- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
- Answer all questions in sections A and B and section C.
- All writing must be in blue or black ink.
- All answers must be written in the spaces provided.
- Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
Answer all questions.
- A fossil site in East Africa reveals skeletons of hominids that show evidence of bipedalism, or walking on two legs. This discovery likely supports which origin theory?
- Aquatic Ape Hypothesis
- Out of Africa Theory
- Panspermia
- Intelligent Design
- Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution emphasizes a central concept. Which of the following best describes this concept?
- Organisms inherit all their parental characteristics equally.
- Species evolve through random, unpredictable mutations.
- Populations adapt to their environment through natural selection.
- The fittest organisms always outcompete others, leading to rapid changes.
iii. Olduvai gorge is famous for………………
A. Oral traditions
B. Archeological findings
C. Archival activities
D. Sedentary farming.
iv. The people who studies historical remains are called;
- Biologists
- Anthropologist
- Archaeologist
- Geologist
v. Ntemiship system was practiced by
- Sukuma
- Nyamwezi
- Gogo
- All of the above
vi. The following factors led to state formation except;
- Trade
- Colonization
- Good climate fertile soil
- Migration
vii. The most famous African Traders in Trans – continental trade who were based on Coast at Angola were?
- The Nyamwezi
- Imbangala and Vimbundu
- Mwanamutapa traders
- Msiri and Nyunguyamawe.
viii. The leaders of Ghana, Mali and Songhai obtained horses and guns from
- North Africa
- Europe
- Arabia
- The Southern Coast
ix. Which of the following is not a source of History?
- Oral tradition
- Google search
- Archeology
- Archieves
x. One disadvantages of linguistic as source of history is that
- Information is from multiple source
- One understands little about communities
- Does not reveal links between people
- Learning a language consume time and money.
2. Match the stages of human development in Column A with their corresponding descriptions in Column B.
- Homo habilis
- Australopithecus afarensis
- Homo erectus
- Homo neanderthalensis
- Homo sapiens
| - Known for advanced tool use, complex social structures, and the development of art and symbolic behavior.
- Characterized by increased brain size, bipedalism, and likely the earliest use of simple stone tools.
- Exhibited robust features, advanced toolmaking, potentially buried their dead, and lived in Europe and Asia.
- The first hominid species to leave Africa, known for controlled use of fire and more sophisticated tools.
- Early hominid with clear evidence of bipedalism, but still possessing ape-like features.
3. (a) Define the term evolution
(b) Briefly explain two theories that gave rise to origin of man
4. (a) Name a famous archeologist who is responsible for excavation that led to discovery of earlier remains of man.
(b) Name the stages of evolution of man from the first to the last
5. (a) What is Oral tradition?
(b) Write four advantages of Oral traditions
6. What factors contributed to the rise of Trans – Saharan Trade?
7. Describe five factors that gave rise to centralized states in Africa.
8. Define the following words:
- Technology
- Development
- Agriculture
- Environment
9. Kassim and Halima are reluctant to learn history. Briefly explain the importance of learning History.
10. Briefly explain five major factors that led to the formation of states in pre-colonial Africa.
Time: 2:30 Hours
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions
- Answer all questions
- Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B carries seventy (70) marks
- All writing must be in blue or black in
- All answer must be written in the spaces provided
- Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room
SECTION A (15 Marks)
- For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.
- Cultural practices through which historical information can be obtained include.
- Archaeology, Museum and archives
- Museums, Archives and Religion
- Superstition, religion and riddle
- Archaeology, Funeral and riddles
- Which one among the following statement is not true about the discovers made by man during the middle stone age
- Use of wooden and bone materials to facilitate production
- Introduction of stone picks, spear, arrow, knives and needles
- Development of sharper, small and portable tools
- Discovery of fire
- Emergence of social cultural groups or ethnic groups
- Which set consists of components of economic interaction
- Marriage, Religion, medicine, migration
- Music, Migration, trade and metal working
- Agriculture, fishing, trade and metal working
- Fishing, marriage, medicine and migration
- Trade, medicine, wars and Agriculture
- Who was a systematic tool maker during the evolution of man,
- Homo Habilis
- Zinjanthropus
- Homo sapiens
- Homo Erectus
- Zinjanthropus
- The method of obtaining historical information by studying language and their change
- Archaeology
- Linguistic
- Historical sites
- Anthropology
- Museums
- Which of the following Africa Societies developed Ntemiship system in East Africa by the 15th century?
