Time: 2:30HRS


Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i ____x )choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letterin the box provided.

i. In our group discussion we discussed on the use of dictionary as follows:Daines said it is used to find the meaning of various sukuma languages Mwamvua said it is used to know the meaning of English language only, Sarah said it helps us to have a good hand writing and Maimartha said it helps us to know meaning of various words, origin of the word, and spellings of the word, Who is correct?

  1.  Daines
  2.  Mwamvua
  3. Sarah
  4. Maimartha.

ii Mr Mitumba informed us that" By this time next year he Will be harvesting his tobacco " the bolded sentence means that

  1. The action will be done at certain future
  2. The action will be taking place at a certain future
  3. The action will have done by Mr Mitumba
  4. The action continue to take place at the moment

iii Teacher Mpamile wanted his students to explain the difference between common and proper noun , what Will be the proper answer

  1. Proper noun allows plural while common noun does not.
  2. Proper noun allows singular while common noun does not
  3. Proper noun does not allow plural while common noun does
  4. Common noun does not allow plural while proper noun does

iv.Jumanne's father works in a garden and looks after plants.So he is a___

  1.  Messenger
  2.  Gardens
  3. Garden man
  4. Gardener.

v. My mother introduced to me my grandmother because my grandmother is my mother's_____

  1. Sister
  2. Mother
  3. Grandma
  4. Daughter.

vi. When I was travelling to Dodoma I saw Mr Joel making chairs and tables out timber. what do you think Mr Joel is?

  1.  A tailor
  2. Carpenter
  3. Mason
  4. Timber land

Vii . My grandmother cannot eat maize,grandnut, unboiled cassava and sugarcane. This is because she has lost all her teeth . therefore she is

  1.  Toothier
  2.  Toothfull
  3.  Toothless
  4. toothpick

Viii.when someone is traveling from one place to another he /she must pay bus _________.

  1.  Fee
  2. Fees
  3. Fare
  4.  Fine

ix. In my every day routine when I'm at school in the afternoon I always eat___

  1. Peakfast
  2.  Dinner
  3. Lunch
  4. Supper

x.Mr Shemahonge, what time is it now? It is 06:15pm.this means that

  1. It is quarter past six in the evening
  2.  It is quarter past twelve in the evening
  3. It is quarter to twelve in the evening
  4. It is quarter to six in the evening

2.Match the descriptions in list A with their appropriate terms in list B by writing the letter of correct term below the item number in the table provided.

List A List B
  1. Head word
  2. Guide words
  3. Entries
  4. Synonym
  5. Antonyms
  1. head words plus its information.
  2. Words which are opposite in their meanings
  3. Words written at the top corner of each page in dictionary showing the first and last word in that page
  4. Words in bold print arranged in alphabet from A to Z
  5. words with the same pronunciations but different in meaning
  6. different words with the same meaning.

SECTION B .(70marks)

3 Mary has been given these names by her English teacher. Mary, Mariana,Merina, Joyce, Scolastica,Zainabu , Fatuma, Zuhura, Betty and Anitha,but she failed to arrange them alphabetically. Now help her to arrange them alphabetically.

4.Form two students were assigned by their English teacher to connect various sentences. How will they connect the following sentences?

  1. He taught us.we got tired to his lesson. Use(... until........)
  2. We are going outside.it is raining. Use ( ..... even if......)
  3. I shall give go there if you give me money. Begin with ( if ......)
  4. If she come early, she will be punished. Use ( ........ unless........)
  5. She comes on time however she missed the English language lesson. Begin with( however........)

5 Assume that your mother caught you dancing music instead of going to the farm. And she has told you to tell her five things you expect to do for your future with music in order to stop punishing you. Make five sentences expressing your future plans in music.

6.When form one arrived at Mzumbe secondary school, they were un aware with the school daily routine. Now assume that you are the Head Prefect (HP), explain the Mzumbe secondary school student's daily routine to form one. Write five sentences following the guide words inspection, sweep, parade, start lesson, arrive)

7.write the following sentences into negative.

  1. I'm your Mathematics teacher
  2. I have spoken Poken English
  3. They visited us on Monday
  4. They will visit you today after classes.
  5. By this time tomorrow I shall be here.

8. My name is Sadock Msemakweli Mbembati, I'm a man of twenty one Year old, I was born at Ludewa hospital in Njombe district Tanzania. My father is teaching at Njombe secondary school while my mother is a nurse. I like watching music and reading news papers . I'm a player of Njombe mji team as a goal keeper. And my national Identity number is 19880930- 8-53. Use the above information to fill the hospital form concerning the above person.


First name:_____

Middle name:______




Nationality: ______

Place of birth:_________

Designation / occupation:_________


National Identity namba:_____________

9. Assume you have a friend in Morogoro P.o box 3 Morogoro , write a letter to her telling her that, you are planning to visit Mikumi national park during the Holiday.Sign your name as Mapera.

SECTION C.( 15marks)

10. .Rose advised her friend to read different class readers in order to get various lessons for her life.what lessons do you think Rose got after reading the two class readers. Use three points for each book.







TIME: 2:30 HRS Wednesday 20th March, 2024 PM


  1.  This paper consist of sections A ,B and C with total of ten (10) questions
  2.  Answer all questions in the space provided
  3. .Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B seventy (70) marks and section c carries fifteen (15) Marks
  4. .All writing must being blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil
  5.  Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in assessment room
  6.  Write your Index number on every page


Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of items choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given, the write its letter beside the item number in the space provided

i. The students _______________all night long for their exams

  1.  Studies
  2. Did
  3. Aren’t
  4. Studied

ii. The patient walked into the clinic ________________sat down next to a tall man

  1. Why
  2. And
  3. Seated
  4. After

iii. She is a strong girl, but she ___________________cockroaches

  1.  Feared
  2. Doesn’t
  3. is she fearing
  4. fears

iv. Ali was watching a TV program about HIV/AIDS while writing down important hints in his book. What he was doing can be categorized as

  1. wring notes from oral text
  2.  write notes from written text
  3.  write notes from extra text
  4. write notes from home text

v. Jamila _________________the school compound yesterday

  1. Cleans
  2. Cleaned
  3. Is cleaning
  4. Clean

vi. She studies very hard so as to pass the exams. The correct negative form of the sentence is?

  1. She don’t study very hard so as to pass the exams
  2. She doesn’t study very hard so as to pass the exams
  3. She is not studying very hard so as to pass the exams
  4. She is not going to study very hard so as to pass the exams

vii. I am doing English language exam now. This sentence implies that the action is

  1. Past form
  2.  Perfect
  3.  Ongoing
  4. Habitual.

viii. During English lesson, the subject teacher asked a question about the plural form of the word furniture. If you were a student, how would you reply?

  1. Furniture
  2.  Furnitures
  3.  Furniturers
  4. Furniturees

ix. If I finish my evening studies today, I will go to the _________to cut my hair

  1. Mason
  2. Architect
  3. Barber
  4. Tailor

x. Our English Teacher told us to mention words with similar meanings. Identify the terminology which refers to such kind of words.

  1.  Homonyms
  2. Synonyms
  3. Homophones
  4.  Antonyms

2. Match the expressions of occupations in List A with the corresponding type occupation in List B by writing the letter 0f the correct answer in the box provided below.

  1.  A person who designing or maintains Engine or machines.
  2. A person who teaches especially in a school
  3. A person who fits and repairs the pipes and other apparatus of water supply
  4. A person who deals with building a house
  5. A person who deals with treatment of teeth
  1. Dentist
  2. Nurse
  3. Masons
  4. Plumber
  5. Engineer
  6. Teacher
  7. architect


Answer all questions in this section

3. Chausiku doesn’t want to buy a dictionary because she thinks it is useless.if you were asked for advice, what five things would you tell Chausiku to convince her to buy a dictionary.

4. You have just listened a story from Mzee Jumbe while he was narrating his story, he used past tense. Now use the knowledge that you have acquired from him to change the following sentences.

  1. She is going to school
  2. They write a letter
  3.  Hassan has spoken the truth
  4.  You will cook the food
  5. I will beat him

5. You have been in a boarding school for a couple of months and you almost feel for home sick. Therefore you have decided to write a letter to your mom. Write down five essential components that you would consider to make your writing a friendly one

6. You have taken your friend to your home and now you introducing him to your family members. Complete the rest of introduction as indicated in the example. Example .This is the father of my father this is my grandfather

  1. This is the husband of my sister, this is my _________________
  2. This is the daughter of my Pother, this is __________________
  3. This is the wife of my uncle, this is my _____________________
  4. This is the wife of my father, this is my _____________________
  5. This is the father of my wife, this is my ______________________

7. Change the following sentences into interrogative,

  1. Jamali knows how to cook rice
  2.  Your parent will attend my wedding
  3.  All your friends came to the party
  4.  It is going to rain tonight
  5. Form two students have mathematics books

8. Read the following simple story about study tour for Kazamoyo Secondary held at Mikumi National Park then the gaps use the correct articles to fill the gapes

i) ______________ trip to Mikumi National Park started at 01.00 am from Ikwiriri. We reached Mikumi at 7.54 am in ii) ______________ morning. We saw many animals including (iii) ______________, lion, (iv) ______________ Elephant and (v) ______________ tiger. (vi) ______________ lion was attacking and tearing (vii) ______________ zePa. When we were returning, our teacher bought (viii) ______________ orange and (ix) ______________ pineapple for us. It was (x) ______________ trip that I won’t forget.

9. Suppose that you have watched a football match between Simba Sport Club against Young Africans. Use  each of the following words to construct one grammatical sentence to describe the event.

  1. Referee _______________________________________________________
  2. Red card _______________________________________________________
  3. Goal _______________________________________________________
  4. Fans _______________________________________________________
  5. Score _______________________________________________________


Answer question ten (10)

List of Readings

  • The Margic Garden: K.R. Cripwell (1977)
  • Willian & Collins Sons and Company L.t.d, Great Pitain
  • Kalulu the hare: F. Worshington (1937), Longman English
  • Hawa the Bus Driver: R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es salaam
  • Mabala the Farmer: R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es salaam
  • Fast Money: K.R. Cripwell (1977)
  • Willian & Collins Sons and Company L.t.d, Great Pitain

10. “Many authors of literary works discuss a lot of issues which are also happening in our societies.” With reference to one class reader support the above statement by providing five issues or themes portrayed by authors.



