. They are only active in the contents of a living cell
  2. They are single cell eukaryotic organisms
  3. They have true nuclei
  4. The body is covered by a cell wall
  1. If the magnifying power of the eyepiece lens of the compound microscope X10 and that of the high power objective lens is X40, what is the magnification of a specimen under observation?
  1. X10
  2. X5000
  3. X400
  4. X50
  1. Into which of the following acids is glucose broken down in the first stage of carbohydrate metabolism
  1. Pyruvic
  2. Lactic acid
  3. Hydrochloric acid
  4. Citric acid
  1. In mammals, the primary function of Loop of Henry is
  1. Reabsorption of water
  2. Water section
  3. Ammonia secretion
  4. Urea Secretion
  1. Of the following three substances, which provide the least source of energy for the body
  1. Carbohydrate
  2. Fats
  3. Proteins
  4. Monosaccharides
  1. Liverworts and Mosses are characterized by their lack of vascular conducting tissue. These two groups of plants, liverwort and mosses, are known by which of the following terms
  1. Thallophytes
  2. Gymnosperms
  3. Bryophytes
  4. None of the above
  1. Which of the following laws best describe the statement? The members of an homologous pair of genes are separated during meiosis of reproductive cells so that each gamete contains one of the alleles
  1. Law of segregation
  2. Law of independent assortment
  3. Law of filial generation
  4. Law of sorting
  1. Which of the following organ of the body produces insulin?
  1. Liver
  2. Stomach
  3. Pancreas
  4. Small intestine
  1. The ovary of a flowering plant can develop into a
  1. Spore
  2. Fruit
  3. Cone
  4. Seed
  1. In general valves in the circulatory system:
  1. Permit blood to circulate rapidly
  2. Prevent blood from moving to rapidly
  3. Prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction
  4. Stop the circulation whenever necessary
  1. Match the descriptions choose in List A with their corresponding terminologies in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.



  1. The growth movement in plants organ in response to unilateral source of heat.
  2. The growth of plant organ in response to unilateral source of water moisture.
  3. The growth movement of plant organ in response to unilateral source of light.
  4. The growth movement of plant organ in response to unilateral source of gravity
  5. The growth movement of plant organ in response to unilateral source of chemical
  6. Allows some plant species to flower – switch to reproductive mode only at certain times of year
  1. Chemotropism
  2. Geotropism
  3. Thermotropism
  4. Phototropism
  5. Hydrotropism
  6. Thigmotropism
  7. Photonasty
  8. Rheotropism
  9. Photoperiodism
  10. Hydrotropism



Answer all questions in this section

  1. (a)Every secretion in the body has its own purposes, noses secrete mucus, a mouth secretes saliva and eyes remove tears. What do you think be a reason for
  1. Noses to secrete mucus
  2. Eyes to produce tears
  3. A mouth to secrete saliva

(b)Explain three points why we are advised to boil the drinking water?

(c)Contrast between monocotyledonae and dicotyledonae in 3 points.

  1. (a)Animals and plants have different behavior that must pass through out their life process, as a form four student briefly explain all the behaviors or process that take place take in the bodies of living things

(b)Explain by giving two reasons why we are advised to use gloves when administering First Aid to a victim or a person who are HIV positive

  1. What should you do in the following situation according to the laboratory rules?
  1. While boiling water, you realize that you need to get a book from a classroom
  2. The apparatus are dirty and you need to perform an experiment
  3. You have finished doing biology experiment for a day. Give three things that you will do
  1. (a)Most of the people living in Simiyu villages dispose their waste randomly without taking any precaution
  1. State three effects of their habit to their health
  2. Briefly explain two ways on how you would advise them on proper ways of disposing their wastes

(b)Explain the meaning of the following ecological terms

  1. Food chain
  2. Food webs

(c)Angiosperms are most diverse and successful group of all plants. Give two reasons

  1. You have been provided the following list of organism herbs, lizards, frog, grasshopper, and snake.


(a)Food chain for provided organisms

(b) From (a) above

  1. Identify the organisms which are producers
  2. Which are primary consumers
  3. Which one are the secondary consumers
  4. Give the name of the missing group of organism in the ecosystem
  1. (a)What is the meaning of the terms
  1. Digestion
  2. Malnutrition
  3. Balanced diet
  4. Nutritional disorder
  5. A variable seed

(b)Outline four examples of nutritional deficiency disorders in human being.



