(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2024


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4. Communication devices and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. All drawings should be in pencil.
  6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) How long does a millennium last?

  1. 10 years 
  2. 100 years
  3. 1000 years 
  4. 10000 years 
  5. 200 years

(ii) Which theories describe the origin of human beings?

  1. Creation theory and Leakey's theory
  2. Evolution theory and Social Development theory
  3. Creation theory and Evolution theory
  4. Revolution theory and Creation theory
  5. Evolution theory and Human development theory

(iii) Why traders preferred the use of camels to horses during the Trans-Saharan trade?

  1. They were resistant to desert conditions
  2. They could walk easily in equatorial climate
  3. They were faster during rainy seasons
  4. They were bought cheaply compared to horses
  5. They could survive without food and water for a short time

(iv) Which one of the following factors facilitated the rise and expansion of Buganda kingdom?

  1. Good leadership of Mukama Kabarega
  2. Strong standing army which was established by Sundiata 
  3. Good fighting techniques learned from the Second World War
  4. Good geographical and climatic conditions
  5. Accumulation of wealth from Trans-Saharan Trade

(v) Why did the Dutch migrate from the Cape colony?

  1. Due to introduction of apartheid policy
  2. Due to abolition of slave trade in the Cape
  3. Due to the rise of Shaka Zulu
  4. Due to the emergence of the First World War
  5. Due to the scramble for and partition of Africa

(vi) Which economic activities facilitated interactions in the pre-colonial African societies?

  1. Fishing, agriculture, trade and metal working
  2. War, trade, agriculture and medicine
  3. Metal working, trade, war and fishing 
  4. Medicine, music, metal working and trade
  5. Agriculture, migration, fishing and music

(vii) The following are features of communalism, except:

  1. Existence of exploitation
  2. Low productivity
  3. Collective ownership of the means of production
  4. Absence of social classes 
  5. Absence of exploitation

(viii) Which evidence will you give to justify that Africa benefitted from the early commercial contacts with the Middle and Far East?

  1. Exploitation of resources
  2. Emergence of slave trade and importation of clothes
  3. Unequal exchange and introduction of new technology
  4. Growth of coastal city states
  5. Abolition of slave trade

(ix) Which statement explains the weakness of Berlin conference of 1884 - 1885?

  1. It forced Germany to pay for damages of the war
  2. It established clear borders in Africa after the First World War
  3. It failed to recognize existing African political and cultural structures
  4. It fulfilled the harsh orders given by Adolf Hitler
  5. It based its decision on the Open Door Policy

(x) Which concept best indicates the situation where an independent country depends on foreign aids?

  1. Colonialism 
  2. Neo-colonialism
  3. Mercantilism 
  4. Scorched earth policy
  5. Militarism





(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2022


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B thirty five (35) marks and section C carries forty five (45) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. All drawings should be in pencil.
  6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Who studies the society's cultural system, behavior, beliefs and ideologies?

  1. Archaeologists 
  2. Linguists
  3. Anthropologists 
  4. Humanitarians
  5. Philanthropists

(ii) By 1914, European powers had managed to establish effective colonial control in Africa. In which decade was that year?

  1. First decade of the nineteenth century
  2. Fourteenth decade of the nineteenth century
  3. Nineteenth decade of the fourteenth century
  4. Second decade of the nineteenth century
  5. Second decade of the twentieth century

(iii) Which revolution was featured by fraternity, liberty and equality as its core ideas?

  1. Egyptian revolution 
  2. Industrial revolution
  3. Zanzibar revolution 
  4. Libyan revolution
  5. French revolution

(iv) Whose theory explains the 'origin of man by describing the changes that our ancestors undergone until they were like a modern man?

  1. Louis Leakey 
  2. Mary Leakey 
  3. David Livingstone 
  4. Australopithecus
  5. Charles Darwin

(v) Which nation could no longer exploit the United States of America after getting her political independence in 1776?

  1. Britain 
  2. Russia
  3. Germany 
  4. Japan
  5. France

(vi) Samora Machel and Augostino Neto took up arms to fight against foreign domination during the 1970s. Whose colonial rule were they fighting against?

  1. British 
  2. German
  3. French 
  4. Portuguese
  5. Belgian

(vii) What were the objectives of establishing national military institutions in Tanzania?

(i) To protect the country from external aggression

(ii) To promote internal security and integrity

(iii) To participate in national building activities

(iv) To urge states to conform to peaceful settlement of disputes

  1. (i), (ii) and (iv) 
  2. (i), (iii) and (ii)
  3. (i), (iii) and (iv) 
  4. (i) and (iv) only
  5. (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(viii) Which countries played an important role in the nationalist movement due to the question of land?

  1. Kenya, South Africa, Algeria and Zimbabwe
  2. Kenya, South Africa, Tanganyika and Mozambique
  3. Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda and Mozambique
  4. Algeria, Zambia, Tanganyika and South Africa
  5. Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Uganda and Zimbabwe

(ix) Who was the first British man to round the Cape of Good Hope?

  1. Vasco da Gama 
  2. Bartholomew Diaz
  3. Francis Drake 
  4. Ferdinand Magellan
  5. David Livingstone

(x) Which nation purchased the Cape from the Netherlands for six million pounds sterling?

  1. Britain
  2. Belgium
  3. France
  4. Germany
  5. E Portugal

(xi) In which countries did armed struggle characterize their independence struggle?

  1. Zanzibar, Zimbabwe and Ghana
  2. Zimbabwe, Kenya and Mozambique
  3. Zimbabwe, South Africa and Tanganyika
  4. Kenya, Zimbabwe and Tanganyika
  5. Mozambique, Angola and Ghana

(xii) All of the following are true about Julius Nyerere except 

  1. He was one of the Pan-Africanism leaders.
  2. He was one of the founders of Organization of African Unity.
  3. He played a key role in the formation of United Nations Organization.
  4. He campaigned and supported black majority rule in South Africa. 
  5. He was one of the leaders of the Front Line States.

(xiii) Why the United States of America did not accept membership of the League of Nations though she pioneered its formation?

  1. She was invited as an overseer, thus she had no role to play
  2. She did not like to be involved in European issues
  3. She had a weakened economy due to the impact of the First World War
  4. She feared that Germany under Adolf Hitler would attack her
  5. She was still feeling the shame she suffered in the Berlin conference

(xiv) All of the following are true about Zimbabwe except

  1. Robert Mugabe declared unilateral independence in Zimbabwe.
  2. Ian Smith unilaterally declared independence in 1965.
  3. ZANU and ZAPU were the major political parties.
  4. Zimbabwe attained her independence in 1980. 
  5. Zimbabwe was a British colony.

(xv) Who named the Southern tip of Africa 'Cape of Good Hope?'

  1. Vasco da Gama
  2. Prince Henry
  3. Cecil Rhodes
  4. John Moffat
  5. Bartholomew Diaz




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2021


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B thirty five (35) marks and section C carries forty five (45) marks.
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. All drawings should be in pencil.
  6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks) 
Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) — (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Man's basic needs consist of

  1. food, clothing and television.
  2. food, water and soil. 
  3. shelter, medicine and food. 
  4. shelter, food and clothing.
  5. cars, food and television.

(ii) In Africa, Monarchies still exist in

  1. Nigeria and Botswana.
  2. South Africa and Saudi Arabia.
  3. Ethiopia and Ivory Coast.
  4. Algeria and Gambia.
  5. Morocco and Swaziland.

(iii) Archaeologists help us to know when and how men lived through the study of

  1. bones and tools. 
  2. tools and riddles. 
  3. stories and riddles.
  4. riddles and bones. 
  5. bones and music.

