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When a bus starts or stops moving, passengers tend to be jerked forward or backward. This is due to:
(ii) Racing cars rarely get accidents despite their high speed because they:
(iii) An air ship is floating high above the ground. In this case the air
(iv) The positions of particular constellations in the sky have helped huĉm beings in ..
(v) Total internal reflection has a wide use in our daily life such as in:
(vi) When using a measuring cylinder, one precaution to take is to .......
(vii) What holds the planets in their orbits and makes them to move(revolve) around the sun?
(viii)Two coils X and Y having the same dimensions and number of turns wound around a piece of soft iron have a steady current passing through them as shown in the Figure below.
(ix) In a race competition, one should kneel down when starting the race so that:
(x) The destruction of ozone layer in the atmosphere has led the world to disasters caused by:
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