Answer two questions from this section

  1. Explain five conditions necessary for seed germination and state two important of seed germination
  2. Why a placenta is formed immediately soon after fertilization.

Explain five points

  1. (a)Explain how hearing is brought about in a body of an organism

(b)Draw a well labeled diagram of a mammalian Ear and label its parts.






CODE 033/2C



  1. Important:
    1. Great care must be taken not to divulge these instructions to both candidates and unauthorized person, either directly or indirectly
    2. Make sure that, the candidates are provided with the specimens, chemicals and apparatus indicated in these advance instructions only and not otherwise
    3. Please, do not open the envelope containing the question papers, 24 hours before the time of commencement of the examination


Provide the following requirements for the preparations of solution

  1. Tomato fruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K (01 per candidate)
  1. SPECIMEN(s)

P - Monocot leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 per 3 candidates

Q - Dicot leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 per 3 candidates

R – Earthworm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 per 3 candidates

  1. Iodine solution
  2. Sodium hydroxide solution
  3. Copper II sulphate solution (1%)
  4. Sudan III solution
  5. Benedict’s solution
  6. Dilute HCL solution
  1. Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . (01 per candidate)
  2. Sieve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . (01 per candidate)
  3. Beaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . .. . . ..(03 per candidate)
  4. Test tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . (05 per candidate)
  5. Test tube rack . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .(01 per candidate)
  6. Test tube holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . (01 per candidate)
  7. Source of heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . (01 per candidate)
  8. Test tube brush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (01 per candidate)
  9. Mortar and pestle . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . (01 per candidate)
  1. Source of heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . (1 per 3 candidates)
  2. Distilled/rain water . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. (15m3 per candidate)







  1. This paper consists of two (2) questions, answer all the questions
  2. Each questions carries 25 marks
  3. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
  4. All writings should be in blue or black ink, diagrams must be drawn in pencil
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

1. You have been provided with specimen K, test tubes, a beaker, test tube rack, test tube holder and the table reagents.

Consider the following procedures

  1. Cut the specimen K, in a transversal section
  2. Squeeze the two halves to obtain a solution
  3. Add 15cm3 of distilled/rainwater
  4. Filter the mixture by using a sieve to obtain a clear solution, Call it solution K


  1. Carry out food test procedures, then identify the food substances present in the solution K.

Tabulate your answers as follows

Food Tested




  1. Name the food substances identified in part (1a) above
  2. Give functions of the identified food substances to the human body
  3. Name the food substances which are missing in the solution K, that need to be added in order to obtain a balanced diet.
  4. Name the digestive enzymes and the part in alimentary canal where the identified food substances are digested.

2. You have been provided with the specimens P, Q and R. study these specimens carefully then answer the questions that follow.

  1. Identify specimen P, Q and R by their common names
  2. (i) Classify specimen P, Q and R to the class level

(ii) Give three differences between specimen P and Q.

  1. (i) Draw well labeled large diagram of specimen Q

(ii) Identify two adaptations of specimen Q to its function.

(iii) Name three processes that take place in both specimens P and Q in the plants.

  1. State four economic importance of specimen R to farmers








CODE 033/1

TIME: 3:00 HOURS JULY 2022


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of fifteen (15) questions.
  2. Answer all the questions in sections A and Btwo(2) questions from section C of which questions number 13is compulsory.
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15)Marks, Section B sixty (60) Marks and Section C carries twenty five (25) marks.
  4. All writings should be in Blue or Black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5. Cellular phones and any authorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheets(s).

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) � (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

