Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Sections A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All answers must be written in the space provided
  5. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
  7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. π = 3.14


1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from the alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

i) Why Physics, Chemistry and Biology are natural science subjects?

A. They need practical work only

B. They need only theory for learning

C. They need only observation

D. They need practical and theory work for learning


ii) A Doctor buys petrol from a petrol filling station. What does he/she pay for?

A. Mass 

B. Volume 

C. Density

D. Pressure


iii) The standard units of the basic quantities in measurements are as follows;

A. Kilogram, cubic metre and minutes

B. Metre, cubic centimeter and hours

C. Kilogram, metre and second

D. Centimeter, hours and cubic millimeter


iv). On the moon, as astronaut cannot drink lemonade with the help of a straw because; -

A. Acceleration due to gravity on the moon is less.

B. Lemonade evaporate quickly on the moon.

C. Increases due to area.

D. There is no atmosphere on the moon.


v) Relative density of a substance is 2.5. What is its density?

A. Equal to the density of water

B. Greater than density of water

C. Equal to the volume of water displaced

D. Less than density of water




vi). Which of the following forces can cause the mosquito larvae to float on water?

A. Surface tension 

B. Adhesive force 

C. Friction force

D. Cohesive force


vii) If the angle between two plane mirrors is 60 0 what will be the number of images?

  1.  2
  2.  3
  3.  4
  4.  5


viii) What name is given to the process in which a parallel beam of incident light is reflected as a not parallel beam of light?

A. Diffuse reflection

B. Internal reflection

C. Regular reflection

D. Angular reflection


ix) Which of the machines below is a first-class lever?

A. Scissor 

B. Shovel

C. Wheelbarrow 

D. Tweezer



x) A current of I.OA passes in the circuit as shown in the figure below. What is the numerical value of resistance Q?


A. 1.5

B. 3.5

C. 4.5

D. 2.5

2. Match the meaning of the terminologies used in structure and properties of matter in list A With their corresponding terms in list B by writing the letter of the correct answer in the Table provided.



(i). Tendency of matter to be in state of random motion

(ii). Ability of liquids to rise or fall in a narrow tube

(iii). Attraction force between molecules of the same substance

(iv). Ability of the surface of a liquid to behave like a fully stretched elastic skin

(v). Movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration

  1. Surface tension
  2. Cohesive
  3. Adhesive
  4. Diffusion
  5. Osmosis
  6. Capillarity
  7. Brownian motion





  1. (a). State the Archimedes principle


(b). List down three conditions necessary for a body to float

  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________________

(c). An object of weight when immersed in the water it experiences an up thrust of Calculate the following

  1. Real weight
  1. Relative density
  1. Density of the object in

4. (a) State Paschal principle as it applied in pressure


(b) State any four application of atmospheric pressure

  1. ___________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________
  3. ___________________________________________________
  4. ___________________________________________________

(c). Briefly explain why the woman wearing shoes with pointed heels is more likely to cause damage to the wooden floor than the elephant.


(d). What will be the pressure due to a column of water of height if the density of water is

5. (a) When water and mercury were in two separate measuring cylinders, the teacher asked student to observe the reading in both cylinders. Why does mercury form downward meniscus while that of water forms upward meniscus?

(b) A force of 4 N causes a certain copper wire to extend to 1.0 mm. Find the load that will cause a 3.2 mm extension on the same wire.

6. (a) When the metal can that containing hot water is closed, and the cold water is poured on it, the can collapses. Why?

(b) In an experiment using Hare’s apparatus, the lengths of methanol and water columns were found to be 16 cm and 12.8 cm respectively

(i) What is the relative density of methanol?

(ii) If the length of methanol column was altered to 21.5 cm what would be the new height of the water column?

7. a)i. Differentiate Distance from displacement.

ii. Write down three equations of linear motion

b) A paratrooper falling under gravity after 6 seconds, 

i. what will be the maximum height covered?

ii. What will be its velocity when hitting the ground?

8. a) state laws of reflection

b) Explain the behavior of light when it encounters translucent, transparent and opaque materials

c) Calculate number of images when the angle between two plane mirrors is: i. 600 ii. 00

d) How the number of images formed by plane mirrors related to the angle between two plane mirrors?

9. a) By using a concept of pressure explain why a tractor is designed with wide tires?

b) A rectangular block weighting 320N has dimensions of 4m x 2mx 10m. What is the greater pressure and least pressure it can be exerted on the ground?

(c). Explain why the wall of the dam is made much thicker at the bottom than at the top?

d) What is usefulness of atmospheric pressure in real life situation? (Any three)


10. a) state Newton’s laws of motion.

b) i. Give reason why a person doing high jump bend a little his legs on landing ii. Why it’s necessary to use seat belt in a car?

c) A tennis ball whose mass is 150 g is moving at a speed of 20 m/s. it is then brought to rest by one player in 0.05 s. find average force applied.









CODE 031

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

  1.      Physics is the study of:
  1.  Living organisms and their interactions
  2.   The composition of matter and its changes
  3.  Matter, energy, and the interactions between them
  4.  The history of Earth and its rocks
  1.    If someone in the lab spills a flammable liquid on their clothes that ignites, your immediate action should be to:
  1.  Find a fire extinguisher
  2.   Yell for help and stop the person from moving
  3.  Direct them to the safety shower or help them use a fire blanket
  4.  Throw water on them
  1.  The SI unit for length is the:
  1.  kilogram (kg)
  2.   second (s)
  3.  meter (m)
  4.  gram (g)
  1.  What is the net force required to keep an object moving at a constant velocity?
  1.  Zero
  2.   Equal to the object's weight
  3.  Dependent on the object's speed
  4.  More force is always needed
  1.    If you double the area over which a force is applied, the pressure will:
  1.  Double
  2.   Stay the same
  3.  Be halved
  4.  Increase by four times
  1.  A lever is a simple machine that can be used to:
  1.  Increase the force applied
  2.   Increase the speed of an object
  3.  Change the direction of a force
  4.  All of the above
  1.      An object with a density less than water will:
  1.  Sink immediately
  2.   Float
  3.  Dissolve
  4.  None of the above
  1.   The buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to:
  1.  The weight of the object
  2.   The weight of the fluid it displaces
  3.  The volume of the object
  4.  The density of the object
  1.  Opposite poles of two magnets will:
  1.  Repel each other
  2.   Attract each other
  3.  Have no effect on each other
  4.  It depends on the type of magnet
  1.    The flow of electrons in a circuit is called:
    1.  Resistance
    2.   Voltage
    3.  Current
    4.  Power


2. Match the terms related to magnetism on the left to the correct description on the right.

Column A

Column B

  1. Magnet
  2. Magnetic field
  3. North pole
  4. Ferromagnetic material
  5. Diamagnetic material
  1. region where the magnetic force can be detected
  2. Materials weakly repelled by magnets
  3. The end of a magnet that points towards geographic north
  4. Materials strongly attracted to magnets (like iron, nickel, cobalt)
  5. An object that produces a magnetic field
  6. Non-magnetic material


SECTION B: 70 Marks

  1.       (a)Explain briefly the first aid measure that should be taken in case of  
  1. Cut
  2. Poisoning
    1.   State any five laboratory safety rules      
  1.       (i) Define physics.        
    1.    State any five branches of physics      
    2.     State any five career opportunities in physics     

(a) Name any 4 items contained in the first Aid kit found in the laboratory 

  1.    Briefly explain how physics is related to biology    
  2.   State any three effects of a force       
  1.       (a) Describe the method you would use to measure the circumference of a cylinder using a thread and a meter rule                                                                                                 
    1.   A sphere of diameter 3.0 cm is mounted into a thin uniform wire of diameter 0.2mm calculate the length of the wire in meters                                                                     
  2.       (a) State any three differences between  mass and weight   










  1.   The mass of 25cm3 of ivory was found to be 0.045kg. Calculate the density of ivory in SI units                                                                                                                                            
  2.    300 cmof fresh water of density 1000kg/m3 is mixed with 100cm3 of sea water density 1030kg/m3.calculate the density of mixture                                                        

8.(a) Explain how you would measure the volume of irregularly shaped object using the displacement method. 

(b) Distinguish between a fundamental and derived quantity giving an example of each     (c) Define force and state its SI unit                                                                                     

  1.   State any 4 types of force        
  1. (a) Distinguish between a scalar and vector quantity giving an example of each
  1.   State any 3 applications of capillary action      
  2.    State any two factors affecting the surface tension     
  3.   A man has a mass of 70kg. Calculate

SECTION C: 15 Marks

10 (I) (a)His weight on earth where the gravitational strength is 10 N/kg                

  1.   His weight on moon where the gravitational strength is 1.7 N/kg   
  2.    Explain briefly why water wets the glass while mercury does not 
  3.   Differentiate between cohesive and adhesive forces     
  4.   A body weighs 400N in water. If the up thrust force is 20N.calculate its weight in air
  5.     Explain briefly why a razor blade floats in water  and when soap solution is carefully added to the water it sinks                                                                                    

(II) Explain the following behavior of molecules.

  1. When it is raining it is advisable not to touch a canvas tent from inside 

(ii)Water rises up in harrow tubes but Mercury which is also a liquid falls in narrow tubes to level below the outside surface?                                                        






CODE 031

TIME: 2:30 HOURS          



  • This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total number of ten(10) questions
  • Answer all questions in each section
  • Section A carries (15) marks, section B (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks
  • All writing must be in blue/black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  • Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.


SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section


  1. A student sets up a simple circuit with a battery, wires, and a lightbulb. Which change will increase the brightness of the lightbulb?

(A) Adding another lightbulb in series

(B) Using a battery with a higher voltage

(C) Using thinner wires

(D) Making the wires longer

  1. A circuit has a current of 2 amps and a resistance of 4 ohms. What is the voltage of the power source?

(A) 0.5 volts

(B) 2 volts

(C) 6 volts

(D) 8 volts

  1. Two balloons are rubbed with wool and then hung near each other. The balloons push each other apart. What can you conclude?

(A) Both balloons have a negative charge

(B) Both balloons have a positive charge

(C) One balloon is charged, the other is neutral

(D) The balloons have a mixture of positive and negative charges

  1. A student places a bar magnet on a sheet of paper and sprinkles iron filings around it. Which of these diagrams best represents the pattern the iron filings will form?

(A) Straight lines radiating out from the magnet in all directions

(B) Circles around the magnet

(C) Lines flowing out of one end of the magnet and into the other end

(D) Random clumps throughout the paper

  1. A large, heavy box and a small, light box exert the same amount of pressure on a table. Which statement explains this?

(A) The large box has a higher density

(B) The small box has a smaller area in contact with the table

(C) The force of gravity is stronger on the large box

(D) The pressure depends on the material the boxes are made of

  1. A 50 Newton force is applied to move a 10 kg box across a rough floor. If the box accelerates at 2 m/s², what is the force of friction acting on the box?

