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Time: 2:30 Hours Year: 2024
SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.
(i) A certain farmer in central Tanzania discovered a skeleton similar to that of the extinct dinosaur assumed to have died in 9,000 years ago. Which method will you use to determine its age?
(ii) "We don't like History because it deals with the past events which do not have any value," remarked some form one students. Which conclusion can you draw about those students?
(iii) Human being came into existence together with other animals. Which one of the following consist of the family of Primates from which man belonged?
(iv) Which statements describe the way early human beings obtained their food during the Early Stone Age?
(i) Human beings domesticated animals and crops for food
(ii) Human beings ate the remains of prey killed by carnivorous animals
(iii) Human being used iron tools to hunt or kill animals for food
(iv) Human beings gathered roots, fruits and eggs from the environment
(v) Shifting cultivation was the most common method of farming in pre-colonial Africa. Why was this method of farming regarded as harmful to the environment?
(vi) Which factor enabled the rise of Mali Empire?
(vii) Which statements are correct about mfecane?
(i) It was caused by the arrival of the agents of colonialism
(ii) It was caused by the population increase
(iii) It was caused by the rise of Shaka of the Zulu Kingdom
(iv) It was caused by the arrival of the Portuguese at the Cape
(viii) Mitomingo. a form three student, was reading about the mode nrodllction whose characteristics included low level of science and technology , as well as collective ownership of the major means of production. Which term befits such a mode of production?
(ix) Which term best describes the winds which brought traders from Asia to East Africa during the pre-colonial period?
(x) In 1840, Sultan Seyyid Said shifted his capital from Oman to Zanzibar. Why did he move to Zanzibar?
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