- Nyamwezi and Chagga
- Nyamwezi and Dorobo
- Nyamwezi and Sukuma
- Sandwe and Nyamwezi
- Kimbu and Chagga
- Written records as a source of history are more preferred to Oral tradition because of the following reasons
- Written records do not require space
- Oral tradition can be exaggerated and it is difficult to reproduce the same contents
- Oral Traditions are controlled by leaders of given societies
- Oral Traditions are controlled by leader of given societies
- Written records is used in the school
- The study of language in order to know their origin and relation of the people who speak them is one of the sources of Historical information. In one word identify the name of this sources
- Linguistic
- Anthropology
- Achieves
- History
- Museum
- Which of the following
- Walking with all four Limbs
- Development of the brain
- Walking in fore limbs
- Gathering and hunting
- Agriculture
- Which of the following is an early iron site in East Africa?
- Olduvai gorge
- Kondoa Irangi
- Engaruka
- Meroe,
- Mombasa
- Match the historical period in List B with a description on List A and write the answer on space provided.
- The period when man made and used pebble and chopping tools
- The society in the interlacustrine area in which the Basulo and Nvunjo were forms of feudal relations.
- The people who were the first to make and use iron tools in Africa
- The Period when Portuguese came in East Africa.
- The period when the dutch Established their permanent at the cap
| - Age
- 19th century
- 17th century
- 18th century
- New stone age
- Mwanamutapa
- Early stone age
- Generation
- 15th century
- Century
- Anno domino
- Tutsi
- 21st century
SECTION B: 70 Marks
- Briefly explain the following terms
- Carbon 14 dating
- Bi-pedalism
- Age-set system
- Kinship
- Archives
- Arrange the following sentences in a chronological Order by writing number 1 – 5 below the corresponding position in the table provided.
- Sharpers tools were made during the middle stone age such as spears arrows, and knives
- The use of Iron tools increased the ability of man to produce more food. Population increase and later on state formation during the pre-colonial African societies
- The period when most man’s tools were made of stone is called stone age
- In early stone age, chopping and pebble tools were made and used by man
- It is divided into early middle and late stone age
- Briefly answer the following question
- Why did Oral Traditional become important source of history?
- Why the middle stone age became very famous stage them old and late Stone Age?
- How did fire discovery change man’s life?
- How did Agriculture contribute to settlement
- Mention merits of Historical sites as source of history
- How did discovery of iron Technology bring/ change life of many African societies. Give five points
- The map below shows famous historical sites in East Africa, labelled A, B, C, D and E. Name these historical sites

Name those historical sites
- _____________________
- _____________________
- _____________________
- _____________________
- _____________________
- Briefly describe five (05) characteristics of communalism
- Dates in history are determined differently mention five (05) ways that can be used to determine date in history.
SECTION C (15 Marks)
Answer question 10
- During pre-colonial era most of the African societies were expanded and developed under the control of the Africa leaders. Discuss factors for the rise of Buganda Kingdom in the 19th century.
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
- Answer all questions in sections A and B and section C.
- All writing must be in blue or black ink.
- All answers must be written in the spaces provided.
- Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
1 | | |
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |
6 | | |
7 | | |
8 | | |
9 | | |
10 | | |
TOTAL | | |
SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
- For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.
- Whom you think is the first European to see Mount Kilimanjaro?
A. Johannes Rebmann
B. John Speke
C. Henry Stanley
D. David Livingstone
- Which among of the following ways are useful in recording historical events according to historians?
A. Timeline, time chart, time graph and family tree
B. A year, a decade, a century and millennium
C. Archaeology, museum, historical site and archives
D. Age, generation period and a day
- Which group of people introduced the knowledge of iron technology in East Africa among the following?
A. Cushites and Bushman
B. Nilotes and Ngoni people
C. Bantu and Nilotes
D. Bantu and Cushites
- What is the correct list of African societies which was described as pastoral societies?