Candidate’s number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





TIME: 2:30 Hrs MARCH 2024


  1.  This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions in section C.
  3.  Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B, seventy (70) marks and section C carries fifteen (15) marks

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i-x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the table provided below.

i. Anna told her mother “I like reading story books “it happens that her mother likes the same activity. How would Anna`s mother reply to Anna?

  1.  And me too 
  2.  So do me 
  3.  And me also 
  4. So do I

ii. I prefer playing football to cooking. This means.

  1.  I can do both playing football and the cooking.
  2.  I can play football while I am cooking.
  3. I find interest in playing football rather than cooking.
  4. Playing football is more advantageous than cooking.

iii. Kidume has bought his own boat. Therefore, it is ____________

  1. he 
  2.  His . 
  3. he’s 
  4. him

iv. Julliet cannot come to school today. She is suffering from Malaria. The underlined word indicates the:-

  1. Starting point
  2.  Origin 
  3.  Cause 
  4.  purpose

v. Juma is always ready to give and share what he has. He is very ___________

  1. Generous
  2.  Polite 
  3. Humble
  4.  Good

vi. The _________ mount in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro.

  1. Tallest 
  2. Longest 
  3.  Highest 
  4.  Largest

vii. Nyerere day falls on 14th October every year. The preposition on means:

  1. A holiday 
  2.  remempance 
  3. a specific day 
  4. no work

viii. “Go out” is an example of ______ sentence.

  1. Declarative 
  2.  Imperative 
  3.  Interrogative
  4.   Exclamatory

ix. Sweet dreams come at

  1. knight 
  2. nit
  3. night 
  4. might

x. I am a student, ________?

  1.  Am I not? 
  2.  am I
  3.  aren’t I? 
  4. are I?

2. Match the item from the LIST A with their corresponding from LIST B by writing their letters in the table provided below. Some responses in LIST B may be used more than ones

  1.  They normally use capital letter for the first letter
  2. They are ordinary groups of names and things with no uniqueness
  3. They are objects and substances which physically do exist
  4.  They are just imagined and cannot be understood
  5. They cannot be counted
  1.  Concrete noun
  2. Countable noun
  3. Proper noun
  4. Common noun
  5. Abstract nouns
  6.  Non-countable noun

SECTION B (70 Mark)

Answer All questions in this section

3. Write occupation (s) of the following people

  1. _________________________________ one who studies the evolution of mankind.
  2. . _________________________________ one who sells candles, soap, oil or paint.
  3.  _________________________________ one who drives motor car for another.
  4. . _________________________________ one who designs buildings
  5. _________________________________ a doctor who perform operations
  6. ._________________________________ one who takes charge of the funeral arrangement
  7.  ________________________________ an expert in setting up, repairing and operating electrical apparatus.
  8.  ________________________________ one who repairs water pipes and sanitary wires
  9. ________________________________ one who watches over students in an examination.
  10.  ________________________________ one who sits and decides cases in court.

4. (a) The following sentences are not in a proper arrangement (jumbled). Re-arrange them to make a meaningful conversation between speaker A and speaker about asking and giving directions.


From there, it is a few minutes’ walking distance. Then, get off at Mlimani bus stop. Excuse me, how do I get to Mlimani City? Should be grateful! Well, board a mum muter-passenger bus heading to Mwenge.


Speaker A .............................................

Speaker B ............................................

Speaker B..............................................

Speaker B .............................................

Speaker A ..............................................

(b) Turn the following statements into questions by adding question tags

  1.  I’m your enemy. _________________________________________________________________________
  2. Let’s have party_________________________________________________________________________
  3. Do not sit down. _________________________________________________________________________
  4. There’s something wrong. __________________________________________________________________
  5. Pass me the salt. _________________________________________________________________________

5. Read the text about Mr. and Mrs. Kimaro Family then answer the questions that follow.

            Mr. Kimaro got marriage in 1998 whereas, he married Neema who by then was a teacher at Songesha Primary School. Later on they were blessed with two children Faith and Iva. Faith was married to Gian and Ivan was married Vanessa. Faith and her husband managed to have two children Careen and Kelvin while pown and Hamisa were the children of Ivan and Vanessa


  1. What is the relationship between Kimaro and Neema? _______________________
  2. What is a relationship between Careen and Vanessa? __________________________
  3. How many grandsons does Neema have? Name them _________________________
  4.  How does Ivan call Gian? _____________________________________________________
  5. How does pown call Kelvin? __________________________________________________

6. (a) Thadei attended a class on using a dictionary. The teacher provided him with a list of words to arrange as they would appear in a dictionary. The words are Xylophone, Xmas, xylem, Xhosa and X-ray

  1.  _________________________________ 
  2. ________________________________
  3. ________________________________
  4. ________________________________
  5. ________________________________

(b) Dictionary help users to get various information. Use the given extract to provide four (4) information. Example should be provided from the extract


 screw/skru: / noun a small metal thing with a sharp end that you use for fixing things together. You push it into something by turning it with a special tool (called a screwdriver).

  1. _______________________________________________________________________________
  2.  ______________________________________________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________________________________________
  4. ______________________________________________________________________________

7. Join the following sentences by using the given word from the packet

  1.  The weather is bad. We are enjoying ourselves. (Although)
  2. He was poor. I got married to him (Despite of)
  3.  John is lively and talkative. His sister is quite and polite (whereas)
  4. I disapprove of what you say. I will still defend you. (While)
  5.  If you change your mind. I will be able to help you. (Unless)

8. I support multiparty democracy. Give your opinion on what you think about this kind of democracy

9. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.


You have heard on the radio

And read in newspapers

About this dangerous disease

But you never paid heed

You first turn a deaf ear

You don’t keep social distance

You don’t wear masks

Poor Pluto!

You even refuse to be vaccinated Look! Now!

You are covered

Under this red soil

You have descended deep

Into the earth


  1. Who is Pluto in the poem?
  2.  What might be disease which has been described in the poem?
  3. What should people do to avoid disease said in the poem? Give four measures
  4. Is the persona happy? Give reasons to support your answer
  5. Is the poem relevant to your society? Give reason to support your answer.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question ten (10)

List of readings

  • Hawa the Bus Driver - R.S.Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dare s salaam
  • Mabala the Farmer - R.S.Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dare s salaam
  • The Magic Garden – K.R Cripwell (1977), William Collins Sons and Company Ltd, Great pitain
  • Kalulu the Hare – F. Worthington (1937), Longman, England.

10. By considering one class reader that you have done in class, answer the following questions

  1. What is the tittle of the story book
  2. Who is the writer of the story book you have mentioned in 10(i) above
  3. Mention two main character in the story and explain what they did
  4.  What lesson you have learnt from the story(at least 3 points)
  5. What is the relevance of the story to the society







TIME 2:30 Hours Wednesday, 14th February, 2024 PM


1. Answer all questions in all sections

SECTION A.(20 marks)

1. (A) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Our house is surrounded by many buildings. In the north there is a public school while in the south there is a market. A pharmacy is in the East and in the West there is a hospital. The hospital has several buildings. There are five wards, a medical laboratory, a theatre, a laundry and a kitchen. Also there is an Out Patient Department. The wards are near the theatre. The laundry is adjacent to the kitchen and next to the Out Patient Department.


(i) What is located to the East of our house?
(ii) How many buildings does the hospital has?
(iii) What building is adjacent to the kitchen?
(iv) Where is the theatre located?
(v) Describe the location of Out Patient Department

(B) For each of the following statements below, write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE

if the statement is not correct.
i) The wards are far from the theatre.____________________
ii) The kitchen is adjacent to the laundry.__________________
iii) A pharmacy is in the West of our house.___________________
iv) In the South of the hospital there is our house._____________
v) There is Out Patient Department in our house.

2. Choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the spaces provided.

i) I am going to stay with my uncle and aunt ………… the holiday

(A) Since (B) During (C) On (D) While

ii) "Ms Juliet never give you a discount”. Which of the following would be an appropriate question tag for this statement?

(A) Did she? (B) Doesnt she? (C) Didnt she? (D) Does she?

iii) "I am going to Dodoma city now". This expression shows

(A) Past event (B) future plan (C) present perfect tense (D) ongoing activity

iv) Which sentence shows future plans among the following?

( A) she does her work carefully (B)she will do her work carefully
(C) She did her work carefully (D) She is doing her work carefully

v) When Juma and Asha were in discussion, one of their discussions was about present tense. Asha asked Juma, What are the words used in present continuous tense? What do you think can be the Jumas response about Ashas question?

(A) last, yesterday and now (B) tomorrow, yesterday and always
(C) today, now, currently and at the moment. (D) Sometimes, daily, and always

3. Match the items in column A with those in column B to get a meaning full statement.

(i) A feeling that shows pleasure.
(ii) A feeling that shows disappointment and negative reaction.
(iii) A feeling that you want to eat something
(iv) A sorrowful feeling
(v) Needing or wanting to drink.
A. Love
B. Sad
C. Hungry
D. Thirst
E. Bored
F. Sick
G. Angry
H. happy

 SECTION B (65 marks)

4. Read the following sentences and write the words that expresses quality.

i) The spider has eight hairy legs.
ii) My boss is an honest man.
iii) We ate big pieces of chocolate cake at the party.
iv) My sister wears stylish sunglasses.
v) I bought some very tasty sweets.

5. Use the following question tags to compose their corresponding statements.

i) ----------------------------------------------------, aren’t you?
ii) ------------------------------------------------- -, isnt she?
iii) ------------------------------------------------, do you?
iv) ----------------------------------------------, are we?
v) -------------------------------------------------do they?

6. Change the following sentences into negative form.

i) I work very hard.
ii) Do you understand?
iii) I have been around for a while.
iv) We sawa abp boy whose father is police officer.
v) I am your friend.

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct word given in the brackets

i) There is a lot of water in the ---------(see/sea)
ii) I sawa a -------eating a rat yesterday.(cart/cat)
iii) We travelled to Zanzibar by-----------------------(ship/sheep)
iv) They ------------- some food in order to survive.(it/eat)
v) She will -----------her notes next week.(rite/write)

8. Re write the following sentences by changing the bolded words into their opposites.

i) The king was polite
ii) My aunt bought me a present.
iii) I wanted to see a lion
iv) Yesterday i saw a very long pencil.
v) These books are light.

