TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                                             NOVEMBER 2024


1.  This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of eleven (11) questions

2.  Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) question from section C

3.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised material are not allowed in the examination room

4.  Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

5.  Non programmable calculator may be used

6.  The following constant may be used

Atomic masse:

H=1, C=12, N=14, O=16, Na=23, S= 32, Ca=40, Cl= 35.5, Cu= 64 and Zn=65

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023

GMV at s.t.p = 22. 4 dm3

1 faraday = 96,500 coulombs

Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg

Standard temperature = 273K

1 litre = 1 dm3= 1000cm3

SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i)-(x) choose the correct answer from given alternatives and write its letter beside item number in the answer booklet provided

(i) Which of the following is not a use of a solvent?

A.  Bleaching agent

B.  Greasing.

C.  Stain removal.

D.  Cleaning

E.   Universal solvent


(ii) In which step of scientific procedures does the hypothesis is either proved or disproved?

A.  Data collection and analysis.

B.  Experimentation.

C.  Data interpretation

D.  Formulation of hypothesis.

E.   Conclusion


(iii) Which of the following groups consist of home Care products? A. Yeast, plastic and disinfectant.

B.  Clothes, soap and stone.

C.  Air freshener, detergent and antiseptic.

D.  Petrol, air freshener and paints.

E.   Air freshener, detergent and disinfectant


(iv) An electric current of 0.2A was passed through an electrolyte for 16.67minutes. The quantity of electricity passed is;

A.  200.04cuolombs

B.  2000.004cuolombs

C.  1000cuolombs

D.  0.254cuolombs

E.   0.00789culombs


(v) Imagine you are told to locate at its appropriate position an element with atomic number 18 in the modern periodic table. Where will you place it? 

A.  Group I and period 1 

B.   Group O and period 3 

C.   Group VII and period 4 

D.  Group III and period 3 

E.   Group V and period 2 


 (vi) What will happen when sulphur dioxide is mixed with potassium dichromate (iv) solution in Presence of sulphuric acid? A. Sulphur will be formed.

B.  Green chromate (iii) sulphate will be formed

C.  Blue water will be formed.

D.  Sulphur dioxide gas will be formed

E.   Orange potassium sulphate will be formed


(vii) Which of the following reaction is a most convenient method of producing sulphur dioxide during contact process

A.  Iron (ii) sulphide react with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide and iron(iii) oxide

B.  Zinc sulphide reacts with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide and zinc oxide

C.  Sulphur reacts with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide

D.  Oxygen reacts with hydrogen to form water

E.   Sulphur dioxide reacts with oxygen to form sulphur trioxide


(viii) The copper (ii) oxide reacts with hydrogen gas to form copper metal and water.

What will be the mass of reduced element? A. 4g.

B.  64g.

C.  18g.

D.  80g.

E.   40g


(ix) During the steam reforming method in industrial preparation of hydrogen, the steam reacts with what compound to produce hydrogen gas? A. Water.

B.  Carbon monoxide.

C.  Methane.

D.  Sulphur dioxide.

E.   Oxide


(x) What will be the simplest test for the hardness of water? A. Shaking water with chalk.

B.  Mixing water with soap less detergent.

C.  Formation of scum.

D.  Shaking water with soap solution.

E.   Formation of dolomite



SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) Students are advised to use a non- luminous flame for heating in the laboratory

(i)     Explain how a Bunsen burner produces a non- luminous flame

(ii)   Give a reason as to why advice above given to students.

(iii)  What are the functions of the air holes and barrel in the Bunsen burner?

(b)Why hydrogen peroxide preferred to potassium chlorate during preparation of oxygen gas?

(c) Why iron is not usually recommended in construction of steam pipes and boilers? (d) What would happen to a well stoppered bottle full of water left in deep freezer over night? Why does this happen.


4.            People of Uweto region were complaining about the water they are using in everyday activities that contain different contaminants and pollutants like bad smell, coloured matter, floating materials and other different solid substances. The Uweto people wish their water to be treated and purified but they do not know what to do in treating and purifying water. As a Chemist help Uweto people on how to treat and purify their urban water


5.            (a) Suppose you went to visit your friend in their school and found students arguing with some facts. Help them by providing the reasons on these facts below: 

(i)      Cold foods do not smell from a distance 

(ii)    Cooking pots, pans and utensils are made up of metals. 

(iii)  Saturated sugar solution can dissolve more sugar after being heated. 

(iv)   It is not advised to use water to extinguish class B fire. 

(v)     Liquids and gases are categorized as fluids. 

(b) After two months some parts with iron materials on Kamara’s house appeared to form a permanent reddish brown coating. Explain four (4) methods that could be used by Kamara to prevent that substance formed on iron materials in his house.

6. (a) In electrolytic production of hydrogen gas, dilute mineral acid is used. Which Method is used in its collection? Give a reason.

(b) Explain how copper necklace can be decorated by pure silver by electrolysis process (c) During electrolysis of brine, sodium was deposited at cathode and chlorine gas released at anode. If 2.0g of sodium were collected at cathode; find the volume of

chlorine gas at s.t.p.


7. (a) Neutralization is applied in various useful situations with the aid of balanced chemical equation where necessary; describe any four usefulness of neutralization.

image(b) 2.91 g of a monobasic acid, HX, were dissolved in water and made up to 250 cm3 with water. This solution was titrated with 0.108 M sodium hydroxide solution. 25 cm3 of the sodium hydroxide solution required 22.5 cm3 of the HX solution for complete neutralisation. The equation for the reaction is. HX (aq) + NaOH (aq)  NaX(aq) + H2O(l)

(a)  Calculate the concentration in (i) g l-1 (ii) mol l-1 of the acid.

(b)  Calculate the molar mass of HX.


8. (a) Gas A was prepared in the laboratory by isolating it from atmospheric air. During it'spreparation air was allowed to pass through sodium hydroxide then over heated copper metal.

(i)     Identify gas A.

(ii)   By using equation, explain what happened when gas A passed through sodium hydroxide and in heated copper metal.

(iii)  Write five uses of gas A

(b) What will happen when copper is strongly heated in air at higher temperature and lower temperature respectively.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer only two questions

9. You paid a visit to a certain village which has a scarcity of cooking fuel but plenty of raw materials for generating biogas. How would you advise the villagers with regard to the given aspect?

(a)  Nature of the gas.

(b) Raw materials for the generating the gas (c) The process involved in generating the gas.

(d) Three advantages of using biogas over charcoal.


10.  Electrolysis is used in various process. Justify this by giving six points


11.  Explain how you can handle the chemicals having the warning signs of flammable, corrosive, explosive, harmful and toxic in the laboratory











TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                                             NOVEMBER 2024


1.  This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of eleven (11) questions

2.  Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) question from section C

3.  Cellular phones and any unauthorised material are not allowed in the examination room

4.  Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

5.  Non programmable calculator may be used

6.  The following constant may be used

Atomic masse:

H=1, C=12, N=14, O=16, Na=23, S= 32, Ca=40, Cl= 35.5, Cu= 64 and Zn=65

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023

GMV at s.t.p = 22. 4 dm3

1 faraday = 96,500 coulombs

Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg

Standard temperature = 273K

1 litre = 1 dm3= 1000cm3

SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i)-(x) choose the correct answer from given alternatives and write its letter beside item number in the answer booklet provided

(i) Which of the following is not a use of a solvent?

A.  Bleaching agent

B.  Greasing.

C.  Stain removal.

D.  Cleaning

E.   Universal solvent


(ii) In which step of scientific procedures does the hypothesis is either proved or disproved?

A.  Data collection and analysis.

B.  Experimentation.

C.  Data interpretation

D.  Formulation of hypothesis.

E.   Conclusion


(iii) Which of the following groups consist of home Care products? A. Yeast, plastic and disinfectant.

B.  Clothes, soap and stone.

C.  Air freshener, detergent and antiseptic.

D.  Petrol, air freshener and paints.

E.   Air freshener, detergent and disinfectant


(iv) An electric current of 0.2A was passed through an electrolyte for 16.67minutes. The quantity of electricity passed is;

A.  200.04cuolombs

B.  2000.004cuolombs

C.  1000cuolombs

D.  0.254cuolombs

E.   0.00789culombs


(v) Imagine you are told to locate at its appropriate position an element with atomic number 18 in the modern periodic table. Where will you place it? 

A.  Group I and period 1 

B.   Group O and period 3 

C.   Group VII and period 4 

D.  Group III and period 3 

E.   Group V and period 2 


 (vi) What will happen when sulphur dioxide is mixed with potassium dichromate (iv) solution in Presence of sulphuric acid? A. Sulphur will be formed.

B.  Green chromate (iii) sulphate will be formed

C.  Blue water will be formed.

D.  Sulphur dioxide gas will be formed

E.   Orange potassium sulphate will be formed


(vii) Which of the following reaction is a most convenient method of producing sulphur dioxide during contact process

A.  Iron (ii) sulphide react with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide and iron(iii) oxide

B.  Zinc sulphide reacts with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide and zinc oxide

C.  Sulphur reacts with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide

D.  Oxygen reacts with hydrogen to form water

E.   Sulphur dioxide reacts with oxygen to form sulphur trioxide


(viii) The copper (ii) oxide reacts with hydrogen gas to form copper metal and water.

What will be the mass of reduced element? A. 4g.

B.  64g.

C.  18g.

D.  80g.

E.   40g


(ix) During the steam reforming method in industrial preparation of hydrogen, the steam reacts with what compound to produce hydrogen gas? A. Water.

B.  Carbon monoxide.

C.  Methane.

D.  Sulphur dioxide.

E.   Oxide


(x) What will be the simplest test for the hardness of water? A. Shaking water with chalk.

B.  Mixing water with soap less detergent.

C.  Formation of scum.

D.  Shaking water with soap solution.

E.   Formation of dolomite



SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) Students are advised to use a non- luminous flame for heating in the laboratory

(i)     Explain how a Bunsen burner produces a non- luminous flame

(ii)   Give a reason as to why advice above given to students.

(iii)  What are the functions of the air holes and barrel in the Bunsen burner?

(b)Why hydrogen peroxide preferred to potassium chlorate during preparation of oxygen gas?

