(i)An experiment usually tests:

  1. application
  2. evaluation
  3. �hypothesis�
  4. �problem identified
Choose Answer :

(ii)  Animals show irritability; this means they:

  1. always move
  2. are capable of growing
  3. reproduce
  4. respond to stimuli
Choose Answer :

(iii)  The movement of substances in and out of the cell is controlled by:

  1. cell membrane 
  2.  cell wall 
  3. cytoplasm 
  4.  vacuole
Choose Answer :

(iv)  The ability of the human body to resist infections caused by micro organisms is known as:

  1. immunity 
  2.  inoculation
  3.  treatment 
  4.  vaccination
Choose Answer :

(v)  Muscle fatigue in the body is caused by:

  1. lack of carbon dioxide 
  2. lack of lactic acid 
  3.  lack of oxygen 
  4.  pyruvic acid
Choose Answer :

(vi)  One of the following is not a risky behaviour:

  1.   accepting favours and gifts from people of the opposite sex
  2. having many sexual partners
  3. keeping good company and avoiding immoral friends
  4. using drugs such as bhang and cocaine
Choose Answer :

(vii) The main product of photosynthesis is transported away from the

leaves by the:

  1. Cambium
  2. cortex
  3. phloem
  4. xylem
Choose Answer :

(viii) Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults are conditions caused by lack of:

A.vitamin A 

B. vitamin B

 C. vitamin C  

D. vitamin D

Choose Answer :

(ix)A person with blood group O has the following antibodies in his blood plasma:

A.antibody a B. antibodies a and b C. antibody b        D. antibody o

Choose Answer :

(x)Which of the following is not a member of kingdom fungi?


 B. Mucor

 C. Mushroom  

 D. Yeast

Choose Answer :

2.The following statements are either correct or not correct. Write TRUE if the statement is correct of FALSE if the statement is not correct.

(i)A group ofinterdependent organisms living in an environment is called a community . 

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(ii)A person with blood AB is a universal donor .........

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(iii)Animal cells have no chloroplasts .........

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(iv)Before the blood returns to the heart it has to be oxygenated in the liver

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(v)Green plants are decomposers .........

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(vi)Maintaining personal hygiene reduces the risk of infection .........

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(vii)Malaria is transmitted by a plasmodium ........

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(viii)Proteins in the diet are needed for growth and repair .........

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(ix)Transpiration is not a necessary process to plants . ........

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(x)Valves in veins prevent the backflow of blood . ............

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2. Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing its letter bellow the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.



(i)A disorder of the digestive system

(ii)An enzyme that converts lipids to fatty acids and glycerol

(iii)An enzyme that converts starch to maltose

(iv)It contains an acidic medium for digestion

(v)Sites for dumping waste and covering it with soil

(vi)The first part of the small intestine

(vii)The process of burning waste until it is completely destroyed

(viii)The process of turning waste into new products

(ix)The stomach of this organism has four chambers

(x)They have true roots, stems and leaves

A. Amylase

B. Constipation

C. Cow

D. Duodenum

E. Ferns

F. Human being

G. Incineration

H. Landfills

I. Lipase

J. Mosses

K. Pit latrines

L. Recycling

M. Stomach N. Trypsin�

O. Typhoid

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4.Define the following terms:


(ii)Binomial nomenclature

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5.(a) What is blood circulation?

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(b)Explain three points on the importance of blood circulation in human being.

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(c)Mention two disorders of human blood circulatory system.

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6.(a) What do you understand by the term "diffusion"?

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(b)Name two structures concerned with gaseous exchange in plants. 

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(c) Explain the importance of gaseous exchange in plants.

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7.(a) What is natural environment?

(b)Explain the importance of the natural environment.

(c)Explain two significances of food chains and food webs in real life situation.

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8. (a)Outline four reasons why it is important to study Biology.

(b)What is respiration?

(c)Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

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9. � � � �Write an essay on kwashiorkor using the following guidelines: �

  • meaning �
  • cause�
  • �symptoms�
  • �effects �
  • prevention and control
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10.    Write an essay on tuberculosis using the following guidelines:  

  • cause  
  • transmission  
  • signs/symptoms  
  • effects  
  • prevention and control
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