CODE 031
- This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
- Answer all questions in each section
- Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
- All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
- Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section
1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.
- Which of these is the study of matter, energy, and their interactions?
A. Chemistry
B. Biology
C. Physics
D. Geology
- The first step in the scientific method is usually:
A. Making observations
B. Designing an experiment
C. Forming a hypothesis
D. Drawing conclusions
- Which piece of laboratory equipment is best for measuring the volume of a liquid?
A. Thermometer
B. Spring scale
C. Graduated cylinder
D. Meter stick
- The base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) is the:
A. Meter
B. Second
C. Kilogram
D. Liter
- Wearing goggles in the lab protects your:
A. Hands
B. Feet
C. Eyes
D. Clothes
- To reduce error when taking measurements, it's important to:
A. Estimate the answer first
B. Repeat the measurement multiple times
C. Round the final measurement
D. Only measure once
- A hypothesis is:
A. A proven scientific fact
B. An educated guess about an observation
C. The same as a theory
D. The final step of an experiment
- Which force pulls objects toward the center of the Earth?
A. Friction
B. Gravity
C. Magnetism
D. Static electricity
- Using the correct units when reporting measurements is important because it:
A. Makes the numbers look nicer
B. Prevents confusion and ensures consistency
C. Makes the calculations easier
D. Allows you to get a better grade
- A controlled experiment is one in which:
A. All variables are held constant
B. Only one variable is changed at a time
C. There are no safety concerns
D. The equipment is very expensive
2. Match the chemical warning sign in Column A to its appropriate meaning in Column B.
Column A | Column B |
- Skull and Crossbones
- Flame Symbol
- Exclamation Mark
- Health Hazard Symbol
- Corrosive Symbol
| - May cause harm with short-term or long-term exposure.
- Can cause severe burns or damage materials
- Harmful or irritating
- Flammable or combustible
- Highly toxic or fatal
Answer all Questions
3.(a) Complete each the following statement by writing the correct answer in the space provided.
- __________ is a scientific study of matter in relation to energy.
- Energy is ability or capacity of doing________________
- _______________ is anything which has got mass and occupies a space.
- There are _______________ states of matter.
- A person who study Physics is called_______________
(b)Define the following terms.
- Physics
- Physicist
- Science
- Technology
4. (a) List any five importance of studying Physics.
(b) Name four subjects related with physics
5. (a) List any five areas where Physics is applied in real life.
(b) Name five items made by knowledge of physics
6. (a) What is physics laboratory? Explain five features of a laboratory
(b) List four causes of accidents in physics laboratory
7. (a) First aid kit can be defined as________________________________
(b) Complete the table below by filling the blanks.
Item | Uses |
(i) | Covering wounds to protect the victim from dirty and germs. |
Antiseptic solution | (ii) |
(iii) | For reducing muscular pain |
Thermometer | (iv) |
(v) | For cutting dressing materials. |
8. (a) Warning signs can be defined as________________________________
(b) Give one example of each of the following warning sign.
(i) Flammable: ______________
(ii) Harmful: ________________
(iii) Explosive: _______________
(c) Draw diagram of each of the following warning sign.
(i) Radioactive
(ii) Corrosive
9. (a) List steps of scientific investigation chronologically
(b) Mention three types of variable as applied in scientific research.
10. Discuss six branches of physics
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
- Answer all questions
- Sections A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks
- All answers must be written in the space provided
- All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
- All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
- Where necessary the following constants may be used:
- Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
- ? = 3.14
- For each of the items (i) (x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in box provided
- Which one of the following arguments describes the mathematical language used in physics
- Matter occupies space
- Density is mass per volume
- Volume is amount of space occupied by the body
- Physics is a branch of science.
- A student has got an electric shock and felt unconscious in the physics laboratory. Which decision would you take to help the victim immediately?
- Administer breath exercise
- Call the Physicist
- Call other students
- Contact a medical Doctor
- Why are machine engines filled with oil lubricant?
- Reduce friction between moving particles
- Increase the viscosity between moving particles
- To return the twisted solids to their former state.
- Why does it take a shorter time for a perfume to diffuse in air than in water?
- Air molecules are fresh compared to water
- Air molecules are packed closer compared to those of air.
