031            PHYSICS 

TIME : 3HRS                                                                          AUG,2023


  1.                This paper consists of section A, B, and C with a total of  eleven (11) questions
  2.                Answer all questions in section A and B and any two (2) questions from section C
  3.                Show clearly  your work
  4.                Section A carries fifteen (15)marks, section B sixty (60) marks and section C carries twenty five (25) marks
  5.                All writing should be in blue or black pen except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  6.                Non-programmable calculator may be used
  7.                Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  8.                Write your examination  number on each page of your answer sheet(s)
  9.                 Where necessary, use the following constants

-                      Acceleration due to gravity(g) = 10m/s2

-                      Density of water = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3




Answer all questions in this section

  2. For items (i) –(x) Choose the most correct answer from the alternatives given
  1.      The same body is immersed in liquid A and then, in liquid B. The to which the body sinks in liquid B is less than in liquid A. What conclusion can be derived from such observation?
  1. The density of liquid A is more than the density of liquid B.
  2. The density of liquid B is more than the density of liquid B.
  3. The density of solid is less than that of the liquid in both cases
  4. The density of liquid A is the same as that of liquid B


  1.    A person measures the length, width, height and mass of a rectangular metal block. Which of these measurements must be used in order to calculate the density of the metal?
  1. Mass only
  2. Height and mass only
  3. Length, width and height only
  4. Length, width, height and mass
  5. Width, height and mass


  1.  What is the force acting on a book that is dropping in to the floor?
  1. Air resistance only
  2. Gravity and air resistance
  3. Gravity only
  4. Friction only
  5. Air resistance and friction.


  1.                                                                               The refractive index of a glass block cannot be evaluated from the following ratios;
  1.                                                                   Sin i to sin r
  2.                                                                   Velocity of light in air to the velocity of light in glass
  3.                                                                   Frequency of light in air to the frequency of light in glass
  4.                                                                  Real depth to apparent depth


  1.    Water in bath varies in depth from 20.0 cm at the shallow to 30.0 cm at the end of the plug as shown in the figure below


What is the pressure of water acting on the plug?

  1. 0.98 kPa
  2. 2.0 kPa
  3. 2.9 kPa
  4. 290 kPa
  5. 2.1 kPa


  1.  If you are caught outside during a severe thunderstorm, you should:
  1. Take shelter under the nearest tree
  2. Stand under power lines
  3. Move to higher ground
  4. Hide in a ditch
  5. Run to the nearest car


  1.       Action and reaction forces never cancel each other because;
  1. They are not equal in magnitude
  2. They are in the same direction
  3. They act on different direction
  4. They act on different objects
  5. None of the above



  1.     A force of 3.5 N acts horizontally on an object. Another force of 5 N acts on the same object at an angle of 45° to the horizontal. Which of the following is the resultant force?
  1. 8.2 N
  2. 8.5 N
  3. 6.1 N
  4. 7.9 N
  5. 7.7 N


  1.   Mawazo has worn a yellow t-shirt. He spills cyan coloured ink on it. What colour will the stain appear?
  1. Green
  2. Blue
  3. Yellow
  4. Cyan
  5. Red


  1.                                                                                 A concave mirror is often used as a shaving mirror, this is possible if the face is placed ;
  1.                                                                   Beyond center of curvature
  2.                                                                   Near the mirror
  3.                                                                   Between the principle focus and the pole
  4.                                                                  At the center of curvature


  1. Match the colours from List B which absorbed by the colour in List A by writing the letter of the correct response beside the corresponding item number in the answer booklet provided. (06 Marks)

List A

List B

  1.      Red colour
  2.    Blue colour
  3.  Green colour
  4.  Cyan colour
  5.    Magenta colour
  6.  Yellow colour
  1. Red
  2. Green and red
  3. Yellow and green
  4. Blue
  5. Yellow and red
  6. Yellow
  7. Green and blue
  8. Blue and red
  9. Green
  10. Cyan and magenta


















SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1. a) A nail is being pulled using a string from a wall .The string forms an  

    angle of 300 with the nail if the force being used is 10N  part of the force  

    will tend to bend the nail while other part will   try to pull it out 



  1.                     what magnitude of the force tends to bend the nail (03 marks)
  2.                   what magnitude of the force tends to pull the nail out ( 03marks)

b)   The velocity of car B relative to car A is 8m/s when the two cars are   

                 moving in the same  direction and 28m/s when the  two cars are moving   

                 in opposite directions Determine  the velocity of each car (03 marks)


  1. (a) An aluminium block of mass 2.1kg rests on steel platform  A horizontal 

    force of 15N is applied  to the block 

  1.                   given the limiting friction between the surfaces is 0.61 will the block move (03marks)
  2.                 if it moves, What will be its acceleration  coefficient of  kinetic friction is 0.47 (03 marks)


         (b)  Explain why most vehicles have their engines directly over the drive   

                 wheels (03 marks)

  1. (a) Briefly explain the rules used to locate images in curved mirrors.

                                                                                                   (04 marks)

(b) Draw rays diagram for concave mirror showing nature of the images   

     when the objects is at the following   positions 

  1.                   object at centre of curvature. (02.5marks)
  2.                 object beyond the centre of curvature. ( 02.5 mark)


  1. (a) Briefly explain why convex mirror is used as driving mirrors (03 marks)

(b) A concave mirror with radius of curvature 30cm produces an inverted   

     image 4 times the size  of an object  placed on its principal axis   

     Determine the position of the object and that of images   (06 marks)


  1. (a) State the factors that affect the stability of the body (02 marks)

(b) A uniform wooden plank with a mass of 75kg and length of 5m is placed  

    on top of a brick wall so that 1.5m of the plank extends beyond the walls  

    edge . how far beyond the edge of the wall can 100kg woman walk before   

    the plank begins to rotate. Let the planks axis of rotation be at the walls   

    edge (07 marks)



  1. (a) A block and tackle  system  consisting of a 5 pulleys used to raise a load 

    of 400N trough height of 10m if the work done against friction is 100J  


  1.                    the  work done by the effort (02.5marks)
  2.                   the efficiency of the system (02.5 marks)

           (b) Figure below shows a cross section of bicycle wheel. The wheel has a  

                 radius of 35cm while rear sprocket has radius of 3.5cm. Assume that the  

                   wheel drivers both sprocket and axle


                  if the axle has a radius of 1cm , determine 

  1.                     the velocity ratio of the sprocket and axle  (02marks)
  2.                   the velocity ratio of the wheel and axle (02 marks)


SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section.

  1. (a) A trolley of mass 20kg loaded with a bag of maize of mass 100kg rests  

    on smooth horizontal track .IF two opposing forces of magnitude 55N and   

    90N are applied to the trolley as shown



  1.                     find acceleration of the trolley (04 marks)
  2.                   the distance travelled by trolley in 4 seconds (04 marks)

              (b) Show that the third equation of motion in straight line is given by 

                                                             (07 marks)


  1. (a) (i) Explain how geothermal energy is harvested (05 marks)

     (ii) Give two advantages and two disadvantages of geothermal energy    

           (04 marks)

            (b) (i) Give three advantages and three disadvantages of wind energy. 

                                                                                   (06 marks)


  1.  (a) A box is being pulled on the floor using a string, the string makes an 

      angle of 30with the box.


   if the force being applied at the string is 200N find 

  1.                   the force which tends to pull the box forward  (03 marks)
  2.                 the force which tends  to lift the box  (03 marks)

             b)  Two cables stays are used to support a pole as shown below 


if the tension in the cable AB and AD is 500N and 160N respectively. Determine magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces exerted by the stays at A using parallelogram law. (09 marks)













  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only one question from section c
  3. Whenever necessary the following constants may be applied
  1. Acceleration due to gravity “g” = 10M/S2
  2. Specific latent heat of vaporization of water (LV)=2.3 x 106 J/Kg
  3. Specific latent heat of fusion of water (Lf)=3.35 x 105 J/kg
  4. Density of water = 1000kg/m3
  5. Specific heat capacity of water (Cw) = 4200J/Kg°C


