1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
2. Answer all questions.
3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B carries seventy (70) marks and section
C carries fifteen (15) marks.
4. All writing must be in black or blue ink.
5. Answers must be written in the space provided.
6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
7. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
Answer all questions in this section 1. For each of the items i-x, choose the most correct response
i. A branch of geography that deals with natural features of the earth
A. physical geography
B. economic geography
C. practical geography
D. regional geography
ii. A nearest position of the moon`s orbit from the earths
A. Apogee
B. Aphelion
C. Perigee
D. Perihelion
iii. Planet earth take a complete day to rotate 360degrees, how many hours will be used to complete 90 degrees
A. 12hrs
B. 24hrs
C. 6hrs
D. 3hr
(iv) The Ocean Floor, is not flat in natural since it consists uplands and low land features. Which
of the following features is the best for fishing activities?
A. Continental basin
B. Continental shelf
C. Oceanic Island
D. Oceanic slope
v. Matogolo prefer to visit coco beach in Dar es salaam in order to enjoy fresh air blowing From the sea. What type of wind is this?
A. Anabatic wind
B. Off-shore wind
C. Katabati wind
D. Onshore wind
(vi) John and Hamis developed a strong debate on the shape of the Earth, Hamis argued that, a shape of the Earth is flat, while John argued that the shape of the Earth is not flat. How can you help them?
A. The shape of the Earth is round
B. The shape of the Earth is flattened sphere
C. The shape of the Earth is flat
D. The shape of the Earth is sphere
(vii) Sometime the shape of the Sea is anomalous, it can enter the land or surround the land. All these appearances have different names. What is the name of the part of Sea that is surrounded by land? A. Peninsula
B. Cape
C. Highland D. Gulf viii. In weather map place with the same amount of rainfall are joined by smooth line called A. isobar
B. isotherms
C. isohyets
D. isohels
(ix) Dr. Lymo advised a Meeting at Mombasa (15°E). at noon, the people of Benin observed the same speech at 8:00 am on the television, suggest the longitude of Benin.
A. 30°W
B. 45°W
C. 45°E
D. 60°E
(x) Problem in the Indian Ocean where the Captain called for the help from the engineer crew,
He told them, the ship is found somewhere in East? What is bearing of that direction?
A. 125°
B. 090°
C. 270°
D. 180°
i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x |
2. Match the description of livestock keeping system in list A with their corresponding type in list B by writing the letter of the correct response bellow the corresponding item number in the table provided.
2. Match the following geographical events in List A with their corresponding dates in List B by writing the letter of writing the letter of correspondence item in the box provided below.
(i) Aphelion | A. 21st March and 22nd December every |
(ii) Perihelion (iii) Equinox (iv) Summer solstice in the tropic of cancer (v) Summer solstice in the tropic of Capricorn
| year B. 21st June every year C. 22nd December D. 3rd January every year E. 21st March and 23rd September every year F. 4th July every year G. 23rd December every year |
i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi |
Answer all questions in this section
3. (a) Rainfall variation is a normal phenomenon on the Earth surface, this determines the distribution of economic activities such as crop cultivation and livestock keeping. Briefly explain four factors that influence the amount of rainfall in a particular area.
b) Write four factors to be considered when planning to establish a Meteorological station
4. (a) Study carefully the Climograph for station X below and then answer the following questions
(i.) Represent temperature and rainfall distribution presented in a Climograph above in a table
(ii.) Calculate total annual rainfall for the given station
(iii.) Work out the annual mean temperature for station X
(iv.) With two reasons suggest the type of climate for station X above
5. (a) Give five importance of parallels
(b) Position of a place on a map can be located by using different methods. List down four methods of locating position on maps
6. (a) Carefully study the diagram below and then answer the questions below.