(A) 30 N

(B) 20 N

(C) 10 N

(D) 5 N

  1. A ramp is used to help load a heavy crate into a truck. The ramp is an example of which type of simple machine?

(A) Pulley

(B) Inclined plane

(C) Wedge

(D) Lever

  1. Which of these correctly describes the difference between heat and temperature?

(A) Temperature is a form of energy, heat is the amount of energy transferred

(B) Heat is a form of energy, temperature is the measure of the average kinetic energy of particles

(C) Temperature depends on the substance, heat is the same for all substances

(D) None of the above are correct

  1. A solid metal cube sinks when placed in water. What can you conclude about the cube?

(A) The cube's weight is greater than the buoyant force acting on it

(B) The cube's weight is equal to the buoyant force acting on it

(C) The cube's density is less than the density of water

(D) The buoyant force only depends on the shape of the object

  1. A student accidentally splashes a small amount of acid on their hand. What should they do first?

(A) Apply a strong base to the area

(B) Notify the teacher and flush the area with water

(C) Wrap the hand tightly with a bandage

(D) Go to the school nurse immediately

2. Match the term that describes a property of a Magnet in LIST A with the correct MEANING of the term in LIST B

Column A

Column B

  1. Magnetic field
  2. Electromagnet
  3. North and south poles
  4. Ferromagnetic materials
  5. Magnetic domain
  1. A region where magnetic forces can be experienced.
  2. Materials strongly attracted to magnets
  3. The ends of a magnet where the force is strongest
  4. Temporary magnet created using electric current
  5. Small regions in a material with aligned magnetic fields


SECTION B: 70 Marks

3. a) Use the concept of pressure to explain why during construction of a railway, wide wooden or concrete sleepers are placed below the railway tracks? 

b) i) What are the three factors does pressure in liquid depend on? (3marks)

ii) Calculate the pressure exerted on a diver at a depth of 20m below the surface of water in the sea. 


4. a) i) The passengers sitting in a moving bus tend to fall forward when the bus suddenly stops. Explain why? 

ii) State the law governing the phenomenon happened in 5(a)(i) above. 

b) Differentiate elastic collision from inelastic collision by considering the way billiard balls collide on the pool table game. 


  1. (a). State the Archimedes principle

 (b). List down three conditions necessary for a body to float

 (c). An object of weight 18 N when immersed in the water it experiences an up thrust of 2N. Calculate the following

  1. Real weight
  1. Relative density
  1. Density of the object in Kg/m3


6. (a) Differentiate ferromagnetic materials From paramagnetic materials by giving two typical examples of each. 

(b) As a student who has the knowledge of magnets, how can you advice a person who is doing the business of selling magnets the three appropriate ways of storing magnets so that they can last longer. 


7. (a) (i) When the pulling force is applied to the handle of the door, the hinge acts as the axis of rotation, and the door turns about. What do you understand by the term turning effect?

(ii) When forces are in equilibrium, it means that there is no net force to cause any movement. Describe conditions for parallel forces to be in equilibrium.

(b) A heavy uniform metal beam AB weighting 500kg is supported at its ends. The beam carries a weight of 3000kg at a distance of 1.5m from end A. If the beam is 4m long, determine the thrusts on the supports A and B.


8. (a) When the metal can that containing hot water is closed, and the cold water is poured on it, the can collapses. Why?

(b) In an experiment using Hare’s apparatus, the lengths of methanol and water columns were found to be 16 cm and 12.8 cm respectively

(i) What is the relative density of methanol?

(ii) If the length of methanol column was altered to 21.5 cm what would be the new height of the water column?


9.a) Explain why efficiency of machines is always less than 100%?

b) An object weight in air is 6.0N and 4.0N when immersed in water. What will be its:

i. Up thrust in water

ii. Relative density

iii. Density

c). Give reason why a ship can move on surface of water without sinking?


SECTION C: 15 Marks

Answer question eleven.


10.(a) Explain briefly why:

(i)Water tanks have their outlets fixed at the bottom?

(ii)A tractor with wide tyres cannot easily get stuck in muddy places as compared to vehicles with narrow tyres.

(b) Calculate the maximum pressure exerted by a block of mass 150kg and surface dimensions of 4m by 6m by 8m resting on the table.









CODE:  031                                

TIME: 2:30 Hours                                                                          AUG-2023


  1.                This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2.                Answer all questions in the space provided
  3.                Section A and C carries fifteen (15) marks each while section B carries seventy (70) marks.
  4.                All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil.
  5.                All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
  6.                Write your Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page.
  7.                Where necessary the following constants may be used.
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2
  2. Density of water = 1000Kg/m3
  3. Density of lead=11.3g/cm3
  4. Pie, π=3.14



Answer all questions in this section

  1.                For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided

(i). A needle may float on a clean water but sinks when some detergent is added to water because the detergent.

A. educes the density of water

B. Increase adhesive force between the needle and water molecules.

C. Lowers the surface tension of water.

D. Makes water surface slippery.

 (ii) A racing car turnaround corner safely than a tall bus can do because 

  1.              The bus has wider wheel base
  2.              The bus is heavier compared to a racing car
  3.              The racing car has lower centre of gravity
  4.              The racing car has higher centre of gravity.

 (iii) Which of the following materials can magnetically made strong?

  1.               Nickel and Copper
  2.               Steel and Brass.
  3.               cobalt and Iron
  4.              Cobalt and Copper

 (iv) A house building contractor fitted window glass panes which someone cannot see through but the room are full illuminated with light. These types of glass pane materials are said to be

  1.              Dim                 C. Transparent
  2.              Opaque            D. Translucent

 (v) Why the mechanical advantage is less than three in a single rope three pulleys system?

A. Because the effort may vary

B. Due to load rose

C. Because the upper pulley does not move

D. Due to friction on pulleys

(vi) If you are caught outside during a severe thunderstorm, you should 

  1.              Take shelter under the nearest tree
  2.              Stand under power lines 
  3.              Move to higher ground
  4.              Hide in a ditch

(vii) A mass of 0.2kg produces an extension of 8cm in a spring. The force required to produce an  extension of 6 cm is

  1.               0.75N.       C. 2.70N
  2.               1.50N.       D.  24.00N

(viii) Form two students had a trip to Mikumi national park when they entered in a bus most of them fell backwards, when the bus moved forward, their geography teacher told them to be careful. This situation is explained by

A. The unstable equilibrium of the bus

B. The newton’s third law of Motion

C. The newton’s second law of motion

D. The newton’s first law of motion

(ix) Pressure in a liquid is independent of the

  1.               Density of the liquid.
  2.               Depth below the surface of the liquid.
  3.               Pressure exerted on the surface of the liquid above.
  4.              Cross sectional area and the shape of the vessel containing the liquid.

(x) A student measured the diameter of a wire Using a screw gauge and he repeated the  experiment four times and listed the measurements. The correct measurement was


A.5.3cm              C.5.32 cm

B. 5.32 cm          D. 5.3200 cm



  1.                Match the meaning of the terminologies used in structure and properties of matter in list A

With their corresponding terms in list B by writing the letter of the correct answer in the 

Table provided.




(i). Tendency of matter to be in state of random motion

(ii). Ability of liquids to rise or fall in a narrow tube

(iii). Attraction force between molecules of the same substance

(iv). Ability of the surface of a liquid to behave like a fully 

stretched  elastic skin

(v). Movement of particles from high concentration to low 



A. Surface tension

B. Cohesive

C. Adhesive

D. Diffusion

E. Osmosis

F. Capillarity

G. Brownian motion



List A






List  B








SECTION B (70 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

  1.                (a). State the Archimedes principle


(b). List down three conditions necessary for a body to float

  1.               ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2.             ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3.           ________________________________________________________________________

(c). An object of weight  when immersed in the water it experiences an up thrust of . Calculate the following 

  1.                  Real weight



  1.                Relative density




  1.              Density of the object in





4. (a) State the principle of moments 


(b)(i) Distinguish between stable equilibrium and unstable equilibrium



 (ii)Mention two conditions necessary for an object to be in equilibrium under action of parallel   



(c) A uniform half –metre rule is freely pivoted at 15cm mark and it balances horizontally when 

a body of mass of 40g is hung from a 2cm mark 

(i)Draw a clearly labelled diagram to illustrate the forces on a half metre rule.






(ii) Calculate the mass of the rule

5. (a) Give the meaning of the following terms

  1.                  Velocity ratio ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                 

ii.      Efficiency __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 (b).A perfect machine has efficiency of 100% but practically there is no perfect machine why? 



 (c )The diagram below shows a box of weight 150N being pulled at a steady speed up by a force of 100N. If the height of the plane is 2m above the ground and the length of the plane is 4m.




  1.                  Mechanical advantage




  1.                Velocity ratio of the machine

6. (a) State Paschal principle as it applied in pressure 


(b) State any four application of atmospheric pressure

  1.               ___________________________________________________
  2.             ___________________________________________________
  3.           ___________________________________________________
  4.           ___________________________________________________

(c). Briefly explain why the woman wearing shoes with pointed heels is more likely to cause damage to the wooden floor than the elephant.


(d). What will be the pressure due to a column of water of height  if the density of water is .





7. (a) A form two students performed an experiment on determination of the acceleration due to gravity by using an iron metal ball. Briefly describe the energy changes when the bob of a Simple pendulum swings from one side to another. 



  1.            A pump raises 100kg of water through a height of 30m in 10sec. What is the power developed by the pump.



8. (a) With aid of diagram, state the laws of reflection of light.






 (b) List four properties of the image formed by a plane mirror.






(c) Determine number of images that can be formed when two plane mirrors placed at





  1.             Parallel to each other




9. (a)Explain how the area of plates and distance between plates affect the capacitance of the Capacitor



(b)A capacitor of capacitance 250is allowed to charge until the potential difference between its Plates is 10v. How much charge accumulated on the plates during the charging process? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (c). Draw the sketch of a large and well labeled gold – leaf electroscope.




Answer questions ten (10)

10.(a) State Ohm’s law


   (b)The circuit diagram below that shows the current through the 6 Ω resistor is 2.5 A.

(i) What is the magnitude of the voltage from the power supply?









  1.           Determine the current through the 8 Ω resistors.







 (c).The form two students are given a set of materials in physics Laboratory as following Rheostat, voltmeter, ammeter, fixed resistor, switch and a cell to perform experiment aimed to verify ohm’s law. Draw a complete circuit diagram to show the arrangement such that the current can flow.







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Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Sections A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All answers must be written in the space provided
  5. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
  7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. π = 3.14


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x) Choose the correct answer among the given alternatives write its letter in box provided
  1. A cooking oil was mixed with water and poured into a measuring cylinder and allowed to settle for three minutes, which one will be the observed phenomenon?
  1. Cooking oil floats over water
  2. Meniscus of water appeared convex in shape at the surface
  3. Water floating on the oil.
  4. Water and oil completely mixed up.
  1. If two cars are both travelling at 50Km/h and they collide head on, the effect is similar to a car colliding with a wall at what velocity?
  1. 0 km/h
  2. 10 km/h
  3. 50 km/h
  4. 100 km/h
  1. A house building contractor fitted window glass panes which someone cannot see through, but the rooms are fully illuminated with light. These types of glass pane materials are said to be:
  1. Dim 
  2. Opaque 
  3. Translucent 
  4. Transparent
  1. The substance which is lighter has low density and less affected by gravitational force. In comparison with water, the number of times a substance is denser than water is termed as?
  1. Density
  2. Relative density
  3. Volume
  4. Mass
  1. Which phenomenon explain ability of some small insects to walk over a water surface?
  1. Capillarity
  2. Adhesion
  3. Surface Tension
  4. Osmosis
  1. Which of the following instruments work under the Pascal’s principle of pressure transmission
  1. Spring balance
  2. Single fixed pulley
  3. Inclined plane
  4. Hydraulic press
  1. The process whereby materials recover the original length after removing the load or force is described as.
  1. Plasticity
  2. Deformation
  3. Elasticity
  4. Elastic limit
  1. The quantity obtained by taking the ratio of mass per unit volume of a substance is described as:
  1. Relative density
  2. Density
  3. Matter
  4. Volume
  1. Materials can be twisted into different shapes. Which among the following forces causes twisting of elastic materials?
  1. Restoring force
  2. Compressional force
  3. Stretching force
  4. Torsional force
  1. A machine with effort between load and fulcrum belong to which class of lever?
  1. First class lever
  2. Third class lever
  3. Second class lever
  4. Fourth class lever

2. Match the description of electric terms in list A with the correct electric terms in list B by writing a letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided

List A

List B

(i) The flowing of charge per unit time

(ii) The instrument which used to measure current in wire

(iii) A potential difference across the cell terminal as when no power delivered

(iv) Is the instrument which used supply electric energy 

(v) Is a continuous path through which electric charge flows

  1. Electric component
  2. Electric circuit
  3. Electric current
  4. Electric force
  5. Ammeter
  6. Mill ampere
  7. Electromotive force
  8. Voltage
  9. Battery
  10. Galvanometer
  11. Bulb






 a) state laws of reflection

b) Explain the behavior of light when it encounters translucent, transparent and opaque materials

c) Calculate number of images when the angle between two plane mirrors is: i. 600 ii. 00

d) How the number of images formed by plane mirrors related to the angle between two plane mirrors?