9. Kennedy is a form one student. He is not aware about the importance Dictionary. Tell Kennedy five uses of dictionary so that he might be aware about how useful this book is for all form one students.

i) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iv) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
v) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SECTION C: (15 marks)

10. Select ONE class reader you have read from the given list and answer the questions that follow.

  • The Magic Garden ----- K.R.Cripwell(1977),William& Collins Sons and company L.t.d
  • Kalulu the Hare.---------- F.Worthington(1937),Longman. England.
  • Mabala the Farmer -------R.S.Mabala (1988),Ben & company,Dar es salaam.
  • Hawa the bus driver----------R.S.Mabala (1988),Ben & company Dar es salaam
  • Fast Money ------------ K.R.Cripwell (1978). The death factory------- B.Mapalala(1996),Heineman Educationalpublishers.
  • The pearl. ------------- J.Steinbeck (1948), William Heinmann, Great Britain


i) Give the title of the book and who is author of the book.
ii) Name two important characters in the story and briefly say two things they did.
iii) Give two lessons you have learnt from the story.
iv) Is the story relevant to our real society? Why?
v) Is the story interesting? Why?



Student’s Assessment Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Time 2.30 Hours August, 2024

  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Section A carries (15) marks, section B carries (70) marks and section C carries (15) marks.
  4. All communication devices and any unauthorized material are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your assessment number at the top right corner of every page.


Answer all questions

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

i. Arnold was watching a football match between Ihefu and Namungo at the Azam Stadium. In this situation Arnold was a:

  1.  Referee
  2.  Striker
  3. Defender
  4. spectator

ii. Imagine you are filling in an official form. You come across an item that requires you to fill in the particulars about the country you belong to. What does this item refer to?

  1. marital status
  2. nationality
  3. Nationalization
  4. nation

iii. When you want to buy a pair of shoes and you have less money, you will ask the shopkeeper to give you a discount. If you manage to get a discount, what does that act refer to?

  1.  requesting
  2.  arguing
  3.  asking
  4.  bargaining

iv. Alvin told his mother, “I like reading story books.” It happens that his mother likes the same activity. How would Alvin’s mother reply to Alvin?

  1.  and me too I like
  2.  so, do me
  3.  and me also
  4.  so, do I

v. If you are asked to rewrite the sentence “Women are inferior” into its opposite. How would your sentence read?

  1.  women are good
  2.  women are of low status
  3.  women are superior
  4. women are equal

vi. The students wondered whether the headmaster would have time to see them

  1.  did they?
  2.  does they?
  3.  didn’t they?
  4.  do they?

vii. I shall ask the ______________ to come and repair the pipe in the bathroom.

  1.  Mason
  2.  Glazier
  3.  Mechanic
  4.  plumber

viii. My teacher promised _______________ me with any difficult topic.

  1.  Helping
  2.  Help
  3.  to help
  4.  will help

ix. Each of them has pought __________________ best friend.

  1.  His
  2.  their
  3.  his or her
  4.  her

x. The girl ____________________ joined the army is thinking of following his example.

  1. whose pother
  2. who her pother
  3. who her sister
  4. whose sister

2. Match each expression in column A with the word in column B by writing the correct letter below the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.

List List A List B
  1. A group of people who spend time together
  2. A person who writes using both hands
  3.  A person who pays rent for the use of room building or land to who owns it.
  4.  A person who manages financial affairs of a college or school
  5. A group of young fish, dolphin whales.
  1. Ambidexter
  2. customer
  3. Tenant
  4. Bursar
  5. Accountant
  6. School
  7. Gang


3. (a) For each of the sentences (i) – (v) below, fill in the blanks with the correct alternative provided in the packets to complete the sentence.

i. My friend’s ______________ (site/sight) is perfect as he can see things at a distance.

ii. People have to __________ (adapt/adopt) the recent warming of the earth.

iii. Students do not have to get worried whereas things will be ______ (all right/alright) as soon as possible.

iv. If you want to get permission of supply milk at school, you need to see the school_________(principle/principal)

v. (Lay/lie) ________________all the iron rods on the floor

(b) Change the words in packets into proper adjectives in the following sentences.

i. He was unfortunately found____________(die) on Friday morning

ii. Diamonds always look ____________ (attract)

iii. The roof cannot be touched so it is _____________(touch)

iv. This concept if it is not well elaborated, students may end getting_______________ (confuse)

v. Such information seems to be irritative, so it is not _____________(report)

4. (a) Imagine that your friend is having a problem of using article, because your good on that can you help your friend to fill in the spaces below by using the following article a, an or the.

i. Magembe is driving _______________________new car

ii. Please give me _______________ umpella.

iii. This is one of ________________best School in Tanzania.

iv. What _________________beautiful girl

v. ___________________moon shines at night.

(b) Chausiku is the student of form two at Kiraeni Secondary School. She is having a problem of using verb alternatively according to time. Now help the one to change the verbs in packets into the correct form and write them in the blank spaces provided.

i. Did you ___________________ (take) a coke?

ii. Kaogota ___________________(go) to the market tomorrow

iii. Daniel _________________(cook) rice daily

iv. We ____________(write) a letter now

v. She has (buy) _____________this table

5. (a) Form two students are in the group discussion, discussing about preposition, one of the member in that group is having a problem of using preposition correctly, as an intelligent on that help your friend by filling in the spaces below by using preposition.

  1. Choose one answer____________________ the following five alternatives
  2. Grace was walking ____________________ Maria and Salome
  3. They are going to close the school _____________September
  4. We shall visit Ngorongoro National Park__________12th October 2024
  5. We will be form three ______________2025

(b) In the following sentences one word is wrongly used .Identify it and replace it with correct word.

  1.  Her mother is a hurt surgeon_________________________________________
  2.  All students are needed accept James_________________________________________
  3.  The tea is four you__________________________________________
  4. Our Uncle has built a small hat for his family__________________________________________
  5. The criminal spoke confidently in the coat before judges______________________________________

6. Assume that you are in the group discussion and one of your friend is facing the problem of forming a question tag. Because you’re good on that help your friend by forming question tags from the following statements.

  1. I must answer this question immediately____________________
  2. He had tried to climb the mountain before 2022___________________
  3.  Everyone is happy about the decision___________________________
  4. Joseph you shouldn’t work so much anymore____________________
  5. Sarah can hardly ever be a pon-star when she grows up________________

7. Imagine you are Sophia and you have not been feeling well. You decided to go to the hospital and the following dialogue is your conversation with the doctor. Complete it by filling in the blank’s  spaces provided with the words given in the box. Much, injection, headache, stomach – ache, vomit, joints, nausea, tests, feeling, dizziness.

Doctor: Good morning Sophia How can I help you?

Sophia: hello Doctor, I am not(i) _____________________well.

Doctor: how do you feel?

Sophia: I feel sick. All the (ii) __________________________are aching andI have bad (iii) _________________ which I think causes the (iv) _______________________ I feel.

Doctor: sorry Sophia, do you have a (v) ____________________Sophia: No doctor.

Doctor: Are you eating well?

Sophia: Not that (VI) ___________________ when I eat somethingI feel (vii) _____________________then I (viii) ___________________

Doctor: Don’t worry Sophia. We will take some (ix) ______________________to establish what the problem is.

Sophia: thank you. But please I do not want an (x) ______________________Instead, I can take some pills.

8. Imagine that you are good in naming different members within the family. And one of your friends have visited you at home, bad enough he has a problem of naming those members. Nowhelp your friend by filling in the blanks spaces provided with the words given in the box.

Grandfather, Cousin, granddaughter, uncle, sister – in law, mother, pother –in – low, aunt, father, daughter, niece.
  1.  My father’s pother is my ___________________________
  2. My uncle’s son is my _______________________________
  3. My mother’s husband is _____________________________
  4.  My sister’s daughter is my ___________________________
  5. My sister’s husband is my ____________________________

9. Dictionary has got multipurpose in the study of any language. As the dictionary user with the aid of examples, explain how such a document can be significant to you.

  1.  _______________________________________________________
  2.  _______________________________________________________
  3.  _______________________________________________________
  4. _______________________________________________________
  5.  _______________________________________________________



  • The magic Garden – k.R (ripwell (1977) William Collins sons and Company ltd. Great pitain.
  • Kalulu the Hare – Worthington (1937) Longman, England.
  • Hawa the Bus driver – R.S. Mabala (1988) Ben & company, Dar –es- salaam
  • Fast money - k.r.cripwell (1978) William Collins sons and company ltd. Great pitain.
  • Mabala the farmer – R.S. Mabala (1988) Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam.

10. In life, there are habits that are considered good and those which are bad. With reference to two class readers, describe the bad habits you have learnt from one class reader and state why people should avoid such habits.



Student‘s Assessment Number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




TIME : 2:30 HOURS  Wednesday 27 th September, 2023

 Instructions :

  1. This paper consists of sections A, Band C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided
  3. Section A and C carries fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks.
  4. all writings should be in a black or blue ink.
  5. All communication devices and any authorized materials are NOT allowed in the Examination room.
  6. Write your Assessment Number at the top right of every page.








Answer ALL questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i – x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the table given below.

  1. Jerry’s car is big and attractive. The underlined descriptions are in terms of:-
  1. Colour and size
  2. Size and quantity
  3. Size and quality
  4. Number and quality
  1. Olabisi is a form four student, she is having her Certificate of Secondary Education Examination ( C S E E ) in November this year, since she is in a boarding school, her aunt decides to send her a card before her examination. What kind of a card do you think it is?
  1. Graduation ceremony card
  2. Sendoff ceremony card
  3. Best wishes card
  4. Birthday card
  1. The father of my grandfather is my….
  1. Father- in-law.
  2. Great-grandfather.
  3. Great- great-grandfather.
  4. Father’s great- great-grandfather.
  1. We can describe someone’s character using positive and negative traits. If someone is pessimistic, it means…
  1. He looks at the positive and negative side of things.
  2. He looks at the positive side of things.
  3. He never sees anything bad.
  4. He looks at negative side only.
  1. I like two subjects, Physics and Mathematics but of the two subjects Mathematics is my favorite. This means that…
  1. I prefer Mathematics than Physics.
  2. I dislike Physics.
  3. I prefer Mathematics to Physics.
  4. I like Physics as much as I like Mathematics.
  1. A dictionary consists of different words that serve a number of functions. What is the function of the Head word in a dictionary?
  1. To introduce the last word in a dictionary
  2. To introduce an entry.
  3. To give information about the word
  4. To introduce the last word in a dictionary
  1. Which among the following sentences is grammatically correct?
  1. They have to sit for their Pre-National Examination
  2. Did you went to school yesterday?
  3. Does he goes to school every day?
  4. We must to speak English more often.
  1. Nobody came late for the morning preparation. The question tag for this statement is …
  1. Do they?
  2. Did he?
  3. Didn’t they?
  4. Did they?
  1. Maria was so tired . . . . . . . .
  1. to finish her homework
  2. that she couldn’t finish her home work.
  3. that to finish her homework
  4. that she can finish her homework
  1. “Mr. and Mrs. Fungakazi have a good family”. The statement falls under :-
  1. Present perfect continuous tense
  2. Present perfect tense
  3. Simple present tense
  4. Past perfect tense












  1. Match the given items in LIST A with those in LIST B by writing the corresponding letter in the spaces provided.



  1. A woman who is getting married
  2. A holiday that two people take after they get married.
  3. A man who is getting married
  4. A person who acts as a negotiator of the groom’s side.
  5. A party for a woman who will soon get married.
  1. Bridal shower
  2. Bride
  3. Bridesmaid
  4. Bridegroom
  5. Honey moon
  6. A go- between
  7. A ring
  8. Kitchen party










Answer all questions

  1. (a) An auxiliary verb is a verb which helps other verbs to perform different duties like tenses.

