Student's Assessment Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Time 2:30 Hours Year: 2024


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B. seventy' (70) marks and section C carries fifteen (15) marks.
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink, except drawing which must be in pencil.
  5. Communication devices and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
  6. Write your Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page.












SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(x) choose the correct from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

(i) When you are filling in an official form. which item demands supplying information on whether you are married or not?

  1. Next of kin
  2. Surname
  3. Other names
  4. Marital status
Choose Answer :

(ii) Mariam was furious because she did not get her change hack from the bus conductor. Which word has a similar meaning to the underlined word?

  1. sad
  2. angry
  3. excited
  4. happy
Choose Answer :

(iii) I had an appointment to meet with my friend at the school gate. The preposition at as used in the sentence means the school gate is:

  1. a certain place
  2. a certain situation
  3. a certain position
  4. a certain direction
Choose Answer :

(iv) 'I didn't find anybody in the classroom when I arrived.' What does this statement mean?

  1. Everybody was there
  2. Somebody was there
  3. Some people were there
  4. Nobody was there
Choose Answer :

(v) At this moment, loud noise is heard outside our home. My father asks,

  1. "What will happen outside"
  2. "What happened outside"
  3. "What is happening outside"
  4. "What had happened outside"
Choose Answer :

(vi) Which set of terms can be used to describe the repeated actions?

  1. A yesterday, last week, last month
  2. B every day, today, yesterday
  3. C daily, usually, always
  4. D often, previous month, the coming year
Choose Answer :

(vii) Imagine you want to buy mangoes at the market but you do not know the price. The following are possible. ways of asking the price except:

  1. A How do you sell mangoes?
  2. B How much do you sell each mango?
  3. C How much is one mango?
  4. D How much does One mango cost?
Choose Answer :

(viii) You want to provide an example of the sentence that shows the future habit. Which sentence would you use?

  1. I will eat lunch at 1:00 p.m. next Monday.
  2. I will be eating lunch at 1:00 p.m. from next Monday.
  3. I will have eaten lunch at 1:00 p.m. next Monday.
  4. I will have been eating lunch at 1:00 p.m. next Monday.
Choose Answer :

(ix) Halima and Sankole are going to marry in two weeks time. What does this sentence mean?

  1. The ceremony is done already, two weeks ago.
  2. The ceremony was taking place after two weeks.
  3. The ceremony took place two weeks ago.
  4. The ceremony will take place within two weeks.
Choose Answer :

(x) Suppose you are reading a newspaper with some pieces of information. Which one would you treat as a fact?

  1. I think the solution is to give her a second chance
  2. 75% of the form II students passed their National Assessment last year
  3. Many students are likely to be employed in the mining sector
  4. Other students might be enrolled to colleges for short courses
Choose Answer :

2. Match the descriptions in List A with their corresponding terms in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the item number in the table provided.

List A

List B

  1. Causing pain and suffering.
  2. Wanting more things than one really need.
  3. Doing things in a quiet and careful way.
  4. Willing to help other people.
  5. Willing to give freely.
  1. Greed
  2. Generosity
  3. Good heartedness
  4. Rough
  5. Cruelty
  6. Rudeness
  7. Gentleness
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SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Outline Five important elements which should he considered when .writing an invitation card.

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4. Study carefully the following extract from the dictionary and answer the questions that follow in the blank spaces provided.


  1. Identify the two word classes the headword can belong to .
  2. Provide the fifth meaning of the headword.
  3. Write the pronunciation of the headword.
  4. Provide an example of an idiom in the extract .
  5. Give the meaning of the headword when it is referred to as a phrasal verb.
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5. Imagine you watched a football match at the BWM Stadium where Simba was playing against Yanga. You want to tell your friend about some of the events which happened during the match. Compose five meaningful sentences you would tell by using the given pairs of words . Item (i) has been done as an example .

(i ) match .. .. jogging

Before the match , players were jogging .

(ii) referee .... whistle

(iii) striker .... goal

(iv)spectators . . . . stadium

(v)winger . . .. goalkeeper

(vi) centre half . . .. offside

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6. Study carefully the following weekly routine or a certain sport club and answer the questions that follow .






  • Report to club
  • Do light training
  • Get treatment for any injuries



  • Do heavy training
  • Rest and take soft drinks





  • Do exercise in the gym
  • Go for a short run





  • Go for a long run
  • Watch videos of other teams' games


Morning a



  • Do some training
  • Coach gives the players the plan for the match


(i) Which activities are done on Tuesday?

(ii) Which activities are conducted on Thursday?

(iii) At what time does the team get treatment for the injuries?

(iv) On which day does the team rest and take soft drinks?

(v) On which day does the team become aware of the plan for the match ?

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7 . The following is a telephone conversation between Mr. Kingu and his son Uledi. Read the conversation and answer the question s that follow:

Mr. Kingu: Hello, Uledi it's your father speaking . Can I speak to your mother?

UJedi : Hello father, ooh I'm sorry , she is not at home now . Can I take a message for her ?

Mr . Kingu : Yes, could you please tell her that my mobile phone was stolen so in case she wants to contact me she should call Mr. Upatu , I'll be with him this whole week.

Uledi : Yes, of course I will do that.

Mr. Kingu : Also tell her that I left this message at 11 :00 am on J 1th September. 2024.

Uledi : Okay, see you soon .

Mr. Kingu: Bye.


  1. Who left the telephone message ?
  2. To whom was the telephone message meant to r each?
  3. At what time was the message left ?
  4. On which date was the message given ?
  5. What was the message about?
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8. One among the meeting attendants failed to take notes during the meeting because of his poor skills in note taking. Identify five things he should consider when taking notes.

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9. Compose a sentence by using each of the given words.

  1. Like
  2. Dislike
  3. Hobby
  4. Enjoy
  5. Prefer
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SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question ten (10) .

  • The Magic Garden - K .R . Cripwell (1977) , William Colhns Sons and Company Ltd , Great Britain .
  • Kalulu the Hare - F. Worthington (1937), Longman , England .
  • Hawa the Bus Driver - R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam
  • Fast Money - K.R. Cripwell (1978), William Collins Sons and Company Ltd , Great Britain.
  • Mahala the Farmer - R.S. Mabala (1988) , Ben & Company , Dar es Salaam

10 . There are good practices presented in the stories that people should imitate . With reference to two class readers, explain three good practices from each reader you have learnt.

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