4. a) State conditions for a body to be in equilibrium.

(b)By using the principle of Moment determine unknown Weight (W) on the fig below.



(c)A machine having velocity ratio (V.R) of 5 need an effort of 240N to raise a load of 720N. How much 

i. mechanical advantage

ii. Efficiency (e)


5.a) Explain why efficiency of machines is always less than 100%?

b) An object weight in air is 6.0N and 4.0N when immersed in water. What will be its:

i. Up thrust in water

ii. Relative density

iii. Density

c) Give reason why a ship can move on surface of water without sinking?


6. a) Kinetic energy potential energy are forms of mechanical energy. Give comparison and differences between them

b) A car of mass 4tones travels at velocity of 4m/s .How much kinetic energy developed?

c) How much power developed when a crane lifts a container of mass 500kg through a height of 5m in 10sec ?


7. (a) When the metal can that containing hot water is closed, and the cold water is poured on it, the can collapses. Why?

(b) In an experiment using Hare’s apparatus, the lengths of methanol and water columns were found to be 16 cm and 12.8 cm respectively

(i) What is the relative density of methanol?

(ii) If the length of methanol column was altered to 21.5 cm what would be the new height of the water column?


8. (a) When water and mercury were in two separate measuring cylinders, the teacher asked student to observe the reading in both cylinders. Why does mercury form downward meniscus while that of water forms upward meniscus?

(b) A force of 4 N causes a certain copper wire to extend to 1.0 mm. Find the load that will cause a 3.2 mm extension on the same wire.


9. (a) Write down three equations of uniform acceleration of motion and explain the meaning of each symbol used in the equation.

(b)The football P of mass 0.5 kg was kicked by a goalkeeper at 12 m/s and collides with another football Q of mass 0.45 kg which was at rest. After the collision both balls move off together at 10 m/s. Calculate:

(i) The momentum of ball P before collision

(ii) The momentum of ball P after collision




10. Three resistors of 2 ?, 4 ?   and 6 ?   are connected in series to a battery of e.m.f 24 V and have negligible internal resistance.

(a) Draw the circuit diagram including the battery, ammeter, switch and the three resistors.

(b) Find the current flowing in the circuit drawn in 10 (a) above.

(c) Find the potential difference at the ends of each resistor in 10 (a).












  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Sections A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks
  4. All answers must be written in the space provided
  5. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
  6. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
  7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
  8. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  9. π = 3.14


1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in box provided

(i) Which one of the following arguments describes the mathematical language used in physics 

  1. Matter occupies space
  2. Density is mass per volume
  3. Volume is amount of space occupied by the body
  4. Physics is a branch of science.

(ii) A student has got an electric shock and felt unconscious in the physics laboratory. Which decision would you take to help the victim immediately?

  1. Administer breath exercise
  2. Call the Physicist
  3. Call other students
  4. Contact a medical Doctor 

(iii) Why are machine engines filled with oil lubricant?

  1. Reduce friction between moving particles
  2. Increase the viscosity between moving particles 
  3. To return the twisted solids to their former state.

(iv) Why does it take a shorter time for a perfume to diffuse in air than in water?

  1. Air molecules are fresh compared to water
  2. Air molecules are packed closer compared to those of air.
  3. Water molecular are less far apart compared to those of air
  4. Water molecule move with higher speed compared to those of air

(v) A cooking oil was mixed with water and poured into a measuring cylinder and allowed to settle for 3 minutes. Which one will be observed phenomena

  1. Cooking oil floats over water
  2. Meniscus of water appeared convex in shape at the surface
  3. Water floating on the oil
  4. Water and oil completely mixed up

(vi) If two cars are both travelling at 50km/h and they collide head on, the effect is similar to a car colliding with Walter what velocity?

  1. 0km/h
  2. 10km/h
  3. 50km/h
  4. 100km/h

(vii) When a large body of experimental evidences support or does not support the hypothesis, what may hypothesis eventually be considered?

  1. Observation
  2. Insight
  3. Conclusion 
  4. Law

(viii) An engineer wanted to measure the diameter of a wire to the nearest 0.001cm, which of the following instruments will be used.

  1. Metre rule
  2. Measuring cylinder
  3. Micrometer screw gauge
  4. Vernier caliper

(ix) The term used to describe the ability to of an object to float on a surface of a liquid is classified is

  1. Floatation 
  2. Buoyancy
  3. Density 
  4. Pressure

(x) Materials can be twisted into different shapes. Which among the following forces cause twisting of elastic materials 

  1. Restoring force
  2. Compressional force
  3. Stretching force
  4. Torsional force


2. Match each of the description of the terms used in simple machines in List A with the corresponding concept used in simple machine in List B by writing a letter of the correct response below the item in table.




  1. The ratio of distance moved by effort to the distance moved by load
  2. The ratio of the load raised steadily by a machine when an effort or force in applied 
  3. A fixed wheel with a rope passing round a groove in wheels circumference 
  4. The ratio of the work output to the work input times 100%
  5. Consists of a rigid bar that moves about a fixed point.
  1. Simple pulley 
  2. Combination pulley
  3. Efficiency
  4. Lever
  5. Mechanical advance
  6. Single fixed pulley
  7. The Block and Tackle pulley system
  8. Velocity ratio


SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions

3. (a)State laws of reflection

(b)Explain behavior of light when it encomters translucent, transparent and Opaque materials 

Calculate number of images formed by plane mirror related to the angle between two plane mirrors 

4. (a)(i)Differentiate distance and displacement

(ii)Write down three equations of linear motion 

(b)A paratrooper falling under gravity after 6 seconds

(i) What will be maximum height covered 

(ii) What will be its velocity when hitting the ground 

5.(a)Explain why efficiency of machine is always less than 100%

(b)An object weight in air is 6ON and 4ON when immersed in water. What will be its

(i) Upthrustin water

(ii) Relative density 

(iii) Density 

(iv) Give reason why a ship can move surface of water without sinking?

6. (a)When a metal can that contains hot water is closed and cold water is poured on it the can collapses, why?

(b)In an experiment Using Hare’s apparatus the length of methanol and water columns were found to be 16cm and 12.8cm respectively

(i) What is the relative density of methanol?

(ii) If the length of methanol column was altered to 21.5c what would be the new height of water column?

7. (a)Differentiate ferromagnetic materials from Paramagnetic materials by giving their typical examples and uses 

(b)Advice a laboratory technician three appropnate ways of slowing magnets so that they can last longer.

8. (a)Define each of the following terms as used in physics 

(i) Volume                       (ii) Moment of force

(b) An object of 100kg is lifted to a height of 5M above the ground is 3 seconds. Calculate its 

(i) Work done             (ii) Power

9.(a)Define the term pressure 

(b)A rectangular object whose dimension are 1.4m by 0.1m by 2.0m, has a density of 200kg/m3. Calculate the minimum pressure when placed on a table.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer Question 10

10. (a)

  1. Define the word coulomb
  2. State Ohms law
  3. Two resistors of 30 and 60 are connected in parallel to a 3V battery


  1. Draw a schematic diagram 
  2. Find effective resistance of the circuit
  3. Calculate the current passing through the 60 resistor













Time:  2:30  Hours                                                                     October 2022



  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and with a total of  ten (10) questions
  2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  3. All other writings should be in blue or black ink except  diagram which must be in pencil
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  5. Write your Assessment Number on the top corner of every page as indicated in this paper
  6. Where necessary the following constant may be used
  1. Density of water 1000kg/m3
  2. Acceleration due to gravity 10N/kg or 10m/s2


1.  For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided image

(i)  The diagram below shoes a pendulum which was released from position A

At what position there is potential energy and kinetic energy?

A.     Position A and B

B.     Position C and A

C.     Position B 

D.    Position C

(ii)       A block of glass with dimensions of 20cm x 3m x 10m was found to weigh 60kg.

What is the density of the block in kg/m3?

A.     0.1

B.      1

C.     2

D.    10

 (iii)    Khamis poured liquid L into a measuring cylinder and noticed it had a concave meniscus. Which of the following is most unlikely to be liquid L?

A.     Ethanol

B.     Water

C.     Soft drink 

D.    Mercury

(iv)  Kakiku is performing an experiment in the laboratory and required to transfer a specific small volume of liquid. What apparatus would you advise Kakiku to use?

A.     Conical flask

B.     Density bottle

C.     Pipette

D.     Burette

(v)       Which of the following describes particles in a solid at room temperature?

A.     Close together and stationary

B.     Close together and vibrating

C.     Close together and moving at around random 

D. Far apart and moving at random

(vi)    Which of these resources of energy is non — renewable?

A.     Wave energyimage

B.     Fossil fuels

C.     Radiant energy

D.     Solar energyimage

(vii)  An actress is applying powder on her face infront of a plane mirror. The image formed is always

A.     Laterally inverted

B.     At infinity

C.     Infront of the mirror 

D.    Real

(viii)       Which of the machines below is a first class lever?

A.     Pliers

B.     Scissors

C.     Wheelbarrow 

D.     Arrow

(ix)     The SI unit for capacitance is.........

A.     Farad

B.     Joules second

C.     Volts

D.     Coulombs

(x)       A mass of 500g is pushed by the gravitational force towards the centre of the earth by a force of;

  1. 1N
  2. 0.5 N
  3. 5N
  4. 10N

2.  Match the item in LIST A with a correct response in LIST B by writing a letter of a correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided






Magnetic materials


Like poles attract unlike poles repel



Law of polarity


Magnetic field is zero


Magnetic shielding



Redirects magnetic lines of force





Strong ma net




Iron nail








Direct neutral















3. (a) (i) State ohm’s law.....................................................................................

(ii) Write its mathematical expression

(b) Two resistors of resistances 15Q and 5Q are connected in parallel across a 37.5V supply, find:-

(i)     The total resistance

(ii)    The total current in the circuit

(iii)   The current through each resistor

(iv)   The potential difference across each resistor

4. (a) State pascal principle


(b)A hydraulic brake has a force of 500N applied to a piston whose area is 5m2

 (i) What is the pressure transmitted throughout of the liquid?

(ii) If the other piston has an area of 20m2, what is tie force exerted on it?

(c)  Give reason, why a tank is thicker at the bottom than at the top?

5.    (a) Moments of force depends on two factors. Name them

(b)  (i) State principle of moments

(ii) A 100g weight is suspended 45cm from the pivot of a light rod. If a weight W imageis suspended 20cm from the pivot to balance the 100g weight, determine the weight W.

(c)   Why is it important to keep the centre of gravity of a motor bus as low as possible?