(c) Why iron is not usually recommended in construction of steam pipes and boilers? (d) What would happen to a well stoppered bottle full of water left in deep freezer over night? Why does this happen.


4.            People of Uweto region were complaining about the water they are using in everyday activities that contain different contaminants and pollutants like bad smell, coloured matter, floating materials and other different solid substances. The Uweto people wish their water to be treated and purified but they do not know what to do in treating and purifying water. As a Chemist help Uweto people on how to treat and purify their urban water


5.            (a) Suppose you went to visit your friend in their school and found students arguing with some facts. Help them by providing the reasons on these facts below: 

(i)      Cold foods do not smell from a distance 

(ii)    Cooking pots, pans and utensils are made up of metals. 

(iii)  Saturated sugar solution can dissolve more sugar after being heated. 

(iv)   It is not advised to use water to extinguish class B fire. 

(v)     Liquids and gases are categorized as fluids. 

(b) After two months some parts with iron materials on Kamara’s house appeared to form a permanent reddish brown coating. Explain four (4) methods that could be used by Kamara to prevent that substance formed on iron materials in his house.

6. (a) In electrolytic production of hydrogen gas, dilute mineral acid is used. Which Method is used in its collection? Give a reason.

(b) Explain how copper necklace can be decorated by pure silver by electrolysis process (c) During electrolysis of brine, sodium was deposited at cathode and chlorine gas released at anode. If 2.0g of sodium were collected at cathode; find the volume of

chlorine gas at s.t.p.


7. (a) Neutralization is applied in various useful situations with the aid of balanced chemical equation where necessary; describe any four usefulness of neutralization.

image(b) 2.91 g of a monobasic acid, HX, were dissolved in water and made up to 250 cm3 with water. This solution was titrated with 0.108 M sodium hydroxide solution. 25 cm3 of the sodium hydroxide solution required 22.5 cm3 of the HX solution for complete neutralisation. The equation for the reaction is. HX (aq) + NaOH (aq)  NaX(aq) + H2O(l)

(a)  Calculate the concentration in (i) g l-1 (ii) mol l-1 of the acid.

(b)  Calculate the molar mass of HX.


8. (a) Gas A was prepared in the laboratory by isolating it from atmospheric air. During it'spreparation air was allowed to pass through sodium hydroxide then over heated copper metal.

(i)     Identify gas A.

(ii)   By using equation, explain what happened when gas A passed through sodium hydroxide and in heated copper metal.

(iii)  Write five uses of gas A

(b) What will happen when copper is strongly heated in air at higher temperature and lower temperature respectively.

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer only two questions

9. You paid a visit to a certain village which has a scarcity of cooking fuel but plenty of raw materials for generating biogas. How would you advise the villagers with regard to the given aspect?

(a)  Nature of the gas.

(b) Raw materials for the generating the gas (c) The process involved in generating the gas.

(d) Three advantages of using biogas over charcoal.


10.  Electrolysis is used in various process. Justify this by giving six points


11.  Explain how you can handle the chemicals having the warning signs of flammable, corrosive, explosive, harmful and toxic in the laboratory









TIME: 2:30 HRS



Answer all questions in this section

i. Which of the following groups consist of home Care products?

  1. Yeast, plastic and disinfectant.
  2. Clothes, soap and stone.
  3. Air freshener, detergent and antiseptic.
  4. Petrol, air freshener and paints.
  5. Air freshener, detergent and disinfectant

ii. An electric current of 0.2A was passed through an electrolyte for 16.67minutes. The quantity of electricity passed is;

  1. 200.04cuolombs
  2. 2000.004cuolombs
  3. 1000cuolombs
  4. 0.254cuolombs
  5. 0.00789culombs

iii. The copper (II) oxide reacts with hydrogen gas to form copper metal and water. What will be the mass of reduced element?

  1. 4g.
  2. 64g.
  3. 18g.
  4. 80g.
  5. 40g

iv. During the steam reforming method in industrial preparation of hydrogen, the steam reacts with what compound to produce hydrogen gas?

  1. Water.
  2. Carbon monoxide.
  3. Methane.
  4. Sulphur dioxide.
  5. Oxide

v. Domestic utensil made up of iron rust easily as a result of the presence of:-

  1. Air and fire
  2. Air and water 
  3. Water and Oil 
  4. Air and Oil 
  5. Water and oil.

vi. What is the correct meaning of ionization energy?

  1. Energy required to remove an electron from the inner most shell
  2. Energy required to remove electron from the outer most shell
  3. Energy required to add electron to the inner most shell
  4. Energy required to add electron to the outer most shell
  5. Energy required to attract electron towards the nucleus of an atom

vii. Which of the following pairs constitute the best methods for treating and purifying water?

  1. Chlorination and aeration 
  2. Chlorination and decantation 
  3. Chlorination and filtration
  4. Chlorination and sedimentation
  5. Chlorination and distillation

viii. An electric current was passed through a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid using carbon electrodes. The substance liberated at anode was.

  1.  Copper
  2.  Hydrogen
  3.  Oxygen
  4.  Sodium
  5.  Chlorine

ix. If element Q of group (H) combines with element R of group (IV) what will be the formula of the resulting compound.

  1.     R2Q
  2.     QR6
  3.     R3Q
  4.    R3Q
  5.      Q2R

x. The process of giving away water of crystallization to the atmosphere by a chemical substance is called.

  1.     Efflorescence
  2.     Deliquescence
  3.     Hygroscope
  4.    Sublimation
  5.      E.Vaporization


2. Match the items in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the items number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. Its nitrate decomposes to the metal, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.
  2. Its chloride is used as a drying agent for most gases
  3. Has maximum valency of five
  4. The second abundant element in the earth’s crust
  5. Reacts with steam only at red heat to produce metal oxide and hydrogen gas.
  1. Argon
  2. Calcium
  3. Oxygen
  4. Silcon
  5. Zinc
  6. Phosphorus
  7. Silver



Answer all questions in this section

3. You are provided with the following fuels fire woods, natural gas, charcoal and kerosene.

  1. Giving three reasons, explain why natural gas is the best option among the fuels given above for domestic purpose.
  2. Giving four reasons, explain why fire wood and charcoal which are cheap and most available fuels are not recommended for domestic uses.

4. (a) Students are advised to use a non- luminous flame for heating in the laboratory

(i) Explain how a Bunsen burner produces a non- luminous flame

(ii) Give a reason as to why advice above given to students.

(iii) What are the functions of the air holes and barrel in the Bunsen burner?

(b)Why hydrogen peroxide preferred to potassium chlorate during preparation of oxygen gas?

(c) Why iron is not usually recommended in construction of steam pipes and boilers?

(d) What would happen to a well stoppered bottle full of water left in deep freezer over night? Why does this happen.


5. (a) Neutralization is applied in various useful situations with the aid of balanced chemical equation where necessary; describe any four usefulness of neutralization.

(b) 2.91 g of a monobasic acid, HX, were dissolved in water and made up to 250 cm3 with water. This solution was titrated with 0.108 M sodium hydroxide solution. 25 cm3 of the sodium hydroxide solution required 22.5 cm3 of the HX solution for complete neutralization. The equation for the reaction is.

HX (aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaX(aq) + H2O(l)

(a) Calculate the concentration in (i) g l-1 (ii) mol l-1 of the acid.

(b) Calculate the molar mass of HX.

6. (a) Janeth heated compound “W” in a test tube and observed that a brown gas was produced, residue X formed. Also when she inserted a glowing splint into the test tube rekindled.

  1. Which gas rekindled the glowing wooden splint in the test tube.
  2. Identify compound “W” and residue “X”
  3. Write down a chemical equation for the reaction that took place.
  1. Explain the observations that would be made when aqueous ammonia is added drop by drop until in excess on a solution W


7. (a)Sodium chloride (NaCI) and hydrogen Chloride (HCI) are both chloride Compounds.Differentiate the two compounds by giving three reasons. 

(b)(i)Differentiate empirical formula from molecular formula. cetain compound formed by Sulphur and Oxygen contains 40.1% sulphur by mass.Workout the empirical formula of this compound.

8. (a) 25cm3 of 0.1MHCl were neutralized by 23cm3 of Na2CO3 solution. Calculate the concentration of the alkali in grams per litre.

(b)Suggest a suitable indicator of each of the following titrations

  1. Hydrochloric acid against ammonia solution
  2. Sulphuric acid against sodium hydroxide solution
  3. Ethanedioic acid against potassium hydroxide solution

9. (a)What do you understand the term chemical equation?

(b)Write ionic equation for the following chemical reactions.

  1. Milk of magnesia is used to relieve indigestion
  2. A divalent metal displacing monovalent metal from its soluble nitrate

10. (a)Explain the meaning of each of the following terms.

  1. Reversible reaction.
  2. Dynamic equilibrium

(b)The industrial oxidation of Sulphur dioxide is summarized in the equation below.

2SO3(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) H=-94.9 Kjmol-1

What will be the effect of each of the following on the production of Sulphur trioxide?

  1. Increase in moles of Sulphur dioxide
  2. Increase in pressure
  3. Decrease of temperature
  4. Decrease of moles of Sulphur dioxide.

(c)Briefly explain how each of the following factors affects the rate of a chemical reaction.

  1. Temperature
  2. Pressure
  3. Concentration
  4. Catalyst
  5. Surface area

(d)Give one good reason for the following

  1. Fruits ripe faster during summer than during winter
  2. Steel wire get rust faster than iron nails.



  1.      Explain stages of extraction of mild reactive metals
  2.     Why is the extraction of Iron a reduction process
  3.      Explain with equations extraction of iron in the blast furnace
  4.     What are environmental effects of metal extraction







Time: 3Hours


  1.                     This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.                     Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.                     Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.                     All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.                     Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6.                     Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s


Answer all questions in this section.