  1. If you are asked to prepare a first aid kit with its components which of the following will not be included
  1. Sterilized cotton wool
  2. Pair of scissors
  3. Medicine to cure diseases
  4. Safety pins
  5. Bandage
  1. The Biology laboratory technician wanted to keep preserved specimens, which among the following apparatuses he will use?
  1. Fish net
  2. Specimen bottle
  3. Beaker
  4. Watching glass
  5. Pooter
  1. In some bacteria anaerobic respiration produces a chemical known as lactic acid as in animals the same process in plants produces a chemical called;
  1. Glucose
  2. Carbondioxide
  3. Oxygen
  4. Alcohol
  5. Water
  1. Which of the followings are the basic common features found in both plant and animal cells?
  1. Cytoplasm, Nucleus and cell membrane
  2. Cell membrane, mitochondrion, chloroplasts
  3. Nucleus, cytoplasm, cell wall
  4. Vacuole, nucleus, centrioles
  5. Cytoplasm, nucleus, middle lamella
  1. Lameck was found having the following symptoms weak bones, particularly in legs, Poor teeth formation, Bow-legged and knock � knees and Enlarged wrists, knees and ankles. These are symptoms of lacking;
  1. Vitamin K
  2. Vitamin B1
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin A
  5. Vitamin D
  1. What happens when a person moves from a dim lighted room to a bright lighted room
  1. Pupil becomes small
  2. Pupil becomes large
  3. Circular muscles contract
  4. Radial muscles relax
  5. Radial and circular muscles relax
  1. Mitosis process involves several stages to complete nucleus cell division. In which among the following stages a cell pinches in the middle to form two identical daughters?
  1. Metaphase
  2. Telophase
  3. Cytokinesis
  4. Prophase
  5. Anaphase
  1. The following organisms belongs to Kingdom Fungi
  1. Mucor, Mushroom, Yeast
  2. Moss, Mucor, Yeast
  3. Euglena, Mushroom, Mucor
  4. Liverworts, Mushroom, Mucor
  5. Amoeba, Mucor, Mushroom
  1. Which of the following structures of organisms are homologous?
  1. Wings of birds and wings of grasshopper
  2. Forelimbs of man and wings of grasshopper
  3. Wings of houseflies and wings of bat
  4. Wings of bees and forelimbs of man
  5. Forelimbs of man and wings of bat
  1. What will happen if xylem tissues is destroyed in green plants?
  1. Absorption of water in the plant body will stop
  2. Absorption of mineral salts will stop
  3. Transport of water and manufactures food will stop
  4. Transport of manufactured food will stoop
  5. Transport to oxygen in the plant body will stop

2. Match the meanings of the terms used in genetics in LIST A with their corresponding terminologies in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.



(i) A physical appearance or outlook of an organism

(ii) A genetic constitution or make up of an organism

(iii) A basic unit of inheritance which control a particular trait

(iv) An allele whose expression is masked by another allele

(v) An allele which masks the appearance of another allele

  1. Gene
  2. Phenotype
  3. Genotype
  4. Dominant
  5. Recessive
  6. Chromosome
  7. Trait

SECTION B: (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. State the significance of each the following Biology laboratory features

  1. Large windows
  2. Gas supply
  3. Water supply
  4. Storage room

4. (a) Briefly explain the importance of the excretory products of plants to human being. Give three points;

(b) What will happen if the following parts of urinary system get blockage

(i) Urinary bladder

(ii) Ureters

5. �Water and salt are needed in constant � optimal amount for effective and proper function of the body�

  1. Explain three factors which affect the contents of water and salts in human body
  2. Mention the two hormones which are responsible for regulating the amount of water and salts in the body.

6. The Saweni School garden comprises of the grasses, hibiscus trees, natural water fountain, butterflies, lizards, grasshoppers, fertile soil, snakes, highly oxygenated atmosphere, centipedes, scorpions, and eagles.

  1. Mention three biotic components and three abiotic components present in the garden
  2. Construct a food web of the Saweni�s school garden ecosystem
  3. Is the Saweni�s school garden ecosystem complete (stable) or not stable? Support your answer.

7. �People are debating is our societies whether organic evolution has taken place or not� As a biologists, briefly explain the evidences that you know to let them understand that organic evolution has taken place (give four points).

8. Differentiate shark fish from Tilapia fish under the following guidelines

  1. Nature of their skeletons
  2. Types of their scales
  3. Position of their mouths
  4. Structure of their tails fins

9. During cooking, a cook unfortunately touched a hot burning charcoal. He pulled his hand abruptly.

  1. What is the name of that response
  2. What is the name given to the pathway

Which describes the response in 9(a) above?

  1. Give two significances of the response mention in 9(a) above

10. Comment on the statement �Transpiration is an necessary �evil�

11. How can the following risky behaviours or practices contribute to HIV infection?

  1. Sharing razor blades
  2. Having immoral friends
  3. Drinking alcohol

12. (a) A flower was found to have the following characteristics, incospicious petals, long feathery stigma and small light pollen grains then:

  1. What is the likely agent of pollination of the flower?
  2. What is significance of long feathery stigma in the flower

(b) Explain two (2) significance of meiosis in relation to sexual reproduction

SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section

Question 13 is compulsory

13. �A child complains to her mother that she has a headache and pain in joints, she also feel uneasy, vomits, and has abdominal pain. Her mother realizes that the child also has a fever. She takes her to hospital.