6.    (a) State law of conservation of linear momentum

 (b)  Differentiate elastic collision from inelastic collision

(c)   A body of mass 8kg moving with a velocity of 20m/s collides with another body of mass 4kg moving with a velocity of 10m/s in the same direction. The velocity of 8kg body is reduced to 15m/s after the collision. If the bodies dont stick together after collision, calculate the final velocity of the 4kg body

7.    (a) What is mass?

(b)   Distinguish between density and relative density

(c)   In an experiment to determine the relative density of liquid X, a student obtained the following results after various measurements: Mass of an empty relative density bottle = 15g

Mass of bottle + liquid X = 35g

Mass of bottle + water = 40g Volume of bottle = 25cm3


(i)     The density of water

(ii)   The density of liquid X

(iii)The relative density of liquid X

8.    (a) What do you understand the term energy?

 (b)  Distinguish between potential energy and kinetic energy of a body

 (c) A crate of mass 300kg is raised by an electric motor through a height of 60m in 45seconds.                          Calculate

(i)    Weight of the crate

(ii)  The work done by the motor

(iii)  The useful power of the motor

9.    An object is hung from a spring balance. It weighs 40N in air and 30N when immersed in water.

(a)   Calculate the upthrust on the object

(b)  Calculate the volume and mass of the object

(c)   Calculate its density

 (d)  What is the volume of the displaced water?


10. (a) Draw a diagram of a screw jack and show a thread (T) and Pitch (P) of a screw

(b)The handle of the screw jack is 35cm long and the pitch of the screw is 0.5cm. What force must be applied to the end of the handle when lifting a load of 2200N, if the efficiency of the jack is 40%

 (c)  Give One reasons why the mechanical advantage of a I ever is less than one











TIME: 2:30HRS                                                                    



  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten(10) questions
  2. Answer ALL questions in the space(s) provided 
  3. All writings must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
  4. All communication devices and calculators are not allowed in the examination room 
  5. Write your Examination number at the top right corner of every page.
  6. Where necessary the following constant may be used 

(i) Acceleration due to gravity g=10m/s2

(ii) Density of water = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3
















































Answer ALL questions from this section

1. For each of the items (i)- (xx), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter besides the item number in the box provided 

(i) Force of attraction between molecules of two different substances is called…………

A. cohesion     B. adhesion     C. capillarity                D. surface tension 

(ii) A piece of metal has mass of 0.64g and volume of 0.16cm3. What will be its density?

A. 4000kg/m3              B. 0.25kg/m3               C. 3.0kg/m3                 D. 4kg/m3

(iii) The minimum pressure exerted by rectangular wooden block of 12kg measuring 4mx 3m x 2m on the bench is 

A. 20N/m2                   B. 1.5N/m2      C. 10N/m2       D. 0.5N/m2

(iv)  The pressure of water at the bottom of a pond 6.5m deep is……

A. 65,000N/m                       B. 6,500N/m2               C. 320N/m2                 D. 340N/m2

(v) If the upthrust is greater than the weight of a body then the body 

A. floats imperfectly               B. floats perfectly       C. rises            D. sinks 

(vi) A body weights 11.8N when totally immersed in a liquid, if the weight of the liquid displaced is 4.2N, the weight of the body in air is………

A. 7.6 N                      B. 16N                        C. 2.8N                       D. 49.56N 

(vii) A solid ball is taken from the earth to the moon. On the moon the ball has different….

A. density                   B. weight                    C. mass            D. volume 

(viii) Which of the following devices work with the help of atmospheric pressure? 

A. bicycle pump and hydrolysis press.                       B. flushing tank and syringes 

C. lifts pumps and hydrometer                                   D. car brakes and siphon

(ix) A current of 0.4A flows through a resistance of 7?, the potential difference across the resistance is…………….

A. 20V                        B. 2.8V                       C. 0.05V                     D. 3.2V 

(x) The density of water is 1g/cm3 and mercury is 13.6g/cm3. The object of density 2.5g/cm3 will sink in……..

A. mercury                  B. water                      C. hydrometer             D. manometer             

2. Match each item in List A with a correct response in list B by writing a letter of a correct response below the number of the corresponding item in List A in the table provided 

List A 

List B 

(i) State of balance of a body 

(ii) Sum of forces in one direction must be equal to the sum of the forces in opposite direction 

(iii) The point where force of gravity can be considered to act 

(iv) The object with high centre of gravity 

(v) Turning effect 

A. centre of gravity 

B. unstable equilibrium 

C. Translational force 

D. moment of a force 

E. condition for equilibrium 

F. Point of application 

G. Equilibrium

H. Stable equilibrium 


List A 






List B 








Answer all questions from this section

3.(a)  Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided 

(i) The ratio of charge to its potential difference is called…………………………………

(ii) The point of support about which a bar of lever turns is called………………………

(iii) The movement of solvent from region of low concentration to one of high concentration through semi- permeable membrane is called……………………………

(iv) An object which emits light when hot is called……………………………………….

(v) The rate of change of displacement is called………………………………………….

(b) Define the word coulomb.

(c) States Ohms law.

(d) Two resistors of 3Ω and 6Ω are connected in parallel to a 3V battery.

(i)Draw the schematic diagram.

(ii)Find the effective resistance of the circuit.

(iii)Calculate the current passing through the 60 resistor.


4. Study the figure below showing magnets facing each other and answer the questions that follows;




 (a) Name parts labeled P, Q, R, S and T

(i) P is…………………………………          (ii) Q is……………………………………... 

(iii) S is ……………………………….          (iv) T is …………………………………….

(v) R is ………………………………..

(b) Define the following terms 

(i) Magnetic field ………………………………………………………………………….


(ii) Demagnetization……………………………………………………………………….


 (c) Mention three methods that you can use so as to change a piece of steel and become a magnet 

(i) ………………………………………..(ii)…………..………………………………..

(iii) ……………………………………………

5(a) Distinguish between speed and velocity ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) An object starts from rest to a velocity of 20m/s for 5 seconds; it maintains this speed for 20seconds before applying brakes and come to rest after 10seconds 

(i) Sketch the velocity time graph of this motion 

From the graph above, find 

(ii) Acceleration


(iii) Deceleration 


(iv) Distance covered by whole motion


(v) Average speed of this motion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

(c) Define the term “Uniform acceleration ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6(a)       (i) State the “law of floatation”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) State Archimedes principle



(b) An aluminium ball weights 6N in air, 4N when immersed in water and 3N when immersed in honey. Calculate;

(i) Up thrust of honey on the ball


(ii) Relative density of aluminum ball.


(iii) Relative density of honey 




(iv)  Density of honey in kg/m3


(c) Why is a hydrometer graduated with minimum reading at the bottom?



7(a) Define the following terms 

(i) Machine ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………             (ii) Mechanical advantage ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(iii) Velocity ratio ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(b) Draw a pulley system with velocity ratio (VR) 5

 (c) The pitch (P) of a screw jack is 2.5mm. An arm of 56cm long is used to lift a car of mass 792kg if the efficiency of the screw jack is 25%. Find 

(i) Velocity ratio ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..…………… (ii)  Effort to be applied at the end 


8(a) (i) define the term pressure and state its SI unit 


(ii) Why are dams constructed thicker at the bottom than at the top?


(b) Mention five (5) sustainable energy sources

            (i) ………………………………………………………………………………………



            (iv) ……………………………………………………………………………………

(v) ……………………………………………………………………………………..

(c) Explain why mercury is preferred more as thermometer liquid than alcohol (outline three reasons) 





9. (a) Define the following terms 

(i) Inertia 

            ………………………………………………………………………………………………            ………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Momentum 

            ………………………………………………………………………………………………            ………………………………………………………………………………………………

(iii) Impulse

            ………………………………………………………………………………………………(b) State Newton’s second law of motion 

            ………………………………………………………………………………………………            ………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) State the following 

1st Equation of motion ……………………………………………………………………

2nd equation of motion ……………………………………………………………………

3rd equation of motion ……………………………………………………………………

(c) A  ball “A” of mass 100g moving with a velocity of 5m/s makes a head on collision with a ball “B” of mass 200g moving with velocity of 2m/s in opposite direction. If A and B stick together after collision, calculate their common velocity “V” in the A. 




Answer all questions from this section


10 (a ) Sketch the electrical symbol for each of the following devices. 

(i) Voltmeter 



(ii) Switch 



(iii) Battery 



(iv) Variable resistor 





(b) Calculate the effective resistance to the current flowing when resistors 4Ω, 2Ω and 5Ω are connected in 

(i) Series 


(ii) Parallel 


(c) Find the effective capacitance in the connection below.
















Time: 2:30Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4. All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7. Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer All questions in this section.

 1.  For each of items (i-xx) choose the correct its letter in the box provided

(i)The formed by a plane mirror is always

  1. Smaller than the object
  2. Virtual
  3. Large that the object
  4. Real

(ii)A body which gains excess electrons becomes 

  1. Negatively charged
  2. Positively charge
  3. Electrified
  4. Both A and B are correct

(iii)Which of the following is not a form of energy?

  1. Light
  2. Friction
  3. Magnetism
  4. Electrons

(iv)A person in a bus which starts to move forward tends to fall backwards. This is because he/she is obeying:

  1. The Principle of moment
  2. The Newton’s third law of motion
  3. The Newton’s second law of motion
  4. The Newton’s first law of motion

(v)When a body floats in water

  1. It displaces its own volume of water
  2. The mass of the water displaced by the body is equal to its own mass
  3. It weights the same as in air
  4. The downthrust is more than the upthrust

(vi)The velocity-time graph has a slope which represents 

  1. Displacement
  2. Acceleration
  3. Velocity
  4. Speed

(vii)Work and energy have the same SI unit of 

  1. Calorie
  2. Joule
  3. Walt
  4. Pascal

(viii)Heat energy is transferred from the sun to the earth by the process of 

  1. Convection
  2. Radiation
  3. Conduction
  4. None of the above

(ix)A wheelbarrow is an example of 

  1. First class lever
  2. Third class lever
  3. Complex machine
  4. Second class lever

(x)When charging a body by rubbing with either fur or skill the particles which are transferred are 

  1. Protons and electrons
  2. Protons
  3. Electrons
  4. Nuclei

(xi)current electricity can be measured in 

  1. Ohms
  2. Coulomb
  3. Volt
  4. Milliampere

(xii)A piece of metal of volume 10cm3 has a mass of 65.5kg. The density of metal is

  1. 65.5kg/m3
  2. 6.55kg/m3
  3. 655kg/m3
  4. 0.655kg/m3

(xiii)Umbra refers to 

  1. Partial shadow
  2. Midnight
  3. Total shadow
  4. Moon

(xiv)When a narrow glass tube is dipped into mercury

  1. The adhesion of molecules of mercury is stronger than the cohesion of molecules of mercury
  2. The meniscus of mercury in a glass vessel curves upwards.
  3. Mercury experiences a downwards force equal to its weight.
  4. The level of mercury in the tube drops below that of the surrounding

(xv)A piece of metal of volume 0.24cm3 and mass 0.72 has a relative density (R.D) of 

  1. 3.0g/cm3
  2. 3.0
  3. 3.0kgm3
  4. 0.3

(xvi)A body which sinks in water has its density 

  1. Less than that of water
  2. Larger than that of water
  3. Equal to that of water
  4. Less or equal to that of water

(xvii)The mechanical advantage of a machine is 4. Find the effort needed to operate a machine of the load 1000N.

  1. 40N
  2. 2800N
  3. 250N
  4. 1999N

(xviii)A force exerted by a pressure of 20N/m2 acting over an area of 2m2 is

  1. 10N
  2. 18N
  3. 22N
  4. 40N

(xix)What is the acceleration of a body of mass 30kg when constant force of 150N is applied on it?