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter beside the item number.
  1. Diffusion occurs more quickly in a gas than in liquid because;
  1. The liquid contains a layer on its surface
  2. The gas contains semi-permeable membrane
  3. The gas molecules is small in size compared to the liquid molecules
  4. The adhesion is large than cohesion in gas compared to that in liquid.
  5. The speed of molecules in gas is greater than in liquid
  1. In a loading a lorry a man lifts boxes each of weight 100N through a height of 1.5m, if he lifts 4boxes per minute, the average power the man is working is;

  1. 100
  2. 10
  3. 600
  4. 37.5
  5. 2250

  1. In a process of charging by induction in static electricity
  1. A conductor is rubbed with an insulator
  2. Charge is produced by friction
  3. Negative and positive charges are separated
  4. A positive charge induces a positive charge
  5. Electrons are sprayed into an object
  1. Which of these resources of energy is non-renewable?
  1. Wave energy
  2. Bio fuels
  3. Radiant energy
  4. Fossil fuel
  5. Geothermal energy
  1. The temperature of a certain liquid is measured to be 273k. What will be its temperature in degree centigrade?

  1. 2370C
  2. 100°C
  3. 57°C
  4. 0°C
  5. 37°C

  1. The difference between a scalar and vector quantity is that;
  1. Scalar has a magnitude only
  2. A vector has magnitude and direction while scalar has magnitude only
  3. A scalar has both magnitude and direction while vector has magnitude only
  4. A scalar has both magnitude and direction
  5. All of the above mentioned are the correct answers
  1. Mercury forms spherical drops when split on a glass surface, this is because.........
  1. It has high adhesive force
  2. It has high cohesive force
  3. It has high surface tension
  4. It has high relative density
  5. It has high viscosity
  1. Repulsion is the force that push object against each other. This results when
  1. Magnet of the same poles
  2. Magnet of opposite poles
  3. Dipole of magnetic
  4. Magnet domain
  1. The movement of liquid from low to high concentration through a semi permeable is called
  1. Diffusion
  2. Fusion
  3. Osmosis
  4. Osmotic pressure
  5. Brownian motion
  1. An instrument used to measure length to the accuracy of 0.1mm is..........
  1. Tape measure
  2. Micrometer screw gauge
  3. Meter rule
  4. Venire calipers
  5. Classroom ruler


  1. Match the items in List A with responses to List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.




  1. The ability of a body to regain its shape and size after deformation
  2. Is the ability of the surface of a liquid to behave like fully stretched elastic skin
  3. Is the of attraction between the molecules of the same substance
  4. Upthrust
  5. 273K
  1. 0°C
  2. Cohesive force
  3. Capillarity
  4. Elasticity
  5. Surface tension
  6. Apparent weight lose
  7. Adhesive force



Answer all questions from this section

  1. (a)A body dipped in a liquid experiences an upthrust. Explain three factors on which the upthrust depends

(b)Two identical free running trolleys are on a smooth horizontal runway. One trolley is at and the other approaches it at constant speed of 20m/s

  1. Use the principle of conservation of momentum find the common speed of two trolleys after the collision
  2. Why the kinetic energies before and after the collision are different?
  1. (a)A uniform half metre rule is balanced at 15cm mark when a load of 0.4N is hanging at the zero mark. Draw a sketched diagram indicating the arrow of weight of the rule acting through the centre of gravity hence determine the weight of the half metre rule.