(iv) In which places were the method of remembering changes and historical events very common?

  1. In areas where there was famine and drought.
  2. In areas where there was written history.
  3. In areas where much of the history was not written.
  4. In areas where there was few European settlers.
  5. In areas where there were many agents of colonialism.

(v) When did industrial revolution take place in Europe?

  1. 1000s to 1200s 
  2. 1300s to 1400s 
  3. 1500s to 1650s
  4. 1890s to 1950s 
  5. 1750s to 1850s

(vi) The best example of the evolution of man is represented by the discoveries made at

  1. Fort Jesus. 
  2. Olduvai Gorge. 
  3. Bagamoyo.
  4. Uvinza. 
  5. Zanzibar.

(vii) Who migrated into East Africa from South Africa in the second half of the 19th century due to Mfecane wars?

  1. Arabs 
  2. Boers 
  3. Portuguese
  4. Ngoni 
  5. Nilotes

(viii) Which one was an effect of the arrival of the French in the Indian Ocean in the 18th century?

  1. Abolition of slavery and slave trade in East African coast.
  2. Establishment of legitimate trade on imported goods.
  3. Acceleration of the struggle for independence in Africa.
  4. Increase of slave labour in Reunion and Mauritius island.
  5. Formation of independent African churches.

(ix) Settler agriculture failed to be practised in Uganda when her eastern part was parcelled out to form part of

  1. East African Community.
  2. German East Africa territory.
  3. Western Uganda and Eastern Republic of Congo.
  4. Western Kenyan highlands.
  5. Western and Eastern Kenyan highlands.

(x) Tanganyika was handed over to Britain as a mandate territory by

  1. League of Nations. 
  2. Trusteeship territory.
  3. United Nations. 
  4. Pan-Africanism.
  5. Berlin conference.

(xi)Who were defeated by the East Africans through the help of the Oman Arabs?

  1. Ngoni from South Africa
  2. Germans from Europe
  3. Portuguese from Europe
  4. Boers from Holland
  5. Zimba from Zambia

(xii) The leader who is associated with the formation of the League of Nations is

  1. Adolf Hitler. 
  2. Otto von Bismarck.
  3. Woodrow Wilson. 
  4. David Livingstone.
  5. Carl Peters.

(xiii) Which societies in Africa waged wars against German invasion?

  1. Xhosa and Khoikhoi 
  2. Nandi and Hehe
  3. Nama and Herero 
  4. Zulu and Asante
  5. Shona and Ndebele

(xiv) During which age did Homo Erectus become a complete upright creature and could communicate through speech?

  1. Middle Stone Age 
  2. Late Stone Age
  3. Old Stone Age
  4. New Stone Age
  5. Iron Age

(xv) Which organ approves the United Nations budget?

  1. Security Council 
  2. International Court of Justice
  3. Secretariat 
  4. Economic and Social Council
  5. General Assembly





(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2020


1.This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.

2.Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.

3.Section A carries twenty (20) marks, section B thirty five (35) marks and section C carries forty five (45) marks.

4.Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

5.All drawings should be in pencil.

6.Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) — (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided. (15 marks)

(i) John's grandmother, who witnessed the German invasion in Tanganyika, has a habit of narrating regularly to John and his friends on how some societies in Tanganyika resisted the Germans strongly. Which source of historical information is this?

  1. Oral traditions 
  2. Archives 
  3. Museum 
  4. Archaeology 
  5. Linguistics

(ii)         When did the theory of evolution of man become more publically known? A After the birth of Charles Darwin who introduced the theory of evolution
B  After the publication of the book "The Origin Species" in 1859
C After the discovery of man's remains by Dr. Leakey at Olduvai Gorge
D  After the scientific discovery of Homo-Habilis and Homo-Erectus 
E  After the spread of religious books like the Quran and the Bible

(iii)   Why salt making industries were important in pre-colonial Africa?
A   It enabled people to eat uncooked food
B   It facilitated the development of heavy industries
C   It played a vital role in food preservation and healing
D  It enabled some societies to make ornaments of copper alloys
E  It was a source of vitamins

(iv)   The range of productive activities that man perfonns is determined by 
A nature of the environment and the productive forces.
B strong standing army and modern weapons.
C  major means of production and cheap labour.
D availability of raw materials and markets.image
E  presence of offensive and defensive forces.

(v) Which one of the following shows a set representing communal societies in East Africa up to the 19th century?

  1. Teso, Iraqw and Hadzabe
  2. Dorobo, Teso and Iraqw
  3. Hadzabe, Karamajong and Iraqw
  4. Tindiga, Iraqw and Dorobo
  5. Dorobo, Tindiga and Teso

(vi)        Which one of the following was used to colonize Africa?

A   Finance capital  

B Primitive accumulation of capital

C Bank capital  

D Mercantile capital

E Industrial capital

(vii)     The following factors were responsible for the failure of company rule in East

Africa except

A  lack of experienced personnel.

B   widespread resistances in the interior.

C   shortage of funds to run the colonies.

D    difficulties to penetrate in the interior of East Africa. 

E lack of interest to exploit the interior of East Africa.

(viii)   What was the main aim of establishing a colonial state?

A              To exploit a colony effectively

B              To develop a free colony for Africans

C              To establish African oversea province in Europe

D              To supervise African traditional institutions

E               To prepare Africans for their self-rule

(ix)        An agricultural system in which plantations were owned and supervised by

Europeans in the colonies was called

A   Settler agriculture.           

B Peasant agriculture.

C Plantation agriculture.            

D Mixed farming. 

E  Slash and burn cultivation.

(x)          Which one among the following descriptions illustrates best the objectives of colonial education in Africa?

A              TO get cheap laborers, raw materials and area of investment

B              To enable the Africans to get good treatment, housing and white color job

C              To get the producers of raw materials, cheap workers and puppets

D              To facilitate the activities of traders, missionaries and explores

E               To enable the Africans to become investors, chiefs and governors

(xi)        The military alliance which was for-med between Germany, Italy and Japan before the Second World War was known as

A            Triple Alliance.    

B        Berlin-Rome Axis.

C        Triple Entente. 

D        Dual Alliance.

 E       Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis.

(xii)     One of the national building campaigns taken to change the post-colonial economic system in Africa was

A              "Feed yourself" in Ghana.

B              "Harambee" in Uganda.

C              "Feed yourself' in Uganda.

D              "Capitalism and Self-reliance" in Tanzania.

E               "Freedom is coming tomorrow" in South Africa.

(xiii)   What was the basic reason for adopting a single party system soon after independence by many African countries?

A              Lack of enough educated elites who could lead many political parties

B              It was a suitable system for maximizing administration costs

C              It was suitable for promoting national social cohesion and harmony

D              It could easily cause division among the members of one country

E               Lack of enough offices that could be used by many political parties

(xiv)When did Kofi Annan of Ghana serve as the Secretary General of the United Nations?

  1. 1961-1971
  2. 1996-2006
  3. 1971-1981
  4. 2010-2016
  5. 1991-1996

(xv) From what you have learned in history, which criterion indicates that precolonial African societies were developing? 

  1. Presence of processing and heavy industries
  2. Presence of past social, political and economic systems
  3. Presence of bogus treaties and colonial boundaries
  4. Presence of the League of Nations and United Nations
  5. Presence of colonial economy and administrative systems




012              HISTORY

(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours                    Tuesday, 05th November 2019 p,mo


  1.  This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
  2.  Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4.  All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) What are the major types of oral traditions? 

  1. Museums and archives
  2.  Poems and proverbs
  3. Historical sites and narration of events
  4.  Archaeology and museum
  5.  Cultural practices and narration of events

(ii) Why is Charles Darwin famous in history?

