(For School Candidates Only)

Time: 3 Hours Tuesday, 4th O ctober 2011 a.m 


1. This paper consists of sections A, B, C and D.

2. Answer all questions in sections A, B and C and one (1) question from each part of section D.

3. Map extract of Malampaka (sheet 49/1) is provided.

4. Credit will be given for the use of relevant sketch maps and diagrams.

5. Calculators and cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.

6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

SECTION A (25 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.


1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

 (i) One of the following features is a characteristic of coniferous forests:

  1.  Trees are made up of hard wood 
  2. Trees occur in stands 
  3. Trees favour high temperatures 
  4. Trees have broad leaves
  5.  Trees grow in a few years.
Choose Answer :

 (ii) The Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) means

  1.  a region of low pressure 
  2.  a region of doldrums
  3.  a region of high pressure 
  4. a sub-tropical high pressure belt 
  5.  a region with high speed winds.
Choose Answer :

 (iii) Rias often provide natural harbour because they are

  1.  found along the sub-merged coast.
  2.  mainly found in Europe where the sea is shallow
  3.  deep outlets of water along the coast
  4.  not deep, ships can approach ports easily
  5. similar to lagoons but have shallow depths.
Choose Answer :

 (iv) If the local time at town X (30�E 45�N) is 5.00 p.m. Monday, what will the time be at town Y (15�W 50�S)?

  1.  2 a.m. Monday 
  2. 8 p.m. Monday
  3. 2 p.m. Monday 
  4. 3 p.m. Monday
  5.  2 p.m. Sunday.
Choose Answer :

(v) The following are instruments used in chain and tape survey:

  1.  Barometer, pegs, notebook, compass
  2. Tape measure, chain, cross staff, anemometer
  3.  Chain, arrows, ranging poles, altimeter 
  4.  Arrows, ranging poles, pegs, chain
  5. Cross staff, notebook, chain and plane table.
Choose Answer :

 (vi) When the river flows in its long profile it performs the following geological activities:

  1.  Moves fast and can carry everything on the earth�s surface
  2. Erodes, transports and deposits weathered materials
  3.  Meanders and forms ox-bow lakes throughout the profile
  4.  Does three functions such as abrasion, solution and attrition 
  5.  Acts as agent of weathering and erosion along the profile. 
Choose Answer :

(vii) If the location of a point on a map is given by grid reference 365490, then

  1.  365 are Degrees 
  2.  365 are Longitudes
  3. 490 are Northings 
  4.  490 are Eastings
  5.  365 are Northings
Choose Answer :

(viii) The following are the elements of weather:

  1.  Soils, clouds, dew, humidity, rainfall
  2.  Fog, barometer, humidity, pressure, air mass
  3.  Clouds, sunshine, pressure, humidity, thermometer 
  4. Pressure, clouds, sunshine, humidity, winds 
  5.  Pressure, humidity, soils, fog.
Choose Answer :

 (ix) Which one of the following is not an outcome of the rotation of the earth on its own axis?

  1.  Deflection of winds and ocean currents
  2.  Difference of one hour between two meridians 15� apart
  3.  Day and night 
  4.  Seasons of the year 
  5. Sunrise and sunset. 
Choose Answer :

(x) Landforms formed by vulcanicity can be divided into

  1.  Many parts according to the nature of lava
  2.  Sills, dykes, valleys and earthquakes only
  3. Volcanic mountains and sills only 
  4.  Extrusive and intrusive features 
  5.  Batholiths, dykes and volcano only. 
Choose Answer :

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