A. Khoikhoi, Fulani, Maasai and Pokot
B. Nyakyusa, Ganda, Chewa and Yao
C. Swahili, Zuhu, Sotho and Nyaturu
D. Haya, Sukuma, Nyamwezi and Maasai
- Which of the following is not true about the importance of history?
- It helps to understand physical systems that affect everyday life
- It helps to know the origin of man and his achievement
- It helps to understand where we come from and where we are going
- It helps to understand levels of development at different stages of man
- The growth and expansion of Songhai Empire was a result of :
- Geographical position and Tropical favorable climate of an area
- Expansion of Gao Empire through conquering neighboring states
- The emergence of Mansa Musa as a strong leader
- Development of iron technology.
- The following are the methods of dating historical events EXCEPT
- By carbon 14 c. By studying language
- By order of events d. By oral traditions
- Meroe. developed and became an important town since pre — colonial time where people came close through: -
- Cloth making
- Copper extraction
- Agriculture
- Salt making
- Iron working
- The appearance of Zinjanthropus and Homohabilis marked the beginning of the period in history known as, ____________
- Neolithic age
- Modernization age
- Early Stone Age
- Pre colonial period
- Iron age period
- Who among the following was the first systematic tools maker and had a bigger brain than that of zinjanthropus. ___________
- Homo habilis
- Homo sapiens
- Homo erectus
- Modern man
- Modern Apes
2. Match the items in List A with those in List B by writing the correct letter below the corresponding question number in the table provided.
- A period of 1000 year ______
- Year divided in 365 days or 366 in a leap year
- Year after birth of Christ__________
- Carbon 14 dating___________
- Recalling events to determine dates_______
| - A decade
- Pope Gregory XII
- Fossils 50,000 to 70,000 years old
- Anno Domino
- Elnino
- A millennium
- Time line
- After Domino
- Fossils 20,000 to 40,000 years old
- Elizabethan Calendar.
SECTION B (70 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
3. Briefly explain the following terms.
- Communalism
- Legitimate trade
- Evolution of man
- Homo erectus
- Historical site
4. Mention any four impacts of handcraft industry and mining in pre – colonial Africa
(i) The manmade objects of cultural and historical interest are _________________________
(ii) _____________________ is the arrangement of historical events as the occur in its order
(iii) It’s fossil where found in Isimila and Olduvai in Tanzania_________________________
(iv) ____________________________ is the method of digging up gold from the veins
(v) The famous slave trader who supplied slaves to the coast was known as _______________
6. (a) Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order.
- These activities enable man to obtain his needs from nature.
- Mans basic needs consist of food, clothing and shelter
- The actions man takes upon nature have one major aim.
- History is a record of human activities.
- They aim to change natural objects into a condition satisfying human needs.
(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts. - Mans major technological innovation during the Middle Stone Age was .....
- The title of the supreme political leader in the Haya was ..
- A place where books, files, colonial and travellers records are kept is called. ..
- The feudal system which developed in Zanzibar was called
- The East African Kingdom in which Busulo and Nvunjo feudal relations developed was. . ..
7. Differentiate the following historical terms:
(i) Slavery and feudalism.
(ii) Old Stone Age and Iron Age.
(iii) Zinjanthropus and Homo habilis.
8. (a) What are historical sites?
(b) Give the advantages of historical sites as a source of history
(c) Describe four ways of determining dates of fossils
9. Study the diagram of stages of human development below carefully, and then answer the questions which follow.

i. Which creature during the human development had firstly developed elementary speech
ii. What was the name of tools used during the last stage of human development?
iii. Which creature had a brain capacity between 1300 – 1400cc?
iv. Which creature developed the idea of animal skin as cloth?
v. In which stage of human development did the past man start permanent settlement
SECTION C (15 Marks)
An essay question
10. Explain six limitations of using Oral traditions as a source of historical information
Time: 2:30Hours
- This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
- Answer all questions in section A and B and TWO questions from section C.
- Section A carries 40 marks, while section B and C carries 30 marks each.
- All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
- All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
- Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
SECTION A (35 Marks)
Answer All questions in this section.
- For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives given.
(ii)The evolution theory explains about:
- the survival of archaeological remains
- the process of accumulating precious goods.