Which disease do you think the child is suffering from? Give the cause and mode of transmission of the disease and suggest four preventive measures

14. Why photosynthesis is a vital process for all living organisms? Give four points

15. Humans like all organisms reach a stage whereby the smooth functioning of the cell in the body decline and tend show low immunity, less body performance or efficiency, hormones production decrease and less ability to respond different stresses. By giving four points explain the factors that led to the above human body deterioration.








Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fifteen (15) questions.
  2. Answer all the questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C of which question number 13 is compulsory.
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B sixty (60) marks and section C carries twenty five (25) marks.
  4. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Green plants are known producers because they:

  1.    Produce Chlorophyll in Chloroplasts.
  2.    Produce green leaves.
  3.    Contain fruits and seeds
  4.    Grow in fertile soil
  5.     Make food from simple substances.

(ii) Which of the following tissue is meristemic?

  1.    Connified layer of the skin.
  2.    Collenchyma
  3.    Cambium.
  4.    Sclerenchyma
  5.     Xylem.

(iii) Diabetes mellitus is associated with 

  1.    Too much insulin in blood
  2.    Too much glucose in the lymph
  3.    High glycogen level in blood
  4.    Under secretion of insulin in blood
  5.     Too little glucagon in the blood.

(iv) Which of the following is a non – living part of a cell

  1.    Cell wall and nucleus
  2.    Cell wall and vacuoles
  3.    Cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum.
  4.    Cytoplasm and vacuole.
  5.     Cell wall and ribosome.

(v) Which substance in tobacco combines with haemoglobin to prevent the haemoglobin from carring Oxygen?

  1.    Carbon dioxide
  2.    Carbon monoxide
  3.    Nicotine
  4.    Tar.
  5.     Cellulose fibre.

(vi) Which part of a seed grows into root system of plant?

  1.    Cotyledon
  2.    Micropyle
  3.    Plumule
  4.    Radical
  5.     Hilum.

(vii) Which of the following statement is true about eukaryotic cells?

  1.    Lack important organelle, like smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
  2.    Are found in plants only
  3.    Nuclear material are enclosed within a membrane.
  4.    They are found only in animals
  5.     They contain only little water.

(viii) The reason why we experience increased breathing during race is that, it supplies extra;

  1.    Energy required by active muscles.
  2.    Oxygen required by active muscles.
  3.    Heat required by active muscles.
  4.    Enzymes required by active muscles for respiration.
  5.     Work required by the muscles for faster running.

(ix) The best way to prevent viral infection is by:

  1.    Biological control
  2.    Avoid contact with infected person
  3.    Killing all viruses
  4.    Vaccination
  5.     Medical treatment.

(x) The body can move one of the following vitamins by itself.

  1.    Vitamin A.
  2.    Vitamin B.
  3.    Vitamin K.
  4.    Vitamin D.
  5.     Vitamin E.

2. Matching items questions.



  1.       Female eggs cells are formed here
  2.       Sperms are deposited here.
  3.       Secrete and produce testesterone
  4.       Implantation occurs here.
  5.       Store sperm as they mature.
  1. Cowper’s gland
  2. Seminal vesicle
  3. Scrotum
  4. Testis
  5. Penis
  6. Urethra
  7. Epididymis
  8. Seminifefous tubules
  9.   Vas efferentia
  10.  Ovaries
  11. Cervix
  12. Vagina
  13.                      Vas deferens
  14. Prostrate gland
  15. Uterus
  16. Oviduct


SECTION B (60 Marks) 
Answer all questions in this section.

3. The diagram below shows gynoecium of a plant. 





  1.   Name structure labeled A to H.
  2.   State function of B and H
  3. (i) What is the significance of production of a lot of pollen in wind pollinated flowers?

              (ii) Production of shaky pollen grains in insect pollinated flowers 

4. (a) Distinguish between a seed and a fruit.

    (b) State three causes of seed dormancy

    (c) Mention ways we can use to break seed dormancy.


5. Haemophilia is a disease characterized by the inability of blood to clot rapidly after a simple injury. A normal man married a carrier woman for the haemophilia gene.

 (a) Using a simple genetic cross work out haemophilic condition of their children.

 (b) What is the probability that one of the daughters will be a carrier?

 (c) Under what genetic condition would any of the girls be haemophilic? Explain your answer.

6. (a) Briefly, discuss the following theories of origin of life 

 (i) Special creation

 (ii) Chemical evolution theory

     (b) Stat demerits of Lamarck’s Theory.