(b)A screw jack a screw pitch of 5mm and the effort arm of 16cm

  1. State two forms of energy in which the energy supplied to the screw jack is finally converted to
  2. Determine the percentage efficiency of this screw jack, if it needs an effort of 30N to lift a load of 750N
  3. Why mechanical advantage is unitless?
  1. Define pressure
  2. Why at the bottom of the dam the wall constructed thicker?
  3. Why water flows more easily than other liquids like honey
  4. A person at high altitude suffer nose bleeding, explain why
  5. From the concept of pressure we explaining that pressure may be affected by several factors, mention at least three factors affecting liquid pressure.
  1. (a)(i)State ways to improve the efficiency of machines

(ii)The figure below shows the system of pulley used to raise a load by applying effort of 500N


State the velocity ratio and purpose of pulley 2.

(b)Given that the machine has an efficiency of 80%. Calculate the maximum load that can raised.

  1. The specific heat capacity of a certain substance is 800J/Kg°C. What does this statement mean?
  2. Why do we feel colder when wet?
  3. An insulated cup holds 0.3kg of water at 0°C. 0.2kg of boiling water at standard pressure is poured in the cup. What will be the final temperature?
  1. (a)Give reasons for the following;
  1. A gap is left between two successive rails
  2. A glass tumbler breaks when hot liquid is poured into it.

(b)Mention three applications of thermal expansion of a solid.


Answer two (2) questions from this section

  1. (a)(i)Why in case of liquids we distinguish between the coefficients of apparent and real expansion whereas in case of gases not, Explain.

(ii)The absolute expansivity of mercury is 0.0018°C – 1. Find the apparent volume expansivity of mercury in glass given that linear expansivity of glass is 0.00009°C-1.

(b)(i)Define linear expansivity of a substance.

(ii)A copper rod has a length of 40cm on a day when the temperature is 22.3°C. What will its length be on a day when the temperature is 30°C. (liners expansivity of copper is 0.000017°C).

  1.                      (a)Define the following terms;
  1. Heat capacity
  2. Specific heat capacity
  3. Shortly explain the methods of heat transfer

(b)(i)Give three points that the amount of heat supplied or taken away from a substance depends on;

(ii)A 100g piece of metal at 100°C is placed into 120g of water at 16°C in the vessel of negligible heat capacity. If the final temperature is 28°C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal. (Specific heat capacity of water is 4200J/Kg°)

  1.                      (a)The diagram below show a bimetallic thermostat used to regulate a cooler and heater in a class room. It consist a brass of linear expansivity 18.9 x 10-4K-1 and iron of linear expansivity 10.2 x 10-4K-1. To keep the temperature in the room constant, which of the two devices A or B should be the heater? Explain your answer.


(b)Three beakers are of identical size and shape; one beaker is painted matt black, one is dull white and one is gloss white. The beakers are filled with boiling water

  1. In which beaker will the water cool most quickly? Give a reason
  2. State a process in addition to conduction, convection and radiation, by which heat energy will be lost from the beaker.