  1.  He discovered pebbles and chopping tools.
  2.  He discovered the fossil of mans ancestors.
  3.  He introduced the theory of creation.
  4.  He discovered the remains of old people. 
  5. He introduced the theory of evolution.

(iii) What was the most common method of farming in pre-colonial Africa?

  1. Mixed farming 
  2. Plantation agriculture 
  3. Shifting cultivation
  4. Slash and burn cultivation
  5. Permanent crop cultivation

(iv) As a historian, which one would you consider as Prince Henrys main aims in organizing the Portuguese voyages to West and East African coasts?

  1. Acquiring raw materials, markets and cheap labour
  2.  Acquiring colonies, raw materials and markets
  3.  Spreading Christianity, adventure, and trade
  4.  Establishing processing industries, markets and raw materials
  5.  Abolishing slave trade, slavery and introduction of legitimate trade

(v) What took place in Europe between 1750s and 1850s?

  1. Industrial revolution
  2. Scramble for Africa
  3. Mercantile capitalism 
  4. Emergency of slave trade
  5. Monopoly capitalism

  (vi) Colonialism was established through 

  1.  post-colonial political changes.
  2. Violence and coercion
  3. piracy and plundering.
  4. Revolution and violence
  5. waylaying and bogus treaties.

 (vii) Who headed the Central government of the colony? 

  1. Queen    
  2. Governor
  3. Secretary for colonies
  4. Secretary General
  5. Minister for colonies

 (viii) The law that demanded the Africans to carry a labour card "Kipande" aimed at ensuring that

  1.  the European colony is exploited effectively.
  2.  there is effective occupation of the colony.
  3.  the Africans should be allowed to grow cash crops.
  4.  the welfare of the Africans were taken care of.
  5. the white farmers got a cheap supply of labour.

 (ix) Why the British in East Africa provided colonial health services to few areas such as settler plantation areas, military camps and cash crop producing areas?

  1.  To make their subjects support the colonial rule.
  2.  To keep their subjects wealthier and resistant to diseases.
  3.  To make their subjects fit for economic production.
  4.  To make their subjects loyal to the colonial state.
  5.  To stop their subjects from using traditional medicines.

  (x) Which of the following were the long-term causes of the First World War?

  1. The formation of military alliances among the great powers of Europe.
  2. The need for revenge among the European powers.
  3. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Serbia.
  4. The rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazism in Germany.
  1. I and II
  2. II and III
  3. IV and I
  4. III and IV
  5. I and III

(xi) Which of the following were the countries which used constitutional means to gain their political independence?

  1. Mozambique and Nigeria
  2. Kenya and Tanganyika
  3. Ghana and Uganda
  4. Uganda and Tanganyika
  1. I and II
  2. II and III
  3. IV and I
  4. III and IV
  5. I and III

(xii) What challenged the work of the police in 1998 in East Africa?

  1.  Terrorist bombing attacks
  2.  Idi Amins government take over from Milton Obote
  3.  Launching over the New East African Community
  4.  Inciting genocide in Rwanda
  5. Adoption of the universal Declaration of Human Rights

(xiii)   The social challenges facing people in Africa include 

  1. political instability and tribalism.
  2.  tribalism and neo-colonialism.
  3.  colonialism and illiteracy.
  4.  illiteracy and diseases.
  5.  corruption and lack of rule of law.

(xiv) Which organ of the United Nations investigates situations that pose threat to international peace?

  1. The Executive Secretariat
  2. The General Assembly
  3. The Trusteeship Council
  4. The Security Council
  5. The Red Cross

(xv) The international organization undermined by Hitler was called

  1. United Nations Organization. 
  2. League of Nations.
  3. Non-Aligned Movement.
  4. Berlin conference. 
  5. International Court of Justice.




012             HISTORY

(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours          Wednesday, 07nd November 2018 p.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all       questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1.  For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i)   The average differences of age between parents and their children is called

  1. period.
  2.  age
  3. family tree.
  4. timeline. 
  5. generation. 

(ii)  The first creature to walk in an upright fashion was called

  1. Homo Erectus.
  2. Primates.
  3. Homo Sapiens. 
  4. Hominids.
  5. Homo Habilis. 

(iii)  Archaeological findings whose ages are beyond 5,000 years are determined by

  1. using archives.
  2. using carbon 14.
  3. remembering events. 
  4. using time charts.
  5.  narration of past events. 

(iv)  What was the achievement of man during the Middle Stone Age?

  1. Discovery of fire
  2. Development of bipedalism
  3.  Domestication of animals 
  4. Making and using pebble tools
  5. Discovery of iron

(v)  Which one among the following places did people paint and draw in the caves?

  1. Sofala
  2.  Karagwe
  3. Kondoa Irangi
  4. Tabora
  5. Bagamoyo 

(vi) Trading contacts between East Africa and Asia in the 16th  centuries were disturbed by 

  1. Berlin conference resolutions.
  2. activities of agents of colonialism.
  3. expulsion of the Portuguese.
  4. effects of the First World War.
  5. Portuguese invasion. 

(vii) Who was the greatest ruler of Mali.

  1. Askia Mohamed
  2. Mansa Kankan Musa
  3. Osei Tutu  
  4. Uthman dan Fodio
  5. Suni Ali

(viii) The making of goods and services available for human needs is known as

  1. consumption. 
  2.  production.
  3. consolidation. 
  4. interaction.
  5.  transition.

(ix) Which one of the following was the immediate consequence of the development of Triangular trade?

  1. Decolonization of African countries
  2. Disruption of trans-Saharan trade
  3. Scramble and partition of Africa
  4. Adaptation of the Open Door Policy
  5. Implementation of indirect rule policy

(x) America defeated her colonial master in 

  1. 1873.
  2. 1884. 
  3. 1945.
  4. 1776. 
  5. 1918.




012                   HISTORY

(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours                              Thursday, 02nd November 2017 p.m. 


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all       questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer all questions in this section.

 1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Which of the following are included in the museums?

  1. Cultural, social and economic items from the earliest time to the present.
  2. Remains which show man’s past made and used tools.
  3. Cultural practices such as art, music religion and riddles.
  4. Colonial records and early traveller’s records.
  5. Special names of generations, clan trees and tribal chronology.

(ii) The coastal city states which grew from the trade contacts between East Africa and Asia were

  1. Mwanza, Tanga and Dar es Salaam
  2. Malindi, Kilwa and Mombasa
  3. Nairobi, Kampala and Dar es Salaam
  4. Lamu, Bagamoyo and Mbeya 
  5. Mombasa, Zanzibar and Kigoma.

(iii) The type of colonial agriculture which predominated in Kenya was

  1. plantation 
  2. peasant 
  3. co-operative 
  4. settler
  5. pastoralism.

(iv)The primitive communal societies were characterized by the following features except

  1. hunting and gathering
  2. low production 
  3. exploitation of man by man 
  4. low level of technology 
  5. dependence on nature.

(vi)Who convened the conference which legalized the colonization of Africa?

  1. David Livingstone.
  2. Carl Peters.
  3. Otto Von Bismarck.
  4. Charles Darwin.
  5. Adolf Hitler.

(vii)      The period which was characterized by intense competition and warfare among the European states during the 17th century is called      

  1. capitalism
  2. mercantilism
  3. feudalism
  4. industrial revolution
  5.  scramble.

(viii)When did most parts of East Africa adopt iron technology?

  1.  1ST millennium AD. 
  2. 1ST millennium BC. 
  3. 3RD millennium AD. 
  4. 2ND millenium AD.
  5. 2ND millennium BC.