- Water molecular are less far apart compared to those of air
- Water molecule move with higher speed compared to those of air
- A cooking oil was mixed with water and poured into a measuring cylinder and allowed to settle for 3 minutes. Which one will be observed phenomena
- Cooking oil floats over water
- Meniscus of water appeared convex in shape at the surface
- Water floating on the oil
- Water and oil completely mixed up
- If two cars are both travelling at 50km/h and they collide head on, the effect is similar to a car colliding with Walter what velocity?
- 0km/h
- 10km/h
- 50km/h
- 100km/h
- When a large body of experimental evidences support or does not support the hypothesis, what may hypothesis eventually be considered?
- Observation
- Insight
- Conclusion
- Law
- An engineer wanted to measure the diameter of a wire to the nearest 0.001cm, which of the following instruments will be used.
- Metre rule
- Measuring cylinder
- Micrometer screw gauge
- Vernier caliper
- The term used to describe the ability to of an obseet to float on a surface of a liquid is classified is
- Floatation
- Buoyancy
- Density
- Pressure
- Materials can be twisted into different shapes. Which among the following forces cause twisting of elastic materials
- Restoring force
- Compressional force
- Stretching force
- Torsional force
- Match each of the description of the terms used in simple machines in List A with the corresponding concept used in simple machine in List B by writing a letter of the correct response below the item in table.
- The ratio of distance moved by effort to the distance moved by load
- The ratio of the load raised steadily by a machine when an effort or force in applied
- A fixed wheel with a rope passing round a groove in wheels circumference
- The ratio of the work output to the work input times 100%
- Consists of a rigid bar that moves about a fixed point.
| - Simple pulley
- Combination pulley
- Efficiency
- Lever
- Mechanical advance
- Single fixed pulley
- The Block and Tackle pulley system
- Velocity ratio
SECTION B (70 Marks)
Answer all questions
- (a)State laws of reflection
(b)Explain behavior of light when it encomters translucent, transparent and Opaque materials
Calculate number of images formed by plane mirror related to the angle between two plane mirrors
- (a)(i)Differentiate distance and displacement
(ii)Write down three equations of linear motion
(b)A paratrooper falling under gravity after 6 seconds
- What will be maximum height covered
- What will be its velocity when hitting the ground
- (a)Explain why efficiency of machine is always less than 100%
(b)An object weight in air is 6ON and 4ON when immersed in water. What will be its
- Upthrustin water
- Relative density
- Density
- Give reason why a ship can move surface of water without sinking?
- (a)When a metal can that contains hot water is closed and cold water is poured on it the can collapses, why?
(b)In an experiment Using Hares apparatus the length of methanol and water columns were found to be 16cm and 12.8cm respectively
- What is the relative density of methanol?
- If the length of methanol column was altered to 21.5c what would be the new height of water column?
- (a)Differentiate ferromagnetic materials from Paramagnetic materials by giving their typical examples and uses
(b)Advice a laboratory technician three appropnate ways of slowing magnets so that they can last longer.
- (a)Define each of the following terms as used in physics
- Volume (ii) Moment of force
(b) An object of 100kg is lifted to a height of 5M above the ground is 3 seconds. Calculate its
(i) Work done (ii) Power
- (a)Define the term pressure
(b)A rectangular object whose dimension are 1.4m by 0.1m by 2.0m, has a density of 200kg/m3. Calculate the minimum pressure when placed on a table.
SECTION C (15 Marks)
Answer Question 10
- Define the word coulomb
- State Ohms law
- Two resistors of 30 and 60 are connected in parallel to a 3V battery
- Draw a schematic diagram
- Find effective resistance of the circuit
- Calculate the current passing through the 60 resistor
- Physicist is a person whose occupation specializes in the science of:-
- Biology
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- The ability or capacity of doing work is known as:
- Mass
- Matter
- Pressure.
- Energy.
- The following is the fundamental subjects which other subjects use its application.
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics.
- Matter is________________
- Anything which has got mass and occupy a space.
- Anything which contains mass and volume
- Scientific study of energy.
- A science which deals with the study of nature and physical properties.
- The following is the fundamental subjects which other subjects use its application.
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics.
- The branch of science which deals with the study of the relationship between matter and energy is:-
- Civics
- Chemistry
- Pshology
- Physics
- Laboratory rules are useful in:-
- Making students enjoy science subject
- Making students conduct experiments freely
- Ensuring safety while in the laboratory
- Ensuring good communication with other students and the teachers.
- Which of the following used to stop fire?