(i) What is the name of a diagram above
(ii) Name the processes indicated by letter A – E
(b) Water scarcity is still a challenge to most of developing countries like Tanzania, briefly describe four factors affecting water supply in Tanzania
7. The surface of the continents are not smooth, there are variety of landforms found on them. The altitude and slope give rise to different relief features.
(a) With examples, identify five relief features found on the surface of Tanzania.
(i) ______________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(iii) _____________________________________________________________________
(iv) ______________________________________________________________________
(v) ______________________________________________________________________
(b) What is the name given to the part of the earth’s surface that rise abruptly to a greater height above 300 meter from the surroundings level?
(c) Using the landforms named in part (b) above, determine its types and each type provide one example
(i) ______________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(iii) _____________________________________________________________________
(iv) ______________________________________________________________________
8. Carefully study the map of MALULUMO VILLAGE given below then answer the questions below.
a) With one reason name the type of map shown above
b) If the length of the road in a map from Malulumo to Iganga is 12.5cm, calculate its actual ground distance.
c) By using the knowledge you have acquired in map work, explain how would you convert the map scale into statement scale.
d) Write down two natural and manmade features found on a map.
Natural features.
(i.) ……………………………………………………………………….……….
(ii.) ……………………………………………………………………………….
Manmade features.
(i.) ……………………………………………………………………………….
(ii.) ……………………………………………………………………………….
9. (a)A mountain is a part of the earth’s Surface that rises abruptly to a greater height usually above 300 metres from the surrounding level. By giving two examples from each, describe the four (4) major types of such mentioned physical feature. (b) Explain three applications of great circle
10. The explain the role of solar energy in emancipation of women and children
Time: 2:30 Hours
1. For each of items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from alternative given and write it against item given.
i. What type of rainfall occurs when warm moist wind from the Indian Ocean comes into contact with the cold air mass from land mass?
ii. John was told by his teacher that the earth makes one complete rotation every twenty four-hour. From which direction does it rotate?
iii. Anna and Asha were required to calculate of a road on a map in Kilometers provided that; the map scale was 1:50,000 and the distance measured on the map was 10cm. Which among the following was the actual distance presented by them?
iv. If the temperature for Dar-es-Salaam at the sea level is 30°C, what is the temperature for Moshi at 300M above the sea level?
v. Which of the following is an example of Residual mountain in Tanzania
vi. A branch of geography that enable leaner to acquire practical skills that enhance their ability for interpreting both skills, this is called
vii. A business woman from Siberia who is found in Eastern part went to Alaska which is found in Western part, for her business trip. What will happen to her in concept of gain and losing the day?
viii. The five essential of the map are the one which make the map complete the essential which is used in measuring the distance in the map is known as
ix. The graph which shows both temperature and rainfall characteristics is called.
x. A collection of salt tolerant tree and scrubs grow on estuaries and deltas of tropical coastline is
2. Match the type of Natural forest in LIST A with the corresponding description in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response in the box below.
SECTION B: (70 Marks)
Answer all questions
3. (a)Amani was wondering to see the rain along the eastern slope of Mt. Kilimanjaro leaving the west with rain shadow effect
(i) Which type of rainfall on eastern side
(ii) With aid of diagram show type of rainfall experienced by Amani.
(b)Describe factors that determine climate of a place
4, (a) On any given map you can locate position of different things by using different methods. Identify the four methods which can be used to locate positions
(b)Convert 1:50,000 into statement scale
(c)Draw signs and symbols of the following
5. Study carefully the data recorded from major weather station from 4th January 2023 to 11st January 2023 and answer question that follow
Day | Mon day | Tues day | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Temp C° | 19 | 20 | 20 | 21 | 19 | 21 | 20 |
Rain (mm) | 35 | 47 | 40 | 43 | 27 | 41 | 39 |
6. Juma and his friend were Watching news on Television on weather forecasting, that tomorrow Morogoro region will experience high temperature
7. During holiday, Pendo travelled from Dar-es-Salaam to Mbeya but when she reached at Iringa she experienced different climate which differ from that of Dar-es-Salaam and Morogoro.