(ix) The increase of the European merchants in the interior of Africa after the abolition of slave trade aimed at

  1.  intensifying slavery and slave trade
  2.  establishing heavy industries
  3.  searching for the sea route to India
  4. Establishing legitimate trade
  5. assisting the Africans economically.

(x) Industrial development in Africa was not prioritized by the capitalists during the colonial time because

  1. the colonialists were interested in obtaining raw materials
  2. the colonialists stressed on the provision of social services
  3. the climate did not favour industrial development
  4. Africa had no enough raw materials
  5. Africa had no infrastructure to support the industries.





(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Thursday, 03rd November 2016 p.m. 


 1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.

3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

4. All drawings should be in pencil.

5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) One of the factors for the fall of Songhai empire was

  1.  invasion from the Moroccans
  2.  attacks from the Tuaregs
  3.  attacks from the almoravids
  4.  establishment of colonialism
  5.  introduction of legitimate trade.

(ii) What was the major cause of the Great Depression?

  1.  Second World War. 
  2.  First World War. 
  3.  Berlin Conference 
  4.  Boer Trek. 
  5.  Anglo-Boer war.

(iii) The first European nation to industrialize was

  1.  Germany 
  2.  Britain 
  3.  France 
  4.  Belgium 
  5.  Holland.

(iv) The theory of evolution was proposed by

  1.  Louis Leakey 
  2.  Carl Peters 
  3.  Charles Darwin 
  4.  Henry Stanley 
  5.  Donald Cameron.

(v) Three pre-colonial modes of production which existed in Africa were

  1.  Socialism, capitalism and communism
  2.  Socialism, capitalism and communalism
  3.  Slavery, feudalism and communalism 
  4.  Slavery, feudalism and communism 
  5.  Socialism, capitalism and humanism.

(vi) The core ideas of the French Revolution were

  1.  slave trade, colonialism and neo-colonialism
  2.  markets, raw materials and cheap labour
  3.  communalism, slavery and feudalism
  4.  fraternity, liberty and equality
  5.  scramble, partition and bogus treaties.

(vii) The people whose work is to study and explain remains which show man’s physical development and the tools he made and used are called

  1.  Iron Smiths 
  2.  Industrialists 
  3.  Revolutionists 
  4.  Evolutionists 
  5.  Archaeologists.

(viii) Which among the following include the three organs of the United Nations Organization?

  1.  The General Assembly, Secretariat and the World Bank.
  2.  The Secretariat, Security Council and General Assembly.
  3.  The World Bank, League of Nations and Security Council.
  4.  The International Court of Justice, World Bank and Secretariat.
  5.  The Security Council, UNESCO and International Court of Justice.

(ix) The economic system of goods and services which comprised activities such as trade, manufacturing, agriculture and mining during the colonial era is called

  1.  Neo-colonialism 
  2.  Trusteeship 
  3.  Nationalism 
  4.  Bureaucracy 
  5.  Colonial economy.

(x) Who discovered the skull of the earliest ancestors of man in Olduvai Gorge?

  1.  David Livingstone. 
  2.  Charles Darwin. 
  3.  Carl Peters. 
  4.  Vasco Da Gama. 
  5.  Louis Leakey.





(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 04th November 2015 p.m.


 1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.

3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

4. All drawings should be in pencil.

5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) ­ (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) The places which are created for preserving historical information are called

  1.  archives
  2.  archaeology
  3.  oral traditions
  4.  museums
  5.  libraries.

(ii) Which of the following is NOT a historical site in Tanzania?

  1.  Isimila.
  2.  Olduvai gorge.
  3.  Kondoa Irangi.
  4.  Kilwa.
  5.  Kalenga.

(iii) The family from which man evolved is known as

  1.  Zinjanthropus
  2.  Homo Habilis
  3.  Primates
  4.  Homo Sapiens
  5.  Homo Erectus.

(iv) What was the achievement of man during the late Stone Age?

  1.  Discovered fire and ate cooked food.
  2.  Started walking upright using fore­limbs.
  3.  Made and used pebble and chopping tools.
  4.  Started walking on all four limbs
  5.  Established settled communities.

(v) Which one among the following places did people extract salt from salt bearing rocks?

  1.  Uvinza and Taghaza.
  2.  Taghaza and Bilma.
  3.  Axum and Taghaza.
  4.  Meroe and Egypt
  5.  Uvinza and Bilma.

(vi) Which one among the following factors contributed to the rise of states in Africa?

  1.  Low level of productive forces.
  2.  Presence of chartered companies.
  3.  Hunting and gathering activities.
  4.  Absence of classes among the people.
  5.  Availability of iron technology.

(vii) Who commanded the respect of all and acted as a unifying force among the Maasai?

  1.  Kabaka.
  2.  Omukama.
  3.  Morani.
  4.  Warriors.
  5.  Laibon.

(viii) The organization comprising of less developed countries in the world is called

  1.  Non­Aligned Movement
  2.  Organization of African Unity
  3.  East African Community
  4.  United Nations Organization
  5.  New Partnership for Africa’s Development.

(ix) Which one of the following best explains the reason which made Mozambique to use force during her struggle for independence? 

  1. A It was a mandated territory.
  2.  It was a trusteeship territory.
  3.  It adopted the Open Door Policy.
  4.  It was a settler colony.
  5.  It was under indirect rule policy.

(x) The following was one of the characteristics of colonial education except

  1.  it based on rudimentary curriculum
  2.  it segregated the Africans
  3.  it focused on literacy and numeracy
  4.  it reflected the interests of the Africans.
  5.  it was provided to few people.




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 05th November 2014 p.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, and C.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer booklet.

(i) Cultural practices through which historical information can be obtained include

  1.  archaeology, museum and archives
  2.  museums, archives and religion 
  3. archaeology, funerals and riddles
  4. superstitions, religion and riddles
  5. oral tradition, museums and archives.

(ii) Which of the following is the famous local museum in Tanzania? 

  1.  Olduvai Gorge
  2. Bagamoyo
  3. Kilwa
  4. Kondoa
  5. Kalenga.

(iii) In the process of evolution, a true man had appeared by about 

  1.  500 years ago
  2. 5,000 years ago
  3.  50,000 years ago
  4. 500,000 years ago
  5. 5,000,000 years ago.

(iv) The most crucial changes in the evolution of man were 

  1.  bi-pedalism and development of the brain
  2. domestication of crops and animals
  3.  division of labour and expansion of agriculture
  4. establishment of settlements and domestication of crops
  5.  discovery of stone tools and fire.

(v) The period which man was able to make chopping and pebble tools is known as 

  1.  Late Stone Age
  2. Old Stone Age
  3.  Middle Stone Age
  4. Iron Age
  5. Industrial age.

(vi) Cultural practices through which historical information can be obtained include 

  1.  Katanga
  2. Tanga
  3.  Bunyoro
  4. Uvinza
  5. Meroe.

(vii) When was an International Organization comprising of independent states from all over the world formed?

  1.  Towards the end of the abolition of slave trade.
  2. Towards the beginning of the First World War. 
  3. During the establishment of colonialism.
  4. Towards the end of the Second World War.
  5. During the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.

(viii) Why the rulers of small Ngoni groups were able to defeat and consolidate their power to most of the East African societies?

  1.  Their female subjects were married by defeated tribes.
  2. Their male subjects were agents of colonialism.
  3.  Their army used more magic power than weapons.
  4.  Their army had poor weapons like guns.
  5.  War captives were spared and recruited into Ngoni armies.

(ix) Why the knowledge of iron-working was kept secret in some societies during pre-colonial period?