- the origin of man using a scientific approach
- the creation of man which is found in Holy Books.
(iii)One of the characteristics of man before the discovery of iron technology was:
- dependence on environment for survival
- reliance on industrial machines
- avoidance of gathering fruits
- involvement in slave trade
(v)Why was there a big change in mans life during the Late Stone Age compared to the Early and Middle Stone Age?
- Due to the presence of crude wooden and stone tools.
- Because of the use of more improved tools and settlement.
- Due to the use of machines as instruments of labour
- Because of the production of pebble tools for farming.
(viii)The way of determining dates by remembering changes and events is commonly used in:
- places with many historical sites
- areas where much of the history is written
- places where much of the history is not written
- areas where other sources have been discovered
(vii)Which among the following include the cultural practices through which historical information is obtained?
- A. Poems, proverbs and stories.
- Archives, museums and oral tradition
- Narration of past, present and future events
- Family trees, time lines and time charts.
(ii) One of the problems of written records as a source of historical information is that, they:
- are given by elders

- are mostly reliable
- can be used by literate people only
- serve as stores of variety of information
(ix) East Africa societies that developed clan organization based on matrilineal system were:
- Chagga, Gogo, Sukuma. Sandawe and Yao
- Makonde, Makua, Kamba, Kikuyu and Yao
- Sandawe, Tindiga, Makua, Hadzabe and Iraque
- Yao, Makonde, Hehe, Sambaa and Luo.
(v) Olduvai Gorge is famous for:
- archaeological findings
- archival activities
- oral traditions
- sedentary farming
(x) Aman who was the first to design and use tools was:
- Australopithecus afrikanus
- Gorilla
- Homo erectus
- Modern apes
2. Match the items in List B with those provided in List A by writing the correct letter beside the corresponding question number.
(i) Industrial Revolution in Europe (ii) The periplus of Eritrean Sea (iii). Carbon 14 (iv). Barter trade (v)Masai, Karamajong and Nandi Makonde and Makua (vii) Monsoon winds (viii) Mwai Kibaki (ix). Productive forces (x) Sword daggers and silk | - Slave centres in the interior.
- Commodities from Asia to East Africa.
- The revived East African Community.
- Exchange of goods with goods.
- Capitalism
- A reason for the abolition of slave trade in East Africa
- Clan heritage based on mother.
- Producers, skills, experience and level of science and technology in a society.
- Predominant pastoralist societies in East Africa.
- Greek guide book to East Africa.
- Culture of Nilotic group.
- Carried ships from East Africa to Asia and back.
- Scientific method of fixing dates of Historical findings beyond 5000 years.
3. Write T for true statement and F for false statement.
- Stones were first weapons to be used by man
- During earlier stone age man resembled apes
- Human being in earlier Stone Age lived in permanent settlement.
- Man had greater mastery of the environment during late stone age
- One of sites of earlier Stone Age tools found in central African is Olorgesaile.
- The body of Homo habilis was more hairly than that of Homo erectus.
- The theory of creation and that of evolution of man are sometimes similar.
- It was better for man to use stone tools than iron tools
- Art and cultural diversity emerged before 100,000 years ago
- During the Iron Age people did not have permanent shelter.
4. Differentiate the following historical terms:
(i) Slavery and feudalism.
(ii) Old Stone Age and Iron Age.
(iii) Zinjanthropus and Homo habilis.
5. (a) What are historical sites?
(b) Give the disadvantages of historical sites as a source of history
6. Describe four ways of determining dates of fossils
7. Complete the following statements with the correct historical information
- A period of 1000 years...........................
- Scientific study of human past...........................
- Places or buildings where information and objects are preserved ..................
- Is the study of the society’s cultural systems, beliefs, ideas ...............
- Slow process of change from primitive form of life to complex form of life.......
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer two (2) questions from this section.
8. Describe the characteristics of man in old stone age
9. What are the factors that led to growth of Trans-saharani Trade?
10. Explain six limitations of using oral traditions as a source of historical information
TIME: 2:30 HRS
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of Seven (7) questions.
- Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C
- All writing must be in blue or black ink.
- All answers must be written in the space provided.
- Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter.
(i)Which one of the following statements is not true about history?
- Helps learners to critically assess historical events.
- Helps learners to know past achievements and failures of man.
- Helps learners to get skills for their future careers.
- Helps learners to loose a sense of nationalism and patriotism.
(ii)The evolution theory explains about:
- the survival of archaeological remains
- the process of accumulating precious goods.
- the origin of man using a scientific approach
- the creation of man which is found in Holy Books.
(iii)One of the characteristics of man before the discovery of iron technology was:
- dependence on environment for survival
- reliance on industrial machines
- avoidance of gathering fruits
- involvement in slave trade
(iv)The method of collecting historical information through talking and listening to elders is called:
- archaeology
- archives
- museums
- oral traditions
People whose work is to study and explain the remains which show mans physical development, his activities and the tools he made and used are known as:
- Archaeologists
- Evolutionists
- Biologists
- Homo Sapiens
(vi)The following was the major form of feudal relations in Rwanda and Burundi:
- Basulu
- Chiefdom
- Ntemiship
- Ubugabire
(vii) One of the problems of written records as a source of historical information is that, they:
- are given by elders

- are mostly reliable
- can be used by literate people only
- serve as stores of variety of information
(viii) Examples of mixed farming societies in pre-colonial Africa were:
- Hehe, Digo, Maasai and Matumbi
- Karamajong, Pokot, Fipa and Hadzabe
- Nyamwezi, Nyakyusa, Ndorobo and Chagga
- Sukuma, Sangu, Kurya and Fipa
(ix)Which one of the following sites represents the early Stone Age?
- Bagamoyo
- Isimila
- Olduvai Gorge
- Kilwa
(x)The goods imported to East Africa from Arabia and Persian Gulf includes:
- Glass, pottery and porcelain
- Beads, cloth and copper
- axes, swords and spear
- ivory, gold and palm oil
2. (a) Match the item in LIST A with their correct response from LIST B. Write down letter of correct response in space provided.
- Father of evolution of man
- Modern man
- Walked on four limbs
- Could make tools and had large brain capacity
- The earliest man who could stand upright.
| - Homo erectus
- God
- Primate
- Homo Habilis
- Homo sapiens
- Charles Darwin
- Zinjathropus
- Clever creatures
(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.
(i)The dominant form of social organization in pastoralist societies was called
(ii) The first leader of Jihad movement in West Africa was called
(iii)The first European nation to involve in the trading of slaves in the first half of the 15 th century is called
(iv)An East African historical site where the skull of the earliest man was discovered is known as .
(v)The source of historical information which is obtained through the word of mouth is called .
3. Write T for true statement and F for false statement.
- Stones were first weapons to be used by man
- During earlier stone age man resembled apes
- Human being in earlier Stone Age lived in permanent settlement.
- Man had greater mastery of the environment during late stone age
- One of sites of earlier Stone Age tools found in central African is Olorgesaile.
- The body of Homo habilis was more hairly than that of Homo erectus.
- The theory of creation and that of evolution of man are sometimes similar.
- It was better for man to use stone tools than iron tools
- Art and cultural diversity emerged before 100,000 years ago
- During the Iron Age people did not have permanent shelter.
4. (a)Arrange the following sentences in a chronological order.
- These activities enable man to obtain his needs from nature.
- Mans basic needs consist of food, clothing and shelter
- The actions man takes upon nature have one major aim.
- History is a record of human activities.
- They aim to change natural objects into a condition satisfying human needs.
(b) Complete each of the following statements with the correct historical facts.
- Mans major technological innovation during the Middle Stone Age was .....
- The title of the supreme political leader in the Haya was ..
- A place where books, files, colonial and travellers records are kept is called. ..
- The feudal system which developed in Zanzibar was called
- The East African Kingdom in which Busulo and Nvunjo feudal relations developed was. . ..
5. Briefly explain the following:
- Evolution .................
- Patrilineal society ..........
- Communalism ...........
- Afrikaans ............
- Mansa Musa . .....
6. What were the effects of the discovery of fire during the Middle and Late Stone Ages? (Give six points)
7. Briefly explain the following terms:
(ii)Golden Stool
(iii)Boer trek