  1. 50m/s2
  2. 0.5m/s2
  3. 5.0m/s2
  4. 0.05m/s2

(xx)As the balloon goes up, the weight of air displaced becomes less and less. This means that the upthrust

  1. Is increased
  2. Is reduce
  3. Is exactly equal to its weight
  4. Remains constant


2.Match the items in List A with a correct response in List B by writing a letter of the correct response below the number of the corresponding item in List A in the table provided.



  1. The force used to operate a machine
  2. An example of 3rd class lever
  3. Ratio of number of teeth in a driven wheel to the number of teeth in driving wheel
  4. The force that causes the efficiency of a machine to be less than 100%
  5. It is used to lift heavy weights using small effort
  1. Knife
  2. Lever
  3. Inclined planed
  4. Friction
  5. Wheelbarrow
  6. Effort
  7. Velocity ratio



  1. The Fundamental law of electrostatics charge state (i)______ (ii)_____
  2. Substance which allows electricity pass through are called ___________
  3. A point at which the resistant of Magnetic flux density is zero is called
  4. Water wets glass but mercury does not we because _______
  5. Lubricant are applied in machine in order to _______

4.(a)Differentiate between real weight and apparent weight of an object as applied in physics 

(b)A solid weighs 64N in air and 48N when totally immersed in a liquid of density 0.8g/cm3 calculate

  1. The upthrust on the solid
  2. The volume of the solid
  3. The density of the solid

5(a)The two uses of a gold leaf electroscope are …………….

(b)In verification of Ohm’s law the following circuit was used during the experiment






  1. P: represents ……………………...
  2. Q: represents ……………………...
  3. S represents ……………………...
  4. T: represents ……………………...
  5. F: represents ……………………...
  6. K: represents ……………………...

6(a) mention two examples of magnetic materials

(b)Name the materials which when rubbed with a dry cloth become

  1. Negatively charged
  2. Positively charged

(c)State two conditions for a body to be in equilibrium:


7(a)Distinguish between upthrust and apparent weight.

(b)The apparent weight of a body is 6.4N. If the weight of liquid displaced is 4.7N, what is the weight of the body in air?


8(a)A car with a velocity of 90m/s is uniformly retarded and brought to rest after 10seconds. Calculate its deceleration

(b)State the fundamental law of static electricity 

(c)Explain what is wrong in the circuit diagram shown below.


9(a)Mention the type of mechanical energy 

(b)A body of mass 10kg is raised to a height of 4 metres above the ground in 2 seconds

  1. Find the energy possessed by the body after raising it
  2. What is the type of energy possessed by the body?


10.The mass of an empty density bottle was 50g. When filled with a certain liquid of volume 20cm3 its mass became 75g. Find the

  1. Density of the liquid
  2. Relative density of the liquid



                                            PRESIDENT’S OFFICE





TIME: 2:30 HOURS                                                         March 2022




1.      This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2.      Answer all questions.

3.      All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

4.      All writings must be in blue or black ink EXCEPT drawings which must be in pencil.

5.      Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.


6.      Write Your Examination Number on the top right of every page.

7.      You may use the following constants in your calculations: (i) Density of water = 1.0 g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3 (ii) Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2.







































SECTION A: (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1.For each of the items (i) – (xx), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number: (i)       One joule work is said to be done when:

A.    A force of IN displaces a body by 1cm in direction of force

B.     A force of IN displaces a body by 1m in direction force

C.     A force of IN displaces a body by 1km in direction of force 

D. A force of IN displaces a body by 1mm in direction of force. 


(ii)              In an electric cell while in use, the change in energy is from:

A. Electrical to mechanical B. Chemical to mechanical

C. Electrical to chemical D. Chemical to electrical.


(iii)            Diffusion occurs more quickly in a gas than in a liquid because:

A.    The liquid contains a layer on its surface

B.     The gas contains semi-permeable membrane

C.     The gas molecules is small in size compared to the liquid molecules

D.    The speed of molecules in gas is greater than in liquid.


(iv)             In a process of charging by induction in static electricity:

A.    A conductor is rubbed with an insulator

B.     A charge is produced by friction

C.     Negative and positive charges are separated

 D.A positive charge induces a positive charge.


(v)               For an ideal machine, the ratio of mechanical advantage and velocity ratio is: A. Greater than one

B.     Less than one

C.     Equal to one

D.    Depends on value of load.

(vi)             An object weighs 12N in air and 9N when totally immersed in water. The relative density of the object is:

A.    3g/cm3

B.     4g/cm3

C.     3

D.    4.

(vii)          The rise of a liquid level in a tube due to cohesion and adhesion forces is called:

A.    Capillarity

B.     Surface tension 

C. Meniscus

D. Osmosis.

(viii)        The hydrometer is calibrated in such a way that has small number at the top of its stem, this is because:

A.    It sinks more in less denser liquids than in more denser liquids

B.     It sinks less in less denser liquids than in more denser liquids C. To enable it to stand up right when taking measurements

D. To make it more sensitive.


(ix)             The density of pure solid copper is 8.94g/cm3. What volume does 5 kilograms of copper occupy? A.559.3cm3

B.     0.5593cm3

C.     44.7cm3 

D. 1.788cm3.


(x)               The temperature of Dar es Salaam town was 32oC. This is equivalent to….

A. 306K B. 241K

C. 305K D. 205K.


(xi)             An instrument which can be used to observe objects out of direct vision is called:

A.    Microscope

B.     Periscope

C.     Plane mirror

D.    Telescope.


(xii)          A ball of mass 0.6kg is kicked vertically upwards up to a height of 6m. The potential energy acquired by the ball is:

A.    0.36J

B.     3.6J

C.     36J 

D. 360J.


(xiii)        A measuring cylinder contains liquid to a level X. An object of volume Z is totally immersed in the liquid contained in the cylinder. The new reading of the liquid level will be:

A.    Z

B.     X-Z

C.     X+Z 

D. Z-X.

 (xiv) A soldier firing a bullet from a gun experience a jerking effect as the bullet leaves the gun. This phenomenon is explained by:

A.    Newton’s first law of motion

B.     Newton’s second law of motion

C.     Newton’s third law of motion

D.    Principle of conservation of linear momentum.


(xv)           The image formed in a plane mirror is always:

A.    Virtual, magnified, the same size

B.     Magnified, vertical and lateral inverted

C.     Diminished, real, lateral inverted 

D.    The same size as object, virtual and upright.


(xvi)         Which instrument is used to measure diameter of a constantan wire SWG 28?

A.    Vernier calipers

B.     Tape measure 

C. Micrometer screw gauge

D. Engineer calipers.


(xvii)      The property of material to return to its original size is called:

A.    Compression

B.     Elasticity

C.     Plasticity 

D. Elastic limit.


(xviii)    The magnetic needle, free to turn in a vertical plane, is suspended first at the earth’s South magnetic pole and then at a point on the magnetic equator. The respective angles between the needle and horizontal are:

A.    0o and 0o

B.     70o and 70o

C.     0o and 90o 

D. 90o and 0o.


(xix)         The acceleration of a moving object may be found from:

A.    The area under its velocity – time graph

B.     The slope of the velocity – time graph

C.     The area under its distance – time graph

D.    The slope of the distance – time graph.


(xx)           The force of friction between layers of liquid is called:

A.    Surface tension

B.     Viscous force

C.     Compressional force

D.    Torsional force.







2.      Match the items in LIST A with the responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.









Frictional force


Gravitational force

Torsional force

Stretching force

A.    A book experiences a force directed towards the earth 

B.     Force passed through a rope

C.     Resistance of honey to flow

D.    Resistance to the movement of brick on ground

E.     Twisting ruler between both hands

F.      Support force exerted upon an object
















3.      Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided:

(i)       Small deviation of measured value from true value is called  ____________________

(ii)    Charging without contact is called  ________________________________________

(iii)  Potential difference of a cell when is not connected in complete electric circuit is 


(iv)   A device used to detect the sign of charges in a body is  ______________________

(v)     The material placed between capacitor’s plates is called  ______________________

SECTION B: (50 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

4.      (a) A body dipped in a liquid experiences an upthrust. Explain three factors on which the upthrust depends:

                                                                                                                        03 marks         

(b)    An object was totally immersed in a liquid contained in a vessel. The two opposite forces acting on the object are.


(c)    State how the forces in (b) above should be to make an object float:


4.    (d)   When a body is totally immersed in a liquid it weighs 3.2N. If the weight of liquid              displaced is 1.5N. Find the weight of a body in air.

                                                                                                                                                                03 marks

5.(a) Asha opens a bottle of perfume at the front of the room. After few minutes the smell           reaches the whole of the room. Explain why is it happening.  

     (b) Why shriveled prune placed in water swells?

     (c) Draw the magnetic field between two unlike magnetic poles that are close to one   another.



6.    (a)  State the principle of moments

       (b)  Give two ways that a mechanics can use to increase spanners turning effect.

 (c)  Draw the diagrams showing three different types of common equilibriums


                                                                                                          @02 marks


7.   (a)  Explain the meaning of linear momentum of a body 02 marks


(b)     How is a force is related to the linear momentum of a body? 


(c)     A body has mass of 50kg and a linear momentum of 3000kg ms-1. Find its:

                (i)        Velocity of the body

(ii)       Kinetic energy of the body


8. (a) State the two common applications of an atmospheric pressure.




(b)   Briefly explain why a woman wearing shoes with pointed heels is more likely to     cause damage to a wooden floor than an elephant?

                                                                                                                                        03 marks

     (c) A rectangular tank measures 3m by 2m contains water to a height of 2m. Find

(i)        The pressure on the base of the tank.                                                      03 marks



(ii)      Thrust on the base of the tank.                                                    02 marks SECTION C: (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section


9.(a) Draw the pulley system with the velocity ratio of 4.


02 marks

(b)A machine of velocity ratio of 4 needs 2000J of energy to lift the load of 400N through a vertical distance of 2.5m.

(i)       Determine the work out put                                      02 marks


(ii)    Determine the efficiency of the machine



(b)               (iii)            Mechanical advantage of a machine              02 marks


(c)               A screw jack has a screw pitch of 4mm and the effort arm of 16cm. Determine the percentage efficiency of this screw jack, if it needs an effort of 50N to lift a load of 750N?

10.Three capacitors of 3 microfarad, 2 microfarad and 6 microfarad are connected in series when a battery of 30Volts is connected to this combination.


         (i)Draw the electric circuit of this combination.                                    04 marks



(a)               (ii) Find the charge in 3 microfarad                                 03 marks



(b)               An ohmic conductor has a voltage drop of 9 volts measured across it. The current in the conductor is 3A. What is the resistance?















TIME: 2:30 HOURS                                                        November, 2021




1.      This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2.      Answer all questions.

3.      All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

4.      All writings must be in blue or black ink EXCEPT drawings which must be in pencil.

5.      Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.