Change the verb given in brackets to make the correct sentence.

  1. Shalom was ________________ a good friend of mine. (BE)
  2. We _______________ seen her yesterday. (HAVE)
  3. Africa __________________ a big continent. (BE)
  4. ________________ Lydia speak English always? (DO)
  5. ________________ you is not enough to me. (HAVE)

(b) The following sentence has started with the one who is doing the action. Re-write them by beginning with the one which is affected by the action of the verb.

(i) The explosion killed ten people.


(ii) Dirty water can spread cholera.


(iii) Many people speak English today.


(iv) Chaula has taken my exercise book..


(v) She is eating fruits now.


  1. (a) In form one you leant on note taking. Using the knowledge acquired, read the given text and write your own notes. ( Three sentences)

Brain’s shoes are old and torn. He went to town to buy new ones. He was looking for white shoes. He went into the first shop and found some shoes. He tried them on but they were too big for his feet.

In the next shop, he found the right size, but they were light blue. In the third shop, he found the white shoes but they were not very nice. He decided to go to a cobbler to mend his old pair.

  1. ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________


  1. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

(b) In changing direct speech to indirect speech there are some changes to consider. Mention five changes to be done when changing the sentence from Direct speech to indirect speech.

  1. ____________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________________
  5. ____________________________________________________________
  1. Write a telephone message to your elder sister who lives in Arusha telling her to come and visit you at school. Insist her to come with white rubber shoes. The message should first be read by your brother Dennis. Your phone number is 0743576890
  1. Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
  1. Rose likes netball. She also likes football

( Begin : Not only….. to join the two sentences.)


  1. I don’t like Physics. I hate Mathematics too.

( Use: …neither…..to join the sentences)


  1. Mussa:’s house is very interesting. James’ house is also interesting.

( Use: Both…….to join the sentences)


  1. Neema was sick. She passed all her examination.

( Begin: Despite…. join the sentences)


  1. He was a good teacher. He was known by everybody.

( Join the sentence using: ….. such…..that….)


  1. Change the following sentences into unlikely conditional sentence.
  1. If you work hard, you will pass your examination.


  1. She will attempt all questions if she reads the instructions carefully.


  1. If it rains heavily, farmers will be happy.


  1. They would have danced, if you had played music.


  1. If I am you, I will be rich.


  1. Esther’s English teacher taught them that sometimes sentences can be made negative by using particles e.g. –dis, -in etc. However, she was unable to do the assignment.. Assist her to negate the sentences using the prefixes.
  1. She can write the letter because is literate.


  1. Students obey their teachers.


  1. Write all the correct answers.


  1. Hassan was punished for wearing propertracksuit.


  1. Our new teacher is very friendly.


(b) Negate the following sentences:

  1. She knows who I am.


  1. They will come to my birthday party.


  1. He had his notebook.


  1. We did our homework.


  1. Mauja does her responsibilities.


  1. There was a discussion between form one and two students on various issues using the given phrases construct five sentences expressing opinions on the following:-
  •  Boarding school
  • corruption
  • Bride price
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Drug abuse
  1. _____________________________________________________________________
  2. _____________________________________________________________________
  3. _____________________________________________________________________
  4. _____________________________________________________________________
  5. _____________________________________________________________________


Choose two class readers you have read under this section to respond to the question asked.


  • The Magic Garden - K.R. Cripwell (1977)
  • Kalulu the Hare - Worthington (1937)
  • Hawa the Bus Driver - Richard S. Mabala (1988)
  • Mabal the Farmer -- Richard S. Mabala (1988)
  • Fast Money ---- K.R. Cripwell (1988)
  1. “Women are not only mothers but they have a big contribution to their families and the society at large” With reference to two class readers you have done on either Form one or Form two, prove the statement. Give three points from each reading.








TIME2:30 HRS   Date: 31st August, 2023


  1. This paper consists of section A, B, and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided
  3. Section A carries(15) marks, section B carries (70) marks and section C carries seventy (15) marks.
  4. All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Write your Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page







SECTION A: (15 marks)

Answer all questions

1. For each of the items i-x, choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the table provide.

i. The mother of your father has a daughter who in 2009 gave birth to a girl called Neema. In this relation, how does your father call Neema?

  1. Sibling
  2. Cousin 
  3. Niece
  4. Nephew

ii. Ashura was reading a dictionary whose headwords are in French language but the meanings are translated in English. this means Ashura was reading _______

  1. An encyclopedia dictionary
  2. A monolingual dictionary
  3. A bilingual dictionary
  4. An abridged dictionary

iii. Our English teacher told us to mention words with similar meanings. Identify the terminologies which refer to such kind of words.

  1. Homonyms
  2. Synonyms 
  3. Homophes
  4. Antonyms

iv. The baby is crying. Can be confirmed by a question.

  1. Does it?
  2. Isn’t it? 
  3. Is it
  4. Isn’t she/he?

v. Peter has been given a gift by his father after scoring “A” in physics subject. He is therefore smiling all the time. How does he feel?

  1. Comfortable
  2. Sad 
  3. Glad
  4. Dizzy

vi. Our English teacher often teaches for an hour. Why article “an” is used instead of other article?

  1. It shows the time before the word “hour”.
  2. It indicates a single form of a sentence.
  3. The first letter in the word “hour” has a vowel qualities
  4. The last letter in the word letter has consonant qualities

vii. Esther is tall, Rachael is taller but Jackline is ____

  1. Taller than all
  2. Tallest one 
  3. Most tall of all
  4. The tallest of all

viii. Maduhu was watching a match between Simba and Azam F.C. at Jamhuri Stadium. In this situation Maduhu was a:

  1. Referee
  2. Spectator
  3. Defender
  4. Striker

ix. Regina’s dog is black and cruel. The description is in terms of _____

  1. Colour and size
  2. Colour and quality
  3. Number and quantity
  4. Number and quality

x. Imagine you are filling in an official form. You came across an item that requires you to fill in the particulars about the country you belong to. What does this item refer to__________

  1. Marital status
  2. Hobby
  3. Religion
  4. Nationality














2. Match the occupation descriptions in list A with their corresponding common names in list by writing the letter of the correct answer below the item number in the table provided.



  1. A person who receives visitors in an office is…
  2. A person who cuts people’s hair
  3. A person who plaits people’s hair
  4. A person who mends shoes
  5. A person who sells meat
  1. A butcher
  2. A hair dresser
  3. Cobbler
  4. A receptionist
  5. A barber
  6. A fruit vendor
  7. A cook


List A






List B

SECTION B: (70 marks)

Answer all questions

3. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:-

Rose is standing at the central part of her school compound, facing the sun setting direction. In front of her, there is the watchman’s office. To her right hand there is a computer room which is 20 m from Rose’s point. On the left hand side there are school laboratories, classrooms and toilets that are 30 m away the central point. To her back side there is the administration block and the staffroom.


i. Name the two buildings that are in the Eastern part from Rose’s position.


ii. If Rose stands facing the computer room, which buildings will be on her backside?



iii. If you’re walking speed is 1 m per second how much time will you use to walk from the computer room to the school toilets? __________________________________________________________________


iv. Suppose you want to know how many visitors have come to collect in a day, why should you collect such data to the office in the western part?



v. Suggest the title for the above passage

4. Madam Mary was reading a newspaper when she came across the information which confused her where it was FACTUAL or NON FACTUAL. Help madam Mary by writing. Factual for factual information and non- factual for non- factual information.

i. Deforestation is happening at an alarming rate________________________

ii. I think Tanzania’s forests are in trouble _____________________________

iii. Mount Kilimanjaro glaciers are melting due to deforestation_________________

iv. Tanzanian’s population is increasing by over 2 percent, according to the

UN ____________________________

v. Many people may be surprised by the news___________________________

5. Your friend is looking for some information in the dictionary. She sees and lists the abbreviations she does not understand. Provide the long forms of the following abbreviations so that she understand what they stand for:-

i. SYN __________________________________________

ii. Opp __________________________________________

iii. Pt _____________________________________________

iv. Pron __________________________________________

v. Pp _____________________________________________

6. You have been in a boarding school for a number of months and you have been informed that your mother is sick. Therefore, you have decided to write a letter to ask about your mother’s condition. Write down five essential components that you would consider making your writing a friendly one.

i. ___________________________________________________________

ii. _______________________________________________________

iii. _______________________________________________________

iv. _____________________________________________________

v. __________________________________________________________

7. Mirry is one of the hardworking students. Below is her preparation schedule, read it carefully then write three (3) sentences using “going to” and two (2) sentences using “will”.




Revise mathematics and physics


Take a quiz


Study at the National Library


Attend group discussion


Do assignments

i. ______________________________________________________________

ii. _______________________________________________________________

iii. ________________________________________________________________

iv. _________________________________________________________________

v. __________________________________________________________________

8. Your English teacher ordered you to write ten sentences. You wrote incomplete sentences; after attending library. You noted the missing words. Choose appropriate words from the given box to correctly complete your sentences.