- Matches
- Extinguishers
- Fuels
- Brushes
- A set of techniques used by scientists to investigate a problem refers to:-
- Data interpretation
- Scientific method
- Performing an experiment
- Data presentation
- Special room that have been designed and equipped for carrying out scientific experiments is called?
- Class room
- Staff room
- Bed room
- Laboratory
- Wire gauze used for
- Providing a plat form for heating stability
- Demonstrating thermal expansion
- Providing equal distribution of heat while burning
- As a source of heat.
- Measurement is defined as;
- Assigning numbers
- Assigning values
- Precise description
- Making observations.
- Diameter of a wire can be measured using
- Venier caliper
- Micrometer screw gauge
- Meter Ruler
- Beam balance
- Accurate volume of a liquid can be measure by using
- Volumetric flask
- Pipette
- Burette
- Cylinder.
- A factor which affect sinking or floating is
- Volume
- Density
- Mass
- Surface area.
- What principle did Archimedes discover?
- Principle of volume
- Principle of density
- Principle of buoyancy
- Principle of gravity.
- Which of these gives correct formula of density?
- D = mass x volume
- D = mass + volume
- D = mass – volume
- D = mass
- What happens when you heat a gas?
- It gains mass
- It loses mass
- It increases volume
- It decreases volume
- Has a weight of 15N and a buoyant force of 18N.
- Sinking object
- Floating object
- Buoyed up object
- Light object.
- Force responsible for elongation and restoration of body
- Torsional force
- Stretching and restoring force
- Repulsive force
- Attractive force
2. Match the items in LIST A with corresponding word or phrase in LIST B. Write the answer on space provided.
List A | List B |
(i) Force exerted by earth (ii) Quantity of matter in substance (iii) Results in extending of a body (iv) Cause twisting of material (v) Stretching force | - Torsional force
- Tensile force
- Force of gravity
- Restoring force
- Mass
- Weight
3. Fill the gaps below
(i) Process of assigning numbers to observation or events__________________
(ii) _________________ is a characteristic which can be measured by instrument
(iii) A quantity that cannot be derived from another is___________
(iv) ______________ is SI – unit of length
(v) Two scales of vernier caliper are ___________________ and ________________
3. Define the following terms.
- Physics
- Physicist
- Science
- Technology
4. List any three importance of studying Physics.
5. List any five areas where Physics is applied in real life.
6. (a) Laboratory safety is____________________________
(b) Mention four laboratory safety procedures.
(c) Mention five causes of laboratory accident.
7. (a) Mention five importance of first Aid
(b) List five procedures to help a victim with small cut or wound.
8. (a) Define density
(b) A block of metal of volume 25cm3 was dropped in water and volume raised to 65cm3. Find initial volume of water.
9. (a) List steps of scientific investigation chronologically
(b) Mention three types of variable as applied in scientific research.
10. (a) Warning signs can be defined as________________________________
(b) Give one example of each of the following warning sign.
(i) Flammable: ______________
(ii) Harmful: ________________
(iii) Explosive: _______________
Student’s Examination No......................................
Time: 2:30Hours
- This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
- Answer all questions.
- Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20 Marks
- All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
- All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
- Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
- Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
- Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
- Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3
SECTION A (30 Marks)
Answer All questions in this section.
- This question consists of ten multiple choice questions. Choose the most correct answer and write its letter beside the corresponding number.
- An auto-mechanic wants to measure the diameter of a wire to the nearest 0.001cm. Which of the following instruments can be used?
- Vernier caliper
- Micrometer screw gauge
- Metre rule
- Vernier caliper
- From the following statements, which one is correct about measurement?
- Should have unit part and S.I unit part
- Should have unit of measurement and recorded unit in a piece of paper.
- Should have unit part and decimal number part
- Should have unit part and number part
- A careful examination into the facts of a learning situation.
- Steps of a scientific investigation
- Scientific procedures of examination
- Scientific investigation.
- Learning before examination
- Which of the following measures mass?
- Spring balance
- Vernier calipers
- Beam balance
- Micrometer screw gauge
- ………………………… the step used to test hypothesis during scientific investigation
- Formulation of hypothesis
- Problem identification.
- Experimentation
- Conclusion
- ………………………… a substance which is dangerous and cause death.
- Toxic
- Flammable
- Harmful
- Corrosive
- One of the following is not a basic physical quantity of measurement.