  1.  They wanted to develop division of labour.
  2.  Iron had the immediate use value to some societies.
  3.  They wanted to maintain monopoly of the blacksmiths.
  4.  They had plans of using it in making ornaments.
  5. It enabled men to play a middlemans role in salt and gold.

(x) What is the most supreme organ of the United Nations Organization? 

  1.  Trusteeship Council
  2. Secretariat
  3.  Security Council
  4.  General Assembly
  5. International Court of Justice.




(For School Candidates Only)

Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 06th November 2013 p.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, and C.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i) The action that man takes against nature aims at

  1.  studying the changes in the process of material production
  2. explaining mans struggle against nature
  3.  showing the relationships between man and man in production
  4. developing understanding on man and his environment
  5. changing natural objects into a condition of satisfying human needs.

(ii) Which of the following are included in the archives? 

  1.  Division of time into days, weeks and years.
  2. Family trees, time lines and time charts.
  3.  Colonial records and early travellers records.
  4. Cultural items from the earliest times to the present.
  5. Items which show mans physical development.

(iii) Who among the following was the first systematic tool maker and had a bigger brain than that of Zinjanthropus?

  1. Homo Habilis.
  2. Homo Sapiens. 
  3. Homo Eractus.
  4. Modern Man.
  5. Modern Apes.

(iv) Which of the following best explains the Old Stone Age? 

  1. Man made industrial machines.
  2. Man established social institutions.
  3. Man ate cooked food.
  4. Man made tools like hand axes.
  5. Man domesticated crops and animals.

(v) In areas such as Kondoa-Irangi, paintings and drawings in caves give evidence of the activities of

  1. iron smelters
  2. settled communities
  3. colonial legacy
  4. education for adaptation
  5. slave trade and slavery.

(vi) African countries have tried to bring about real independence through 

  1. setting up new factories and political instabilities in Africa
  2. improving communication system and military coups
  3. expanding education and agricultural practices
  4. establishing heavy industries and free market economy
  5. expanding agricultural production and administering Trust Territories.

(vii) Which of the following societies in West Africa were famous in using copper alloys for making various ornaments?

  1. Ibo and Yoruba.
  2. Venda and Mashona. 
  3. Manganja and Fulani.
  4. Yoruba and Mandika.
  5. Mandika and Ibo.

(viii) Most of the traders during the early commercial contacts between East Africa and the Far East came from

  1. China and Egypt
  2. Europe and China
  3. Egypt and Indonesia
  4. Indonesia and Europe
  5. Indonesia and China.

(ix) In Britain, the years between 1780 and 1820 formed the period of transition from commercial capitalism to

  1. monopoly capitalism
  2. primitive accumulation of capital
  3.  the age of mercantilism
  4. industrial capitalism
  5. the period of scramble for Africa.

(x) One of the features of monopoly capitalism is

  1. merging bank capital and trade
  2. formation of big African monopolies
  3. expansion of industrial production in the capitalist countries
  4. growth of small scale production in Europe
  5. emergence of slave trade and slavery in Africa.




(For School Candidates Only)

Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 06th October 2012 p.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, and C.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i) One of the advantages of the study of history is:

  1.  to understand why man is a living creature.
  2. to understand the changes in relations between man and environment. 
  3. to understand the beginning and the end of the world.
  4. to learn to be tolerant to environmental issues.
  5. to understand how the environment struggles against man.

(ii) During the 1840s the East African coastal trade was dominated by:

  1. Mazrui Arabs
  2. Oman Arabs 
  3. British traders
  4. German traders
  5. Indian traders.

(iii) From 1948, the coordination of all matters of common interest to Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda were placed under the:

  1. East Africa Governors Conference.
  2. East Africa Coordination Committee. 
  3. East Africa Common Services.
  4. East Africa High Commission.
  5. East Africa Common Market.

(iv) Asante was one of the Forest states which resisted against the: 

  1. French
  2. Germans
  3. Belgians
  4. Dutch
  5. British.

(v) One of the features of monopoly capitalism was: 

  1. the emergence of financial capital.
  2. the emergence of new small capitalists. 
  3. a tremendous decline of commercial activities.
  4. primitive accumulation of capital.
  5. export of raw materials.

(vi) The Hamerton treaty (1845) was about:

  1. allowing Sultan of Zanzibar to buy slaves outside East Africa.
  2. forbidding Sultan of Zanzibar to export slaves outside East Africa. 
  3. allowing Sultan of Zanzibar to sell slaves in Arabia.
  4. abolishing slave trade and slavery in all British colonies.
  5. closing all slave markets along the coast of East Africa.

(vii) Which of the following is the best method of fossil dating for objects which have stayed for several millions of years?

  1. Palaeontology. 
  2. Potassium Organ method.
  3. Archaeology. 
  4. Carbon 14 Test.
  5. Calcium carbonate.

(viii) The Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) is the term used to denote: 

  1. independence given illegally by British to settlers in Rhodesia.
  2. the white settlers in Rhodesia declaring their independence. 
  3. British refusing to give independence to settlers in Rhodesia.
  4. Settlers in Rhodesia acquiring independence from Britain by force.
  5. Settlers rejection in Rhodesia to be given self-rule by the British.

(ix) One of the major problems that hindered the attainment of unity in Uganda immediately after independence was:

  1. religious conflicts. 
  2. dictatorship of Idd Amin.
  3. civil wars. 
  4. racial segregation.
  5. tribalism.

(x) In which organ of UNO is the power of Veto effective? 

  1. International Court of Justice.
  2. Economic and Social Council.
  3. Security Council.
  4. Secretariat.
  5. General Assembly.




(For School Candidates Only)

Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 05th October 2011 p.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, and C.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. All drawings should be in pencil.
  5. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer sheet(s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i) Which is not true about History?

  1. History is a study of changes in the process of material production.
  2. History shows mans struggle against nature.
  3. History shows the changing relationship between human beings in the course of material production.
  4. History is a record of human activities.
  5. History is a study of great heroes.

(ii) Which among the following describes Homosapiens correctly?

  1. Thinking man. 
  2. Tool-maker.
  3. Early man.
  4. Modern man.
  5. Man at early Stone Age.

(iii) Which of the following was not a reason for the coming of Europeans to Africa before 1800? 

  1. To find an alternative route to India and Far East.
  2. To abolish slave trade and introduce Christianity. 
  3. o find a new source of trade.
  4. To look for gold, silver and spices in Africa and Asia.
  5. To capture and control the Indian Ocean trade.

(iv) The leader of Chimurenga uprising of 1896-1897 in Rhodesia were 

  1. Mkwati and Kinjekitile
  2. Siginyamatish and Lobengula.
  3. Mkwati and Siginyamatish.
  4. Mkwati and Lobengula.
  5. Lobengula and Rumunguru.

(v) The disintegration of Soviet Union influenced the 

  1. demise of socialism and monopartism.
  2. collapse of the League of Nations.
  3. end of VETO system in the UNO.
  4. disintegration of the Non-Alignment Movement.
  5. fragmentation of NATO.

(vi) Which of the following statements is true about the ancient Empire of Mali? 

  1. It first came into power with the defeat of Sundiata by Sumanguru.
  2. It was overthrown by invasion from Ghana.
  3. It extended its boundaries as far as Lake Chad.
  4. It grew rich by controlling Trans Saharan trade.
  5. It was formed after the collapse of Songhai Empire.

(vii) Menelick II became Emperor of Ethiopia in

  1. 1895 
  2. 1886 
  3. 1889
  4. 1893 
  5. 1896

(viii) The idea of forming an organisation of Non Aligned Countries originated at

  1. Bandung Afro Asian Congress in 1955.
  2. Bandung Afro Asian Congress in 1961. 
  3. Belgrade Yugoslavia in 1955.
  4. Belgrade Yugoslavia in 1961.
  5. United Socialist Union of Russia in 1961

(ix) Which of the following was not encouraged by the policies of Ujamaa in Tanzania? 