Between, beside, along, in, to, at, on, under, from, off, during, through, up, down, out.

i. We travelled from Arusha __________Mwanza

ii. Switch the light__________immediately, I don’t need them, “Mary ordered”

iii. There is no one __________the room iv. There is someone _________the door

v. We saw Magufuli’s funeral ___________television

vi. They made the accused sit ___________two police officers

vii. The dog hid ________the table

viii. The blind man was walking _____the road when he got hit by a motorcycle.

ix. He came ______of the room, and locked the door.

x. The bereaved mother sat ___the coffin, crying silently

9. Re-write each of the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets

i. Aisha can sing and dance. Her sister can sing and dance too. (use: both)


ii. The boy was not at home. He was not at school. (use …neither…nor…)


iii. She was not fast to catch the thief. (use …..enough to…….)


iv. If you study hard, you will pass the exam. (begin: Unless…..)


v. Pendo is lazy. She cannot study alone. (join the sentence using: too…to)


SECTION C: (15 marks)

Answer question ten (10)


  • Hawa the Bus Druver-R.S Mabala
  • Mabala the Farmer- R.S. mabala
  • Kalulu the Hare  - 
  • F. Worthington
  • The magic Garden- K.R. Cripwell
  • FFast Money   -  K.R. Cripwell

10. Authors usually have messages to convey (give) to the society. with reference to two class readers you have read, explain three messages you have got from each class reader.









Time: 2: 30 Hours  MAY. 2023 


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 10 (Ten) questions.
  2. Answer all question from section A, B and C
  3. All answer must be in blue or black ink.
  4. Write number at the top right-hand corner of every page.


Answer all questions in this section

  1. (i) Which sentence among the following contains the preposition, which show where something happens.
  1. We shall go to school by a school bus
  2. We shall sit in front of the class
  3. We shall do the homework before dinner
  4. We shall attempt the work according to instructions

(ii) You hear your friend saying “I have seen a man in blue trouser” what does your friend mean?

  1. He had seen a man wearing a blue trouser
  2. He had seen a man selling a blue trouser
  3. He had seen a man carrying a blue trouser
  4. He had seen a man buying a blue trouser.

(iii) how can you correct person who has provided the following incorrect sentence in the class room “I am grateful with your help”

  1. I am grateful by your help
  2. I am grateful at your help
  3. I am grateful in your help
  4. I am grateful for your help

(iv) I called a girl. The girl was very shy. Why article “the” has been used in the second sentence instead of article “a”

  1. Because the word “girl” is unique thing.
  2. Because the word “girl” is adjective.
  3. Because the word “girl’ has been mentioned for second time
  4. Because the word “girl” is a proper noun.

(v) While in classroom a teacher asked every student to say a single sentence about Mwl Nyerere. Juma said “Nyerere was born in mara region. Which category does Juma’s statement fall?

  1. A fact
  2. An opinion
  3. An observation
  4. An expression

(vi) Which of the following is about daily records of events.

  1. A diary entry
  2. A daily routine
  3. A time table
  4. A leaving note

(vii) “We are eating bananas” How does this sentence be changed into present perfect tense.

  1. We will eat bananas
  2. We had eaten bananas
  3. We ate bananas
  4. We have eaten bananas

(viii) Juma said “I am eating some food” how would you report what he said indirectly

  1. Juma said that he is eating some food
  2. Juma said that I am eaten some food
  3. Juma said that I was eaten some food
  4. Juma said that he was eaten some food

(ix) Asha was as intelligent______________

  1. Like his brother
  2. As her brother
  3. As his brother
  4. Like her brother

(x) “Teachers teach a pupil” How does this sentence read in passive form.

  1. A pupil is teaching teachers
  2. A pupil was taught by teachers
  3. A pupil is taught by teachers
  4. A pupil teach teachers













  1. Match the expression in List A with the word in List B by the correct letter beside the Item



  1. A place where books are kept in school
  2. A place where wild animal are kept
  3. A place where people go for treatment
  4. A place where you can buy and sale food staffs
  5. A place where artistic objects, cultural, historical things are kept
  1. Home
  2. library
  3. Market
  4. Hospital
  5. Museum
  6. School
  7. Zoo










Answer all questions

  1. (A) Use the following relative pronoun to make grammatical English sentence
  1. Who……………………………………………………….…………………………
  2. Which............................……………………………………………………………...
  3. Whose………………………………………………………………………………..
  4. Whom………………………………………………………………………………..
  5. That…………………………………………………………………………………..

(B) make one sentence for each of the following prepositions

  1. In……………………………………………………...
  2. On……………………………………………………
  3. At…………………………………………………….
  4. Over……………………………………………….
  5. By……………………………………………………
  1. (A) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets.
  1. Their came into his mind the rumors that circulated among the people in Tanga. (Begin: the rumors………………….) ……………………………………………………………………
  2. The villagers have filled potholes on the road leading to the village. (Begin: All……………………...) ……………………………………………………………………………….
  3. A nasty letter to my parent was being written by the class teacher (Change into active voice) ……………………………………………………………………………..
  4. My father bought me a pen and a book (Begin: Not only………………………) ………………………………………………………………………………….
  5. Despite of being a notorious student but he passed the examination (Write it correctly) ……………………………………………………………………………………
  1. (A) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in the brackets.
  1. Yesterday I ____________(buy) a new car
  2. They have just ____________(finish) their homework
  3. We ______________(watch) TV now
  4. Julius always ________________(go) to school on bicycle.
  5. If Thom ________________(write) many books, he would sell them.

(B) Write the adjectives in brackets into their correct form

  1. Zainabu is ____________(tall) girl in the class
  2. We met a man who is ____________(good) you
  3. I am an _____________(intelligent) boy
  4. You are as ______________(beautiful) your sister
  5. Kilimanjaro ______________(high) mountain in Africa.
  1. (a) Write short answers to the following questions. Beginning with the given word in brackets
  1. Have you seen my pencil (No……) ________________________________________________?
  2. Can I help you? (Yes…..) ________________________________________________
  3. Who came to school late? Rachel or John? (John…..) ________________________________________________
  4. Were you there yesterday? (No…….) ________________________________________________
  5. Musa goes to school on foot. (Yes……) _______________________________________________

(b) change the following sentences into negative forms

  1. Asha is washing her clothes now………………………………………………….
  2. He is reading a book………………………………………………………………….
  3. Are you cutting trees?.................................................................................................
  4. They coming now………………………………………………………………………..
  5. I am responsible for your poverty……………………………………………….
  1. Compose one sentence in each of the following tenses
  1. Present continuous tense _____________________________________________________________
  2. Simple present tense _____________________________________________________________
  3. Past continuous tense _____________________________________________________________
  4. Simple future tense _____________________________________________________________
  5. Past perfect tense _____________________________________________________________
  1. Study the following question tags then compose one meaningful sentence that suit for that question tag to be added at the end of it.
  1. …………………………………………….., Aren’t I ?
  2. …………………………………………….., Doesn’t she ?
  3. ……………………………………………..., Won’t they?
  4. ………………………………………………., Do we?
  5. ………………………………………………, Did he?
  1. (a) Dictionaries use abbreviations and symbols to same space. What do the following abbreviations stand for
  1. SYN…………………………………………………..
  2. Sth…………………………………………………..
  3. OPP…………………………………………………...
  4. BrE……………………………………………………
  5. (C)…………………………………………………….

(b) Your English teacher told you to go home to buy an English dictionary. How will you convince your parents to buy one for you? Give five points

  1. ………………………………………………………..
  2. ……………………………………………………….
  3. ………………………………………………………..
  4. ……………………………………………………….
  5. ……………………………………………………….


10.Read the following poem and then answer questions that follows

You came like a thief

You came like a snake

A snake in a grass

Oh! why were you ever created?

Like a lightening you strike people

Like electricity you shock people

The young and the old, the poor and the rich

Oh! Why were you ever created?

You have left us fatherless, motherless, children,

Oh! Ladies and gentlemen gather our strength

Wage a big war against the enemy

Oh! HIV why were you ever created?


  1. What is the poem about?
  2. How many stanzas in a poem?
  3. How many verses in a stanza three?
  4. Who is YOU in a poem?
  5. What is the Refrain in a poem?



Candidate's Examination Number . . . . . . . . . . . . .




  TIME: 2:30 HOURS MAY 2023


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with total often {10} questions.
  2. Answer ALL questions.
  3. Section A carries 15 marks, section B carries 70 marks and section C carries 15 marks
  4. All writing must be in blue or black ink pen.
  5. All unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  6. Write your examination number at the top corner of every page.


l. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the space provided.

i. My family has been living in this village

  1. Within 2020
  2. For 2020
  3. Since 2020 
  4. In 2020 

ii. One day we had a trip to visit Mount Kilimanjaro. We were informed that, it is in Africa.

  1. Higher than
  2. The highest
  3. The highly 
  4. Highest.

iii. Last weekend we went to the pitch to watch the football match between our school and the neighboring school. While at thé pitch we were no longer called students but 'we were referred as 

  1. Audience.
  2. Watchmen
  3. Citizens
  4. Spectators.

iv. Mr. Kajia is a watchman at Karmel hospital. The correct question tag for this sentence is

  1. Is he?
  2. Does he?
  3. Isn't he?
  4. He is?

v. How will you respond to the statement'? Does cow cat grass"

  1. At Yes, it do.
  2. Be It do, yes 
  3. Yes, it does.
  4. Yes, they do.

vi. What is the correct set of the adjective of shapes?

  1. Small. nice, black and tall. 
  2. Tall. short, old, and round 
  3. Short, small, tall and round. 
  4. Old, nice, small and tall 

vii. John's uncle is going to sail to Zanzibar. What does the phrase "going to" show? . . . . . . . . .

  1. Future plan. 
  2. Be Ongoing activity.
  3. Simple present
  4. The action of moving 

viii. My school certificate . . . . . . . . . hanging on the wall.

  1. Is
  2. Are 
  3. Were 
  4. Has

ix. Where is Mr. . . . . . . . . . . wife staying? 

  1. Kalulus
  2. Kalulus'.
  3. Kalulus's
  4. Kalulu's

x. Marry is shivering. She . . . . . . . . be sick.

  1. Might
  2. Ought to
  3. Shall 
  4. Will











2. Match the items in list A with the corresponding answers in list B and write your answers in the space provided.

  1. A place where clothes are washed 
  2. A place where meat is sold. 
  3. A place where medical surgery is carried out. 
  4. A place where dead bodies are placed before burial. 
  5. A place where medicines are sold. 
  1. Mortuary. 
  2. Laundry 
  3. Butchery 
  4. Pharmacy 
  5. Theater.