7. (a) Name the part of the ear involved in:

  1. Balance
  2. Posture
  3. Amplification of sound wave
  4. Reception of sound stimulus
  5. Collection and direction of sound waves.

(b) State three defects of the ear.

8.(a) State the functions of the skull.

   (b) (i) Name the structure found between vertebral bones.

         (ii) State two functions of structure named above.


9. (a) Write a word equation for the anaerobic respiration of glucose in 

  1.              Muscle cells
  2.           Plant cells

     (b) Which reaction produces the most energy for every mole of glucose respired?

     (c) How does the shape of red blood cells help it in its function?


10. (a) Name the types of joints which occur between the following bones in mammals

  1.              Ilium and mammals
  2.           Humans and scapula
  3.         Vertebrae.

     (b) (i) How is high blood pressure built up in the glomenulus.

 (ii) Why is this high blood pressure needed?


11. (a) Describe the structure of placenta and explain how it functions.

      (b) Describe ways in which a foetus may be harmed by substances which pass from it from its mother’s blood?

12. (a) List any two types of blood cells.

(b) Give two differences between arteries and vein. .

SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section. Question number 13 is a compulsory.

13. Form One students in a certain secondary school were interested to know why it is necessary to study Biology. Assume you are a Biology teacher; educate these students on the importance of studying Biology by giving four points. (10 marks)

14. With the aid of a well labelled diagram, describe the structure of bacteria and give three advantages and disadvantages of bacteria in daily life.

15. With the aid of a well labelled diagram, describe the internal part of the mammalian heart








Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 15 questions.
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO  (2) question from section C in which question 13 compulsory.
  3. All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. The joint in the human body which allows movement in all directions is known as
  1.  pivot
  2.  hinge
  3.  double hinge
  4.  ball
  5.  peg and socket and socket
  1. Which of the following is a metabolic waste product?
  1.  Tears
  2.  Saliva
  3.  Mucus
  4.  Faeces
  5.  Urine
  1.                     The following are examples of water-borne diseases:
  1.  malaria and bilharzia
  2.  yellow fever and typhoid
  3.  diarrhoea and malaria
  4.  cholera and plaque
  5.  cholera and typhoid
  1.                      One of the distinctive features of kingdom Fungi is possession of:
  1.  plasma membrane
  2.  cytoplasm
  3.  chitin materials
  4.  cell membrane
  5.  cellulose material
  1. When students were conducting private study at night, lights went off completely. Which of the following changes occurred in the eyes of the students?
  1.  The lens became thicker
  2.  The pupil became larger
  3.  The ciliary muscle relaxed
  4.  The lids close
  5.  The eyes opened wider
  1.                      Select the item that indicates the best match in vitamin­deficiency:
  1.  Vitamin A dry scaly skin
  2.  Vitamin B loss of appetite and yawning
  3.  Vitamin C anemia and high blood pressure
  4.  Vitamin D soft deformed bones
  5.  Vitamin K poor night vision
  1.                   Which of the following is formed immediately after fertilization?
  1.  Placenta
  2.  An embryo
  3.  A foetus
  4.  Amniotic fluid
  5.  A zygote
  1.                The human ovary secretes hormones known as:
  1.  Oestrogen and testosterone
  2.  Progesterone and testosterone
  3.  Oestrogen and lactogen
  4.  Oestrogen and progesterone
  5.  Follicle stimulating hormone and progesterone
  1.                      The offspring of crosses between red flowered and white flowered plants were always found to be pink. This is an example of:
  1.  Crossing over
  2.  Mutation
  3.  Co-dominance
  4.  Incomplete dominance
  1. Species with cellulose in their cells are formally placed in
  1.  Kingdom Monera
  2.  Kingdom Animalia
  3.  Kingdom Fungi
  4.  Kingdom Plantae
  5.  Kingdom Protista

2. Match the phrases in List   A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response from List B beside the item number of List A in your answer booklet.



  1. A stage of growth in humans, characterised by rapid growth and a lot of physical and mental changes.
  2. A type of seed germination whereby cotyledons are pushed above the ground
  3.                     The ability of seeds to germinate
  4.                      The region of most active growth in plants
  5. A type of seed germination whereby cotyledons remain beneath in the ground
  1. Meiosis
  2. Hypogeal germination
  3. Adulthood
  4. Dormancy
  5. Epigeal germination
  6. Adolescent
  7. Stem and root apices
  8. Viability


SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3.  (a) What do you understand by the term “First Aid”?

