Time: 2:30 Hours Year: 2024


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A, B and C.
  3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks.
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink.
  5. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.
  6. Communication devices and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
  7. Write your Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page.












SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

(i) A certain farmer in central Tanzania discovered a skeleton similar to that of the extinct dinosaur assumed to have died in 9,000 years ago. Which method will you use to determine its age? 

  1. Time line 
  2. Carbon 14
  3. Anno Domino 
  4. Anthropological method
Choose Answer :

(ii) "We don't like History because it deals with the past events which do not have any value," remarked some form one students. Which conclusion can you draw about those students?

  1. They did not like to remember the past
  2. They disliked Historical events
  3. They liked science subjects
  4. They were not aware of the importance of History
Choose Answer :

(iii) Human being came into existence together with other animals. Which one of the following consist of the family of Primates from which man belonged? 

  1. Monkeys, Gorillas and Elephants
  2. Elephants, Antelopes and Crocodiles
  3. Chimpanzees, Zinjanthropus and Amphibians
  4. Apes, Gorillas and Monkeys
Choose Answer :

(iv) Which statements describe the way early human beings obtained their food during the Early Stone Age?

(i) Human beings domesticated animals and crops for food

(ii) Human beings ate the remains of prey killed by carnivorous animals

(iii) Human being used iron tools to hunt or kill animals for food

(iv) Human beings gathered roots, fruits and eggs from the environment

  1. (iii) and (iv) 
  2. (ii) and (iii) 
  3. (ii) and (iv) 
  4. (i) and (ii)
Choose Answer :

(v) Shifting cultivation was the most common method of farming in pre-colonial Africa. Why was this method of farming regarded as harmful to the environment?

  1. It encouraged desertification
  2. It allowed the land to regain fertility
  3. It controlled spread of plant diseases and pests
  4. It discouraged desertification
Choose Answer :

(vi) Which factor enabled the rise of Mali Empire?

  1. Good leadership of Kabaka
  2. Good leadership of Mansa Musa
  3. Presence of a golden stool
  4. Collapse of the Songhai empire
Choose Answer :

(vii) Which statements are correct about mfecane?

(i) It was caused by the arrival of the agents of colonialism 

(ii) It was caused by the population increase

(iii) It was caused by the rise of Shaka of the Zulu Kingdom

(iv) It was caused by the arrival of the Portuguese at the Cape

  1. (i) and (ii) 
  2. (ii) and (iii)
  3. (i) and (iv) 
  4. (iii) and (iv)
Choose Answer :

(viii) Mitomingo. a form three student, was reading about the mode nrodllction whose characteristics included low level of science and technology , as well as collective ownership of the major means of production. Which term befits such a mode of production?

  1. Feudalism 
  2. Mercantilism 
  3. Communalism 
  4. Capitalism
Choose Answer :

(ix) Which term best describes the winds which brought traders from Asia to East Africa during the pre-colonial period?

  1. Ocean currents 
  2. Harmattan
  3. Monsoon 
  4. Doldrums
Choose Answer :

(x) In 1840, Sultan Seyyid Said shifted his capital from Oman to Zanzibar. Why did he move to Zanzibar?

  1. Slave trade in Zanzibar angered him
  2. Climate of Zanzibar was good
  3. Zanzibar's streams had salty water
  4. Attacks from the Portuguese frightened him
Choose Answer :

2. Match the descriptions associated with the evolution of human beings in List A with the correct terms in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.

List A

List B

(i) The situation in which adaptations enable organisms to survive and reproduce.

(ii) Explains the origin of human being by describing the changes that our ancestors underwent to become modern human beings.

(iii) The kind of movement of early human beings by using two legs.

(iv) The way through which early human beings obtained food during the Early Stone Age.

(v) Asserts that God created a man and a woman whose descendants dispersed to all arts of the earth.

  1. Evolution theory
  2. Bipedalism
  3. Creation theory
  4. Agriculture
  5. Carbon 14 
  6. Scavenging
  7. Primates
  8. Survival for the fittest


List A






List B

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SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Briefly, explain the following terms:

  1. Feudalism
  2. Slave
  3. Communalism
  4. Boer trek
  5. Landlord
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4. Arrange the following Historical events in a chronological order by writing their roman numbers below the corresponding item position in the table provided.

(i) The most important feature in this mode of production was that human beings were treated as a personal property.

(ii) Monopoly capitalism was another hase in the development of capitalism which started in the second half of the 19t century.

(iii) Slavery was the first exploitative mode of production which emerged after the collapse of communalism.

(iv) Feudalism was the mode of production in which land was the major means of production.

(v) Merchant capitalism emerged after the decline of feudalism in Europe.








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5. Briefly, answer each of the following questions:

(i) Explain two benefits that pastoralists got from their livestock during the precolonial period.

(ii) Explain two uses of salt during the pre-colonial period.

(iii) How did the people along the coast of East Africa make salt?

(iv) Why camels became the major means of transport across the Sahara during the Trans-Saharan trade?

(v) Why did Trans-Saharan trade decline?

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6. Differentiate the following individuals in terms of the roles they played in History:

(i) Christopher Columbus and Richard Turnbull

(ii) Vasco Da Gama and Karl Peters

(iii) Mansa Kankan Musa and Askia Mohamed

(iv) Zwangendaba and Shaka

(v) Charles Darwin and Louis Leakey

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7. Study the following sketch map and then answer the questions (i) - (v) that follow. Write your answer beside the item number in the spaces provided.

(i) Which letter represents the place where there was a feudal relation Wamwinyi monopolized the political and economic powers?

(ii) Which letter represents the place where there was a feudal relation in which the donor of the cattle became the master of the recipient?

(iii) Which letter represents the place where the ruling class apportioned arable land to the peasants through a system known as Nyarubanja?

(iv) Which letter represents the place where the feudal relation called busulo was practiced?

(v) Which letter represents the place where the Dorobo people were still hunters and gatherers in the 19th century?

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8. Briefly, explain five effects of Ngoni migration in Central and East Africa.

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9. Briefly. explain four demands of industrial capitalism.

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SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question ten (10).

10. Explain five factors for the rise of the Buganda kingdom.

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