  1.                     For each of the following items (i-x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write letter besides item number in the answer booklet provided.
  1.             Which of the following groups consist of home Care products?
  1.               Yeast, plastic and disinfectant.
  2.                Clothes, soap and stone.
  3.               Air freshener, detergent and antiseptic.
  4.               Petrol, air freshener and paints.
  5.                Air freshener, detergent and disinfectant
  1.           An electric current of 0.2A was passed through an electrolyte for 16.67minutes. The quantity of electricity passed is;
  1.               200.04cuolombs
  2.                2000.004cuolombs
  3.               1000cuolombs
  4.               0.254cuolombs
  5.                0.00789culombs
  1.         The copper (II) oxide reacts with hydrogen gas to form copper metal and water. What will be the mass of reduced element?
  1.               4g.
  2.                64g.
  3.               18g.
  4.               80g.
  5.                40g
  1.         During the steam reforming method in industrial preparation of hydrogen, the steam reacts with what compound to produce hydrogen gas?
  1.               Water.
  2.                Carbon monoxide.
  3.               Methane.
  4.               Sulphur dioxide.
  5.                Oxide
  1.           Oxygen gas can be produced at a large scale by
  1.               Condensation of air
  2.                Condensation of liquefied air
  3.               Liquefaction of steam
  4.               Fractional distillation of liquefied air
  5.                Evaporation of liquefied air
  1.         The basic causes of permanent hardness of water is:-
  1.               Ca(OH)2 
  2.                Ca(HCO3)2 
  3.               Mg(HCO3)2 
  4.               Na2SO4 
  5.                CaSO4
  1.       Which of the following is not the use of chromatography?
  1.               To analyze blood in crime scenes
  2.                To detect different fibres
  3.               To detect water pollution
  4.               To bleach dye or colour
  5.                To test purify of organic substance
  1.     1.4g of potassium hydroxide is dissolved in water to form 250cm3 of Solution.

What is the Molarity of this solution?

  1.               0.001M
  2.                0.1M
  3.               1.4M
  4.               5.6M
  5.                6.0M
  1.         An electric current was passed through a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid using carbon electrodes. The substance liberated at anode was.
  1.               Copper
  2.                Hydrogen
  3.               Oxygen
  4.               Sodium
  5.                Chlorine
  1.           If element Q of group (H) combines with element R of group (IV) what will be the formula of the resulting compound.
  1.               R2Q
  2.                QR6
  3.               R3Q
  4.               R3Q
  5.                Q2R

2. Match the colour formed in LIST A with the corresponding metal burning in air in LIST B



  1.                Burns with a golden yellow flame
  2.                Bluish green flame
  3.                Melts easily but show no definite colour
  4.                Burns with yellow sparks flame
  5.                Burns with a brick red flame
  6.                Pale blue flame
  1.               Lead
  2.                Calcium
  3.               Zinc
  4.               Iron
  5.                Potassium
  6.                Magnesium
  7.               Copper
  8.               Sodium




3. (a) The table below shows two brands of bottled water for drinking and the concentration of different mineral ions in each brand. Study the table and answer the questions below it.

Composition in mg/Litre




























(i) Which brand of water is more hard? Explain.

(ii) State the benefit of having calcium ions in water;

(iii)Tap water is usually treated before being used. State what is added to perform that function.

(b) Hydrogen and phosphorus are non-metallic elements

(i) Which one between the two atoms is more electropositive?

(ii) Show your work clearly, write the chemical formula and the name of the compound formed when the two atoms combine.


4. (a) Define the following terms

(i) Mole

(ii) Molar mass

(b) 112 dm3 of oxygen gas was collected at S.T.P when a sample of lead nitrate was completely decomposed by heat. Calculate the volume of nitrogen dioxide produced.


5. One of the methods used for the preparation of oxygen is by the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide as shown in the reaction equation below


(a) (i) What is the purpose of MnO2 in the reaction?

(ii) What will happen to the rate of the reaction if MnO2 is not used in the above reaction?

(b) Briefly explain how the gas produced from the chemical reaction above is tested


6. Element R having atomic number 20 combines with element S having atomic number 17 to form a certain compound

a) Write the formula of the compound and state the type of bond formed in the compound

b) Give any three properties of the compound formed in 7(a) above


7. Mr Kalubandika wanted to know some chemistry pertaining concepts. Help Mr Kalubandika to answer the following conceptual questions.

a) In which other areas do we find the warning signs out of laboratory (give four point)

b) Explain how measurements of volume differ when using measuring cylinder and burette

c) It is recommend that laboratory apparatus should be properly washed or wiped after use, explain the significance for this when

i. Measuring volume of liquids

ii. Measuring mass of substance


8. (a) A gaseous compound consists of 86% Carbon and 14% Hydrogen by mass. At S.T.P, 3.2dm3 of the compound had mass of 6g.

(i) Calculate its molecular formula

(ii)Give the IUPAC name of the compound

(b) Most of the apparatus in the laboratory are made up of glass materials. Support this statement by giving ant two (2) reasons. (07 Marks)

9. (a) When an acid is reacted with base, it forms salt and water. Using your knowledge of chemistry, explain how will you apply this reaction in your daily life? Give any four points.

(b) Insoluble salts are the salt that does not dissolve in water. Name any three examples of salts that are insoluble in water. (07 Marks)


10. 5.3g of X2CO3 was dissolved in water to make 0.5 litre of a solution. 25cm³ 0f this solution required 50.0cm³ of 0.1M HCl for complete neutralization.

a) Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction

b) Calculate the concentration of X2CO3 in mol/dm3

c) Calculate the relative molecular mass of X2CO3

d) Calculate the relative atomic mass of X

e) What is the name and symbol of element X


11. (a)What are the four (4) stages for extraction of moderate reactive metals is termed as reduction process. Explain why?

(b)Extraction of metals is termed as reduction process. Explain why?

(c)In certain areas iron can be extracted through blast furnace which involve different temperatures such as 1000°C, 750°C and 250°C in different stages.

  1.                      What is a chief ore in extraction of iron
  2.                      Write equations taking place in each of the named temperatures at what temperature reduction takes place
  3.                      At what temperature reduction takes place.
  4.                      What are the importance of coke, hot air and waste gases in the process above?

(d) What are the two (2) environmental effects caused by extraction of metals?








Time: 3Hours


  1.         This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total eleven (11) questions.
  2.         Answer all question in the sections A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
  3.         Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C carries thirty (30) marks.
  4.         All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
  5.         Communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  6.         Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s


Answer all questions in this section.

  1.         For each of the following items (i-x) choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write letter besides item number in the answer booklet provided.
  1.     Which of the following is not a use of solvent
  1. Bleaching agent
  2. Greasing
  3. Stain removal
  4. Cleaning
  5. Universal solvent
  1.  In which step is scientific procedure does the hypothesis either proved or disapproved?
  1. Data collection and analysis
  2. Experimentation
  3. Data interpretation
  4. Formulation of hypothesis
  5. conclusion
  1.                         During the steam reforming method in industrial preparation of hydrogen. The steam reacts with what compound to produce Hydrogen gas
  1. water
  2. carbon monoxide
  3. methane
  4. sulphur dioxide
  5. oxide
  1.                         what will be simplest taste of hardness of water
  1. shaking water with chalk
  2. mixing water with soap detergent
  3. formation of scum
  4. shaking water with soap solution
  5. formation of dolomite`
  1.   Which of the following set of process uses a gas that ignites with a pop –sound when a lighted splint is passed through?
  1. Balloon filling, welding, diving
  2. Hardening of oil, balloon filling , welding
  3. Hardening of oil, balloon filling and divings
  4. Fuelling rocket, diving and welding
  5. Balloon filling, fuel rocket and diving
  1.                         The cause of permanent hardness of water is
  1. CaCOh)2
  2. CaCHCO3)2
  3. Mg (HCO3)2
  4. Na2SO4
  5. CaSO
  1.    Domestic Utensils made of iron must rust easily on a result of presence of
  1. Air and fire
  2. Air and water
  3. Water and oil
  4. Water and oil
  5. Water and oil
  1.  Which of the following pairs constitutes the method of treating and purifying water
  1. Chlorination and Aeration
  2. Chlorination and Decantation
  3. Chlorination and Filtration
  4. Chlorination and Distillation
  5. Chlorination and sedimentation
  1.                         The process of giving away water of Crystallization to the atmosphere by a chemical substance is called
  1. Efflorescence
  2. Deliquesce
  3. Hydroscope
  4. sublimation
  5. evaporation
  1.   when water is added to an acid, that acid becomes
  1. more acidic and its PH goes down
  2. more acidic and its PH goes up
  3. less acidic and its PH went down
  4. less acidic and its PH went up
  5. neutral and its PH become 7
  1.         Match the properties of element in list A with the respective element in list B by writing the letter of correct response besides the item number in answer sheet provided



  1. A   black solid element which burns with reddish glow giving off colorless gas slightly acidic 
  2. Silvery white metal which burns with golden yellow flame giving an oxide basic in nature
  3. Yellow element in color burns with blue flame giving colorless gas, strong acidic in nature
  4. Shinning white stripe of metal, burns with dazzling white flame giving slightly basic oxide
  5. Silvery white metal burns with brick red giving off oxide which is white solid
  6. Brown solid which burns with oxygen turning black
  1. Calcium
  2. Iron
  3. Sodium
  4. Zinc
  5. Magnesium
  6. Copper
  7. Carbon
  8. Sulphur
  9. Potassium
  10. Alluminium



Answer all questions.

  1.         a) The modern periodic law is based on modification of the Mendeleev Periodic Law. Explain how the two theories differ from each other

b) Comment on the following statement

  1.     lithium has large size than beryllium
  2.  sodium is smaller than potassium
  3.                         Give any four ions whose electronic configuration resemble to that of Neon.
  1.         A) Magnesium burns in a carbon dioxide giving white solid and black solid sparks. The white solid dissolves in nitric acid leaving colorless solution R
  1.     Write balanced equation for reaction that give white solid
  2.  Identify solution R


B) Differentiate between suspension and solution

  1.         a) The table below shows two brands of bottled water for drinking and concentration of different mineral ions in each brand. Study the table and answer question that follows

Composition mg/ litre 






























  1.     Which brand of water is harder? Explain
  2.  State the benefit of having calcium ions in water
  3.                         Tap water is always treated before being used, state what is added to perform that function

b) Hydrogen and phosphorus are non metallic elements 

  1.     Which one between the two is more electropositive
  2.  Show your wake clearly write chemical formula and name of compound fotmed when two atoms combined
  1.         A)State the main raw materials and process involved in manufacture of the following products
  1.     Wood charcoal
  2.  Coke
  3.                         Lamp black
  4.                         Animal charcoal

                b) Define the terms below

  1.     Mole
  2.  Molar mass
  1.         A) Students are advised to use non-luminous flames for heating in laboratory.
  1.     Explain how a Bunsen burner produces non- luminous flames
  2.  Give a reason as to why the above flame is best
  3.                         Give function of air holes in a barrel of Bunsen burner.

b) Explain why hydrogen is proffered to potassium chloride during preparation of oxygen gas.