3. Re- arrange the following sentences into logical sequence to Make the information meaningful. Sentence number 6 has been done as an example.

  1. Then she came out of the house shouting at the naught boy.
  2. A little boy was playing with his ball in the street.
  3. The boy was so frightened that he ran away.
  4. The woman was shocked by the sound of the broken window.
  5. He kicked it hard and broke the window of Mrs. Mawazo's house.
  6. A few minutes later, he came back to apologize.








4. Re- write the following sentences in passive voice.

  1. Teachers award disciplined students
  2. A cat chases a rat
  3. He writes a letter
  4. Doctors treat sick people
  5. My grandlüother tells interesting stories

5. Imagine that your family is inviting relatives and friends to the birthday party of your sister Anjilili that is expected to be held at Serena hotel in Dar es Salaam on 20th November, 2023 from 6:00pm to 8:00 pm. Prepare a formal invitation card using the following guidelines. 

  1. Family name.
  2. Purpose of invitation.
  3. Place of event 
  4. Date and time 
  5. Contact.

6. Some words and phrases are abbreviated in the dictionary to minimize spaces. Write the short forms of the following words and phrases as used in the dictionary.

  1. British English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  2. Idiom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  3. Countable Noun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  4. Verb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  5. Something . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 

7. A guest visited your school and met you in the corridor going to the staffroom, he asked you to locate five important buildings found in your school. Use the words below to help him know where those buildings are found.

In front of, behind, near, between and adjacent.

  1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  2.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  
  3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  4.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  5.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  

8. Complete the following sentences using words given in the list by writing it in the blank spaces provided.

My, yours, his, hers, her, its, ours, our, theirs, their, mine.
  1. That farm belongs to us. It is  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  2.  My teacher gave me a pen as a gift. It is  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. Our teachers have office at school. It is  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. Hamis has a new book. It is . . . . . . . . . . . . . book.
  5. My mother bought a new car. It is  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Car

9. Re- write the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets.

  1. If you don't eat a well-balanced diet you will be weak. {Begin: unless}
  2. Upendo is a good woman. Halima is a good woman too. {Begin: Both}
  3. iii. He is a hard worker. He is also polite. (Join the sentences using, not only . . . . but also}
  4. He put on his jacket. He was feeling cold {Join the sentences using, because}
  5. I like juice than soda. {Use I prefer . . . . . . to}



  • The Magic Garden- F. Worthington { l - K.R .Cripwell{ 1977}
  • Kaiulu The Hare - K. R Cripwell {J978}
  • Hawa The Bus Driver - R. S Mabala{ 1988}
  • Fast Money -K. R Cripwell {J 978}
  • Mabala The Farmer -R. S Mabala {1988)

10. {a} Choose one class reader you have read and then answer the following questions. 

  1. What is the story about? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  2.  Choose one main character and;

a) Explain challenges she/he faced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 

b) If you were the main character, explain how you would have solved the challenges

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 

{b}. Read the poem below, then answer the questions that follow after it. The Lost Doll

I once had a sweet little doll, dears,

The prettiest doll in the world,

Her cheeks were so red and so white, dears, 

And her hair was so charmingly curled.

But I lost my poor doll, dears,

As I played in the heart one day,

And I cried for her more than a week, clears,

But I never found where she lay,

I found my poor little doll, dears

As I played in the hearth one day,

Folks say he is terribly changed, dears,

For her paint is washed away.

And her arms trodden off by the cows, dears,

And her hair not the least bit curled,

Yes for old sakes' sake she is still dears,

The prettiest doll in the world.


  1. Which lines of the poem explain the beauty of the doll? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  2. How did the persona lose the doll? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  3. How do you know that the persona was sad when she lost the doll? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  4. How does the persona describe he hair of the doll? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  5. How did the doll look like after been found'? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . 







Time. 2:30 Hours YEAR : 2023  


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
  2. Answer all questions.
  3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B carries seventy (70) marks and section C carries fifteen (15) marks.
  4. All writing must be in black or blue ink.
  5. Answers must be written in the space provided.
  6. Cellular phones, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  7. Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.









































SECTION A (15 Marks)

1.  For each of the following items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.

(i) “Your teacher knows when you arrived at school”. The underlined word indicates which type of adverb?

  1. Interrogative adverb 
  2. Frequency adverb
  3. Adverb of certainty 
  4. Relative adverb
  5. Adverb of places

(ii) Re-write the following sentences by using past perfect continuous form. “You drink alcohol” 

  1. You are drinking alcohol
  2. You have drunk alcohol
  3. You have been drinking alcohol
  4. You had been drinking alcohol
  5. You have been drinking alcohol

(iii) The following are functions of simple present tense, except:

  1. Habitual function 
  2. Futurity
  3. Regularity 
  4. Continuous situation
  5. General truth

(iv) “Open the content and pour the contents into hot water”. In which tense does the above sentence belong?

  1. Future tense 
  2. Simple present
  3. Simple past 
  4. Past perfect
  5. Continuous tense

(v) They are modifiers of nouns, they usually stand in front of nouns and also sometimes in front of gerund verbs. Which type of word are those?

  1. Verbs 
  2. Prepositions
  3. Adjectives 
  4. Articles
  5. Nouns

(vi) She has a knowledge of Mathematics. The preposition ‘of’ has been used to indicate:

  1. Movement 
  2. Direction
  3. Position 
  4. Duration
  5. Ownership

(vii) Among the following statements, which one is a subordinate clause?

  1. He went to the market
  2. Where he purchased fruits
  3. He went to the market where he purchased fruits
  4. He went to the market where
  5. He purchased fruits where

(viii) Which among the following is not a subordinate conjunction?

  1. and 
  2. Because 
  3. Therefore
  4. Due to 
  5. Even that

(ix) Re-write the following sentence into passive voice: Who wrote this letter ?

  1. This letter was written by who?
  2. Who was writing this letter?
  3. I wrote the letter
  4. Who was this letter written by?
  5. Who was this letter write?

(x) Supply the suitable question tag for the following statement: “stop crying . .”

  1. Will you?
  2. Shall you?
  3. Can you?
  4. Can’t you?
  5. Won’t you?






















2.  Match the word in LIST A with their corresponding meaning in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct answer below the item number in the table provided.



  1. Perform
  2. Activity
  3. Examine
  4. Acquire
  5. Narrate
  1. Work
  2. Have
  3. Purchase
  4. Enjoy
  5. Tell
  6. Inspect
  7. Do
  8. Write














 SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3.  (a) Identify the functions played by the underlined adverbs

(i) She danced beautifully . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ii) Have you seen my keys anywhere? . . . . . . . .

(iii) We went home then . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

(iv) He can never understood . . . . . . . . . . . ..

(v) We will be there soon . . . . . . . . . . . .

(b) Change the following adjectives into adverbs:

(i) Near . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ii) Most . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(iii) Enough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(iv) Right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(v) Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.  (a) By the use of the following uses of prepositions, construct one statement to illustrate the use:

(i) Afterwards to show the time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ii) “into” to show movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(iii) “beneath” to show position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

(iv) “of” to show position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(v) “at” to show speed of an object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

(b) Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate preposition:

(i) They are very keen . . . . . . ... . ..golf 

(ii) Do you believe . . . . . . . . ..goasts?

(iii) They persisted . . . . . . ..defying the lazy

(iv) I am sorry . . . . . . .. Your husband’s death

(v) When the arguments failed, he resorted . . . .threat.

5.  Re-write the following sentences using the instructions given after each statement.

(i) He had no qualifications but he got the job

(Use . ... However . ...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

(ii) Despite the severe weather conditions, all the cars completed the race.

(begin: Inspite of . . . . . .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

(iii) I carry a spare wheel. I have a puncture.

(Join by using . . .in case . . . .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

(iv) The performance had hardly begun when the lights went

(Use: Hardly . . . .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(v) If he runs, he will get there on time.

(Use: Unless . . . . ...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.  (a) The following sentences are all conditional sentences. By using the knowledge you have, identify whether they are possible, impossible and imaginary condition.

(i) If it stops showing, we can go out . . . . . . . . . . ...

(ii) If you want to lose weight, eat less breads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

(iii) If I lived near my office, I would be in time for work . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

(iv) If I dyed my hair blue, everyone would laugh at me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

(v) If I hadn’t used my calculator, I would have taken longer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

(b) Re-write the above sentences in 6(a) by changing them in conditional sentences type given 

(i) Type II

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ii) Type II

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(iii) Type III

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(iv) Type III

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(v) Type II

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

7.  Change the following sentences into passive voice

(i) We keep the butter her

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ii) You must shut the door

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(iii) He invited me to go

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(iv) I remember them taking me to the zoo

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(v) Who painted it?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8.  Assume that you are a class representative (leader) of your class. Suddenly you have an emergency of going home. Write a departure note to the one you trust for the responsibilities.

9.  Assume that you want to travel to Arusha for vacation and you have heard that in Arusha there is a VIP hotel that is luxury and has all the things that will make you refresh. How would you make a reservation in that hotel?

SECTION C (15 Marks)

10. Literature is the work of art that always reflects what is happening in the society. With reference to two readers that you have read in form one and form two, describe how those readings relate with the society you are living. Give three (03) points from each book.


The Magic Garden

K.R Cripwell (1977), William Collins Son and Company Ltd, Great Britain.

Kalulu The Hare

F.Worthington (1937), Longman, England

Hawa The Bus Driver

R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar Es Salaam

Fast Money

K.R. Cripwell (1978), William Collins Son and Company Ltd, Great Britain

Mabala The Famer

R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company Da Es Salaam







17TH MAY 2023 Time 3:00 Hrs (pm) 

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section. 

1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the box of answers provided below.

(i) Anna is always failing to produce correct sentences. Which sentence is grammatically correct amongst the following sentences she uttered?

  1. Neither of them liked the idea. 
  2. Both of them does not like the idea.
  3. Both of them didn’t likes the idea.
  4. Both of them do not liked the idea.
  5. Both of them don’t liking the idea.

(ii) Mrs. Sakalana died suddenly, a thing which made her relatives to ask doctor to examine her body. What do you think was the examination made by the doctor?

  1. Mortuary 
  2. obituary 
  3. Postmortem 
  4. Postpartum
  5. Measurement

(iii) Our class teacher told us to mention words with similar meanings. From the list below which word has similar meaning to the word “learn”?

  1. Synonyms 
  2. Study 
  3. Subject 
  4. Antonyms 
  5. Read

iv. Mr. Bakari refused to give you discount. Which of the following would be an appropriate tag for the statement?