  1. The cooperative movement.
  2. Regional development for equity.
  3. Villagisation Camps.
  4. Peoples self projects.
  5. Peoples development through self reliance.

(x) The Trans Atlantic slave trade had the following outcome except 

  1. loss of African culture.
  2. loss of African technology.
  3. loss of manpower in Africa.
  4. the growth of forest states of Benin, Oyo and Ife.
  5. scramble of Africa by European nations




(For School Candidates Only)

Time: 3 Hours Wednesday, 6th October 2010 p.m.


  1. This paper consists of sections A, and C.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and and three (3) questions from section C.
  3. Calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. All drawings should be in pencil.
  6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s).

SECTION A (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i) One of the effects regarding the coming of Europeans to West Africa was 

  1. the introduction of iron technology
  2. establishment of heavy industries
  3. the growth of western Sudanic states
  4. the distortion of the Trans-Saharan Trade
  5. the decline of tribal wars.

(ii) The following are functions of the clan heads except 

  1. allocating land for agriculture
  2. choosing spouses for the young men
  3. settling conflicts
  4. presiding over religious ceremonies
  5. ruling a number of villages.

(iii) The prominent groups of people in iron working in Africa included the 

  1. Venda people of Northern Africa and Mashona of Zimbabwe
  2. Mashona of Zambia and Manganja of Malawi
  3. Nubians of Sudan and the Venda of Northern Transvaal
  4. Nubians of Kongo and the Mashona of Zimbabwe
  5. Ibo and Yoruba in West Africa.

(iv) One of the notable United Nations failure in its objectives is its inability to 

  1. control food shortage
  2. eradicate colonial rule
  3. establish tribunes for war criminals
  4. prevent big powers from violating its principles
  5. control poverty in Africa.

(v) The Boers who trekked away from the cape colony in the late 1830s were known as the 

  1. Voortrekkers
  2. Isandlahwana
  3. Afrikaners Bond
  4. Uitlanders
  5. Khoisan

(vi) Written records as a source of history are more preferred to oral traditions because of the following reason.

  1. Written records do not require space
  2. Oral traditions can be exaggerated and it is difficult to reproduce the same contents
  3. Oral traditions are expressed in centuries
  4. Written records do not require language as a medium of communication
  5. Oral traditions are controlled by leaders of a given society.

(vii) Karl Peters signed a number of treaties with African chiefs on the coastal hinterland of Tanganyika because he wanted to

  1. please chancellor Bismark of Germany
  2. establish the unity among African chiefdoms
  3. accomplish colonial economic motives of the German East Africa Company
  4. accomplish the signing of the Heligoland Treaty
  5. recruit the chief of Msowero to become member of the German East African Company.

(viii) The demise of the Portuguese in East African Coast could be explained as

  1. the Portuguese rivals overpowered them
  2. the Portuguese did not have enough soldiers and administrators to control their empire 
  3. Portuguese soldiers were corrupt and brutal
  4. the Portuguese control of the Indian Ocean trade and gold in Mwenemutapas empire was less profitable
  5. Portugal had already industrialised.

(ix) Which major problem faced independent Africa in political aspects after independence?

  1. Low income to the majority
  2. Experts without white collar job 
  3. The balance of ministers from former colonial masters
  4. Size of independent states
  5. Imbalance in power sharing

(x) Indirect Rule was predominant in the following regions 

  1. South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe
  2. Uganda, Nigeria and Tanganyika
  3. Uganda, Kenya and Zanzibar
  4. Zimbabwe, Kenya and Congo
  5. Cameroon, Namibia and Tanganyika




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2009


1. For each of the items (i) - (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i)Which one among the following statements is not true about the discoveries made by man during the middle stone age?

A.Development of sharper, smaller and portable tools

B.Introduction of stone picks, spears, arrows, knives and needles

C.Use of wooden and bone materials to facilitate production

D.Discovery of fire

E.Emergence of social cultural groups or ethnic groups

(ii)The Portuguese conquest of the East African Coast was led by:

A.King Emmanuel

B.Ahmed Ibn Majid

C.Henry the Navigator

D.Vasco Salgado

E.Francisco D Almeida

(iii)Which of the following best describes the Stone Age Era?

A.When man used stone artifacts widely in his daily life

B.When stones were formed on earth

C.When man used stones widely as ornaments

D.When Africans used stones to fight against invaders

E.When stone became a major commodity in a long distance trade.

(iv)Why are missionaries important in African history?

A.Treated Africans very well

B.Brought in trade goods with them

C.Accounts of their expeditions and experiences attracted more Europeans

D.Established medical services

E.Introduced civilization in Africa

(v) Who among the following supported greatly the idea to have a British Empire from the Cape to Cairo?

A.Sir George Goldie

B.Cecil John Rhodes

C.Captain Frederick Lugard

D.Sir Harry Johnston

E.Carl Peters

(vi)The first British Governor in Kenya, Sir Charles Eliot, stressed on the:

A.constitution of the Uganda railway

B.establishment of settler economy

C. creation of Kenya as the industrial centre for East Africa

D.introduction of steamers in Lake Victoria

E.integration of Kikuyu into plantation economy

(vii) Which among the following statements was a problem towards independence in Nigeria?

A.Elitism, tribalism and ignorance

B.Regionalism, tribalism and religion

C.Poverty, tribalism and ignorance

D.Religion, tribalism and poverty E. Elitism, tribalism and poverty

(viii) One of the major objectives of SADC is to: member states to secure genuine and equitable regional integration

B.establish a common defense among the member states

C.promote the use of Kiswahili language among the member states Southern African countries to be self-reliant instead of depending on South Africa member states to combat HIV/AIDS pandemic

(ix) One of the important features of feudal relations of production as prevailed in the Interlacustrine Region during the pre-colonial period was:

A.commercial ownership of land

B.communal ownership of land

C.private ownership of land and cattle

D.private ownership of labour force E. private ownership of capital

(x) One of the notable United Nations failures in its objectives is its inability to:

A.control food shortage

B.eradicate colonial rule

C.establish tribunes for war criminals

D.prevent big powers from violating its principles

E.control poverty in Africa




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2008


1. For each of the items (i) — (x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i)Human activities against nature and production relations are fully understood through the study of:





E. Archives

(ii)Man started to be skillful and tool maker at the stage of:

A.Homo Sapiens

B.Homo Erectus

C.Homo habilis

D.Modern apes

E. Zinjanthropus

(iii)The growth and expansion of Songhai Empire was a result of:

A.geographical position and Equatorial favourable climate

B.expansion of Gao Empire through conquering neighbouring states

C.the emergence of Mansa Musa as a strong leader

D.development of iron technology

E.development of Triangular trade

(iv)The growth and expansion of Ethiopia Empire started from the 4th century under the reign of:

A.King Menelik Il

B.King Solomoni

C.King Theodore

D.King Ezana

E.King Haille Selassie

(v)During colonial period, provision of social services was not given priority to Africans because:

A.Arabs and Portuguese had provided social services before colonialism.

B.Africans refused modernity. 

C. Africans had all social services.

D. social services were part of profit to European capitalists. 

E. social services were not part of profit to European capitalists.

(vi)Which of the following sectors of colonial economy favoured Europeans and Asians in Africa during colonial period? 

A. Education, health, water, housing and roads.

B.Agriculture, mining, financial institutions, transport and commerce.

C.Agricultural schemes, labour bureaus and trade. 