8. The earth is not flat but round. Justify this statement using six points
9. (a)Explain what will happen when
(b)Identify four resultant effects of earth rotation
SECTION C (15 Marks)
10. (a) How does Tanzania benefit from solar Energy
(b)In which ways does society benefit from weather forecasting?
1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.
2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and only one (1) question in section C.
3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B carries seventy (70) marks and section C carries fifteen (15) marks.
4. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.
5. Cellular phones, calculator and unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
6. Write your Examination Number on the top right on every page.
SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer allquestions in this section
1. For each of the following items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.
A. Great circle
B. Latitude
C. Longitude
D. Greenwich.
A. 4:00 pm
B. 6:40 pm
C. 10:40 pm
D. 10:00 pm.
A. 5oC
B. 0oC
C. 7oC
D. 90oC.
A. Failure to identify village boundary
B. Failure to identify the actual size of the village
C. Ability to identify the actual size of the village
D. The content of the map will not be understood.
A. Modern weather forecast
B. Regional weather forecast
C. Traditional weather forecast
D. Grandmother watched TV.
A. Tides B. Waves C. Ocean currents D. Wind
A. No time is gained or lost B. One whole day is lost
C One whole day is gained D. One whole day is repeated
A. 1:900,000 B. 1:1,800,000 C. 1:450,000 D. 2:800,000
A. Distributary B. Stream C. Tributary D. River basin
2. Match the description of the features of the ocean floor in LIST A with the corresponding features in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response below:
SECTION B (70 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
3. In each of the following items (i – x), write True if the statement is correct or False if the statement is not incorrect.
i. Global warming is a decrease in temperature on the earth surface
ii. Reforestation is a process of cutting down all trees without replacement _______________
iii. Mozambique current causes rainfall along the eastern coast of Tanzania
iv. Lapse rate is the gradual decrease or increase in temperature as altitude increases or decreases ________________
v. Hydrological cycle is a continuous circulation of water from earth’s surface to the atmosphere ______________
vi. Dry bulb and wet bulb thermometers are used when measuring humidity, when the air is not saturated the two thermometers show the different readings and when the air is saturated the two thermometers show same readings ______________
vii. Wind is air in motion from low pressure to high pressure area
viii. A longitudes is an angular distance measured in degree East and South of the equator_________________
ix. The area from which river system collects its rain water is called catchment area______________
x. People living in Dar es Salaam see the sunrise earlier than in Kigoma Because people in Kigoma sleeps longer ______________
4. Study carefully a data recorded from Major weather station January to December 2020 and answers the question below.
i. Calculate the annual average temperatures
ii. Compute the annual rainfall
iii. What type of climate is this?
iv. Give two reasons to support the choice of the climate mentioned in (iii) above
v. In which part of Africa this climate is found?
5. (a). Convert the following scales according to the instructions given
i. “One centimeter on the map represents half kilometer on the ground” Convert this scale into Representative fraction (R.F) scale.
ii. 1:150,000. Convert into statement scale.
b). State the directions of the following bearing.
i. 2700 __________________________________________________________
ii. 1350___________________________________________________________
c). How can we locate positions on map?
i. _______________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________
iii. _______________________________________________________________
iv. _______________________________________________________________
6. Form one students at Buhongwa Secondary School visited the weather station at Mwalimu Nyerere International Airport, they saw various instruments and devices. One device was white wooden box, a box had louvers all the sides, and double boarded roof. It mounted on a stand 121cm above the ground, it was the first time for form one students to see that device.
(a) As a form one student identify that device:
(b) Why the device was made like that
(c) Name two (2) instruments kept in it
(d) Mention two (2) uses of the instruments mentioned above.