  1. Does he?  
  2. Did he? 
  3. Doesn’t he? 
  4. Didn’t he? 
  5. Do he?

v. Josh is a time keeper in his school but he misplace d his watch thus he asked Francis, “What is the time now?” “It is 04:20 pm” this means that _______ 

  1. It is twenty minutes to four in the evening.
  2. It is twenty minutes past four in the evening.
  3. It is four to twenty minutes in the evening.
  4. It is four to twenty minutes in the morning.
  5. It is twenty minutes past four in the morning 

vi. After receiving your weekly test results you hear one student saying, “ if I had studied hard I would have passed the test.” What does this sentence signify?

  1. The student has the possibility of passing the test
  2. The student has little possibility of passing the test
  3. The student has totally no possibility of passing the test 
  4. The student is about to lose the possibility of passing
  5. The student has already passed the test.

vii. Mr. Omari makes and repairs shoes. What is a technical name given to Mr. Omari

  1. a plumber 
  2. a tailor 
  3. a mason 
  4. an optician
  5. a cobbler 

viii. Sir Msilikazi ordered us to write sentences which express future plans. Different students provided their sentences, what do you think is the correct sentence among the following?

  1. I am attending the party tonight.
  2. The teacher is teaching. 
  3. We swam in the lake. 
  4. I have had enough.
  5. She has been crying since morning.

ix. Asha has been given a gift by her mother after scoring ‘A’ in English subject. She is therefore smiling all the time. How does she fill?

  1. Dizzy 
  2. Glad 
  3. Sad 
  4. Comfortable
  5. Thirsty.

x. ‘While we are in Kenya shall we go and see Elizabeth?’ ‘But it’s been nearly 20 years since we last saw her. She__________ remember us.’

  1. can’t 
  2. might not 
  3. couldn’t 
  4. may not 
  5. will not















2. Match the expression in column A with their meaning in column B below the correct letter in column B corresponding expression number in column A in the table provided. Item vi has been provided as an example.

Column A

Column B 

  1. A place where dead body are kept until burial
  2. IA room in hospital where babies are born
  3. A place where medicines are prepared and sold
  4. A room in which sick people get bed rest 
  5. A place where sick people are treated
  6. A room which is used for heath check up
  1. Pharmacy
  2. Ward
  3. Stadium
  4. Laboratory
  5. Mortuary
  6. Labor ward
  7. Hospital
  8. Kitchen
  9. Laundry


Answer all questions in this section

3.  (a). You have just listened to a story from Bi. Amina. While she was narrating her story ‘she used different tenses. Now use the knowledge you have acquired from her to change the following sentences into simple past tense

  1. He is a student
  2. We sing a song
  3. She has spoken the truth
  4. Jane will cook the food
  5. I will be cutting a tree

4.  (a) For each of the sentences (i)-(v) below, fill in the blanks with the correct alternative provided in the brackets to complete the sentence.

i. My . . . . . . . . . . (cite/site/sight) is perfect.

ii. As a student, you have to . . . .(Adapt/adopt) new techniques of answering English questions.

iii. Don’t worry; everything will be . . . . . . . . . . (All right/alright)

iv. I have been talking to the . . . . . . . . . . (Principle/principal).

v. (Lay/Lie) . . . . . . . . . . your coat on the table.

(b) Martin’s bicycle has been stolen. He’s reporting to the police. Complete the policeman’s questions by putting in a question word or phrase.




. . . . . . . . .’s your name?

Martin Kazi Iendelee.


. . . . . . . . . . ...do you live?

Block 41, Mikocheni.


And . . . . . . . . . . ..is the bicycle?

It is mine.


. . . . . . . . . . .was it stolen?

This morning.


. . . . . . . . . . ...did you leave it?

Outside the town hall.

5.  Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

(a) Amina and Asha walk to school always. (Write the sentence in interrogative)

(b) This book is too big to go on the shelf. (Write using: . ..so . .. that . ..)

(c) He listens to the teacher attentively. He answers all questions correctly. (Join the sentences starting with: Not only . . .)

(d) I like football more than volleyball. (Begin: I prefer . . .)

(e) The teacher punished form four students. (Begin: Form four students . . .)

6.  The table shows Kulwa a Dotto’s likes and dislikes. Read it carefully then answer the questions that follow.
















Based on the table above, construct one correct sentence for each of the following items

  1. Kulwa(animals) 
  2. Dotto (English) 
  3. Both (English)
  4. Neither (tea)
  5. while (coffee)

7. Read the paragraph below carefully then answer the questions that follow.

This is Doctor Rose. She works at Afyanjema Hospital. When she arrives at the hospital in the morning, she signs the attendance book. Then she goes round the wards to see the admitted patients (in-patients). Then she goes to the consultation room in the Out-Patients Department (OPD) where she attends the out-patients who are waiting to see the doctor. This takes the rest of the day as there are many outpatients. She only leaves the room for a tea break at 10:30 and a lunch break at 1:00 in the hospital canteen. At 4:30 she goes back home.


(a) What does Doctor Rose do when she arrives at the hospital?

Doctor Rose_____________________________________________________ 

(b) When does she go round the wards?

Doctor Rose ____________________________________________________ 

(c) What does she do after the rounds?

Doctor Rose ____________________________________________________ 

(d) When does she attend the OPD patients?

Doctor Rose ____________________________________________________ 

(e) When does she go for tea?

Doctor Rose_____________________________________________________

8.  Madam Zawadi was reading a newspaper when she across the information which confused her whether it was factual or non-factual. Help madam Zawadi by writing “F” for factual and “NF” for non- factual information.

i. She is a very beautiful woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

ii. I think Masunga will score many goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 

iii. Mount Kilimanjaro’s ice is melting due to deforestation . . . . . . . . . . . .

iv. It will probably rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

v. Many people are surprised by the news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9.  You have been in in a boarding school for a couple of months and you almost feel homesick. Therefore you have decided to write a letter to your mom. Write down seven essential components of the letter you are going to write to make it friendly.


  • The Magic Garden  - K.R. Cripwell (1977), William Collins Sons and Company Ltd., Great Britain.
  • Kalulu the Hare - F. Worthington (1937), Longman, England.
  • Hawa the Bus Driver  - R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam
  • Fast Money - K.R. Cripwell (1978_, William Collins Sons and Company Ltd., Great Britain.
  • Mabala the Farmer - R.S. Mabala (1988), Ben & Company, Dar es Salaam.

10. Considering the class reader you have done in class, there are issues that authors of the books show which are present in our society. Use two books to describe the issues found in the society currently. Give out six points three from each book.



Students examination number ………






Monday 27th June 2022 Am Time: 2:30Hours 


1. This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

2. Answer all questions from all sections.

3. All writing must be in blue or black pen; and all drawings must be in pencil.

4. Write your examination number at the top right corner of every page of your answer sheet(s).


SECTION A (15marks)

1.Choose the best option to complete the sentence by writing a letter in the box provided below.

i. We ……………………… a lot of work last week.

a) done b) did c) doing d) do

ii. Your hairstyle is very different……………………………..your sister’s a) from b) to c)of d)in

iii. My family is moving to ………………………to north of the country a) the b) an c)a d)on

iv. I am going to stay with my uncle and aunt……………………. The holiday

a) Since b)On c) During d) While

v. The headmaster………………………. The visiting speaker to address the school

a) Invited b) Told c) Asked d)Instructed

vi.The tea is ……………….. hot, I can’t drink it.

a) Very b)Too c) Enough d) Also

vii. I prefer tea……………….. coffee,

a) From b)To c) On d) In

viii. She will ……………… at 7:15am tomorrow

a) Arrived b) Arriving c) Arrive d) Left

ix. John has ………………… my pencil x. a) Takes b) Taking c)Took d)Taken xi. ………………… book do you want ?

a) What b) Which c) Who d)Whose











2. Match the expression in column A with their meaning in column B below the correct letter in column B corresponding expression number in column A in the table provided.

Item VI has been provided as an example a) 1marks = 5



  1. A place where dead body are kept until burial 
  2. A room in hospital where babies are born
  3. A place where medicines are prepared and sold
  4. A room in which sick people get bed rest
  5. A place where sick people are treated
  6. A room which is used for heath check up
  1. Pharmacy
  2. Ward
  3. Stadium
  4. Laboratory
  5. Mortuary
  6. Labor ward
  7. Hospital
  8. Kitchen
  9. Laundry

Column A







Column B


SECTION B (70 marks) 

3(a) Rearrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph by writing the correct letter beside the item number.

A. One day on my way to school, I saw a man running towards me.

B. My primary school was located very far away from home.

C. So I used to walk a long distance to school.

D. I discovered that he was a mad man; thank God I managed to escape.

E. The man was holding a stick.







(b) Read the passage below and answer the questions follows;

There are many buildings in our school. In the Eastern part there is a post office. The bus stand is found in the northern part of the school. Beside the post office, there are laboratory, dormitories, dining hall and bathroom. Adjacent to the bathroom is an assembly hall and laundry. The headmaster’s office is next to the school laboratory.


  Give the location for the following items:

i. Post office


ii. The headmaster’s office


iii. The dormitories


iv. The bathroom


v. The bus stand


4 .[a] Complete the following table with the correct verb

Base Form

Past Tense

Past Participle












[b] A dictionary has many uses. Mention at least five uses of a dictionary to you as a student.


ii. ………………………………………………. 

iii. ……………………………………………….



5 [a] Change the following sentences into negative form.

i. I work very hard. ………………………………………………….

ii. Aisha loves Mr. Salim. ………………………………………… 

iii. We saw the boy whose mother is our English subject teacher.……………… ………………………

iv. Do you understand? ……………………………….

v. I have been around for while …………………….

5.(b) Re- write the following sentence by putting the words in the brackets into the comparative/superlative form.

i. This table is (big)……….. than that one. 

ii. My dog is (fast)…………. than yours. 

iii. Juma is the (great)………. Boxer of the day. 

iv. We had (bad) …………. Famine all these years

v. She bought me (beautiful)………… houses in town.

6 (a) Rewrite the sentences by using the right form of word in brackets

i. We (go) …………………….. to leave tomorrow morning. 

ii. I (water) …………………………my flowers at this moment. 

iii. He (cook) ………………………. his meals every day.

iv. Few students (attend)……………………….. parade yesterday. 

v. Asha (do) …………………………..her homework daily.

