(i) Cholera is a disease transmitted by an organism called

  1. flea
  2. housefly
  3. mosquito
  4. bacteria
Choose Answer :

(ii)  Zoology is defined as the study of:

  1. animals
  2. fungi
  3. plants
  4. cells
Choose Answer :

(iii)  The root-like structure of a moss plant which provides anchorage to the ground is called

  1. capsule
  2. spores
  3. seta
  4. rhizoids
Choose Answer :

(iv)  A place where organisms are found is known as:

  1. society
  2.  community
  3. habitat 
  4.  niche
Choose Answer :

(v)  A secretion containing enzymes which digest both proteins and carbohydrates is knowns as:

  1. bile 
  2.  mucus
  3.  pancreatic juice 
  4.  saliva
Choose Answer :

(vi)  Which of the following cell structures differentiates an animal cell from a plant cell?

  1. cytoplasm
  2. cell wall
  3. pancreatic juice
  4. nucleus
Choose Answer :

(vii)  The valve separating the left auricle and left ventricle is called

  1. biscuspid valve
  2. semilunar valve
  3. tricuspid valve
  4. septum valve
Choose Answer :

(viii)Fire accident can be caused by the following except: 

A. electric fault.

B.burning of candles

C.burning of charcoal stove

D.smoking in areas selected as smoking zones

Choose Answer :

(ix)Oxygen passing from the atmosphere into the blood of a mammal takes one of the following routes:

A.bronchi - bronchioles - trachea - alveoli.

B.trachea - bronchioles - bronchi - alveoli.

C.trachea - bronchi - bronchioles - alveoli.

D.bronchioles - bronchi - trachea - alveoli.

Choose Answer :

(x)The correct hierarchical order of grouping organisms is: 

A. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

B.Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species. 

C. Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom.

D. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Family, Order, Species, Genus.

Choose Answer :

2.In each of the following statements, write TRUE if a statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i) Beriberi, gonorrhoea and syphilis are diseases caused by bacteria .......� 

(ii) Blood capillaries are narrow and their walls are one cell thick ......... 

(iii) Rickets is prevented by increasing the amount of vitamin D in a diet

(iv)Anaerobic respiration uses oxygen while aerobic respiration does not use oxygen ......�.

(v)Gaseous exchange surface must have large alveoli .........

(vi)Scientists use beam balance to measure volume .........

(vii)A person with blood group AB is called universal donor .........

(viii)Heartburn is a disorder of digestive system.........

(ix)Photosynthesis uses water and releases oxygen .........

(x)It is useless to keep a First Aid Kit at schools .........

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2. Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing its letter bellow the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.



(i) The highest rank in classification

(ii) A group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring.

(iii) A sub-group of kingdom Plantae in which ferns belongs

(iv) A group of genera with similar characteristics.

(v) �A sub-group of highest rank of classification.

(vi) A sub-group of kingdom fungi in which bread mould belongs.

(vii) A sub-group of kingdom fungi in which mushrooms �belongs.

(viii) A sub-group of kingdom fungi in which yeast �belongs.

(ix) The highest group in which bacteria belongs.

(x) � �A sub-group of Kingdom Plantae in which moss belongs

A. Kingdom

B. Phylum

C. �Class

D. Species

F. Family

G. Genus�

H. Order

I. Kingdom monera

K. Kingdom Pteridophyta

L. Phylum Bryophyta

M. Kingdom Plantae

N. Phylum Zygomycota

O. Phylum Basidiomycota

P. Phylum Ascomycota

Q. Kingdom Protoctista

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4.Figure 1 represents a diagram of simple animal cell. Study the diagram then, answer the questions that follow:

Figure 1

(a) � � Name the parts labelelled with letter A, B and C.

(b) � �Give the function of the part labelled by letter C.

(c) � � Give three differences between animal cell and plant cell.

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5.(a) Define the following terms:

(i) Laboratory ...............�.................... .. 

(ii) Biology ................ 

(iii) Test tube ................................... ..... .. (iv) Botany . 

(b)    State the uses of each of the following laboratory apparati:

(i)Microscope ......................... .. . 

(ii)Thermometer ................................ . 

(iii) Test tube holder ........ .... 

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6.What is the meaning of the following terms:

(i)Food chain .........................�.............. 

(ii)Trophic levels ..........................�..... ... .. .

(b)    Construct a food chain using the following organisms: Sheep, Lion, Maize plant and Bacteria.

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7.Name four parts of the human alimentary canal.

(b)    Give any three adaptations of ileum for the absorption of food in the alimentary canal.

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8.(a) Mention four basic principles of waste disposal.

(b)State three effects of poor waste disposal to the community.

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9. � � � � Explain three symptoms of hypertension and describe two measures that may help to prevent hypertension in human being.

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10.      Explain the cause, two symptoms, transmissions and prevention measures of cholera.

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