- Length
- Temperature
- Mass
- Time
- The shortest length that can be measured by vernier callipers is:
- 0.01mm
- 0.1mm
- 1mm
- 10mm
- A rectangular solid has dimensions 20cm by 10cm by 0.5cm. What its volume?
- 100 cm3
- 10 cm3
- 1000 cm3
- 200 cm3
- A Shortest length which can be measured by a meter rule is:
- 0.01cm
- 0.1cm
- 1 cm
- 10cm
- Vernier calipers can measure length with the accuracy of:
- 0.01cm
- 0.1cm
- 0.001cm
- 1 cm
- Which of the following is a matter?
- Wind
- Light
- Heat
- Energy
- A cylindrical container of radius 7 cm is filled with milk up to 20 cm height. Find the volume of milk in the container. (π = 22/7 )
- 440cm3
- 880cm3
- 1540cm3
- 3080cm3
- ………………….. is a derived physical quantity?
- Time
- Mass
- Force
- Length
- 5400cm is equivalent to ………………………. Meters.
- 54000
- 5400
- 540
- 54
- Which of the following is one of the fundamental quantity in nature?
- Force
- Density
- Weight
- Temperature
- ………………….. used to measure weight of an object?
- Beam balance
- Vernier caliper
- Measuring cylinder
- Spring balance
- Which of the following matches is not correct in terms of its SI Unit?
- Mass-kilogram
- Force - Newton
- Length - Meter
- Time - Minute
- Which of the following apparatus is used for measuring the volume of an irregular solid (stone)
- Pipette
- Measuring cylinder
- Beaker
- Meter rule
- The person who work professionally with the foundation of physics is called..............
- Worker
- Physicists
- Physician
- Career
- Match the following item in List A with List B.
- Inside jaws
- Spring balance
- Amount of substance
- Vernier scale
- Luminous intensity
| - temperature
- to measure inner diameter of test a tube.
- measure length with an accuracy of 0.1 mm
- its S.I Unit is candela
- measure weight
- measure length with an accuracy of 0.01mm
- to measure outside diameter of a test tube
- derived physical quantity
- can measures length of desk.
- its S.I Unit is mol
LIST A | i | ii | iii | iv | v |
LIST B | | | | | |
- Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provide.
- ………………………………………………..... doors and windows should open outward.
- ………………………………………………….. is an intelligent guess during scientific investigation.
- ………………………………………………….. is a total quantity of matter in a body.
- ………………………………………………….. cannot be expressed in terms of other physical quantity.
- ………………………………………………….. used for measuring relative density of liquid.
- (a)With examples explain four ways to show how physics is applied in our daily life.
- ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(b)Which instrument is the best to be used to measure each of the following
- 2 kg of rice ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….……..
- Thickness of your book ………………………………………………………………………………….…………….……………..
- Diameter of thin wire …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………
- 1 m length of laboratory table
- The length from the School Main Gate to Jerusalem gate ………………………….……………………………….
- (a) Label the following parts of micrometer screw gauge
A………………………………………………………. B ………………………………………………. C …………………………………………..
D ……………………………………………………… F ………………………………………………… G …………………………………………..
Given the length of an object represented by the following scales.
Working space
…………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….
- (a)Draw main vernier scales to show a length of an object 2.65cm.
Diagram Working space
(b) Convert each of the following
- 20 km to m
- 10mm to m
- 5m to cm
- 100cm to km
- 1cm to dam
- (a)Fill the following table in each of the gap left
Quantity | S. I Unit | Symbol |
Mass | ______________________ | _______________________ |
Time | ______________________ | _______________________ |
_______________________________ | ______________________ | A |
_______________________________ | Mole | _______________________ |
_______________________________ | Newton | _______________________ |
(b)Write the uses of each of the following apparatus used in measurements
- Beam balance…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Stop watch ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Tape measure………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Spring balance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Measuring cylinder…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- (a)List any two items in a First Aid Kit and their uses
- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….
(b)Fill the following table which indicates apparatus in a laboratory.
Apparatus | Diagram | Uses |
Measuring cylinder | | |
Relative density bottle | | |
Tripod stand | | |
- Define each of the following
- Measurements………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Physical quantity………........................................................................................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Fundamental quantity …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- S.I Unit ………………………………………………………………………………………………............................... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Hypothesis……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- (a)During Easter break explain three reasons you will convince/ tell your parents and friends that physics is important in our daily life
- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(b)Explain why we use vernier scale in measuring length?