D. Industry, communication, harbours and banks.

E. Transportation, health, mining, electricity and water services.

(vii)Some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others in the 19 th century because they:

A.had no active Africans to resist colonialism. 

B. were still far behind in development. 

C. were good for hunting and gathering fruits.

D.had Mediterranean climate favourable for Europeans.

E.were economically strategic.

(viii)Independent African states made attempt to increase food crops along cash crops of which Tanzania expressed the policy of:

A.Ujamaa villages

B.Musoma villages

C.Iringa resolution

D.Arusha declaration

E.Zanzibar resolution

(ix)The British exercised direct rule policy in some parts of Zimbabwe because:

A.It was expensive to administer.

B.The natives and traditional chiefs opposed colonial rule. 

C. Zimbabwe was dominated by centralized states. 

D. Zimbabwe had enough experienced personnel.

E. The British were afraid of eliminating the local administrative set up.

(x)The Jihad war in East Africa under Othman dan Fodio, Alhaj Omar and Ahmed Seku resulted into:

A.Formation of big empires like Mandinka and the Sokoto Caliphate

B.Formation of big empires like Mali and Songhai

C.Creation of small political entities 

D. Formation of the state of Nigeria

E. Disintegration of weaker states at the coast of West Africa.




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2007


1. For each of the items (i) — (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i)The following are limitations of archaeology as a source of historical knowledge except one:

A.Time factor is very relative.

B.Humid climate causes decay of artifacts.

C.It is more employed in Engaruka Valley than Egypt.

D.Difficult to know the culture, language and beliefs of the artifacts.

E.It takes time and it is very expensive.

(ii)Trading caravans going into the interior of East Africa in the 19th century carried a red flag because:

A.they were travelling along dangerous trade routes. 

B. they needed the protection of the Sultan of Zanzibar.

C. they were afraid of the British who were trying to stop slave trade. 

D. slaves suffered during their journey from the interior to the coast.

E. they were carrying slaves as the main trade article.

(iii)In most parts of pre-colonial Africa, the ruling classes appropriated surpluses through:

A.wars of conquest

B.looting and plundering

C.tribute and labour services


E.agriculture and domestication of animalsimage

(iv)Dr Robert Moffat worked as a missionary in one of the following stations:


B.Kuruman C. Blantyre

D. Maposeni

E. Rabai

(v)In which of the following countries was colonization accompanied by mass European settlement?


B. Nigeria

C. Gabon 

D. Mauritania 

E. Sierra Leone

(vi)Which of the following cash crops were the most important in the early German colonial rule in Mainland Tanzania?

A.Rubber, cotton and cloves

B.Coffee, wheat and sugar cane

C.Rubber, coffee and sugar cane

D.Wheat, sisal and maize

E.Rubber, cotton and sisal

(vii)The British took over Tanganyika after 1918 because: 

A. it was the end of the First World War. 

B. they were asked by the League of Nations.

C.they defeated the Germans.

D.they wanted to merge Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika. 

E. the Germans were not able to reparate the war.

(viii)The event which marked the end of peaceful protests by African nationalists in South Africa was the: 

A. Rivonial trial. 

B. Soweto massacre.

C.institution of the apartheid policy.

D.formation of the Umkonto we Sizwe.

E. Sharpeville massacre.

(ix)A political and economic programme which aims at promoting democracy, stability, good governance and economic development in Africa is known as:

A.Pan Africanism


C.African Nationalism

D.African Initiative

E.Global Vision 2025

(x)The first president who was assassinated in post-colonial Africa was:

A.Patrice Lumumba of Congo-Kinshasa

B.Sylvanus Olympio of Togo

C.Anwar Sadat of Egypt

D.Abeid Aman Karume of Zanzibar

E.Samora Machel of Mozambique




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2003


1. For each of the items (i) - (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i)The appearance of both Zinjanthropus and Homohabilis marked the beginning of a period in man's history known as:

A. Neolithic Age

B. Modernization Age

C. Early Stone Age

D. Middle Stone Age

E. Pre-colonial Period

(ii)The abolition of Slave Trade had the following immediate impact on African societies:-

A. Increased penetration of Europeans whose activities led to colonization of Africa.

B. Expansion of clove and coconut plantations in Zanzibar by Oman Arabs.

C. Rise of indigenous African merchant and ruling classes.

D. Emergence of Arab settlements along the East African coast and islands.

E. Decline of the Trans-Saharan Trade and eventually fall of the Sudanic States.

(iii)The colonial imperial chartered companies failed in their mission to rule African colonies because:

A. Other European companies were against them.

B. African chiefs refused to work with the company administrators.

C. Imperialist states were too far to support them during resistances.

D. The colonies were producing less and therefore were not profitable.

E. They had little capital and skilled manpower to run colonial administration.

(iv) The term "Apartheid" as was applied to South African societies meant:

A. Colour bar between whites and the blacks

B. Separate development among South African races

C. No voting right for the Africans

D. The best land to be reserved for whites

E. Creation of settlements for Africans termed Bantustans.

(v) One of the following wars demonstrated unity and self determination among Africans in the desire to liberate themselves from foreign rule in the early 20th century.

A. Mau Mau

B. Chimurenga

C. Mfecane

D. Maji Maji

E. Afro-Boer

(vi)The title given to the King of the Oyo Empire in West Africa was

A. Alafin

B. Oba

C. Asantehane

D. Nzinga

E. Emir

(vii)Which of the following is not a factor for Arab-Jews conflict in the Middle East?

A.Camp David Accord of 1978 between Egypt and Israel

B.Creation of Israel out of Palestine in 1948 against the Arab wishes

C.Jordan valley occupied by Israel

D.Holly city of Jerusalem, which both Arabs and Jews want to control

E.Occupied Arab lands by Israel following the 1967 war between the Arabs and the Jews.

(viii) In promoting colonial plantation agriculture in Tanganyika, the British:

A. Encouraged settlers to pay high wages to migrant labourers.

B.Encouraged the peasants to grow sisal.

C.Encouraged large scale production of all major cash crops.

D.Created means of ensuring constant supply of migrant labourers.

E.Increased prices for African plantation farmers.

(ix)The United Nations specialized agency responsible for human settlement is the:





(x)The Lusaka Accord of 1980 established the following organization:


B. Frontline States 


D. Mulungushi Club 





(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2005


1. For each of the items (i) — (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i) Students of History should understand the fact that:

A. Africa had no development at all before the coming of the missionaries.

B. The coming of traders in Africa by the 19 th century was a blessing to African handicraft industries.

C.Africa had its own economic and technological achievements before the 15th century.

D.Changes in African societies were independent of the contact with Asia and Europe by the 20th century.

E.The present development problems are a result of colonialism only.

(ii)The feudal lords and traders in the East African coast reacted against the Portuguese invasion because they:

A. Wanted to expand clove plantation.

B.Wanted to protect their economic and political interests.

C.Wanted to safeguard their serfs.

D.Were racists.

E.Feared to lose their slaves.

(iii)Which of the following is the best description of Homohabilis?

A. The early man

B. The modern man

C. The thinking man

D. The erect man

E. Man the tool-maker

(iv)The United Nations' agency responsible for literacy is:






(v)The British colonial rule in East Africa constructed the Uganda railway in order to:

A. Attract more European settlers to Kenya.

B. Compete with the Imperial German East African rule. 

C. Provide cheap means of transport for East African people.

D.Gain easy access to resources surrounding the interlacustrine area.

E.Facilitate transportation of suppressive soldiers against the rebel Bunganda Empire.

(vi)What did the emergence of Mau Mau in Kenya indicate?

A.The settlers were in full control of the country.