6.      Write Your Examination Number on the top right of every page.

7.      You may use the following constants in your calculations: (i) Density of water = 1.0 g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3 (ii) Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2.







































SECTION A: (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1.For each of the items (i) – (xx), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number:

 (i)       One joule work is said to be done when:

A.    A force of IN displaces a body by 1cm in direction of force

B.     A force of IN displaces a body by 1m in direction force

C.     A force of IN displaces a body by 1km in direction of force 

D. A force of IN displaces a body by 1mm in direction of force. 


(ii)              In an electric cell while in use, the change in energy is from:

A. Electrical to mechanical 

B. Chemical to mechanical

C. Electrical to chemical 

D. Chemical to electrical.


(iii)            Diffusion occurs more quickly in a gas than in a liquid because:

A.    The liquid contains a layer on its surface

B.     The gas contains semi-permeable membrane

C.     The gas molecules is small in size compared to the liquid molecules

D.    The speed of molecules in gas is greater than in liquid.


(iv)             In a process of charging by induction in static electricity:

A.    A conductor is rubbed with an insulator

B.     A charge is produced by friction

C.     Negative and positive charges are separated D.A positive charge induces a positive charge.


(v)               For an ideal machine, the ratio of mechanical advantage and velocity ratio is: 

            A.  Greater than one

B.     Less than one

C.     Equal to one

D.    Depends on value of load.

(vi)             An object weighs 12N in air and 9N when totally immersed in water. The relative density of the object is:

A.    3g/cm3

B.     4g/cm3

C.     3

D.    4.

(vii)          The rise of a liquid level in a tube due to cohesion and adhesion forces is called:

A.    Capillarity

B.     Surface tension 

C. Meniscus

D. Osmosis.

(viii)        The hydrometer is calibrated in such a way that has small number at the top of its stem, this is because:

A.    It sinks more in less denser liquids than in more denser liquids

B.     It sinks less in less denser liquids than in more denser liquids 

C. To enable it to stand up right when taking measurements

D. To make it more sensitive.


(ix)             The density of pure solid copper is 8.94g/cm3. What volume does 5 kilograms of copper occupy?

            A.   559.3cm3

B.     0.5593cm3

C.     44.7cm3 

D. 1.788cm3.


(x)               The temperature of Dar es Salaam town was 32oC. This is equivalent to….

A. 306K 

B. 241K

C. 305K 

D. 205K.


(xi)             An instrument which can be used to observe objects out of direct vision is called:

A.    Microscope

B.     Periscope

C.     Plane mirror

D.    Telescope.


(xii)          A ball of mass 0.6kg is kicked vertically upwards up to a height of 6m. The potential energy acquired by the ball is:

A.    0.36J

B.     3.6J

C.     36J 

D. 360J.


(xiii)        A measuring cylinder contains liquid to a level X. An object of volume Z is totally immersed in the liquid contained in the cylinder. The new reading of the liquid level will be:

A.    Z

B.     X-Z

C.     X+Z

 D. Z-X. 

(xiv) A soldier firing a bullet from a gun experience a jerking effect as the bullet leaves the gun. This phenomenon is explained by:

A.    Newton’s first law of motion

B.     Newton’s second law of motion

C.     Newton’s third law of motion

D.    Principle of conservation of linear momentum.


(xv)           The image formed in a plane mirror is always:

A.    Virtual, magnified, the same size

B.     Magnified, vertical and lateral inverted

C.     Diminished, real, lateral inverted 

D.    The same size as object, virtual and upright.


(xvi)         Which instrument is used to measure diameter of a constantan wire SWG 28?

A.    Vernier calipers

B.     Tape measure 

C. Micrometer screw gauge

D. Engineer calipers.


(xvii)      The property of material to return to its original size is called:

A.    Compression

B.     Elasticity

C.     Plasticity 

D. Elastic limit.


(xviii)    The magnetic needle, free to turn in a vertical plane, is suspended first at the earth’s South magnetic pole and then at a point on the magnetic equator. The respective angles between the needle and horizontal are:

A.    0o and 0o

B.     70o and 70o

C.     0o and 90o 

D. 90o and 0o.


(xix)         The acceleration of a moving object may be found from:

A.    The area under its velocity – time graph

B.     The slope of the velocity – time graph

C.     The area under its distance – time graph

D.    The slope of the distance – time graph.


(xx)           The force of friction between layers of liquid is called:

A.    Surface tension

B.     Viscous force

C.     Compressional force

D.    Torsional force.


2.      Match the items in LIST A with the responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.









Frictional force


Gravitational force

Torsional force

Stretching force

A.    A book experiences a force directed towards the earth 

B.     Force passed through a rope

C.     Resistance of honey to flow

D.    Resistance to the movement of brick on ground

E.     Twisting ruler between both hands

F.      Support force exerted upon an object
















3.      Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided:

(i)       Small deviation of measured value from true value is called  ____________________

(ii)    Charging without contact is called  ________________________________________

(iii)  Potential difference of a cell when is not connected in complete electric circuit is 


(iv)   A device used to detect the sign of charges in a body is  ______________________

(v)     The material placed between capacitor’s plates is called  ______________________

SECTION B: (50 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

4.      (a) A body dipped in a liquid experiences an upthrust. Explain three factors on which the upthrust depends:

(i)                 _______________________________________________________________

(ii)               _______________________________________________________________

(iii)             _______________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                        03 marks         

(b)    An object was totally immersed in a liquid contained in a vessel. The two opposite forces acting on the object are.

(i)                 ______________________________________________________________

(ii)              ______________________________________________________________


(c)    State how the forces in (b) above should be to make an object float:



                                                                                                                                                                02 marks

4.    (d)   When a body is totally immersed in a liquid it weighs 3.2N. If the weight of liquid              displaced is 1.5N. Find the weight of a body in air.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


                                                                                                                                                                03 marks

5.(a) Asha opens a bottle of perfume at the front of the room. After few minutes the smell           reaches the whole of the room. Explain why is it happening.  






                                                                                                                                                                04 marks

     (b) Why shriveled prune placed in water swells?



                                                                                                                                                                03 marks


     (c) Draw the magnetic field between two unlike magnetic poles that are close to one   another.



6.    (a)  State the principle of moments

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________




                                                                                                                        02 marks


       (b)  Give two ways that a mechanics can use to increase spanners turning effect.

(i)               _______________________________________________________________


(ii)            _______________________________________________________________


                                                                                                                          02 marks

(c)  Draw the diagrams showing three different types of common equilibriums


                                                                                                                        @02 marks


7.   (a)  Explain the meaning of linear momentum of a body





                                                                                                                        02 marks


(b)     How is a force is related to the linear momentum of a body? 

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________




(c)     A body has mass of 50kg and a linear momentum of 3000kg ms-1. Find its:

                (i)        Velocity of the body











                                                                                                                           03 marks

            (ii)       Kinetic energy of the body








                                                                                                                                                                                02 marks


8.(a) State the two common applications of an atmospheric pressure.

(i)                 _______________________________________________________________

(ii)              _______________________________________________________________

02 marks (b)   Briefly explain why a woman wearing shoes with pointed heels is more likely to     cause damage to a wooden floor than an elephant?





                                                                                                                        03 marks

     (c) A rectangular tank measures 3m by 2m contains water to a height of 2m. Find

(i)        The pressure on the base of the tank.                                                      03 marks








(ii)      Thrust on the base of the tank.                                                    02 marks 

SECTION C: (20 Marks)

Answerall questions in this section


9.(a) Draw the pulley system with the velocity ratio of 4.
























                                                                                                                        02 marks

(b)A machine of velocity ratio of 4 needs 2000J of energy to lift the load of 400N through a vertical distance of 2.5m.

(i)       Determine the work out put                                      02 marks












(ii)    Determine the efficiency of the machine








(b)               (iii)            Mechanical advantage of a machine              02 marks













(c)               A screw jack has a screw pitch of 4mm and the effort arm of 16cm. Determine the percentage efficiency of this screw jack, if it needs an effort of 50N to lift a load of 750N?














10.Three capacitors of 3 microfarad, 2 microfarad and 6 microfarad are connected in series when a battery of 30Volts is connected to this combination.


         (i)Draw the electric circuit of this combination.                                    04 marks



(a)               (ii) Find the charge in 3 microfarad                                 03 marks















(b)               An ohmic conductor has a voltage drop of 9 volts measured across it. The current in the conductor is 3A. What is the resistance?























Time: 2:30Hours


  1.                This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.                Answer all questions.
  3.                 Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4.                 All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.                All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.                Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.                Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1.                      Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2.                      Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

 1.  For each of items (i-xx) choose the correct its letter in the box provided

(i) Bimetallic strips bend when heated because metals:

  1.              become softer when heated
  2.               expand in opposite direction
  3.               have different expansivities
  4.              have same expansivities

(ii)If you comb your dried hair with a plastic or nylon comb, you might observe the comb attracting some small particles. What instrument would you use to determine whether the comb acquired some electric charge:

  1.              ammeter
  2.               electrophorus
  3.               gold-leaf electroscope
  4.              voltmeter

(iii)White clothes are preferentially worn in sunny regions to black clothes because they:

  1.              absorb heat
  2.               diffuse heat
  3.               reflect heat
  4.              transmit heat

(iv)Gradient of the distance-time graph of a uniformly accelerated motion in a specific direction represents:

  1.              acceleration
  2.               deceleration
  3.               speed
  4.              velocity

(v)In order to balance a rigid body on a point, you must first determine its:

  1.              balancing point
  2.               central position of the body
  3.               centre of gravity
  4.              neutral point

(vi) A soldier firing a bullet from a gun experiences a jerking effect as the bullet leaves the gun. This phenomenon is explained by: 

  1.              Newton’s first law of motion
  2.               Newton’s second law of motion
  3.               Newton’s third law of motion
  4.              Principle of conservation of linear momentum

(vii)Penumbra refers to:

  1.               light shadow
  2.               moon
  3.               .partial shadow
  4.              total shadow

(viii)Charging an object by friction results in the transfer of particles called:

  1.               atoms
  2.               .electrons
  3.               neutrons
  4.              protons

(ix)A body weights 3.0N in air. When it is completely immersed in a liquid it weighs 2.2N, the upthrust experienced by the body is:

  1.               0.4N 
  2.                0.6N 
  3.                0.8N
  4.               1.0N

(x)When a bus is moving with constant velocity, its acceleration is:

  1.               constant
  2.               .minimum
  3.               maximum
  4.              .zero

(xi) As the balloon goes up, the weight of air displaced becomes less and less. This means that the upthrust: 

  1.               is increased
  2.               .is reduced
  3.               .is exactly equal to its weight
  4.              .remains constant

(xii)A boy weighing 45kg climbs up a stair case to height of 7 m in 5 seconds. The amount of work done by the boy:

  1.              70 J
  2.               105J 
  3.                450J
  4.               315J

(xiii)Ohm is the SI unit of:

  1.               conductance
  2.               .electric current
  3.               .potential difference 
  4.              upthrust and weight

(xiv)The property of a material to recover its original shape and size on removal of a stretching force is called:

  1.               compression 
  2.                elasticity
  3.                elastic limit 
  4.               plasticity

(xv)The area under the velocity-time graph represents:

  1.              acceleration 
  2.               distance covered 
  3.               speed 
  4.              velocity

(xvi)The volume of a piece of metal with a mass of 150g and density of 0.03g/cm3 is:

  1.               5 x 10-3 cm 3
  2.                5 x 10 1 cm 3
  3.                5 x 10 2 cm 3
  4.               5 x 10 3 cm3

(xvii)A potential difference of 12V is applied across a resister of 1200, The current in circuit is:

  1.               0.1A 
  2.                10A 
  3.                132A 
  4.               440A

 (xviii) What makes the last drop of tap water remain hanging for sometime at the outlet of the tap soon after closing the tap?

  1.               Capillarity 
  2.                Osmosis
  3.                Surface tension 
  4.               Viscosity

(ix)The best test for a magnetized material is:

  1.                attraction
  2.               friction
  3.               heating
  4.              .repulsion

(xx)A passenger in a bus which starts to move forward tends to fall backwards. This phenomenon demonstrates:

  1.              Newtons first law of motion
  2.               Newtons second law of motion
  3.               Newtons third law of motion
  4.              The law of conservation of linear momentum

2.Match the items in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.