  1.         A) different salt behave differently when heated use a balanced chemical equation to show how Carbonate and Sulphate behave when subjected to heat

b) Write a balanced and ionic equation for reaction between sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid 

c) Differentiate ionic equation from molecular equation





  1.         Aisha drew a periodic table and then put a shadow on element with atomic number 8
  1.             What type of chemical bond is found between atoms of the element
  2.             Compound X contains 24.24%, 4.04% hydrogen and 71.72%chlorine. Given that the vapor density of X is 49.5. calculate molecular formula of compound X
  3.             If 0.5 g of hydrogen gas is exposed in air, what mass of water will be formed
  1.    A) give two ways you can use to tell water os polluted

b) We have coal in Kuwira Mbeya region; the government authorities have allowed the use of coal for domestic and industrial purposes. What warning can you raise concerning the likely effects? Give five points

  1.    Consider the diagram below








  1.     Give the aim of the above process
  2.  Identify the process of A to F
  3.                         Give two importance of above diagram in our daily life

b) State weather the following is permanent change or temporary change 

  1.     Dissolution of salt in water
  2.  Rotting of mangoes










Time: 3 Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of thirteen (13) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in this paper
  3. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  4. Write your Examination Numberon every page of your answer booklet(s)
  5. The following constants may be used

Atomic masses:


Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023

GMV at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3

1 Faraday = 96,500 coulombs

Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg

Standard temperature = 273 K

1 litre = 1dm3= 1000cm3


  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), Choose the correct the answer from among alternatives given and write its letter in the answer sheet provided
  1. Loose or floppy clothing is not allowed in the laboratory because;
  1. Movement has to be fast
  2. It will get wet when water splashes
  3. It may catch fire or cause one to fall
  4. It cause poor ventilation in the body
  5. It prevents experiment from being conducted well
  1. What mass of Suphuric acid (H2SO4) is found in 400cm3 of its 0.1M?
  1. 2.67g
  2. 9.8g
  3. 4.89g
  4. 3.92g
  5. 8.69g
  1. One of the Isotopes of an element X has atomic number Z and a mass number A. What is the number of Neutron contained in Nucleus of the element?
  1. Z – A
  2. A
  3. A + Z
  4. Z
  5. A – Z
  1. A solution of PH 5 is said to be
  1. Strong base
  2. Neutral
  3. A weak acid
  4. A strong acid
  5. A weak base
  1. In an experiment, 1930 coulombs Liberated 0.64g of copper when the same quantity of electricity. Was passed through a solution of silver Nitrate. What amount of silver was deposited?
  1. 32g
  2. 2.16g
  3. 10.8g
  4. 108g
  5. 21.6g
  1. In blast furnace carbon monoxide in prepared by passing carbon dioxide over a red hot coke. What is the chemical role of carbon dioxide
  1. An accelerator
  2. An oxidizing agent
  3. A catalyst
  4. A reducing agent
  5. Flammable
  1. The following shows four uses of iron, in which of these uses are the iron most likely to rust?
  1. Iron bucket electroplated with zinc
  2. Iron wired Alluminium electric cable
  1. Iron hinges on gate
  2. Alloyed piston
  3. Panted iron gate
  1. Alluminium does not react with water and does not corrode much in air. Why?
  1. It is below hydrogen in reactivity series
  2. It forms a stable carbonate which prevent reactions
  3. The metal in coated with a protective coating of Oxide
  1. It is very unstable
  2. Does not react with water
  1. When bumming fuel produce blue colour, it means there is
  1. Adequate supply of Oxygen without production of soot
  2. Inadequate supply of Oxygen without production of soot
  3. Inadequate supply of Oxygen with production of soot
  4. Adequate supply of Oxygen with production of more heat
  5. Inadequate supply of Oxygen with production of more heat
  1. The reason why white anhydrous copper II sulphate tums blue when exposed in atmosphere is that it.
  1. Absorb moisture
  2. React with Oxygen
  3. React with carbon dioxide
  4. Becomes dry
  5. Release water to atmosphere.
  1. Match items in LIST A with correct response in LIST B by writing the letter of correct response beside the item number in answer sheet provided.



  1. Black solid element, burns with reddish glow giving off colorless less acidic gas
  2. Silvery white metal, bum with golden yellow flame giving an oxide basic in nature
  3. Yellow element burn with blue flame giving colorless gas, strongly acidic
  4. Shiny metal, bums dazzling white flame giving slightly basic oxide
  5. Silvery white metal burns with brick red flame giving off oxide which is white solid.
  6. A reactive metal which does not react very well with Oxygen in air.
  1. Calcium
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Alluminium
  4. Iron
  5. Carbon
  6. Sodium
  7. Copper
  8. Beryllium
  9. Argon
  10. Magnesium
  11. Sulphur
  12. Phosphorus
  13. Chlorine
  14. Zinc
  15. Fluorine
  16. Lead

SECTION B. (54 Marks)

Attempt all questions in this section

  1. (a)Explain how the following differ from one another
  1. A base and Alkali
  2. An atom and isotope

(b) An organic compound P consists of 52.2% carbon 13% hydrogen and 34.8% Oxygen. The vapour density of P is 23. Calculate molecular formula of the compound.

(c) Calculate Oxidation number of Nitrogen in potassium nitrate.

  1. (a)Give three applications of separation of mixture in our daily life.

(b) 20.0cm3of sodium hydroxide containing 8.0gdm3was required for complete neutralization of 0.18g of dibasic acid. Calculate the relative molecular mass of the acid

  1. (a)State faraday’s Laws of electrolysis

(b) Dilute Silver Nitrate solution was decomposed by passage of electric current through it. What mass of Silver and what volume of Oxygen (measured at (STP) would be liberated in electrolysis by 9650C of electricity?

  1. 5.3g of X2CO3 was dissolved in water to make 0.5 litre of a solution 25cm3 of this solution required 50cm3 of 0.1M HCl for complete reaction.
  1. Write a balanced chemical reaction for complete neutralization
  2. Calculate concentration of X2CO3 in moles dm-3
  3. What is the relative molecular mass of X2CO3
  4. Give the name of element X
  1. (a)What do you understand by the following terms
  1. Mole concept
  2. Molar volume of gas

(b)Consider the equation below for dissociation of Suphuric acid

H2SO4(aq)→ 2H(aq)++ SO42-(aq)

From equation, how many ions are there in 9.8g of sulphuric acid?

  1. (a)Consider the following elements

16O8,19F9,20Ne1023Na1124Mg12. Atoms and ions of these elements can be 150-electronic (have same number of electrons)

  1. Write down their symbols when they are ISO-electrode
  2. Write down their common electronic arrangement in their ions and atoms

(b)Although Sulphur dioxide is an Oxide, It can be further Oxidized

  1. Write an equation and Condition for further Oxidation of sulphur dioxide
  2. Write down an equation showing how the product can be used industrially to obtain desired Materials to be produced.
  3. Give the name for this industrial process
  4. Write two uses of product formed by industrial process named in (iii) above

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answerany twoquestions from this section

  1. (a)Describe the extraction of sodium from its ore and Write all the reaction equation

(b) State four uses of sodium metal

  1. (a) Preventing rusting, you should prevent contamination of water and air with iron and steel, also to avoid using material made from iron or steel. State the method that can be used to prevent rusting on each of the following
  1. Iron sheet
  2. Bridge and pipes
  3. Ship
  4. Machine parts

(b) Fire extinguisher is used to stop fire. List five types of fire extinguishers

  1. (a)Briefly explain the following observation about a sample of hard water
  1. When boils it forms white precipitate
  2. After boiling, water forms a scum
  3. Sodium carbonate makes the water completely soft

(b) With the acid of chemical equation, briefly describe the following processes

  1. The removal of temporary hardness of water by boiling
  2. The removal of permanent hardness of water by chemical means








TIME: 2:30 HRS



  1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given
  1. A beaker containing solid carbon dioxide in placed in a fume chamber at room temperature. The carbon dioxide became gaseous. Which process describes this change of state?

  1. Boiling
  2. Evaporation
  3. Condensation
  4. Sublimation

  1. Which of the chemical reactions release energy in form of light and heat?

  1. Combustion
  2. Decomposition
  3. Displacement
  4. Neutralization
  5. Precipitation

  1. Laboratory Technician prepared a solution containing 26.5g of anhydrous carbonate is 5dm3 of solution and provided to form four students to calculate its morality. Which among the following will be the possible answer?

  1. 0.05
  2. 0.25
  3. 1.25
  4. 5.3
  5. 0.025

  1. In a blast furnace carbon monoxide is prepared by passing carbon dioxide over a red hot coke. What is chemical role of carbon dioxide?

  1. An accelerator
  2. An Oxidizing agent
  3. A reducing agent
  4. A catalyst
  5. Oxidized

  1. What volume of hydrogen gas will be produced when 1.3g of Zinc granules react completely with excess dil.H2SO4 at STP?

  1. 223cm3
  2. 130cm3
  3. 220cm3
  4. 440cm3
  5. 448cm3

  1. 10cm3 of 0.4M sodium Hydroxide are added to 40cm3 of 0.2MHcl. The resulting mixture will be

  1. Neutral
  2. Alkaline
  3. Dilute
  4. Acidic
  5. Amphoteric

  1. A metal nitrate which will not give a metal oxide on heating is

  1. Calcium nitrate
  2. Silver nitrate
  3. Lead nitrate
  4. Copper Nitrate
  5. Zinc Nitrate

  1. Which substance can be reduced when heated with carbon

  1. Aluminum
  2. Calcium Carbonate
  3. Iron II Oxide
  4. Magnesium Oxide
  5. Sodium Oxide

  1. What numbers of Faradays of Electricity is required to deposit 4g of calcium from molten calcium chloride?

  1. 0.1
  2. 0.2
  3. 0.4
  4. 0.3
  5. 0.7

  1. The reaction between hydrogen and iodine is represented by H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)?H= -xKj/Mol: The reaction is

  1. Endothermic reaction
  2. Neutralization reaction
  3. Displacement reaction
  4. Decomposition reaction

  1. Match item in LIST A with correct response from LIST B



  1. Methyl Orange indicator
  2. Calcium hydroxide
  3. PH2
  4. Neutralization reaction
  5. Sodium hydrogen sulphate
  1. Normal salt
  2. Concentrated base
  3. H+(eq) + OH-(eq) → H2O(i)
  4. Composition reaction
  5. Strong acid + weak base
  6. Slaked time
  7. Strong acid + Weak acid
  8. Acidic salt
  9. Concentrated acid
  10. Neutral salt

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions

  1. (a)iron is extracted from various Ores by reduction in the blast furnace
  1. What is the Chief ore from which iron is extracted?
  2. Write equation for the reductions of the ore in blast furnace
  3. Explain the role of the following substances in the blast furnace, Limestone, coke

(b) If 0.5g of hydrogen gas in exposed to air. What mass of water will be formed?