  1.   This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11)  questions.
  2.    Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions  from section C.
  3.    Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in  the examination room.
  4.    Non-programmable calculators may be used.
  5.    Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer  booklet(s).
  6.   Where necessary the following constants may be used:
  1.                       Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s 2
  2.                      Density of water = I .0 g/cm 3 
  3.                      Pie= 3.14.
  4.                       Coefficient of linear expansivity of the brick 1.2 x 10 -5 K -1
  5.                       Speed of light in air = 3 x 108 m/s. 
  6.                      Speed of sound in air = 340 m/s.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1.              Measurement of mass by using equal ­arm beam balance uses the principle of
  1.             conservation of momentum.
  2.             conservation of energy
  3.             moments
  4.             gravitational pull of the earth
  5.              conservation of matter.
  1.           The principle of fluid pressure which is used in hydraulic brakes, is the
  1.             pressure is the same at all levels in a fluid B
  2.             increases of pressure are transmitted equally to all parts of a fluid
  3.              the pressure at a point in fluid is due to the weight of the fluid above it
  4.             increases of pressure can only be transmitted through fluids
  5.               the pressure at a given depth is proportional to the depth in the fluid.
  1.         The surface tension of a fluid is due to
  1.             molecules on its surface
  2.             a semi­permeable membrane which covers it
  3.             the Brownian motion of surface molecules
  4.             the cohesive force between its surface molecules
  5.              the adhesive force between molecules of different materials
  1.         Given cubical expansivities of mercury and glass are 1.8 x 10 ­4 /K and 1.0 x 10 ­5 /K respectively? a glass vessel of capacity 100ml holding mercury to the brim, heated through 100°C will expel mercury of the following volume.
  1.             18ml
  2.              28ml
  3.             10ml
  4.              8ml
  5.              17ml.
  1.            A rod of insulating material is charged positively by rubbing against a piece of fabric and the latter is tested for electric charge. The fabric will be expected to have a
  1.             positive charge equal to that on the rod
  2.             positive charge less than that on the rod
  3.              negative charge equal to that on the rod
  4.             negative charge greater than that on the rod
  5.              negative charge less than that on the rod.
  1.         A gearwheel X is used to turn another gearwheel Y. X has 15 teeth and Y has 5 teeth. When Y makes 6 revolutions X has made
  1.             A 6 revolutions
  2.              2 revolutions
  3.             3 revolutions
  4.             5 revolutions
  5.               18 revolutions.
  1.       A material which allows some light to pass through it but one cannot see through it is said to be
  1.             transparent
  2.             translucent
  3.              luminous
  4.             opaque
  5.              colorless.
  1.    The positive pole of a dry cell is made of
  1.             carbon rod
  2.             zinc can
  3.             ammonium chloride
  4.              copper rod
  5.               manganese dioxide.
  1.         Each scientific instrument is limited in accuracy. What is the shortest length that can be accurately recorded or measured by a metre rule?
  1.             0.02 mm
  2.             0.2 mm
  3.              0.2 cm
  4.              0.02 cm
  5.               0.2 m.
  1.            A body weighs 10 N in air and 8 N when completely immersed in water. Neglecting upthrust in air, its weight in a liquid of density 1.5 g/cm 3 will be;
  1.             3 N
  2.              18 N
  3.             10 N
  4.             2 N
  5.              7 N
  1.         When a person perspires on a hot day
  1.             A evaporation occurs and helps to cool the body
  2.             heat is conducted away from the body
  3.             latent heat keeps the body warm
  4.              the body is insulated from the warm air
  5.              condensation occurs and helps to cool the body.


2. Match the items in list A with the responses in list B by writing the letter of the correct response

beside the item number.



  1.              Linear expansitivity
  2.           Critical angle
  3.         Lunar eclipse
  4.         Light velocity is greater than sound velocity
  5.            iris
  1.             Angle of incidence in denser medium which produces the angle of refraction equal to 90°
  2.             Earth is between the sun and moon
  3.              Moon is between the sun and earth
  4.             Extrinsic semiconductor
  5.              The fractional increase in area of a solid per degree Celsius
  6.               The lightning is normally observed after the thunder is heard
  7.             The ratio of effort to load
  8.             The lightning is normally observed before the thunder is heard
  9.                 Used in forming thick and real images


SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. (a) (i) Explain the pressure of a gas in terms of the kinetic theory of gases. (2 marks)

(ii) How is diffusion explained by the kinetic theory of gases? (2 marks)

(b) (i) State Charles’s Law. (1 mark)

(ii) Sketch the graph of volume against temperature for a perfect gas.(2 marks)

(c) (i) What is the absolute zero of temperature?(1 mark)

(ii) 150 cm 3 of dry gas at 30°C was heated until its volume became 450 cm 3 . What was the final temperature?


4. (a ) (i) Name, draw and mention one use of the three different types of diverging lenses?

(b) Where should an object be placed such that its image as formed by a converging lens will be

(i) at infinity (ii) of the same size (iii) erect?

(c) A nail 6.0 cm long is placed 15 cm away from a convex lens of focal length 10.0 cm. The nail

is stuck perpendicular to the optical axis of the lens. Determine the positions and height of the nail


5. (a ) Explain the terms potential energy and kinetic energy giving one example of each.