  1. First class lever
  2. Force of attraction between the earth and a body
  3. Force of attraction between molecules of different substances
  4. Has no unit
  5. Magnetic lines of force
  1.              Adhesion force
  2.               A pair of scissors 
  3.               Cohesion force
  4.              Collision force
  5.               Force of gravity
  6.                Hydrometer
  7.              Impulse
  8.              Magnetic effect on a material
  9.                 Magnetic moment
  10.                 Neutral point in a magnetic field
  11.              Penumbra
  12.               Relative Density
  13.             Umbra

(i)The quantity of space that an object occupies is known as 

(ii)Occurs when a body’s rate of change of displacement is constant 

(iii)A physical quantity measured by using thermometer is referred to as

(iv)Causes an object to rotate or turn about a fixed point

(v)The angle between the geographic north and the magnetic north is called 

SECTION B (50 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.


4.(a) State two conditions for a body to be in equilibrium.

(b) Distinguish between centre of mass and centre of gravity.

(c) A uniform metre rule AB is balanced horizontally on a knife edge placed 5cm from B with a mass of 60g at B. Find the mass of the ruler.

5.(a) List down four uses of hydraulic press.

(b) Why is a hole at the bottom of a ship more dangerous than one that is near the surface?

(c) Calculate the pressure at the bottom of the sea water 52m deep, if the density of water is 1025 Kg/m3. Take the acceleration due to gravity (g) as ION/Kg.

6.(a)What is meant by acceleration?

(b) In which case is acceleration said to be uniform?

(c) A car with a velocity of 90km/h is uniformly retarded and brought to rest after 10 seconds. Calculate its acceleration.

7. What do you understand by the following terms?

(i) Work 

(ii) Energy 

(iii) Power 

(b) Calculate the power of a pump which can lift 200kg of water through a vertical height of 6m in 10 seconds, given g =10m/s2.

(c) Explain the meaning of the following terms:

(i)Kilowatt . 

(ii)Kilojoules . 

8.(a) Elasticity can be defined as .

(b) Mention two methods by which a magnetic substance can be turned into a magnet. 

(c) Two types of intermolecular forces are: 

SECTION C (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

9.a) A Voltmeter connected across an electric bulb reads 3 V and an ammeter in series with a battery of 2 cells reads 0.2 A. If the switch is closed:

(i)Draw a circuit diagram to represent the information

(ii)Calculate the resistance of the electric bulb.

b)(i) State the law of static electricity

(ii) Draw electric fields for the following static charges showing neutral (N) points

10.A load of 500 Newton is raised through 5 metres by a machine when its effort moves simultaneously through a distance of 25 metres along its direction. If the machine has an efficiency of 80% calculate the value of the effort and the total work done by the machine.



Student’s Examination No.........................................






Time: 2:30Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 questions
  2.              Answer all questions.
  3.              Section A carries 30 marks, section B 50 marks and section C 20  Marks
  4.              All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
  5.              All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.              Where necessary, the following constants may be used;
  1. Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
  2. Density of water= 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided:
  1. The SI Unit of the basin quantities we have to measure in mechanics are:
  1. Newton watts kilogram   c) Kilogram, meter and second
  2. Newton, kilogram and second  d) Newton, meter and second
  1. A length of 680cm is equal to;
  1. 6.8m  b) 68m  c) 68000m d) 0.68m
  1. A body of mass 9kg has weight of;
  1. 9.00N  b) 0.90N c) 0.09N d) 90N
  1. The density of block with dimensions  and mass of 2.4kg is;
  1.    c)
  2.     d)
  1. A body weighs 11.8N when totally immersed in a liquid displaced in 4.8N. the weight of the body in air is:
  1. 7.6N  b) 16N  c) 2.8N  d) 49.56N
  1. The law of magnetic poles states that:
  1. Like poles attract each other unlike pole repel
  2. Unlike poles attract each other like pole repel
  3. Like pole can neither attract each other while unlike pole repel
  4. A, B, C are correct answer
  1. SI Unit of pressure is;
  1. Watt  b) N/M² c) Newton d) Joule
  1.  A potential difference of 12N is applied across 9 resistor of resistance 120








TIME: 2:30 HRS


1.  This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2.  Answer all questions.

3.  All answers must be written in the spaces provided

4.  All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil.

5.  All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.

6.  Write your Examination Number at the top right hand corner of every page.

7.  Where necessary the following constants may be used:

(i) Acceleration due to gravity, 3 g = 10m / s2. 3 (ii) Density of water = 1g / cm or 1000kg / m .


1. For each of the items (i) - (xx), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

(i)  Why Physics, Chemistry and Biology are natural science subjects?

  1.  They need practical and theory work for learning.
  2.  They need only theory for learning.
  3.  They need practical work only.
  4.  They need only observation.

 (ii)  Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?

  1.  Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2.  Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3.  Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4. Do anything in the laboratory

 (iii)  Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a bottle neck?

  1.  tape measure.
  2.  micrometer screw gauge.
  3.  metre rule.
  4. Vernier calipers.

 (iv)  Which of the following statements is correct about mass?

  1.  It is measured by beam balance
  2.  It is measured by spring balance 
  3.  It varies with place 
  4.  It can be zero.

 (v)  A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure

  1.  the volume of liquids. 
  2. the density of liquids.
  3. the density of solids.
  4. the volume of solids.

(vi)One of the following is the condition for a body to float in water:

  1. The mass of a floating body is greater than displaced water.
  2. The density of the body must be less than the density of the fluid.
  3. The upthrust due to the liquid must be smaller than the weight of the body.
  4. The displaced water is less than the floating body.

 (vii)In a solid state the force of attraction between molecules is greater because particles are:

  1. closely packed together.
  2. somehow apart.
  3. not closely packed together.
  4. moved so randomly.

 (viii)The phenomenon observed when maize flour is poured on top of water is called:

  1. diffusion. 
  2.  capillarity.
  3. surface tension.
  4. osmosis.

 (ix)Density and height are factors which affect pressure in:

  1. solid.
  2. solid and liquid.
  3. liquid.
  4. gas.

 (x)When a body is performing a work, it is said to have:

  1. moment.
  2. energy.
  3. momentum
  4. work.

(xi)How can a real image be distinguished from a virtual image?

  1. Real image is inverted while virtual image is upright.
  1. imageReal image is upright while virtual image is inverted.
  1. Virtual image is formed by convergent rays while real image is formed by divergent rays.
  2. Real image is formed by convergent rays while virtual image is formed by divergent rays.

 (xii)Why is an atom electrically neutral?

  1. It consists of equal number of electrons
  2. It consists of equal number of protons and electrons.
  3. It consists of equal number of electrons and neutrons.
  4. It consists of equal number of protons and neutrons.


(xiii)A potential difference of 12V is applied across a resistor of resistance 24 0. The current in a circuits is:

  1. 0.5A
  2. 2A
  3. 0.5?
  4. 288?

 (xiv)If a North pole is used in the stroking method of magnetization, the end where the stroking begins is:

  1. South pole 
  2. North pole 
  3. West
  4.  East.

 (xv)Figure 1 shows a ruler balanced by placing the loads at its ends. What is the weight X?


Figure 1

  1. 5N
  2. 0.5N
  3.  IOON 
  4.  200N


(xvi)ln Figure 1 the angle of reflection is equal to:


Figure. 1

  1. 500
  2. 400
  3. 1300
  4. 450

 (xvii) Unlike magnetic poles as well as unlike electric charges, when brought close to each other they tend to

  1. attract each other
  2. repel each other
  3. exist in pairs
  4. separate

 (xviii)The resistance of on operating lamp rated 115 V and 0.25 A is

  1. 460 ?
  2. 29 ?
  3. 114.75 ?
  4. 230 ?

 (xix)In which region can the north pole of a magnet be directed?

  1. Towards the geographic North Pole
  2. Towards the geographic South Pole
  3. Along the Equatorial
  4. Along the Coast of Antarctica

(xx)Ability of man to walk properly along a road is one of the applications of

  1. stable equilibrium
  2. unstable equilibrium
  3. neutral equilibrium
  4. neutral and stable equilibrium

2.Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the number of the corresponding item in List A in the table provided



(i)An instrument that measures length, depth, internal and external diameters.
(ii)An instrument that measures volumes of liquid.
(iii)An instrument that measures force or pull.
(iv)An instrument that is used to transfer specific amounts of liquids from one container to another.
 (v)An instrument that measures body temperature. 

  1. Measuring cylinder.
  2.  Pipette
  3. Vernier calipers
  4. Glass tumbler
  5. Spring balance
  6. Clinical thermometer
  7. Magdeburg experiment


3.Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided.

(i)Basic physical proportions of measurement which cannot be obtained from any other proportions by either multiplication or division are called. ...

(ii)Staircases, winding roads uphill, wedges and a screw are physical examples of .....

(iii)The resistance of a body to change its state of rest is called ....

(iv)Objects that emit light when they are hot are called ....

(v) Materials which do not obey Hooke's law are known as ......


4. (a) Define the following terms as applied in measurements and give two examples:

 (i) Fundamental quantities ______________

 (ii) Derived quantities __________________

 (b) Figure 2 shows a graduated cylinder containing water before and after a stone is immersed.


Figure 2

 If the mass of the stone is 50 g, calculate the 

 (i) Volume of the stone.

 (ii) Density of the stone.

5.  (a) (i) List two characteristics of images formed by plane mirrors. 

 (ii) Giver a reason why the sky appears blue during a clear sunny day?

 (b)  Draw the diagram of each of the following:

(i)  Parallel rays of light.

(ii)  Divergent rays of light.

(iii)  Convergent rays of light.


6.  (a) Define the term “force” and state its SI unit

(b) A spring balance reads 12 N when a metal block is suspended from it and 10 N when the block is completely immersed in water. Calculate the: 

(i)  Upthrust on the block

(ii)  Relative density of the block

7.  (a) (i) State the law of conservation of linear momentum. 

  (ii) Define the term “elastic collision”.

(b) A body of mass 8 kg moving with a velocity of 20 m/s collides with another body of mass 4 kg moving with a velocity of 10 m/s in the same direction. The velocity of the 8 kg body is reduced to 15 m/s after the collision. If the bodies do not stick together after the collision, calculate the final velocity of the 4 kg body.


8.(a) Define each of the following terms as applied in physics:


(ii)Energy image

(iii)Power image


(b) A force of ION acts on a stationary object of 5kg. This action causes an object to move along a smooth horizontal surface for 8 seconds before image stopping. What is the velocity of the object?


9.(a) What is energy?

(b) State the principle of conservation of energy.

 (c) A motor exerts a horizontal force of 200N in pulling a box 10m across a level floor. How much work did the motor do?

10. (a) Define the word coulomb.

(b) States Ohms law.

(c) Two resistors of 30 and 60 are connected in parallel to a 3V battery.

(i)Draw the schematic diagram.

(ii)Find the effective resistance of the circuit.

(iii)Calculate the current passing through the 60 resistor.











Time 2:30 Hours JUNE 2020


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2. Answer all questions.

3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided

4. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must

be in pencil.

5. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials

are not allowed in the examination room.

6. Write your Examination Number at the top right hand corner of every


7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:

(i) Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m / s 2 .

(ii) Density of water = 1 g / cm 3 or 1000 kg / m 3.


1. For each of the items (i) - (xx), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write

its letter in the box provided.

(i) Why Physics, Chemistry and Biology are natural science subjects?

  1. They need practical and theory work for learning.
  2. They need only theory for learning.
  3. They need practical work only.
  4. They need only observation.

(ii) Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?

  1. Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2. Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3. Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4. Do anything in the laboratory

(iii) Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a

bottle neck?

  1. tape measure.
  2. micrometer screw gauge.
  3. metre rule.
  4. Vernier calipers.

(iv) Which of the following statements is correct about mass?