(b) State how you would render First Aid to a person who has been shocked by electric current.

4. (a) Define the terms “digestion” and “feeding” as used in Biology.

(b) Explain why during digestion the food is:

  1. Alkaline when in the mouth.
  2. Acidic when in the stomach.
  3. Alkaline when in the ileum.

5. State three actions which take place in the human body in response to each of the following conditions:

  1. When the temperature of the surroundings is low.
  2. When the body temperature rises due to increase in the surrounding temperature.


6. The diagram below represents some gaseous exchange structures in humans.

(a) Name the structures labeled K, L, and M . 

(b) How the structure labeled J is suited to its function? 

(c) Name the process by which inhaled air moves from the structure labeled L into blood capillaries

7.  How is a guard cell structurally adapted for gaseous exchange? 

8.(a)  Colour blindness is a sex linked trait controlled by a recessive gene b. If a mother is a carrier and the father is normal, What is the chance that their son will be colour blind? Show your working. 

(b) State two guidelines that should be followed when typing scienti?c names.(2 marks)

9.(a) State three characteristics of the class Crustacea.

(b)  Explain why it is not advisable to be in a poorly ventilated room with a burning charcoal stove.(3 marks)

10.( a) State two disadvantages of sexual reproduction in animals. 

(b) State two functions of the placenta in mammals. 

11. (a) State three functions of blood other than transport. 

(b) State the economic importance of anaerobic respiration in plants. 

12.  (a) Explain how the sex of a male child is determined in human beings. 


 (i) Define the term diploidy. 

(ii) Name the type of cell division that gives rise to diploid cells. 

(iii) Name the type of cells in which the process named in (b) (ii) above occurs. 

(iv) State the significance of diploidy. 

SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section. Question 13 is compulsory.

13. Explain two differences between artificial and natural classification systems and indicate the two merits and demerits for each system.


14.  Describe the role of hormones in the human menstrual cycle. 

15. Explain the various ways in which seeds and fruits are adapted to dispersal. 







NAME: __________________________________ CLASS:___________


i) This paper consists of three sections A,B and C

ii) Answer all questions in sections A and B, and one question in section C

iii) Ensure clarity in your responses

iv) Don�t attempt to cheat


1. (i) Regulatory control of the body temperature thirsty and hunger occurs in the

  1. Hypothalamus
  2. Cerebrum
  3. Thalamus
  4. Pituitary

(ii) Hypo secretion of growth in childhood would result to�.

  1. Dwarfism
  2. Gigantism
  3. Death
  4. Hyperactivity

(iii) A student was given a piece of material of doubtful origin; he wanted to know whether it is from an animal or from a plant. Which of the following should be analyze and examine?

  1. The cytoplasm and cell membrane
  2. The nucleus and outermost covering
  3. The cytoplasm and outmost covering
  4. The nucleus and cell membrane

(iv) Plasmolysis of red blood cells would occur if the cells were

  1. In isotonic solution
  2. In hypotonic solution
  3. In hypertonic solution
  4. Non of the above

(v) The following are ascomycota except one identify it

  1. Cup fungi
  2. Penicillum
  3. Yeast
  4. Rhizopus stolonifer

(vi) The skin does all these except;

  1. Regulate temperature
  2. Produce blood cells
  3. Store fat
  4. Prevent you from ultra-violet rays

(vii) All are functions of saliva except;

  1. Digestion of starch
  2. Digestion of protein
  3. Lubrication of food
  4. Protection of bacteria

(viii) Which part constitutes an illuminating system?

  1. Diaphragm
  2. Mirror
  3. Condenser
  4. All of the above

(ix) Which of the following statements concerning diffusion and active transport is correct?

  1. Both require energy
  2. Neither requires energy
  3. Only diffusion requires energy
  4. Active transport requires energy while diffusion do not

(x) On a cold day one usually experiences, shivering, this is the way of maintaining normal body temperature. Why does one feel better after shivering?