  1. Juma drew a periodic table and then put a shadow on the element with atomic number 8
  1. What type of chemical bond is found between atoms of element
  2. Compound X contains 24.24% carbon, 4.04% Hydrogen and 71.72% Chlorine. Given that, the vapour density of X is 49.5
  1. Calculate molecular formula of compound X
  2. Draw and Name the Open structural formula of compound X
  1. (a)Hydrogen gas can be prepared by passing steam over heated magnesium ribbon as shown below




  1. Write equation for reaction that produce hydrogen gas
  2. Explain why the delivery tube must be removed from beneath the water before heating is stopped
  3. Explain why sodium metal is not suitable for this experiment

(b)Explain the following Observation 

  1. The colour of aqueous Copper. II Sulphate fades when a place of Magnesium metal is dropped into the solution
  2. A piece of iron bar is coated with a brown substance when left in open on a rainy day
  1. (a) 30.0cmof aqueous sodium hydroxide containing 8.0g per litre of sodium hydroxide were completely neutralized by 0.294g of a dibasic acid. Determine the relative formula mass of dibasic acid (Na=23.0, O= 16.0,  H=1.0

(b)Element U has atomic number 12 while element V has atomic number 16. How do the melting points of their oxides compare. Explain

  1. Figure below shows part of periodic table. The letters do not represent actual symbols of elements





































(a)(i)Select element which belong to the same chemical family 

(ii) Write the formula of ions for elements in the same period

(b)The first ionization energies of two elements K and M at random are 577 Kjlmol and 494KJlmol

  1. Write the formula of the compound formed when L and I react
  2. Give one use of element V
  3. State another group that G can be placed in figure above
  4. How do reactivity of element J and K compare
  1. Distinguish between Temporary Hardness and Permanent Hardness of water basing on their ions
  2. Using equation show how each hardness can be removed
  3. Giving four reasons explain why people who use hard water can expect high cost than people using soft water.
  1. (a) Give good reason for the following
  1. Natural gas is popular in heating and cooking in homes
  2. Nuclear energy is not sustainable source of Energy

(b)State the main raw materials and process involved in manufacture of each of the following products 

  1. Wood charcoal
  2. Coke
  3. Lamp Black
  4. Animal charcoal
  1. (a)Explain the meaning of each of the following terms
  1. Reversible reaction
  2. Dynamic equilibrium

(b)The industrial Oxidation of sulphur dioxide is summarized in equation below

2SO3(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g) ?H=94.9 KJlmol

What will be the effect of each of the trioxide?

  1. Increase in moles of Sulphur dioxide
  2. Increase in Temperature
  3. Decrease of moles of Sulphur dioxide

(c)Give one good reason for the following

  1. Fruits ripe faster during summer than during winter
  2. Steel wire get rust faster than iron nails
  1. (a)State faradays laws of Electrolysis

(b)Dilute silver nitrate solution was decomposed by the passage of electric current through it. What mass of Silver and what volume of Oxygen measured at Stp would be liberated in electricity?












Time: 3 Hours 


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of thirteen (13) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in this paper
  3. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
  5. The following constants may be used

Atomic masses: 

H=1,  C=12,  O=16,  N=14,  Pb=108

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023

GMV at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3

1 Faraday = 96,500 coulombs 

Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg

Standard temperature = 273 K

1 litre = 1dm3 = 1000cm3


  1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given below

(i) The best chemical warning signs that should be put on bottles containing kerosene is ……….

  1. Corrosive
  2. Toxic
  3. Flammable
  4. Explosive
  5. Harmful

(vii) What volume of hydrogen gas will be produced when 1.3g of zinc granules react completely with excess dilute sulphuric acid at s.t.p?

  1. 223cm3
  2. 130cm3
  3. 220cm3
  4. 440cm3
  5. 448cm3

(x) The following reaction 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) → 4NO(g) + 6H2O (l) is an example of a

  1. Redox reaction
  2. Combination reaction
  3. Esterification
  4. Neutralization reaction
  5. Decomposition reaction.

(iv) 10cm3 of 0.4M Sodium Hydroxide are added to 40cm3of 0.2M hydrochloric acid. The resulting mixture will be

  1. Neutral 
  2. Alkaline 
  3. Dilute
  4.  Acidic
  5. Amphoteric

(viii) A metal nitrate which will not give a metal oxide on heating is:

  1. Calcium nitrate 
  2. Silver nitrate 
  3. Lead nitrate
  4. Copper nitrate
  5. Zinc nitrate

(ix) When nitrogen gas is formed covalently how many electrons are shared between nitrogen atoms.

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 6
  4. 5
  5. 4
  1. Which of the following substances represent a group of acid oxides?
  1. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide.
  2. Sulphur trioxide, Nitrogen dioxide and Nitrogen monoxide
  3. Carbon dioxide, Sulphur dioxide and dinitrogen oxide
  4. Sulphur trioxide, carbon dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide
  5. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide.
  1. The reason why white anhydrous copper (II) Sulphate turns blue when exposed in Atmosphere is that it
  1. Absorbs water vapour
  2. Reacts with oxygen
  3. Reacts with carbon dioxide
  4. Become dry
  5. Release water to the Atmosphere
  1. Which action should be taken immediately after concentrated sulphuric acid is spilled on the skin?
  1. It should be rinsed off with large quantities of running water.
  2. It should be neutralized with concentrated NaOH
  3. The affected area should be wrapped tightly and shown to a medical health provider
  4. It should be Neutralize with solid CaCO3
  5. It should be neutralized with concentrated KOH

(x) The following is an example of organic acid

  1. Hydrochloric acid
  2. Phosphoric acid citric acid
  3. Citric acid
  4. Nitric acid
  5. Carbonic acid
  1.  Match the item in LIST” A” with the correct response in LIST” B”



(i) Methyl orange indicator 

(ii) Calcium hydroxide 

(iii) pH 2

(iv) Neutralization reaction

(v) Sodium hydrogen sulphate

  1. Normal salt
  2. Concentrated base
  3. image
  4. Composition reaction
  5. Strong acid + weak base
  6. Slaked lime
  7. Strong base + weak acid
  8. Acidic salt
  9. Concentrated acid
  10. Neutral salt




  1. (a) If 0.5g of hydrogen gas are exploded in air, What is the mass of water formed?

(b) 2FeCl3(aq) + H2S(g) → 2FeCl2(aq) + 2HCl + S(s)

From above equation, calculate the mass of iron (II) Chloride formed by the excess of hydrogen sulphide gas on a solution containing 54.0g of iron (III) chloride.

  1. (a)Find the molarity of a sample of sulphuric acid containing 98% by weight H2SO4 and having a density of 1.63gcm-3.

(b)Find the concentration in molarity of 2.70g of Sodium carbonate dissolved in 250cm3

  1. 70.0cm3 of X2CO3 solution required 50.0cm3 of 0.2M HCI for complete neutralization.
  1. Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction.
  2. Calculate the concentration of X2CO3 in
  1. Molarity
  2. g/dm3
  1. If compound X2CO3 has molar mass equal to 106g, calculate the relative atomic mass of X.
  2. What is the name and symbol of elements X.
  3. Identify the period and group of element X.


  1. An electric current was passed in series through solutions of calcium chloride and copper (II) sulphate. Carbon electrodes were used in both electrolytes.

If 1.5 litres of chlorine measured at S.T.P were produced, what volume of oxygen would also be produced? What mass of copper was produced?


  1. Describe the industrial application of electrolysis.


  1. State whether the reaction:

will proceed forward or backward under these conditions:

  1. Pressure is increased,
  2. Temperature is lowered,
  3. More ammonia gas is removed,
  4. Hydrogen gas is reduced if other factors are maintained.


  1. (a)What is the source of the following in Haber process:
  1. Hydrogen
  2. Nitrogen

(b)What is the role of Silica gel in Haber process?

(c)Vanadium pentoxide is generally used as a catalyst in the contact process


(d) A catalyst can shift the position of a chemical equilibrium. Comment.


  1. The alternative energy sources for the future could be biogas, geothermal, nuclear, wave, tide, wind and hydroelectric comment.




  1. Enumerate four chief ores of iron.
  2. How is iron extracted from its ore?
  3. What is the role of the limestone in the extraction of iron?











