(i)  Which one of the following planets has the shortest orbit around the Sun?

  1. Earth
  2. Mercury
  3. Pluto
  4. Pluto

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(ii)      People living in Dar es Salaam see the sun earlier than in Kigoma. What does this fact indicate?

A.         People in Kigoma sleep longer

B.         The earth rotates from East to West

C.         The earth rotates from West to East

D.         There are many hills and mountains in Kigoma

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(iii)    Which one of the following is not an element of weather?

A.  Altitude 

B. Cloud cover

C. Precipitation 

D. Wind

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(iv)     The boundary between one drainage basin and the next is known as:

A.         basin zone

B.         distributaries

C.         tributary

D.         water divide

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(v)      Solar eclipse occurs when:

A.   one body passes between the two bodies

B.   the earth passes between the moon and sun 

C. the earth passes between the sun and moon

D. the moon passes between the earth and sun

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(vi)� �� One of the following explains on how plants maintain continuous growth in the equatorial climate:

A.�� evenly distribution of rainfall and constant temperature

B.��temperature is always high

C.��there is an abundance of water

D.��there is no strong wind

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(vii)   The mantle is the second layer of the earth which consists of:

A. iron and manganese silicates      

B. iron and nickel

              C. sial and sima                                

             D. uranium and iron

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(viii)One of the following is the agricultural method used to restore back the fertility of the soil:

A.  crop rotation by planting leguminous plants

B.  monoculture system of agriculture

C.  terracing system

D.  the use of tractor during cultivation and harvesting

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(ix)     As someone ascends in altitude the temperature tends to:

A.  decrease and increase at the same time

B.  decrease at the rate of 0.60C for every 100 metres

C.    increase at the rate of 0.60C

 D. remain constant

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(x)      Identify the correct process of rain formation:

 A. cooling, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation

B.         evaporation, cooling, condensation, and rainfall

C.         evaporation, cooling, precipitation, and rainfall

D.  evaporation, precipitation, condensation, and cooling

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 (i)        Crater lakes are most likely to be formed in

  1. areas of fold mountains
  2.  intensively faulted areas
  3.  downwarped areas
  4.  regions where subsidence is taking place
  5.  areas of active vulcanicity.
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(ii)       Which one of the following is not associated with earthquakes?

  1.   Body waves
  2.  Geyser
  3.  Richter scale
  4. Seismograph
  5. Focus.
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(iii)      If the time at town X 15�E is 12.00 noon, what could be the longitude of town Y if it is

8.00 a.m?

  1.   15�W
  2. 30�E
  3. 45�W
  4. 30�W
  5. 45�E
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(iv)      Which one of the following, by origin and composition is not a form of igneous rocks?

  1.  Sill
  2. Gypsum
  3. Lava plain
  4. Volcano
  5. Granite. 
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 (v)       One of the following features is a product of weathering:

  1. Earth pillar
  2. Gully
  3.  Lilly
  4.  Hot springs
  5.   Soil creep. 
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(vi)       The process of river erosion where fragments are worn out during collision against each other is termed as

  1.  hydraulic action
  2. attrition
  3. abrasion
  4.   corrosion
  5.  hydrolysis.
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(vii)      A scale of 4 cm representing 18 km on the ground will be represented by representative fraction (R.F) scale as

  1.  1 : 900000
  2. 1 : 1800000
  3.  1 : 450000
  4. 2 : 900000
  5. 1 ? 10,000
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 (viii)    Which one of the following owes its origin to deflation?

  1. Qattara depression
  2. Lake turkana
  3. Tekekitarn
  4. Lake Chad
  5.  Lake Victoria. 
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 (ix)      The presence of paired terraces on both sides of a river valley indicates that

  1.   river capture has taken place
  2.  lateral erosion is dominant
  3.  sea level has risen
  4. rejuvenation has taken place
  5. truncated spurs have retreated.
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(x)       A good example of intrusive igneous rocks is

  1.  gneiss
  2. basalt
  3.  gabbro
  4.  marble
  5. limestone.
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