(b) A pendulum bob of mass 50g is pulled aside to a vertical height 20 cm from the horizontal and then

released. Find

(i) the maximum potential energy of the bob

(ii) the maximum speed of the bob

(c) (i) Suppose the length of the thread of the pendulum in discussion was 1.0 m, what could its periodic time of oscillation be?

(ii) State the principle applied by the pendulum experiment.


6.(a) A cricket ball of mass 180g bowled with a velocity of 20m/s is hit back towards the bowler at a velocity of 15m/s. The impact lasts for 0.4s. Calculate

  1.              The impulse,
  2.           Force applied on the ball


(b). A car of mass 1000kg travelling at 36km/h is brought to rest by applying brakes. Calculate the distance travelled by the car before coming to rest, if the frictional force between the wheels and the road is 2 000N

(c) An effort of 250N raises a load of 900N through a distance of 5m. If the effort moves through 25m, calculate 

  1.              The work done in raising the load,
  2.           The work done by the effort,
  3.         The efficiency of the machine.

7. Give scientific reasons for the following statements

  1. If a mercury thermometer with a ‘thick’ glass bulb is dipped into hot water, the mercury level first drops slightly and then rises quickly in the bore.
  2. Steel bridges are usually supported by rollers
  3. The telephone cables “sag” in warm weather and tighten in cold weather
  4. The mouth of a glass bottle is gently heated when the glass stopper is rigidly stuck to the mouth so as to remove it.
  5. A sealed plastic bottle filled with water to the brim breaks after some time if it is placed in the freezing compartment of a refrigerator.

8. Explain the following statements

  1. Electric kettles and geysers have the heating coils at the bottom
  2. In a room, the windows are at a lower level and the ventilators at a higher level
  3. During the day cold air flows from the sea to land
  4. The bottom of cooking vessels are usually blackened
  5. A metal knob of a wooden door fees much colder than the door
  6. Electric metal kettles are fitted with wooden or plastic handles
  7. People wear woollen garments in cold weather to keep their bodies warm.


9. (a) The extension produced in a spiral spring is 6cm when a mass of 300g is attached to it. Calculate the spring constant of the spring 

(b) When a body of mass 400g is completely immersed in a liquid, the upthrust on the body is 1.4N. Find the weight of the body in the liquid.

SECTION C (10 Marks)

Answer one (1) question from this section.

10. (a) State Pascal’s principle of transmission of pressure. (01)

(b) A piston of small cross section area of 30.0 cm 2 is used in hydraulic press to exert a force

of 300.0N on the enclosed liquid. A connecting pipe leads to a large piston of cross

section area 600.0 cm 2 . Find

(i) the force sustained by the larger piston (03)

(ii) the force applied on the smaller piston to support 2.0 tonnes on the larger piston.


(iii) the mechanical advantage (MA) of the pistons of the press. (02)


11. (a) What is meant by magnetic materials? Give two examples.

(b) State the law of magnets.

(c) Explain with an illustration how one can locate the position of a north-pole of a bar magnet.

(d) Explain with an illustration how to magnetize a steel bar using an electric current.






Time 3:00 Hours                                                                      MAY 2020 


  • This paper consists of two sections A B and C. 
  • Answer all questions in Section A and B and two question from section C
  • Show clearly all working for each question
  • Mathematical tables, geometrical instruments and graph paper may be used where necessary 


1. (i) A point where the incident parallel rays of light converge or appear to diverge after passing through a lens is called?

  1. Center of curvature
  2. Focus
  3. Optical center
  4. Aperture.

(ii) The diameter of a lens is called?