(e) List two (2) importance of that station in our daily life
(i) __________________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________________
7. (a) Madam Bahati is a geography teacher at Karibuni Secondary School, she has taught
her students on branches of that subject. As a form two student describe to us what she said on branches of that subject.
(b) From (a) above, what are the likely four (4) significance of teaching that subject in our schools
8. Carefully study the map given and answer the following questions:
(a) Identify two (2) ways that can be used to calculate area of lake on mapped area
(i) ___________________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________________
(b) Use one of the method mentioned above to calculate area covered by lake
(c) Identify features or things shown at grid references
(i) 450220 = _______________________________________________________________
(ii) 465245 = _______________________________________________________________
(d) Identify elements of a good map that has been shown in a given map
(i) _______________________________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________________________
(iii) _______________________________________________________________
(e) State the functions of each element mentioned in (d) above
(i) _______________________________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________________________
(iii) _______________________________________________________________
(iv) _______________________________________________________________
9.(a) “Geography” can be defined as the study of the distribution and interrelationship of phenomena in relation to the earth’s surface. Briefly explain how geography relates with:
(i) Biology
(ii) Commerce
(b) Explain the economic importance of studying geography:
SECTION C (15 Marks)
10. Mwajuma and Asha are the students at Maweni Secondary School. One day they were looking pictures in a certain book and met with a good picture showing how the earth looks like. After looking at that picture Asha didn’t want to believe that the earth appears in that way. As a form two student give six (6) facts to support the shape of that picture observed by them.
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternative and write its letter in the box provided.
i.When the spring equinox does occurs?
A. Earth's movement B. Earth's rotation
iv. Ocean water occupies about …... . Percent of the earth's surface,
A. 21
B. 29
C. 71
D .70
D. 41 0c
A. Have never experienced eruptions.
(x)Isohyets are the lines on a map which join all places with the same
List Å | List B |
| |||||
i. Rocks which allows water to pass through ii. Water which originates from precipitation such as snowfall iii. Water from greater depths of earth's surface as a result of volcanic activity iv. The rocks which have pores through which water can filtrate v. Salt extraction, fishing, sand, seaweeds and decorative items such as corals and sea shells |
| |||||
List A | 1 | 11 | 111 | iv | v | ||
List B |
| ||
SECTION B (45marks)
Answer all questions in this section
4. (a) Outline four features of linear scale
(b) Briefly describe five essentials of a map
5. Study the sketch map provided and answer the questions that follow:
6. Study the following climatic table and answer the questions that follow.
Station Y
Months | Jan | Feb | March | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Temp(0 C) | 22.5 | 25 | 25 | 25.5 | 25.5 | 25.5 | 25.5 | 25.5 | 26.1 | 26.1 | 26.1 | 26.6 |
Rainfall(mm) | 198 | 340 | 431 | 350 | 280 | 230 | 160 | 71 | 15 | 12 | 15 | 66 |
7.(a) Outline five evidences to verify that the Earth is spherical.
(b) Differentiate the following terms:
(i) Meteors and satellites
(ii) Sea and lake
8.(a) Outline four ways of determining direction of a place on a map.
(b) List four features of the Representative Fraction (RF) scale.
(c) Suggest two ways of measuring areas with irregular shapes.
9.(a) Mention five features of the ocean floor.
(b) Name the five largest oceans in the world.
(c) Mention five largest lakes in the world.
(d) Differentiate the following terms:
(i)Temperature and humidity
(ii)Minimum and maximum thermometer
(iii) Pressure and wind
10. (a) Distinguish the following terms:
NAME…………………………………………..CLASS……………………………TIME: 2HRS
SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the following (I-X) choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number.
(i) Temperature decreases with altitudes at the rate of:-
(a) 1.6C? for every 100 metres
(b) 16C? for every 100 metres
(c) 0.6C? for every 100 metres
d) 0.16C? for every 100 metres
(ii) The rotation of the earth causes the following except?
(a) Day and night
(b) The different of one hour between two meridians of 15? width.