Time: 3:00 Hours 


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of thirteen (13) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in this paper
  3. Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
  5. The following constants may be used
  • Atomic masses: H=1, C=12, O=16, N=14, Pb=108
  • Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023
  • GMV at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3
  • 1 Faraday = 96,500 coulombs
  • Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg
  • Standard temperature = 273 K
  • 1 litre = 1dm3 = 1000cm3

SECTION A (16 Marks)

1. For each of items (i) – (x), Choose the correct answer from among the given alternative beside item number in answer booklet provided

  1. The technician prefer to use blue flame in welding because
  1. It is bright and non-sooty
  2. It is light and Non-sooty
  3. It is very hot and large
  4. It is very hot and non-sooty
  1. One of the following is not correct about coke being a better fuel than coal as it is
  1. Does not produce carbon dioxide
  2. Does not produce poisonous gas
  3. Has higher heat content
  4. It is clean and smokeless
  1. An important property of Oxygen that differentiate it from other gases is
  1. Bum and support combustion
  2. Burn but does not Support combustion
  3. Neither bums nor Support Combustion
  4. Supports combustion but does not bum
  1. Hard water which can be softened by boiling method contains dissolved
  1. Calcium carbonate
  2. Calcium sulphate
  3. Magnesium Chloride
  4. Magnesium hydrogen carbonate
  1. The source of energy which when used can be made to be put into use again is known as
  1. Fuel
  2. Non-renewable energy
  3. Renewable energy
  4. Solar energy
  1. One Isotope of an element has atomic number A and a mass number M. how many neutrons are contained in nucleus of atom?
  1. M
  2. A
  3. A-M
  4. M-A
  1. The arrangement of electrons in the atomic number 15 may be represented as follows
  1. 2:5:8
  2. 2:8:5
  3. 2:5:2
  4. 8:2:5
  1. Which of these methods can remove both temporary and permanent Gardness of water?
  1. Using ion exchange chamber
  2. Boiling
  3. Using Calcium hydroxide
  4. Evaporation
  1. A weak acid is best described on
  1. An acid that does not ionize completely
  2. A dilute Acid
  3. An acid that is harmless
  4. An acid
  1. Which is not an advantage of biogas
  1. It is cheaper source of Energy
  2. Pollutes the environment
  3. It is renewable source of energy
  4. Creates employment to the youth

2. (a)Match the terms in List A with explanation on List B and write the answer on spaces provided.



  1. Efflorescent
  2. Delinquent
  3. Hydroscopic
  4. Drying agent
  5. Basicity of Acid
  6. Nitrogen Dioxide
  1. Salt used is soften
  2. Looses water into atmosphere
  3. Number of replaceable hydrogen ions
  4. Absorbs water to form solution
  5. Absorbs water but does not form solution
  6. Removes water from another substance
  7. A grown gas

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section


  1. How can the society minimize the section encountered in use of charcoal and fire wood?
  2. Briefly explain the concept of scientific procedure
  3. What is the importance of scientific procedure in daily life?

4. (a)Give the meaning of the following

  1. Basicity of an acid
  2. The pH scale

(b)Categorize the following salts

  1. PbSO4
  2. MgHSO4
  3. Zn(OH)Cl
  4. MgHCO3
  5. NH4HSO4
  6. Ba(NO3)2


  1. State Avogadro’s hypothesis
  2. 0.6g of gaseous fluoride is found is occupy 112cm3 at STP. Calculate the relative molecular mass of the fluoride
  3. 3.5g of hydrated salt, MSO4 x H2O was heated to a constant mass of 3.21g of hydrous salt of anhydrous salt. Calculate the value of (M=63.5, S=32, O= 16, H=1)

6. Soap solution of different amount of water are tested from four different sources and produces lather observed for 30 seconds. The three groups of water were untreated, Boiled and Treated by ion exchange. The results were as follows.




Passed though













Use above results to answer question that follow

  1. Which is hardest water sample? Why
  2. Which sample is like distilled water. Explain
  3. Which chemical substance might cause hardness is (i)Simple A sample B?
  4. Write an equation for reaction of removing hardness in sample C

7. (a) Define chemical equation and give two importance’s

(b) Write product and balance the following chemical equations

  1. AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) 
  2. Zn(s) + H2SO4 (aq) 
  3. MgCl2(aq) + AgNO3(aq) 
  4. ZnCO3(s) + HCl(aq)
  5. Na(s) + H2O(i)

8. (a)List down three(3) sources of Natural water

(b)Explain why water is Not used to extinguish classic E fires

(c)Give reason to Support the fact

  1. Water is Universal Solvent
  2. Oxygen is collected over water
  3. Oxy-hydrogen used in welding

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer Any two Questions

9. (a)Define molecular and Empirical formula

(b)A compound oxygen M is composed of 52.2% carbon, 13% hydrogen and the rest Oxygen. If molecular mars of M is 4

  1. Find empirical formula of the compound
  2. Find its molecular formula

10. With aid of diagram illustrate/Describe sit methods of separating mixtures

11. Most areas in Dar es Salaams have problem of water hardness which affect much of their life. As an expert explain how you can help them solve the problem








  1. This Paper Consists of Sections A,B nd C
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only one(1) question from section C
  3. Cellular phone and any unauthorized material are not allowed in examination room
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer sheet(s).
  5. The following constant may be useful
    • Atomic masses H=1, C=12, N=14,O=16,Na=23,Mg=24,S=32,Cu=64.
    • Avogadro’s number = 6.02 6.02 x 10 23
    • G.M.V at S.T.P = 22.4dm 3
    • 1Faraday = 96500coulombs
    • 1litre = 1dm3 = 1000cm 3


1. For each items (i)-(x) choose the correct answer among the given alternative and write the letter beside the item number in the booklet provided

(i) Which of the following is the agricultural product made by the application of chemistry?

  1. Yeast D. Pesticide
  2. Drug E. Cement
  3. Clothes

(ii) When methane undergo substitution reaction with excess chlorine .what is the end product

  1. Chloromethane D. Monochloromethane
  2. Dichloromethane E. Tetra chloromethane
  3. Dichloromethane

(iii) An element X is found in period 4; group II of the periodic table .if the element X Undergo the reaction X→X 2+ +2e - ; the electronic configuration of X ion formed will be A. 2: 8:6 B. 2:6 C. 2:8:4 D. 2:8:8:2 E. 2:8:8

(iv) A current of 0.2A was passed through an electrolyte for 16 minutes and 40 seconds .what is the quantity of electricity produced in coulombs.

A. 2000C B. 1000C C. 200C D. 0.2C E. 7686C

(v) Which carbonate is the most stable to heat?

  1. Calcium carbonate D. Zinc Carbonate C. Lead II carbonate E. Iron carbonate
  2. Copper II carbonate

(vi) Skin injury that cause a change in the colour of skin

  1. Bruises B. Bum C. Scalds D. Shock E. Suffocation

(vii) A good fuel is the one which has.

  1. High speed of continuous energy supply D. High carbon dioxide production
  2. High energy value supplied E. High content of non-combustible materials
  3. Low carbon dioxide production

(viii) The region of the atmosphere which contains the ozone layer is called

  1. Mesosphere D. Troposphere
  2. Stratosphere E. Metamosphere
  3. Atmosphere

(ix) Aluminum is said to be amphoteric oxide because

  1. It acts as an acid and also It acts as a base
  2. It acts as a neutral compound
  3. It acts as strong reducing agent
  4. It acts as a basic compound

(x) The main impurities in Nitrogen gas prepared in the laboratory are:-

  1. Water vopour D. Dust particles
  2. Oxygen E. Noble gases
  3. Carbondioxide

2. Match the item in LIST A with a correct response in LIST B by writing the letter of the response below the corresponding item in the table given 



(i) A gas that forms explosive mixture with air and water

(ii) A gas that forms a reddish brown fumes when comes in contact with air

(iii) A gas that turns lime water milky

(iv) A colorless gas that bleaches moist coloured flower

(v) Only basic gas

  1. Nitrogen monoxide gas
  2. Carbon-dioxide gas
  3. Carbonmonoxide gas  thiodne gas
  4. Chlorine gas
  5. Sulphur dioxide gas
  6. Ammonia gas
  7. Nitrogen gas
  8. Oxygen gas  
  9. Hydrogen gas
  10. Hydrogen sulphide gas


Answer All questions in this section

3. (a) A stone is said to be a good example of matter. Give two reasons to support this fact.

  1. Outline two significance of chemical symbols of an element.
  2. Explain by giving reasons why:
    1. Laboratory door open outwards
    2. Laboratory floor is rough and never polished
    3. Fume chamber is important in chemistry laboratory

4. (a) Identify the substances by using the following information.

  1. A solid is yellow when hot and white when cold
  2. A colorless gas turns a yellow acidified potassium dichromate paper to green
  3. When water is added to a white powder, the white powder changes to blue crystals
  1. With the aid of an equation in each case, explain what will be observed when
    1. Chlorine gas is bubbled through a solution of iron II chloride
    2. Hydrogen Chloride gas is passed through a jar containing ammonia gas.
    3. A piece of sodium metal is dipped into a beaker of water containing some red litmus paper
    4. Carbondioxide is blown into a test tube filled with lime water.

5. (a) outline three reasons to explain why Carbondioxide is used to extinguish fir

(b) A sample of mass 28.6g of hydrated sodium carbonate ( Na 2 CO 3 .10H 2 O) was heated such that; its water was entily absorbed by 32g of anhydrous copper II sulphate to form a blue compound of hydrated( CuSO 4 .XH 2 O) .find the value of X in the copper sulphate.

6.(a)A student aimed to prepared a gas X by reacting a moderate reactive metal with a dilute acid .use this information to answer the following question

  1. What is the name of the gas X
  2. What is the test of the gas X
  3. With reasons; state the appropriate method of collecting gas X
  4. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

(b) State four properties that make Aluminium useful in overhead cables

7. (a) Calculate the morality of 5% by weight of a solution of sodium hydroxide

(b) What is the simplest chemical formula of a compound formed when 36g of Magnesium combine with 14g of Nitrogen?

8.. (a) During electrolysis of an aqueous solution of salt of metal M , a current of 2.0A was passed for 32minutes and 10 second .the mass of metal M deposited was 2.24g.

  1. On which electrode was the metal deposited
  2. Calculate the amount of charge needed to deposit 1mole of metal M
  3. Calculate the charge carried on the ion
  4. Write an ionic equation to show how the ion of metal M are discharged at the electrode (R.A.M of metal M is 112)

(b)During electrolysis of brine .Sodium is deposited at the cathode and chlorine gas is released at the anode .if 2.0g of sodium are collected at the cathode .find the volume of chlorine released at S.T.P.

9. (a) State the le-chatelier’s principle

  1. State what will happen in the process of equilibrium involving the equation

2SO 2 (g) + O 2 (g) ?? 2SO 3 (g) ?H = -94.4KJMol -1 If

  1. Temperature is lowered
  2. Pressure is increased
  3. The concentration of SO 3 is removed from the system.

(c)Briefly write one application of le- chatelier’s principle.

9. (a) States any three main physical properties of water and show the usefulness of each property

(b)During large – scale treatment of water, what two chemical are added at various stage?. Explain their use.

10. (a) i. Extraction of metal is said to be reduction process. Explain

ii. Why Sodium is collected by upwards in the down cell?