(c)Write down two importance of measurement in our day to day activity.
- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Duration: 2:30 Hours
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of TEN (10) questions.
- Answer all questions
- All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
- Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
- Where necessary the following constant may be used;
(i) Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2
(ii) Density of water = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3
SECTION A (30 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
(i) The branch of science which deals with the study of the relationship between matter and energy is:-
- Civics
- Chemistry
- Pshology
- Physics
(ii) Physicist is a person whose occupation specializes in the science of:-
- Biology
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
(iii) Matter is________________
- Anything which has got mass and occupy a space.
- Anything which contains mass and volume
- Scientific study of energy.
- A science which deals with the study of nature and physical properties.
(iv) The ability or capacity of doing work is known as:
- Mass
- Matter
- Pressure.
- Energy.
(v) The following is the fundamental subjects which other subjects use its application.
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics.
(vi) Measurement is defined as;
- Assigning numbers
- Assigning values
- Precise description
- Making observations.
(vii) Which is not a basic quantity?
- Mass
- Time
- Length
- Second
(viii) Advantage of metric system is that:
- It is universally accepted
- It is decimal based system
- One can convert from one unit to another
- Units of measurement are small.
(ix) Why Physics, Chemistry and Biology are natural science subjects?
- They need practical and theory work for learning
- They need only theory for learning
- They need practical work only
- They need only observation.
(x) Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?
- Doing experiment in the laboratory
- Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
- Use equipment with care in the laboratory
- Do anything in the laboratory
(xi) Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a bottle neck?
- Tape measure
- Micrometer screw gauge
- Meter ruler.
- Vernier Calipers.
(xii) Which of the following statement is correct about mass?
- It is measured by beam balance
- It is measured by spring balance
- It varies with place
- It can be zero
(xii) A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure
- The volume of liquids
- The density of liquids
- The density of solids
- The volume of solids.
(xiii) SI Unit of length is
- Centimeter
- Kilometer
- Meter
- Millimeter.
(xiv) Diameter of a wire can be measured using
- Venier caliper
- Micrometer screw gauge
- Meter Ruler
- Beam balance
(xv) Which is not a derived quantity?
- Volume
- Speed
- Area
- Distance
(xvi) Accurate volume of a liquid can be measure by using
- Volumetric flask
- Pipette
- Burette
- Cylinder.
(xvii) A factor which affect sinking or floating is
- Volume
- Density
- Mass
- Surface area.
(xviii) A box block with rectangular shape, measuring 10cm, by 5cm by 5cm by 2cm has a density of given mass is 200g;
- 4g/cm3
- 2g/cm3
- 1g/cm3
- 100g/cm3
(xix) Which is a characteristic of a gas?
- Conducts electricity
- Does not have definite shape or volume
- Has definite volume but not shape
- Has both fixed volume and shape.
(xx) The SI Unit of force is
- Newton
- Gravity
- Meter per second
- Meter squared.
2. Match the following items.
List A | List B |
(i) Used to measure density of liquid (ii) Use in measuring density of irregular substance (iii) Used to prepare volume of correct solution (iv) Suitable to measure thickness of a wire (v) Characteristics which can be measured by an instrument. | - Pipette
- Volumetric flask
- Water bottle
- Vennier caliper
- Eureka can
- Physical quantity
- Chemical quantity
- Micrometer screw gauge
- Density bottle
2. Complete each the following statement by writing the correct answer in the space provided.
(i) __________ is a scientific study of matter in relation to energy.
(ii) Energy is ability or capacity of doing________________
(iii) _______________ is anything which has got mass and occupies a space.
(iv) There are _______________ states of matter.
(v) A person who study Physics is called_______________
SECTION B (50 Marks)
3. Define the following terms.
(i) Physics
(ii) Physicist
(iii) Science
(iv) Technology
4. List any three importance of studying Physics.
5. List any five areas where Physics is applied in real life.
6. Mention five subjects which relates with Physics.
7. (a) What are the uses of the following devices?
(i) Manometer
(ii) Hares apparatus (inverted U tube)
(iii) U tube
(iv) Barometer
(b) Why a big Elephant manage to walk comfortably in mad soil without sinking while human being may sink easily?
(c) Draw a well labeled diagram which demonstrates that liquid pressure depends on depth.