(i) Which of the following will be a step to follow in a scientific procedure after formulating a hypothesis?

  1. Conclusion�
  2. �Experimentation
  3. �Observation�
  4. Problem identification
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(ii)  The best evidence that two organisms belong to the same species is that they:

  1. can breed with other organisms which are not of their kind
  2. live in the same habitat and have similar ways of nutrition
  3. produce fertile off-springs when interbred under natural conditions
  4. produce infertile off-springs when interbred.
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(iii)  Mr. Mabala picked up a telephone after hearing it ringing. Which characteristics of living things was Mr. Mabala showing by these actions?

  1. Growth and respiration
  2. Irritability and movement
  3. Irritability and respiration
  4. Locomotion and movement
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(iv)Food sample turned blue-black when mixed with iodine solution. This concludes that the sample contained:

  1. fat
  2. protein
  3. reducing sugar
  4. starch
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(v) Which of the following is NOT transported by blood plasma?

  1.  Carbon dioxide 
  2. Faeces
  3. Hormones
  4. Nutrients
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vi) Osmosis differs from diffusion because:

  1. diffusion involves expenditure of energy
  2. diffusion occurs across a semi-permeable membrane
  3. osmosis involves expenditure of energy
  4.   osmosis occurs across a semi-permeable membrane
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(vii)  One of the following diseases is non-communicable:

  1. cholera
  2. kwashiorkor
  3. malaria
  4. tuberculosis
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(viii)Effective ways of reducing waste are displayed in each of the following except:

A.buying new plastic bags every time we go for shopping

B.carrying woven basket when we go for shopping

C.selling used aluminium tin and other metals to factories D. using waste paper to make tissue papers

Choose Answer :

(ix)Absorption of food takes place in the:

A.large intestine   

B. liver

 C. small intestine 

D. stomach

Choose Answer :

(x)  A gaseous exchange in plants does not take place in the: 

B. leaves

 C. roots 

D. stems

Choose Answer :

2.The following statements are either correct or not correct. Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.

A cell is the basic functional unit of life . View Ans

(ii)A victim of an electric shock should be moved by using a metallic object

View Ans

(iii)Individuals with blood group AB are called universal recipients View Ans

......... (iv) Malaria is a pandemic disease .........

View Ans

(v) Manual labourers require more energy than sedentary workers ......... 

View Ans

(vi) Oxygen gas is not important for plant life ......l..

View Ans

(vii) Sexually Transmitted Diseases can be treated using painkillers View Ans

(viii)The best way to dispose clinical syringes is by recycling .........

View Ans

(ix)The sporophyte of a fern plant has true roots, stems and leaves .........

View Ans

(x)The use of unsterilized surgical and skin piercing tools can lead to HIV/ AIDS transmission .........

View Ans

2. Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing its letter bellow the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.



(i)A micro-organism that causes disease

(ii)A ring of muscles that allows the food to enter the stomach.

(iii)An element required by plants in relatively small quantities.

(iv)It absorbs water from undigested and indigestible food materials

(v)It contains an acidic medium for digestion

(vi) It controls the flow of material out of the stomach

(vii) It leads to accumulation of lactic acids in the muscles.

(viii) They have thick muscular walls

(ix) They transport blood to the heart from all parts of the body.

(x) Wave-like muscular contraction that push food down the alimentary canal

A. Aerobic respiration

B. Anaerobic respiration

C. Arteries

D. Cardiac sphincter

E. Colon

F. Digestion


H. Manganese

I. Nitrogen

J. Pathogen

K. Peristalysis

L. Pyrolic sphincter

M. Stomach

N. Vector

O. Veins

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4.(a) What is the difference between natural and artificial classifications?

(b)Explain why the artificial system of classification is not good.

 Mention two disadvantages of bacteria.

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5.(a) Describe the procedures of giving First Aid to a victim of a snake bite.

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(b)Give a reason as to why it is necessary to put on gloves when giving first Aid to a bleeding person.

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(c)(i) What is cell differentiation?

(ii) Briefly explain the importance of cell differentiation.

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6.(a) What are the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respirations?

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(b)A Form Il student has the following symptoms: Sneezing and a runny nose caused by excessive production of mucus in the nasal passages.

(i)Which disease of the respiratory system is the student suffering from?

(ii)Give the name of the organism which causes the disease you have mentioned in part (i) above.

(iii)How can you prevent the spread of the disease?

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7.(a) Define the following terms:


(ii)Food chain

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(b)Explain the role of each of the following organisms in the ecosystem:



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(c)Explain the significance of food chains.

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