(b) Describe the use of each of the following during extraction of sodium

  1. Calcium chloride
  2. Steel gauze
  1. Name the ores commonly used in the extraction of iron metal

11. (a)State the modern periodic law

(b)Study the periodic table below then answer the questions that follow.

Write the formula of compounds formed when element

  1. U and W combine together
  2. Q and W combine together

Draw and write electronic configuration of Y.

12. (a)Catherine is planning to make fire for cooking ugali for her family. What are necessary conditions which must be present so that she can make fire successfully for cooking ugali for her family?

(b)Give a reason for each of the followings

  1. Water is universal solvent
  2. Some metal like zinc do not get rust.
  3. Chlorine gas is collected by downward delivery
  4. Carbon dioxide turns lime water into milky colour.


Answer only one (1) question.

13. (a)Give good reason (s) for the following. (Answer according to the question demand).

  1. Natural gas is so popular in heating and cooking in homes. (2 points)
  2. Nuclear energy is not a sustainable source of energy. (2 points)
  3. Coal and petroleum are non-renewable sources. (1 point)

(b) State the main raw materials and process involved in the manufacture of each of the following products.

  1. Wood charcoal
  2. Coke
  3. Lamp black
  4. Animal charcoal

14. (a) 25cm 3 of 0.1MHCl were neutralized by 23cm 3 of Na 2 CO 3 solution. Calculate the concentration of the alkali in grams per litre.

(b)Suggest a suitable indicator of each of the following titrations

  1. Hydrochloric acid against ammonia solution
  2. Sulphuric acid against sodium hydroxide solution
  3. Ethanedioic acid against potassium hydroxide solution








Time:3 Hours SEPT, 2022


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fourteen (14)


  1. Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1)question from section C.
  2. Sections A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your name on every page of your answer sheets.
  5. The following constants may be used.

Atomic masses: H = 1, O = 16, C = 12, N = 14, Na = 23, Cl = 35.5, K = 39

Ca = 40

Avogadro’s number:

GMV at s.t.p =

1 Faraday = 96,500 coulombs.

Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg.

Standard temperature = 273 K.

1 litre ==

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answerall questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet.
  1. A Bunsen burner is a chief source of heat in the laboratory that produces both blue and yellow flames. Which one among the following heat sources produce a blue flame:

A: spirit lampB:gas stoveC:kerosene stove

D:candleE:hurricane lamp

  1. “Water is referred to as the universal solvent.What does this statement mean?

A: it is commonly known liquid

B:it exists in all three states of matter

C:it dissolves more substances than any other known liquid.

D:it is used for cooking, drinking and washing bodies and clothes

E:it is colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid

  1. Kiraka was suffering from stomach pain for the whole day. Which material among the following could be used to relieve his pain?

A:dilute hydrochloric acid B: cucumber C:lemon

D:tamarind E:blueberries

  1. Electronegativity increases from left to right across the period in the periodic table. In which group and period does the most electronegative element belong?

A:group I period 3B:group VII period 2 C:group I period 7

D: group VII period 1E:group VII period 3

  1. During sunny days, the water in ponds dry completely leaves ponds barely. Which process takes place in that season?



  1. The apparatus used to heat small amounts of solid substances within a gas jar is:

A:evaporating dishB:test tube holderC:deflagrating spoon

D:gas jarE:desiccator

  1. One of the following is a common component that causes reddish brown colour on some materials:

A:sodium metalB:alloyC:water vapour


  1. Kileo visited the forest at their village, and fortunately, he found some water in the pond mixed with some dust particles. Which simple method among the following he used to get pure drinking water?

A:fractional distillationB:filtrationC:condensation

D:crystallizationE:simple distillation

  1. Ammonium ion reacts with sulphate ion to form a compound. The oxidation state of ammonium ion in that compound is:


  1. Asha boils the water from the well using electric kettle;but the heating process takes long time. The substance that causes this problem is:


D:potassiumE:both A and C

  1. Match the items from list A with the correct responses in list B by writing the letter of the correct response in your answer sheets.

List A

List B

  1. The radical with valence of three.
  2. The elements with both metallic and non-metallic properties.
  3. The most reactive element in the electrochemical series.
  4. It is formed by the contribution of electrons.
  5. The elements which are incredibly stable and rarely reactive.

A:Electrovalent compound



D:Covalent compound


F:Noble gases


SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answerall questions in this section

  1. Element X found in group II period 4 chemically interacted with element Y found in group VII period 3 forming compound Z.

(a)(i)Write the actual names of element X, Y and compound Z.

(ii)What is the chemical combination involved in this interaction?

(b)(i)Draw the structure of the compound Z

(ii)Give two properties of compound Z.

  1. (a) Air is a homogeneous mixture of different gases in the atmosphere. Give

three reasons to support this statement.

(b)With the help of balanced chemical equation, explain what will happen to:

(i)A piece of iron bar left to the exposure.

(ii)Anhydrous copper (II) sulphate when put into the watch glass and placed

on the laboratory bench.

  1. (a) (i) Why chemical symbols are very important to chemist? Give three reasons

(ii)Write the symbols of phosphorous, fluorine, manganese and copper.

(b)Why some elements are assigned symbols with only one letter while

Others bear with two letters?

  1. A certain compound was found to have the following composition by mass: 24.24% carbon, 4.04% hydrogen and 71.72% chlorine.
  1. What is the simplest formula of the compound formed?
  2. Calculate the percentage composition by mass of water in magnesium

Chloride hexahydrate.

  1. (a) (i) Give two reasons why laboratory exists are advised to open outward?

(ii)Why laboratory safety precaution is very important?

(b)Categorize the following laboratory compounds into corrosive and flammable:

Sodium hydroxide, spirit, sulphuric acid, oil, aro and benzene

  1. (a) Differentiate molar mass of a substance from molar volume of gases.
  1. The Golden Boy conducted an experiment for the production of oxygen gas

bythermal decomposition of potassium chlorate. If he used 20g of potassium

chlorate, what volume of oxygen would be produced at s.t.p?

  1. (a) Briefly state two importance of balancing chemical equations.
  1. Silver nitrate was introduced into dilute hydrochloric acid to form


  1. Which type of chemical reaction took place?
  2. Write the net ionic equation for that reaction.
  1. (a) Give the names of the processes of making coke from coal and charcoal from


(b)(i)“Liquid fuel is more advantageous than solid fuel”. Give three points to

support this statement.

(ii)Write down the composition of water gas and producer gas.

  1. (a) A solution of sodium hydroxide was electrolysed using platinum electrodes.

Write the reactions which take place at the electrodes and give reason why

the solution becomes alkaline.

  1. What mass of zinc will be formed in electrolysis using a 15 amperes of

electricity for one and a half hours?

  1. Form three students at Tusomeni Secondary School performed an experiment for the neutralization of sodium hydroxide solution and hydrochloric acid. 25 of sodium hydroxide were exactly neutralized by 25 of 0.10M HCl.
  1. Calculate the concentration of sodium hydroxide in:
  1. mol/ (ii) g/
  1. What is the suitable indicator for:
  1. The above titration
  2. The titration of strong acid against strong base

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answerone (1) question in this section.

  1. Cutting down trees for firewood and charcoal causes major catastrophic effects to the environment. Using four points analyse these effects and suggest two alternative ways that can be used to minimize the energy loss encountered.
  2. Water has a property of dissolving some minerals that affect it permanently; as a result, it becomes very disadvantageous to many rural people. As a young chemist and one among these people, explain the four effects of using this water and suggest two ways of removing the effect.

Page1 of5








Time: 3 Hours


  1.    This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2.    Answer all questions in section A and and ONE (1) question from section C.
  3.    Section A and C carries 15 marks, while section B 70 marks
  4.    Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5.    Non programmable calculators may be used.
  6.    Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.    Where necessary the following constants may be used;

Atomic masses; H=1, C=12, N=14,O=16, Na=23, S,=32, Ca =40, Cl =35.5, Cu=64, Zn=65.

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023

GMV at s.t.p = 22.4dm3

1 faraday = 96,500 coulombs.

Standard temperature = 273K

Standard pressure = 760mmHg.

1 Litre = 1 dm3 = 1000cm3

 SECTION A ( 15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. Chemistry is a study of
  1.              The chemicals used in the laboratory
  2.               An experiment carries out in industries.
  3.               The composition , structure and properties of matter
  4.              All scientific processes.
  1. Hassan wants to grid the granules of a certain chemical to fine powder. The apparatus he will use include a.
  1.              Pestle and filter funnel
  2.               Round-bottomed flask and trough
  3.               Mortar and pestle.
  4.              Bunsen burner and filter paper.
  1. Which of the following is a physical change?
  1.              Milk left on the counter turns sour
  2.               Common salt dissolves complete in water
  3.               A forest fire burns all the trees
  4.              Fruits are fermented to produce wine
  1. When a substance is heated and change from solid directly to a vapor the process is called
  1.              Condensation
  2.               Dissolving
  3.               Sublimation
  4.              Melting
  1. Which of the following gases if mixed with Hydrogen produce a very hot flame of up to 3000oC.
  1.              Oxygen
  2.               Neon
  3.               Chlorine
  4.              Argon.


  1. An isotope of Cadmium has an atomic number of 48 and mass number of 112. This mean that the Cadmium atom has.
  1.              48 protons, 64 neutrons, 48 electrons
  2.               64 protons, 48 neutrons, 64 electrons
  3.               48 protons, 112 neutrons, 48 electrons
  4.              112 protons, 112 neutrons, 112 electrons
  1. The reaction between Silver nitrate and Sodium chloride to form Silver chloride and Sodium nitrate is an example of a ………………. Reaction.
  1.              Direct combination
  2.               Simple displacement
  3.               Double displacement
  4.              Decomposition.
  1. Which of the following pairs of oxide are gaseous at room temperature?
  1.              Carbon dioxide and copper (II) oxide
  2.               Sulphur dioxide and copper (II) oxide
  3.               Carbon dioxide and Sulphur dioxide
  4.              Copper (II) oxide and Iron (II) oxide
  1. Ammonium chloride reacts with sodium hydroxide solution on warming. The net ionic equation for the reaction is.
  1.              H+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l)
  2.               NH+(aq) + OH-(aq) → NH3(aq) + H2O(aq)
  3.               Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) → NaCl(aq)
  4.              2NH4+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) → NaCl(aq) + Cl(g) + H2(g)
  1. Which of the following is not a property of Hydrogen gas?
  1.              It support combustion
  2.               It is slightly soluble in water
  3.               It is less denser than air
  4.              It is colorless and odorless


2. The following are the matching items .Match the correct item in LIST B corresponding one from LIST A. Write the letter in answer sheet provided.