6. (b) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given

i. The headmaster did not attend the meeting. The second master did not attend the meeting too. (Join the sentences beginning with: neither…………nor)..............................................................................................


ii. If you do not work hard, you will never achieve your dreams. (Begin:

Unless)…………....................................................................................................... . 

iii. The boy is so short. He can’t touch the roof. (Join the sentence by using:

too ………………to).................................................................................................

iv. John is making some tables. (Rewrite beginning: some tables …………………… ……………...........................................................................

v. The students wash their clothes every weekend. (supply the correct question

tag..................... .........................................................................................

7a).Study the following chart and then answer the question that follows;

Using the words provided in the box after the family chart above describe the following between the following family members

i. Rose and Daudi (she calls him)…………. 

ii. Mercy and John ( she calls him)………… 

iii. Anna and Jane (she calls him)……………. 

iv. Francis and Rehema (he calls her…………

v. Jane and Steven (she calls him…………….

7. b) write the following occupation of the following people

i. My father teaches at Majengo secondary school. So he is …………………… 

ii.Mary attends sick people in hospital. So she is a……………………… 

iii. Uncle flies an aeroplane so he is a …………………….. 

iv. My aunt receives guests and direct them in tourist hotel. So she is …………………. 

v. My neighbor repairs cars in a garage so she is………………………….

8. Choose one class reader you have read in form one or two, then answer the following questions

  • The Magic Garden – K . R Cripwell (1977) William & Collins Sons and Company ltd. Great Britain.
  • Hawa the Bus Driver- R .S Mabala (1988). Ben & Company Dar es salaam.
  • Mabala the Farmar- R.S Mabala (1988). Ben & Company Dar es salaam
  • First money – K.R Cripwell (1978). Willium & collins sons and company ltd. Great Britain

a) What is title of the book? ……………………………………………….

b) Who wrote the book? .........................................

c) What is the negative side of the main character?( Write four negatives)

Briefly write what is the story about

d) According to how the story ended what would you advise the main character



e) What do you learn from the story?



9. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow;

The life at school I am not told

Is different from life at home

At school

The hours are swallowed by studies We study English, we study Geography Chemistry, Biology and others.

We study!

In the classroom, in the library, In the dormitory, in the dining hall,

In the assembly hall, in the chambers.

Study hard! Study hard!

For life roars like a lion

Hunting for any prey to swallow.

But something surprised me!


The English language

You write this you pronounce that Differently.


i. What is the poem about?


ii. Write the title of the poem in two words.


iii. Who is speaking in the poem?


iv. What surprised the persona? Give reason for your answer


v. Is the poem relevant to your society? How?



SECTION C (15 marks)

10. Write your composition about your first day at school . Use the following points that will guide you.

a. Your name and family members

b. The name of the school

c. The year you joined the school

d. Your age at that time

e. The way you left on your way to school

f. The people you saw and met

g. The way they received you

h. Activities you did on that day

i. What you liked most in the school

j. How the day ended






TIME:3.00 HOURS 26/5/2020


1.This paper consists of sections A,B and C with 10 questions.

2.Answer all questions in all sections.


1.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

In many African societies girls are forced to get married at a very early age, some when they are only eleven years old! Some parents forced their daughters into marriages so as to get dowries. Another reason is the fear that their daughters would be pregnant before they are regally married. It is considered shameful to the parents for the girl to be pregnant out of wedlock.

Early marriages put girls at high risk .At their early age , girls are physically not matured enough to become mothers. Early marriage also results into early and frequent child births leading to large families. Forced early marriage also deny girls the right to enjoy their child hood play, the right to education and the right to choose husband they love and of their own age group.

When girls are forced to marry men who are older than themselves and out of their choices, they are likely to become windows at an early age. After their husbands have died, the young widows are left to take care of their children themselves or remarry.

African customs and traditions do not allow a young wife to inherit her husband`s property. Most of the customs deny women the right to own property. Girls who come from poor families engage in dangerous early sexual affairs resulting into unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.


i)Parents forced their daughters to get married while they are still young so as:

  1. To reduce burden from them.
  2. It is a prestige.
  3. To reduce economic hardship.
  4. They want to get grandchild

ii) When the writer says “girls who get married when they are young, have a great chance to become windows at an early age”. This means that;

  1. They kill their husbands after getting married.
  2. They marry to men who are sick.
  3. Family conflicts create separation.
  4. They marry to men who are older than them.

iii)Normally early marriages make a girl face the following except;

  1. She fails to get her right ,like right to education and right to choose her husband.
  2. It is easy for her to face serious health problems.
  3. She enjoys the dowry being paid by her husband.
  4. She becomes widow and hence the chance of being remarried is very high.

iv) According to the passage , a girl should be married when ;

  1. She finds a handsome husband. 
  2. She is matured enough. 
  3. High dowry is paid. 
  4. She completes education

v) A widow is the one who ; 

  1. Has been forced to marry while still young . 
  2. Lost her pregnancy. 
  3. Lost her spouse in death. 
  4. Has been left to care for her children.

vi) The word “ wedlock” simply means the state of being 

  1. Unmarried. 
  2. Married.
  3. Traditional. 
  4. Pregnant.

vii) Window inheritance happens when ; 

  1. There is separation between husband and wife. 
  2. A girl agrees to marry to two men. 
  3. A man marries to a woman whose husband has dead. 
  4. A woman marries to a man whose wife has died.

viii) Some parents force their daughters to get married when they are still young because of fear , what does “fear” refer to? 

  1. Their daughters might run away.
  2. The man who makes proposal may change the idea of marring. 
  3. Shame. 
  4. The parents may die before enjoying the dowry.

ix) The writer is certain that when girls are forced to marry old men they- 

  1. Will get marry children. 
  2. Will end up lone quickly. 
  3. Will be well treated. 
  4. Will become independent of their husbands.

x) Suggest the suitable title of the passage.

B. Write T for the statement which is correct and F for the statement which is wrong in each of the following sentences.

i) Early marriage is significant to a girl since she is able to know how to take a good care of the family at young age __________

ii) Parents who allow/force their daughter who are still young to get married should be educated so that they can know well it’s effects _________

iii) Poverty is the major reason which contributes highly to early marriage _________

iv) When a girl gets marriage before being matured enough it is called an early marriage ______

v) All of the early marriages we see or hear occur in poor families _________

2. Read the passage bellow carefully and list the names of Mr. Akilimali’s children and tell what each one does in the given table.

Mr. and Mrs. Akilimali’s family was living in Mukasa village . They had five children, Neema was the first born . She was teaching at Mukasa primary school. The second born was Manengo , he was so stubborn; he couldn’t even his secondary education as he dropped out of the school when he was in form two . His parents struggle so much to help him , but he ended up being a watchman in Sukari house. Shufaa was the third born, she was very kind , she became a nurse and was working in Mukasa dispensary. The fourth born, Juakali, was working in the garage as the mechanic. The last born Baroka was very intelligent as he managed to get through the university and became a lawyer in high court.



Name of children

What they do

1st born

2nd born

3rd born

4th born

5th born


3. Match the item in column “A” with responses in column “B” to make meaningful sentences by writing the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet provided.



i)The harder a student works

ii)He opened the door quietly

iii)If I were in your position

iv)The problem is becoming serious

v)To be educated

a)I would able to be advised.

b)Needs discipline and tolerance.

c)The wiser you become a very little money.

d)We have to do something before it become worse.

e)The greater the victory.

f)Because he didn’t want to make the children know.

4. Re-write the following sentences according to the instruction given after each. i) “Did you write a letter?” Juma asked me. Write into reported speech.

ii) Jamali is my teacher , Aisha also is my teacher. Begin: Both ___________________

iii)As he knew the enemies , he started reporting the matter to police. Begin: Knowing________

iv)They study English hard. They want to go to England. Join the sentences using: _________________ so that __________________

v) Open the door! Add a “tag question”

5.Read carefully the following sentences and write the antonyms of the bolded words.

a)Halima is very rough .

b)She always cook delicious food.

c)She is the most beautiful girl in the class.

d)She is too weak to carry a bucket of water.

e)The girl whose skirt is blue is very talkative.

6.Change the verb in brackets in their appropriate form.

i)This is the girl who (win) the prize last year.

ii)The girl (shut) the door and started crying.

iii)The baby(drink) all the milk that I had bought.

iv)James (wear) a black coat yesterday.

7.Re-arrange the following sentences into a logical sequence to make a meaningful paragraph. Sentence number 6 has been used as an example.

A.On my way, I met my best friend Aneth.

B.She is also my classmate at school.

C.One day I was going to school.

D.The incident was about the robber who was beaten to death.

E.We started chatting on an incident that happened a day before.

F.As the result, we arrived late at school and we were punished.









8.The following sections of a letter are not in the correct order.Re arrange them,romans vi,vii and viii as been done as examples.

i) Please write and tell me some something about your school. ii) Rukwa Secondary school, P.O.BOX 90, Sumbawanga. iii)Dear Sophy, iv) I haven’t heard from you for a long time . I hope everything is fine there . We have been very busy this term and time passes very quickly. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. v) 5th October, 2017. vi) We’ve taken part in many interesting events like sports, drama and inter-school debate competitions. We were all happy when our school came first in drama . I’ll tell you more about life at our school when we meet during the holidays. vii) Rehema. viii) Yours ,
















9.Write a book report on a story book you have read in form one. Use the following points to guide you.

i)The title and author of the book?

ii)What is the story about?

iii)Who were the main character ?

iv)Which character did you like most? Why?

v)What is the relevance of the story to your society?

10.Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow:

In the memory of Kazinde,


You have heard on the radio,

And read in the papers,

About this dangerous disease,

But you never paid heed,

You just turned a deaf ear,

Now you are covered,

Under this red soil,

Poor Kazinde.

The earth has opened its mouth,

Like a hungry lion,

Swallowing the young and old,

The rich and the poor,

Down they have descended, deep into the earth.

Come brother and sisters,

Let the hungry lion die of hunger,

Stop committing adultery,

Consulting unauthorized practitioners,

Sharing razor blades and tooth brushes,

The nation needs you.

And you, doctors,

Sterilize your syringes,

And your inoculation equipment,

Examine blood before transfusion,

It`s time to be serious……..


i)What is the poem about?

ii)Who is the persona in the poem?

iii)To whom the poem is addressed?

iv)In the third stanza, which advices does persona suggest?

v)What lesson do you learn from the poem?



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