(For Both School and Private Candidates)
Time: 3 HoursYear: 2024
This paper consists of sections A, 13 and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
All writing must be in blue or black ink.
Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the Examination room.
Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).
SECTION A (16 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i) - (x), 4pose the correct answer from the, given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.
(i) The term adjacent is synonymous to
in front of
Choose Answer :
(ii) Ally told Mary that, lie preferred studying in the morning. If Mary preferred the same, how would she refer back to Ally's statement?
So would I
So am I
So have I
So could I
do I
Choose Answer :
(iii) Why is R.S .V .P important in an invitation card?
It specifies the date of an event
It shows the contacts of the hosts
It shows the venue of an event
It shows the deadline for contributions
It specifies the contact address for replies
Choose Answer :
(iv) As a dictionary user, how can you easily locate a word on a dictionary page?
Use the table of contents
Use the word class
Use the words on top of a dictionary page
Use example sentences
Use the meaning and pronunciation of the word
Choose Answer :
(v) Which sentence shows a repeated action?
She has already helped people
She is always helping people
She helped people
She will help people
She should help people
Choose Answer :
(vii) Which sentence is the past progressive of "The students will write the test on Friday."
The students were writing the test on Friday .; .
The students will be writing the test on Friday
The students have been writing the test on Friday
The students are writing the test on Friday
The students had been writing the test on Friday
Choose Answer :
(viii) The following sentences ask for opinions except:
What do you suggest about this issue?
Why do you think school rules are irrelevant?
What is your view about family life education?
Do you have a trip for family planning issues?
Why do you support her ideas about African values?
Choose Answer :
(ix) Damas lent Sylvia ten thousand shillings. Which will be the correct question to ask Sylvia about his money?
Where is that ten thousand shillings you lent me?
Where are the ten thousand shillings you borrowed from me?
Where is the ten thousand shillings I gave you?
Where is that ten thousand shillings you borrowed from me?
Where are the ten thousand shillings I borrowed you?
Choose Answer :
(x) The sentence, "The Mathematics test was extremely difficult; nevertheless, Pili earned a good grade" means that
The test was not well set
The difficulty contrasts with Piles performance
Pili is not hardworking
Pili's performance is extremely doubtful
Mathematics is not as easy as other subjects
Choose Answer :
2. Match the reservations made in List A with their corresponding settings in List B by choosing the correct answer and write its letter in the answer booklet provided.
List A
List B
(i) Reservation made to secure accommodation
(ii) Reservation made to obtain flight tickets
(iii) Reservation made to get tickets for land transport
(iv) Reservation made to visit a place to enjoy nature
(v) Reservation made to get a place for the wedding ceremony
(vi) Reservation to get tickets for a football match
5. Complete each of the sentences by indicating what will be done in the future by each person provided in (i) — (vi). Example: A teacher is going to teach tomorrow.
6. My father's grandfather is Baraka who is married to Atupele. They got two children, Amani and Furaha. Furaha got married to Ally, and they were blessed to have three children, Halima, Maringo and my father Majaliwa, who is the youngest in their family. I, Changarawe, am the only child in my family.
10. Verify the assertion that, "Conflicts in the society destruct individuals' character either physically or mentally." Give three points from each play you have read.
11. 'A betrayer is not a betrayer unless he/she breaks an agreement.' Prove this contention referring to two novels you have read. Give three points from each novel.