B.Kenyans were prepared to sacrifice their lives for liberation of their land.

C. Jomo Kenyatta was the likely person to lead independent Kenya.

D.There was disunity among the Africans in their opposition to British rule.

E.The direct rule system as applied in Kenya did not function.

(vii)The Moresby treaty was not successful to the abolition of slave trade because it:

A.was not against slave trade.

B.was anti-slavery but not anti slave trade.

C. faced strong opposition from Americans.

D.confined itself to slave trade within East Africa.

E.did not consider economic well-being of African chiefs.

(viii) One of the problems facing the African Unity is colonial legacy. This is because:

A.Colonialism preserved and emphasized the separation of each colony. 

B. Indirect rule introduced by the British facilitated interstate hatred. 

C. The Portuguese policy of assimilation discouraged unity.

D.Colonialism encouraged growth of apartheid in all settler colonies.

E.Territorial size of African states as created by colonialists is not even.

(ix) In many colonies peasant agriculture was preferred by the colonial state because: was cheap and peasants produced for both the metropole and themselves.

B.settlers were arrogant and conformists.

C.peasants were able to acquire capital loans from colonial banks and pay on time. was easy to inject new production techniques among peasants. enabled the colonial states to bring about development among the rural peasants.

(x) The former East African Community was formed primarily to:

A.Bring about East African Federation.

B.Put to an end to hostility between Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

C.Share the resource of the three member states.

D.Promote Kiswahili in the East African countries.

E.Strengthen economic cooperation between Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2004


1. For each of the items (i) — (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i)The well known matrilineal societies in East Africa by the nineteenth century were the:

A.Mwera, Makonde, Kurya and Maasai

B.Kikuyu, Kamba, Hehe and Gogo

C.Haya, Sambaa, Ha and Zigua

D.Mwera, Kamba, Kikuyu and Makonde

E. Ndali, Iraqw, Barbaig and Mbugu

(ii)Effective Oman control in East Africa was established during the:

A.late 16th Century. B. Islamic Jihads.

C. second half of the 19th Century.

D. early 18th Century.

E. middle of the 18 th Century.

(iii)The main factor for the decline of the Trans-Saharan trade in the 16th century was the:

A.spread of the Islamic Jihads in West Africa.

B.rise of Savanna States.

C. European conquest.

D. rise of Coastal trade or Trans-Atlantic trade.

E. scarcity of commodities in Northern Africa.

(iv)Carl Peters' early success in promoting German interests in East Africa was: Zanzibar.

B.between the Pangani and Rufiji rivers. Buganda. the Northern Zone of Tanganyika. Witu area of Kenya. image

(v) One of the features of monopoly capitalism was:

A. emergence of finance capital.

B.the emergence of new small capitalists.

C.a tremendous decline of commercial activities.

D.end of industrial activities.

E.primitive accumulation of capital.

(vi)Which of the following was not a strategy of ensuring constant supply of labour in colonial agricultural and mining investments in Africa?

A.Land alienation


C.Creation of labour reserves

D. Consolidation of peasantry

E. Changing the pattern of consumption of people.

(vii)Which ofthe statements below is not true about the introduction of colonial economy in East Africa?

A.Uneven distribution of social and physical infrastructures.

B.Absence of sectoral link.

C.The establishment of heavy mining industry in Tanganyika.

D.The introduction of new crops such as sisal, cotton and pyrethrum.

E.Utilization of African cheap labour

(viii)In Africa, neo-colonialism operates politically through: image A. provision of loans and aid with some conditions.

B. establishing military bases ofneo-colonialpowers in African countries. 

C. provision of grants to strong African governments and leaders.

D.impositioning of puppet governments.

E.provision of Western oriental education.

(ix)Members of the Economic Community of West African States include:

A.Nigeria, Liberia, Zambia, Ghana, Mali and Chad

B.Nigeria, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Cape Verde and Senegal

C.Nigeria, Senegal, Cameroon, Liberia, Morocco and Eritrea

D.Togo, Nigeria, Algeria, Sierra Leone, Mali and Gambia

E.Cameroon, Mali, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Western Sahara and Gabon.

(x)The following is not a function of the African Union:

A.To ensure peace and security in the African continent.

B.Elimination of Apartheid regime in South Africa.

C.To promote international cooperation in line with the Charter of the United Nations Organization.

D.To promote unity and solidarity of the African States.

E.To settle inter-territorial conflicts in the continent.




(For Both School and Private Candidates)

Time: 3 Hours Year: 2003


1. For the items (i) - (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

(i)Which of the following is not a normal function of museums?

A. Keeping both objects and writings about certain historical facts.

B.Symbol of small towns as well as large cities.

C.Source of amusement.

D.Preserving written information.

E.Educational dissemination centres.

(ii)The decline of the East African city states was brought about by the following factors except:

A.decline in state prosperity resulting from gold trade.

B.looting and plundering of accumulated wealth by the Portuguese.

C.the N goni invasion.

D.conflicts within the states.

E.frequent wars against the invading Portuguese.

(iii)Which of the following was not the effect of the 19th century Jihad ofUsman dan Fodio in Western Sudan?

A.It speeded up the spread of Islam.

B.It inspired the creation of large political units.

C. It stimulated studies in Islam.

D.It strengthened the influence of Islamic ideology on state affairs.

E.For a while it reduced non-Islamic practices in state administration.

(iv)Which of the following statements is not true of pre-colonial African societies in general?

A.They were more or less of the same level of social and political development.

B.Segmentary political organizations were common in most of them.

C.Long and Short distance trade had developed in many parts of the continent.

D.Most people lived in rural areas.

E.Some societies developed state structures, others lacked such structures.

(v)The Berlin Conference of 1884 — 85 had the following resolutions except:

A.Participants agreed that major river basins would be free for all to trade in.

B.Agreement was reached that all European powers would stop the slave trade in their spheres of influence in Africa. image

C.All colonizing powers were required to establish effective control over their claimed territories.

D.The participating powers agreed to settle any subsequent conflicts through bilateral agreements between the respective powers.

E.The map of colonial Africa was completed, never to be touched again before independence.

(vi)Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) is a term used to denote:

A. Independence given illegally by Britain to settlers in Rhodesia.

B.The white settlers in Rhodesia declaring themselves independent from the authority of Britain.

C.Britain refusing to give independence to settlers in Rhodesia.

D.Settlers in Rhodesia acquiring independence from Britain by force.

E.Rhodesian white settlers objecting to the British intention to hand over the country to the majority blacks.

(vii)German and British companies failed to rule East Africa because:

A. They had little capital and personnel for administering the area.

B. Other European companies were against them.

C. African Chiefs refused to cooperate with the company directors.

D. Their home governments were not willing to help them.

E. They were all defeated in the colonial war of resistance.

(viii)The main objective of the colonial powers in acquiring colonies in Africa was to:

A.Secure naval bases.

B.Control African human and natural resources.

C. Civilize the backward African people.

D.Establish white settlements in foreign lands.

E.Transfer modern technology to Africa.

(ix)In 1967, the three EastAfrican countries formed the East African Community in order to:

A.bring about East African Federation.

B. end hostility between them.

C.develop economic cooperation between them.

D.promote Kiswahili in the three East African countries.

E.share the resources available in the region equally.

(x)The outbreak of Mau Mau in Kenya in the 1950s indicated that:

A.The settlers were in full control of Kenyan economy.

B.Africans in Kenya were not united against the white settlers.

C.Jomo Kenyatta was the likely person to lead Kenya to independence.

D.Kenyans were ready to sacrifice their lives for the liberation of their land.

E.Africa could only be liberated from colonial control through armed struggle.

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