  1. The muscles are coordinated
  2. The body responds to stimulus
  3. The body releases energy and heat
  4. The body has better adaptations

2. Match the responses in list B with the phrases in list A by writing the letter of the correct response from list B beside the item number of list A in your answer booklet.



i) Receives impulses and gives appropriate response to stimuli

ii)A gap through which impulses pass when travelling from one neuron to another

iii) Receives impulse from the external stimuli and transmits it to the spinal cord

iv) Controls and coordinate body balancing organs, thus making accurate movement possible

v) The nervous pathway taken by impulse in reflex action

  1. Synapse
  2. Effectors
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Biceps muscles
  5. Motor neuron
  6. Peripheral nervous system
  7. Central nervous system
  8. Reflex arc
  9. Sensory neuron

SECTION B 60 marks

Answer all questions in this section

All questions carry 8 marks except question five and six which carry 6 marks each.

3. a)State three actions which take place in the human body in response to each of the following conditions:

i) When the temperature of the surrounding is low

ii) When the body temperature rises due to increase in surrounding temperature

b) Briefly explain why people took pale when they feel cold?

4. i) The diagram below represents a mammalian nephron

a) What happens to sodium ions between sections 1 and 2?

b) Explain the effect of the absence of the ant diuretic hormone to the functioning of section3

c) What would happen if there is partial constriction at point 5?

d) Explain the difference in structural adaptations of a desert animal such as kangaroo and a water fish such as tilapia nilotica.

ii) Study the diagram below and answer the question that follows

a) Name the structures labeled A,C,E, and F

b) State the function of structure labeled D

c) If structure F was removed from the body of the mammal, what effect would this have?

5. a)Define the term photosynthesis

b) Give the importance of photosynthesis

c) List four differences between respiration and photosynthesis

d) State the site of photosynthesis in a plant cell

e) What role is played by light during photosynthesis?

6. a)Explain the functions of the vascular system in plants

b) State three importance of transportation of materials in living things

7. The diagram given below represents a limb of a vertebrate

a) Name the bones labeled Y,X and Z

b) Name the parts D, and A

c) State the functions of W?

d) A patient was operated and doctors realized that the synovial fluid in the joints had reduced. Suggest a possible effect of this.

ii) The diagram below shows the behavior of red blood cells when placed in various solutions

a) Name the process that takes place in C and F

b) What types of solutions are A,B and C

c) If a plant cell were placed in a beaker containing solutions A, what observations are likely to be made?

d) Which of the solution is likely to be found in a blood plasma?

8. a)Draw a large and neat labeled diagram of the villus found in the digestive system

b) i) Name the digestive juice which is produced by the liver

ii) State the function of the substances contained in the digestive juice named in b (i)

9. a)Differentiate the following terms:

i) Breathing and respiration

ii) Inhalation and exhalation

b) Briefly describe the following phenomenon:

i) A person breathes more when is running fast

ii) The ribs move outwards and upwards while the diaphragm flattened when air enters the lungs


Answer one (1) question from this section

10. Explain any four effect of irresponsible sexual behavior and suggest five ways of eradicating those behaviors in the community.

11. Describe how malaria parasites are transmitted, the sign developed to the host and give four ways which can help in combating malaria in the country.

12. Explain two differences between artificial and natural classification systems and indicate the two merits and demerits for each system.






Time 3:00 Hours MAY 2020 


i) This paper consists of three sections A,B and C

ii) Answer all questions in sections A and B, and one question in section C

iii) Ensure clarity in your responses

iv) Don’t attempt to cheat

i) Which of the following is not a sign of Gonorrhea?

  1. Swollen lymph nodes
  2. Yellow discharge from vagina/penis
  3. Irregular menstruation
  4. Itching in private parts
  5. Skin rashes

ii) Among the following are functions of nucleus. Which one is not?

  1. Determine the chemical processes that take place in cell
  2. Initiate cell division
  3. Control function of all parts of the cell
  4. Determine hereditary characteristic of the cell
  5. Forms cell membrane

iii) Which of the following is odd one out

  1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  2. Escherichia coli
  3. Treponema pallidum
  4. Salmonella typhi
  5. Non of the above

iv) Which of the following will be a sequence to follow in scientific procedure after experiment?

  1. Observation and data recording
  2. Hypothesis formation
  3. Conclusion
  4. Problem identification
  5. Data analysis

v) Hyposecretion of growth in childhood would result to….

  1. Dwarfism
  2. Gigantism
  3. Death
  4. Hyperactivity
  5. goitre

vi) A student was given a piece of material of doubtful origin; he wanted to know whether it is from an animal or from a plant. Which of the following should be analyze and examine?

  1. The cytoplasm and cell membrane
  2. The nucleus and outermost covering
  3. The cytoplasm and outmost covering
  4. The nucleus and cell membrane
  5. Non of the above

Vii Which of the following statements concerning diffusion and active transport is correct?

