One of the distinctive features of kingdom Fungi is possession of:
The root-like structure of a moss plant which provides anchorage to the ground is called
An organism with a rigid protective wall made up of chitin material is a representative of which Kingdom?
B. Monera
C. Plantae
D. Protoctista
Choose Answer :Which of the following is not a member of kingdom fungi?
14. Majority of people believe that all fungi are harmful organisms. As a biologist, explain four ways in which fungi are beneficial to human being. (10 marks)
View Ans8. (a) Draw a diagram of a fern plant and label four parts.
View Ans(b) Outline three advantages of a fern plant.
View Ans8.If you put a piece of bread in a wet cupboard after a few days the bread will be covered with organisms called Fungi.
(a) Give a common name of these fungi which grow on bread .
(b) Outline three Phyla of the Kingdom Fungi.
(c) Outline five advantages of the kingdom Fungi.
View Ans10. Explain the importance of studying Biology. Give six points.
View Ans2.For each of the items (i) - (x), write True if a statement is correct or False if a statement is not correct in the space provided.
(i) Botany is the study of animals
(ii)Gaseous exchange in mammals takes place in the nose and mouth
(iii)One enzyme can act on several food substances ...............
(iv)During inhalation the ribs move upwards and outwards...............
(v) Anemia is a condition in which a patient has few erythrocytes .
(vi) Landfill is a way of disposing domestic wastes ...............
(vii)Amylase is an enzyme which acts on protein ...............
(viii)Consumers in the ecosystem produce their own food...............
(ix)Syphilis is a communicable disease ...............
(x)All bacteria are harmful to man ...............
View Ans2. Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing its letter bellow the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.
(i) The highest rank in classification (ii) A group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. (iii) A sub-group of kingdom Plantae in which ferns belongs (iv) A group of genera with similar characteristics. (v) A sub-group of highest rank of classification. (vi) A sub-group of kingdom fungi in which bread mould belongs. (vii) A sub-group of kingdom fungi in which mushrooms belongs. (viii) A sub-group of kingdom fungi in which yeast belongs. (ix) The highest group in which bacteria belongs. (x) A sub-group of Kingdom Plantae in which moss belongs
| A. Kingdom B. Phylum C. Class D. Species F. Family G. Genus H. Order I. Kingdom monera K. Kingdom Pteridophyta L. Phylum Bryophyta M. Kingdom Plantae N. Phylum Zygomycota O. Phylum Basidiomycota P. Phylum Ascomycota Q. Kingdom Protoctista