  1. Focal length
  2. Principal axis
  3. Aperture
  4. Radius

(iii) Point at which all rays converge in termed as

  1. Converging point
  2. Focal point
  3. Focal center
  4. Converging center

(iv) Distance of virtual image and object is equal from mirror. This statement is

  1. Right
  2. Wrong
  3. May be right or wrong
  4. Neither right nor wrong

(v) Voltage is a form of:-

  1. Kinetic energy
  2. Potential energy
  3. Both potential and kinetic energy
  4. None of the above.

(vi) Ohm’s Law states which relationship between electrical quantities

  1. Volts = current image resistance
  2. Volts = currentimage amps
  3. Volts = coulomb image charge
  4. Volts = resistance image charge

(vii) Process of heat transfer that involves continual emission of infrared waves from surface of bodies and transmission of these waves without aid of medium is known as

  1. Conduction
  2. Convection
  3. Radiation
  4. None of the above

(viii)Vacuum in a vacuum flask prevents heat transfer through process of

  1. Conduction only
  2. Convection only
  3. Conduction and Convection
  4. Radiation only

(ix) The act process or state of change in place or position of a body with respect to time and relative to observes is to be 

  1. Rest 
  2. Stationery
  3. Motion
  4. All of above

(x) Which of the following is a type of motion?

  1. Circular
  2. Rectilinear
  3. Periodic
  4. All of above

2. Match the following items

List A

List B

  1. Image on opposite side of mirror
  2. Ratio of angle of incidence to angle of refraction
  3. Unique angle incidence for which angle of refraction is 90
  4. Distance between optical center and principle focus
  5. Angle formed by intersection of incident ray direction and emergent ray direction
  1. Principle focus
  2. Refractive index
  3. Absolute index.
  4. Focal length
  5. Angle of deviation
  6. Real image
  7. Virtual image
  8. Snell’s law

           SECTION B. 60 MARKS

3. (a) A Jet air plane travelling at speeding of 500km/h ejects its products of combustions at speed of 1500km/h relative to jet plane. Find speed of the later with respect to an observer on the ground.

(b) A car moving along a straight line with a speed of 126km/h is brought to a stop within a distance of 200m. What is the retardation of the car? And how long does it take for the car to stop?

4. (a) (i) What is meant by specific latent heat of vaporization. 

 (ii) Name two factors which affect the boiling point and freezing point of water.

(b) Explain in terms of kinetic theory of matter;

 (i) What changes is taking place while the liquid is boiling? 

(ii) Why it takes longer time to boil a tea on top of high mountains than at the sea level? 

(c) (i) Define heat capacity

 (ii) Calculate the final temperature of water formed if 8.4 KJ of heat is supplied to 0.02 kg of ice at 0 °C. 

5. (a) What is meant by refraction of light?

    (b) Mention the three points to be considered when drawing a ray diagram to form the    image in lens.

    (c) Mention four effects of refraction of light.

6. (a) What is sea wave energy?

    (b) Explain three ways of harvesting sea wave energy

    (c) Describe challenges of sea wave energy.

7. (a) State what you understand by

  1. Magnetic field
  2. Magnetic line of force.

(b) Sketch lines of force between (2) bars of magnet placed horizontally on table with;

  1. Their N – poles facing each other
  2. Their N – poles facing South pole.

    (c) Explain why;

  1. Strength of magnet cannot be increased beyond certain limit.
  2. Increase in temperature destroys a magnet.

 8. (a) Explain the image formed by curved mirror in terms of:-

  1. Position
  2. Nature
  3. Size

   (b) An object 20cm high is placed 40cm from a concave mirror of focal length 15cm. Determine position, nature and size of image formed by drawing a ray diagram.


Answer only two questions from this section.

 9. (a) What is a microscope?

    (b)Explain how light microscope works

    (c) Mention three uses of compound microscope.

    (d)What is a projection lantern

    (e) Give five uses of a projectile lantern. 

10. (a) State the energy conversion is a solar cell and give two practical application of it.

 (b) Explain why solar cells are not likely to be used to generate electricity in future?

 (c ) Discuss the problems associated with fuel energy to the environment.

 11. (a) Define the following terms; 

(i) Evaporation (ii)Temperature.

(b) Give four differences between boiling and evaporation. 

(c) An immersion heater rated 2kW is used to heat water of specific heat capacity 2200j/kgK in an insulated container of negligible heat capacity for 30minutes. Calculate the mass of water heated if the temperature of water rises from  20°C to 65°C. 



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