  1. Both require energy
  2. Neither requires energy
  3. Only diffusion requires energy
  4. Active transport requires energy while diffusion do not
  5. Both occur in plants only

viii) On a cold day one usually experiences, shivering, this is the way of maintaining normal body temperature. Why does one feel better after shivering?

  1. The muscles are coordinated
  2. The body responds to stimulus
  3. The body releases energy and heat
  4. The body has better adaptations
  5. Body gains heat

ix) When red flowered pea plant is crossed with white flowered pea plant, all the F1 generation had pink flowers. This is an example of;

  1. Crossing over
  2. Mutation
  3. Incomplete dominance
  4. Recessiveness
  5. Inbreeding

x) Which part of a seed grows into root of a plant?

  1. Cotyledon
  2. Micropyle
  3. Plumule
  4. Radical
  5. Hilum.

2. Match the items in list A with the corresponding item in list B to make meaningful phrase.



  1. Thickens endometrium
  2. Also called master gland
  3. Causes graafian follicle to develop and secrete oestrogen
  4. Hormone that causes ovulation
  5. Produced in high doses on lactating mammals
  1. Oxytocin
  2. Prolactin
  3. Oestrogen
  4. Progesterone
  5. Follicle stimulating hormone
  6. Luteinizing hormone
  7. Androgens
  8. Hypothalamus
  9. Pituitary gland


3. a)Draw a large and neat labeled diagram of the villus found in the digestive system

b) i) Name the digestive juice which is produced by the liver

ii) State the function of the substances contained in the digestive juice named in b (i)

4. a)Differentiate the following terms:

i) Breathing and respiration

ii) Inhalation and exhalation

b) Briefly describe the following phenomenon:

i) A person breathes more when is running fast

ii) The ribs move outwards and upwards while the diaphragm flattened when air enters the lungs

5. The diagram below illustrates a physiological process in red blood cell of mammals when placed in different solution.


a) i) What type of solutions are A B and C?

ii) Explain the biological process that has taken place in A and B

b) What would happen if a plant cell is placed in solution A and B

c) Explain why amoeba can successfully survive in solution B

  1. a)Name the causal organism of the following diseases

i) Malaria

ii) Amoebic dysentery

iii) Typhoid

b) Name the substances made of the following nutrients that are involved in blood clotting

i) Protein

ii) Vitamin

iii) Enzyme

iv) Mineral element

c) Proteins are large molecules made up of long chains of amino acids joined together through a bond called

d) State the main role of the following mineral to plants

i) Nitrogen

ii) Magnesium

7. a)State three actions which take place in the human body in response to each of the following conditions:

i) When the temperature of the surrounding is low

ii) When the body temperature rises due to increase in surrounding temperature

b) Briefly explain why people took pale when they feel cold?

8. (a) (i) identify two common features present in a villus and alveolus

(ii) Mention the roles played by each feature in the structure mentioned above.

(b) Explain what would happen if:

(i) The pituitary gland failed to produce antidiuretic hormone

(ii) Red blood cell lost haemoglobin.

9. (a) Write a word equation for the anaerobic respiration of glucose in;

(i) Muscles cells

(ii) Plant cells

(b) Which reaction produces the most energy for a given mole of glucose respired.

(c) How does the shape of red blod cells help it in its functions

10. (a) Distinguish between homologous and analogous structures with specific examples

(b) Name two types of evolution exhibited by comparing;

(i) Flipper of a whale and forelimb of desert rat

(ii) wings of a bird and wings of butterfly

(iii) Wing of a flamingo and wing of an insect

(c) Explain the term struggle for existence as used in evolution.

11. (a) Define the following terms

  1. Menstruation
  2. Menstrual cycle
  3. Family planning

(b) Give the functions of the following parts of an embryo?

  1. Chorion
  2. Amnion
  3. Amniotic fluid
  4. Umbilical cord

12. (a) Explain what you understand by the term cell specialization.

(b) Define the term cell physiology?

(c) State the characteristic of a cell membrane

SECTION C. 25 marks

Answer two questions from this section, question 13 is compulsory

13.(a) Give two functions of mammalian ear.

(b) Explain the mechanism of hearing.

14. (a) Outline the Lamarck’s Theory of evolution and explain with specific examples why biologists dispute the theory.

(b) Explain the main difference between Lamarck’s theory and Darwin Theory of evolution.

15. Describe the adaptations and functions of the cardiac Muscles.



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