  1. It is measured by beam balance
  2. It is measured by spring balance
  3. It varies with place
  4. It can be zero.

(v) A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure

  1. the volume of liquids.
  2. the density of liquids.
  3. the density of solids.
  4. the volume of solids.

(vi) When a body of mass M, is lifted through a height h, it possesses the energy known as

  1. kinetic energy.
  2. chemical energy.
  3. light energy.
  4. potential energy.

(vii) If the angle between two plane mirrors is 60°, what will be the number of


  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 6
  4. 4

(viii) The presence of charge in a material can be demonstrated by

  1. electrophorus.
  2. earth wire.
  3. gold leaf.
  4. electroscope.

(ix) A current of 0.2 A flows through a resistor of 4Ω. The potential difference across

a resistor is

  1. 20 V
  2. 0.8 V
  3. 0.05 V
  4. 8 V

(x) The process of removing magnetism from a material is known as

  1. polarization.
  2. demagnetization.
  3. magnetization.
  4. magnetizing.

(xi) How can a real image be distinguished from a virtual image?

  1. Real image is inverted while virtual image is upright
  2. Real image is upright while virtual image is inverted
  3. Virtual image is formed by a convergent rays while real image is formed by divergent rays
  4. Real image is formed by a convergent rays while virtual image is by divergent rays

(xii) Why an atom is electrically neutral?

  1. It consists of equal number of electrons
  2. It consists of equal number of protons and electrons
  3. It consists of equal number of electrons and neutrons
  4. It consists of equal number of protons and neutrons

(xiii) A potential difference of 12V is applied across a resistor of resistance 24 Ω. The

current in a circuit is

  1. 0.5 A
  2. 2 A
  3. 0.5 Ω
  4. 288 Ω

(xiv) If a North pole is used in the stroking method of magnetization, the end where

the stroking begins is

  1. South pole.
  2. North pole.
  3. West.
  4. East.

xv) A set of techniques used by scientists to investigate a problem refers to:

  1. data interpretation.
  2. scientific method.
  3. performing an experiment
  4. data presentation.

(xvi) Which of the following is an example of a third class lever?

  1. Scissors
  2. Fishing pole
  3. Pliers
  4. Nut cracker

(xvii) Distance between two moving objects will change if

  1. both are moving with the same velocity.
  2. both have the same acceleration.
  3. both have different acceleration.
  4. both have no acceleration.

(xviii) While of the following best illustrates Newton’s third law?

  1. Inertia
  2. Momentum
  3. Rocket propulsion
  4. Circular motion

(xix) The temperature of a body of −40°C in Kelvin (K) scale is

  1. 313 K
  2. 233 K
  3. 272 K
  4. −40 K

(xx) Which of these resources of energy is non-renewable?

  1. Wave energy
  2. Biofuels
  3. Radiant energy
  4. Fossil fuel

2. Match the items in List A with a correct response in List B by writing a letter of a correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.



(i) An instrument that measures length, depth, internal and external diameters.

(ii) An instrument that measures volumes of liquid.

(iii) An instrument that measures force of pull

(iv) An instrument that transfers a specific amount of liquid

from one container to another.

(v) An instrument that measures body temperature.

A Measuring cylinder

B Pipette

C Vernier caliper

D Glass tumbler

E Spring balance

F Clinical thermometer

G Magdeburg experiment

3. Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided.

(i) Basic physical proportions of measurement which cannot be obtained from any other proportions by either multiplication or division are called ………………………………...

(ii) Staircases, winding roads uphill, wedges and a screw are physical examples of

……………………………………… ……………………………………………………....

(iii) The resistance of a body to change its state of rest is called ……………………………….

(iv) Objects which emit light when they are hot are called ...…………………………………..

(v) Materials which obey Hooke’s law are known as ……………….……………………….... ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………....


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4. (a) What do you understand by the following terms?

(i) Work ….………………………………… …………………………………………

…………………………………………… …………………………………………

(ii) Energy ...………………………………… …………………………………………



(iii) Power ….……………………………………………………………………………


(b) Calculate the power of a pump which can lift 200 kg of water through a vertical height of 6 m in 10 seconds.

(c) A 1000 kg car is travelling down the road at a speed of 15 m/s. How much kinetic energy does it have?

5. (a) (i) Briefly explain the motion of an object under gravity by taking an example of a ball thrown straight up into the air.

(ii) A car with a velocity of 60 km/h is uniformly retarded and brought to rest after 10 seoncds. Calculate its acceleration.

(b) (i) Distinguish between distance and Displacement

(ii) Provide one example of the law of inertia of a body ………………………………

(c) What mass will be given to a body with an acceleration of 7 m/s 2 by a Force of 3N?

6. (a) State Pascal’s principle of pressure

(b) What are the three factors that affect the liquid pressure?

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………....

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………

(iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………

(c) Calculate the area of an object if the pressure exerted is 0.2 N/m 2 and its force is 2 N.

7. (a) Light is a form of energy. State any two characteristics of it which can be distinguished from other forms of energy.

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………....

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) With the aid of a diagram, state the laws of reflection.

(c) How many images can be formed if two mirrors are set?

(i) At an angle of 60°

(ii) Parallel to each other.

8. (a) State the principle of moments.




(b) Distinguish between stable equilibrium and unstable equilibrium.





9. (a) What are the uses of the following devices?

(i) Manometer ….……………………………………………………………………...


(ii) Hare’s apparatus (inverted U-tube) ...………………………………………………



(iii) U-tube ….…………………………………………………………………………..


(iv) Barometer ….………………………………………………………………………


(b) Why a big Elephant manages to walk comfortably in muddy soil without sinking while a human being may sink easily?


(c) Draw a well labeled diagram which demonstrates that liquid pressure depends on depth.

10. (a) Mention three uses of current electricity

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………....

(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………....

(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………....

(b) Why is it advised to connect bulbs in parallel arrangement during installation of

electricity in most buildings?







Duration: 2:30 Hours


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of TEN (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions 
  3. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
  4. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
  6. Where necessary the following constant may be used;

  Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2

Density of water = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3

 SECTION A (30 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

 (i) The term buoyant mean

  1. Float
  2. Push
  3. Flying
  4. Sink

(ii) An ice – cake is pushed to the top of glass of water by

  1. Buoyant force
  2. Density
  3. Compressed air
  4. Sinking object

(iii) Force responsible for elongation and restoration of body

  1. Torsional force
  2. Stretching and restoring force
  3. Repulsive force
  4. Attractive force

(iv) The SI –Unit of force is

  1. Newton
  2. Gravity
  3. Meter per second
  4. Meter squared.

(v) The process whereby material loose or gain electrons is known as:-

  1. Charging
  2. Magnetization
  3. Earthing.
  4. polarizing

 (vi) The following are methods of charging.

  1. Friction, conduction and reduction
  2. Conduction, friction and convection
  3. Induction, conduction and Friction.
  4. Friction, rubbing, reduction

 (vii) The device which produces numerous positive charges from a single negative charge is called?

  1. Gold leaf electroscope
  2. Electrophorus
  3. Earth wave
  4. magnet

(viii) A box block with rectangular shape, measuring 10cm, by 5cm by 5cm by 2cm has a density of given mass is 200g;

  1. 4g/cm3
  2. 2g/cm3
  3. 1g/cm3
  4. 100g/cm3

 (ix) Which is not true about relative density?

  1. Pure water is used in its calculation
  2. Relative density is calculated by comparing its density with water
  3. Pure water has density of 1000kg/m3
  4. Relative density has no unit.

(x) What happens to its potential energy when object is taken to high attitude?

  1. Its potential energy increases
  2. Its potential energy decrease
  3. Its potential energy remains same
  4. None of the above.

(xi) What is the formula of potential energy?

  1. Mv2
  2. mgh
  3. mgh2
  4. pgh.

(xii) Why Physics, Chemistry and Biology are natural science subjects?

  1. They need practical and theory work for learning
  2. They need only theory for learning
  3. They need practical work only
  4. They need only observation.

(xiii) Which of the following is a safety precaution in the Physics laboratory?

  1. Doing experiment in the laboratory
  2. Handling of apparatus in the laboratory
  3. Use equipment with care in the laboratory
  4. Do anything in the laboratory

(xiv) Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of a bottle neck?

  1. Tape measure
  2. Micrometer screw gauge
  3. Meter ruler.
  4. Vernier Calipers.

(xv) Which of the following statement is correct about mass?

  1. It is measured by beam balance
  2. It is measured by spring balance
  3. It varies with place
  4. It can be zero

(xvi) A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure

  1. The volume of liquids
  2. The density of liquids 
  3. The density of solids
  4. The volume of solids.

(xvii) When a body of mass M, is lifted through a height h, it possesses the energy known as

  1. Kinetic energy
  2. Chemical energy
  3. Light energy
  4. Potential energy

(xviii) Capacitance is?

  1. Ability of the capacitor to resist the flow of electric current.
  2. Ability of the resistor to store electric. 
  3. Ability of the capacitor to store electric charge.
  4. Ability of capacitor to loose charge

 (xix) A giant electric spark that arises due to discharge of atmospheric electricity is known as.

  1. Thunderstorm
  2. Lightining
  3. Electric shock.
  4. Static electricity

(xx) Accurate volume of a liquid can be measure by using 

  1. Volumetric flask
  2. Pipette
  3. Burette
  4. Cylinder.

 2. Match the phase in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response in List B.



  1. Positive charge
  2. Cellulose
  3. Induction method
  4. Gold leaf electroscope
  5. Factors affecting capacitance
  6. Lightning conductor.
  1. Area, dielectric materials and distance between plates.
  2. Detect the presence of charge on a body.
  3. Metal rod with tip has sharp spikes attached to a build.
  4. Obtained when a body loose electrons.
  5. Become positively charged when rubbed with woolen cloth.
  6. When two bodies charged and uncharged brought near to each other.

3. Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided.

  1. Basic physical proportions of measurement which cannot be obtained from any other proportions by either multiplication or division are called……………………
  2. Staircases, winding roads uphill, wedges and screw are physical example of……………
  3. The resistance of a body to change its state of rest is called……………..
  4. Objects which emit light when they are hot are called……………..
  5. A property that enables a mosquito to walk in water is…………….

 SECTION B (50 Marks)

4. (a) What do you understand by the following terms?

  1. Work
  2. Energy
  3. Power

 (b) Calculate the power of a pump which can lift 200kg of water through a vertical height of 6m in 10seconds.

  (c) Two capacitors of 20MF and 25MF are connected in 

 (i) In series

 (ii) In parallel.

 What is the effective capacitance for (i) and (ii)?

5. (a) What are the uses of the following devices?

  1. Manometer.
  2. Hare’s apparatus (inverted U – tube)
  3. U – tube
  4. Barometer 

 (b) Why a big Elephant manage to walk comfortably in mad soil without sinking while human being may sink easily?

(c) Draw a well labeled diagram which demonstrates that liquid pressure depends on depth.

6. (a) Define density

 (b) A block of metal of volume 25cm3 was dropped in water and volume raised to 65cm3. Find initial volume of water 

7. (a) Define relative density

 (b) A clean dry beaker has a mass of 400g. 112cm3 Kerosene is poured into the beaker with help of burette, if the mass of beaker and kerosene is 500g, find density of kerosene.

8. (a) State two factors which pressure in liquids depends 

 (b) Explain why

  1. Sharp knife cuts easily than blunt knife
  2. An elephant cannot easily sink in mud.
  3. Tyres of a tractor are wide.

9. (a) Define the term Osmosis.

 (b) Explain application of Osmosis in daily life

10. (a) What is the difference between elastic and plastic materials?

 (b) State application of capillarity in daily life.



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