(c) Seasons
(d) The deflection of winds and ocean current.
(iii) Which of the following is the proper arrangement of the first five (5) planets of the solar systemaccording to the distance from the Sun starting with nearest planet?
(a) Mercury, Earth, Venus, Saturn and Mars.
(b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Jupiter.
(c) Venus, Mercury, Mars, Earth and Jupiter.
(d) Mars, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
(iv) One of the following groups are features of the ocean floor:-
(a) Ridge, basin, plateau and waterfalls.
(b) Continental shelf, basin and waterfalls.
(c) Host, plain, basin and volcano
(d) Trend, Continental shelf and continental slope.
(v) Isobars are lines drawn on a map to join all places with the same:-
(a) Amount of rainfall
(b) Height above sea level
(c) Amount of Temperature
(d) Atmospheric pressure
(vi) The condition of atmosphere recorded over a long period of time is:-
(a) Climate
(b) Temperature
(c) Weather
(d) Atmospheric pressure.
(vii) The side of a Mountain facing away from the direction of the wind is called?
(a) Fore side
(b) Wind wards side
(c) Front
(d) Lee ward side.
(viii) The best description of the term Geography:-
(a) The study of the solar system
(b) The study of the planets.
(c) The study of man in relation to his environment
(d) The study home of man.
(ix) The planets:-
(a)Are bodies that rotate around the Sun
(b)Are bodies that revolve around the Sun.
(c) Are stars.
(d) More of the above.
(x) Which are is the Large Scale among the following?
(a) The denominator is usually medium
(b) The denominator is small
(c) The denominator is large
(d)The denominator range from large to medium
2. Match the items in column A with those in column B by writing the letter of the correct answer against its corresponding item number in column A.
(i) Land that is completely surrounded by water. (ii) The planet that is known to support life is……. (iii) Geography originated from two Greek words “geo” and…… (iv) Farthest position of the earth from the sun (v) The wind in which blows from the sea to the land | A. Anemometer B. Fold Mountain C. Island D. Isotherms E. 0.6 C? for every 100 metres. F. Isohyets G. Sea breeze H. Aphelion I. Earth J. Convectional rainfall K. Graphein L. Perihelion. |
3. Write TRUE or FALSE against the following statements.
(i) Statement scale is expressed in fraction___________
(ii) Winter is the one of the seasons of the year__________
(iii) Elements of weather are the same as element of climate___________
(iv) Winds blows from areas of low pressure to high pressure____________
(v) The Sun is the source of all energy____________
(vi) Humidity is measured by a Hygrometer__________
(vii) Representative Fraction Scale (R.F) is a way of expressing the scale of a map by the one of linear scale_________
(viii) Fold Mountain is the result of high pressure and temperature under the ocean floor_________
(ix) Lake Tanganyika is a rift Valley Lake__________
(x) Television is an example of Mass Media_______
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
4. Mention five element of Weather.
5.(a)List five essentials of a good Map
(b) Mention three (3) ways in which the scale of the Map can be represented.
(ii) ……………………………………………………………
(iii) …………………………………………………………..
(c) Mention two types of Maps according to Scale
6. (a) Study carefully the diagram below and label letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
(b) Mention four factors which affect the temperature of the place.
(c) Change the following scale:
(i) 1: 50,000 into statement scale
(ii) One centimeter on the map represents two Kilometer on the ground. Change into (R.F) scale orFraction Scale.
(iii) Calculate the distance if the Map Scale is 1:50,000 and the distance obtained from point A to point B is 24 centimeter.
7. Carefully, study the climatic graph given and then answer the questions.
(i) Calculate the annual range of temperature
(ii) Calculate the annual rainfall for the stations
(iii) Calculate the mean annual rainfall for the station
(iv) Suggest the type of climate for the station.
(v) Give reasons for the suggestion you have given in (iv) above.
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer two (2) questions from this section.