  1. Metalloids
  2. Periodicity
  3. Alkali metal
  4. Alkaline earth metals
  5. Transitional elements


  1.              The properties of elements are periodic function of their relative atomic masses.
  2.               The regular periodic changes of elements due to their atomic number.
  3.               The properties of an elements change systematically according to their atomic number.
  4.              The metallic elements in group I.
  5.               The metallic elements in group II.
  6.                Are the elements which element form colored compound.
  7.              The elements which tend to display both metallic and non-metallic characteristics.
  8.              The element in group VII
  9.                 Fluorine
  10.                 Sodium
  11.              The vertical column in the periodic table.
  12.               The horizontal column in the periodic table.
  13.             The elements which do not react to form compounds. 



SECTION B ( 70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1.                a) i. What is an air?

    ii. Is air a compound or mixture? Give four (4) reasons to support your answer.

b) State the methods of separating the following mixture. Give a reason to support your answer.

  1. Kerosene and water
  2. Muddy water
  3. Ethanol and milk.
  1.                a). Define the following terms
  1. First Aid
  2. First aid kit.

b) Give five (5) items found in the First aid kit and their uses.

c) What First aid do you give to a person who has fainted?

  1.                a) Differentiate between the following terms.
  1. Chemical reaction and chemical equation.
  2. Reactants and products
  3. Displacement reaction and Double displacement reaction.

b) Complete and balance the following reaction.

  1.              +                   → Mg(NO3) (aq) + Zn(s)


  1. Pb(NO3)2 (s) + Na2SO4 (aq) 


  1. Pb(NO3)2 (s)         Heat


  1.                a) Explain the meaning of the following terms.
  1. Mole
  2. Molarity

b) i. State the Avogadro’s law.

ii. Mention two (2) applications of Avogadro law

  1.                a) By using a well labeled diagram explain the preparation of oxygen using hydrogen peroxide.

b) List three chemical properties of oxygen.

  1.                a) Name the following compounds according to the IUPAC system of nomenclature
  1. Fe2(SO4)3
  2. KMnO4
  3. H2SO4

b) What is fuel? 

c) State four (4) the characteristics of good fuel.

  1.                a) Define
  1. Atom
  2. Isotopes

b) i. What is an electronic configuration? 

ii. Give three (3) applications of electronic configuration.

  1.             a) Distinguish between the following terms
  1. Corrosive and irritant
  2. Radioactive and explosive
  3. Solution and suspension

b) i. What is flame?

ii. Differentiate between luminous and non-luminous flame. Give four (4) points. 

  1.            a) Explain the meaning of the following terms
  1. Empirical formula
  2. Molecular formula
  1.                The compound of carbon and hydrogen has the empirical formula CH3. Find its molecular formula if its relative molecular mass is 30 (r.a.m carbon = 12).


  1.            a) State four (4) natural sources of water.

b) Explain four (4) economic importance of water.

SECTION C (  15 Marks)

Answer one (1) question from this section.


  1.            a) Explain the meaning of  each of the following terms
  1. Concentration of the substance
  2. Molar mass
  3. Stoichiometry

b) Calculate the number of moles in each of the following substances

  1. 1.064g of Magnesium nitrate
  2. 1.397g of Copper (II) sulphates
  3. 3.67dm3 of Sulphur dioxide at s.t.p

c) Calculate the number of ions present in 30g of Aluminum sulphates.

14.  With the aid of a chemical equation, describe how you would prepare pure solid sodium chloride by the action of an acid and a base.








Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE (1) question from section C.
  3. Section A and C carries 15 marks, while section B 70 marks
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Non programmable calculators may be used.
  6. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7. Where necessary the following constants may be used;

Atomic masses; H=1, C=12, N=14,O=16, Na=23, S,=32, Ca =40, Cl =35.5, Cu=64, Zn=65.

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023

GMV at s.t.p = 22.4dm3

1 faraday = 96,500 coulombs.

Standard temperature = 273K

Standard pressure = 760mmHg.

1 Litre = 1 dm3 = 1000cm3

 SECTION A (15 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

  1. For each of the items (i – x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the table provided
    1.      Kinetic nature of matter describe
  1. The shape of three states of matter
  2. The movement of particles in the three state of matter
  3.  The process of treating solid, liquid and gas
  4. Describe the meaning of matter
  5. Make up of matter


  1.  Nitrogen (III) oxide has a formula
  1. N2 O5
  2. NO3
  3. NO2
  4. NO3
  5. N3O2


  1.                           A pair of the following substances from a miscible liquid
  1. Paraffin and water
  2. Paraffin and benzene
  3. Water and glycerin
  4. Water and kerosene
  5. Water and milk


     (vi)        Which one of the following sets of elements is arranged in order to increase  

            electro negativity starting with the least one?

  1. Chlorine, fluorine, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon
  2. Fluorine, chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
  3. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine, fluorine
  4. Nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine, carbon, fluorine
  5. Nitrogen, oxygen,sodium, carbon, fluorine


  1. “Striking back” means
  1. Luminous flame
  2. Flame burning inside the barrel when the air hole is open
  3. Non-luminous flame
  4. Flame burning inside the barrel when the air hole is closed
  5. Excess gas
    1. Element Q of atomic number 15 is found in
  6. Group V and period 3
  7. Group I and period 2
  8. Group III and period 4
  9. Group IV and period 1
  10. Group 15 period 5


  1. Which of the following natural processes is not a chemical change?
  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Respiration
  3. Rain formation
  4. Corrosion of iron
  5. Souring of milk


  1.  This mixture of substances can extinguish fire
  1. Oxygen and nitrogen
  2. Carbon and sand
  3. Carbondioxide and hydrogen
  4. Carbondioxide and sand
  5. Hydrogen and oxygen


  1.   The physical test for oxygen is
  1. Support the burning splint
  2. Colourless, no smell and tasteless
  3. Produces “POP” sound
  4. Turns lime water blue
  5. Has sweet aroma


  1.        An element ‘A’ of element configuration 2:8:3 combines with an element ‘B’of configuration 2:6. The chemical formula of the compound is 
  1. B6 A3
  2. A3 B6
  3. A2 B3
  4. A3 B2
  5. B2A3




  1.  Match the item in list A with the responses in list B by writing the letter of the correct response in list the box below.

List A.

  1. Octet state
  2. Fossil fuels
  3. Rusting of iron
  4. Desiccators
  5. Solvent extraction

      List B.

  1. Hardening of oil
  2. Aqueous
  3. Full of eight electrons in the outermost shell
  4. Water and kerosene
  5. Inert state
  6.  Electronic configuration
  7. Coal, natural gas
  8. Used to obtain oil from groundnuts
  9. Potassium, sodium
  10. Enzymes
  11. For drying substance
  12.  Condensation
  13. Ionic equation
  14. Catalyst
  15. Chemical change
  16. Physical change




SECTION B (70 Marks) 

Answer all questions in this section

  1.  (a) Define the following terms:
    1. Fuel ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    2. Calorific value of a fuel ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    3. Energy value of a fuel ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) Give two examples of each of the following:

(i) Solid fuel ………………………………….., ……………………………..

(ii) Liquid fuel…………………………………..,……………………………...

(iii) Gaseous fuel ……………………………….., …………………………….

(c) Name four characteristics of a good fuel 

(i) ………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………

(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………..

(iv) ……………………………………………………………………………..


  1. (a) Water is said to be a compound. Verify this statement
    1. …………………………………………………………………………
    2. ………………………………………………………………………….
    3. ………………………………………………………………………….
    4. ………………………………………………………………………….


(b) Study the apparatus arranged below and answers the questions below.





  1. Name the apparatus labeled
  1. ……………………………………………………………………
  2. ……………………………………………………………………
  3. …………………………………………………………………..






  1. What is the function of the apparatus labeled E? …………………………………………………………………………
  2. What is the role of manganese (IV) oxide (MnO2) in the above experiment? ………………………………………………………………………......
  3. How can you test the presence of oxygen …………………………………………………………………………..
  4. What was the aim of the above experiment? …………………………………………………………………………..
  5. Write a balance chemical equation of the reaction which occurred in apparatus C above …………………………………………………………………………


  1. (a) (i) Define valence ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Write down the valence of the following elements: 

Magnesium …………………………………. Lithium ……………………………


(iii) Name the following radicals and state their valences








CO 32 -









SO2  4-



NO 3-




(b) Write the following compounds 

(i) Aluminium oxide ………………………………………………………………

(ii) Lead (II) nitrate ……………………………………………………………..…

(iii) Ammonium carbonate …………………………………………………………

(iv) Lead (II) sulphide ……………………………………………………………..

(v) Copper (II) hydroxide …………………………………………………………


  1. (a) Define:
    1. Empirical formula ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    2. Molecular formula ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(b) A certain gaseous compound contains 82.8% of carbon and 17.2% of hydrogen by mass. The vapour density of the compound is 29. Calculate its molecular formula (C = 12, H = 1)


  1. (a) By giving one example define the following terms
    1. Suspension ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    2. Electroplating ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    3. Galvanizing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    4. Element …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
    5. Matter ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(b) Give four uses of hydrogen gas 

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………….

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………

(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………..

(iv) ……………………………………………………………………………..


  1. (a) What do you understand by the term isotope? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) Chlorine has two isotopes of chlorine – 35 3517 Cl, which constitutes of 75% in the mixture and chlorine – 37 3717 Cl, which constitutes of 25%. Calculate the relative atomic mass of chlorine. 

 (c) One of the methods of preventing iron from rusting is sacrificial protection,   

                  why it is called so  ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

      9. (a) Give the meaning of the following terms 

     (i) Solution ……………………………………………………………………………..

     (ii) Emulsion …………………………………………………………………………… 


     (iii) Potable water ………………………………………………………………………


      (b) State the modern periodic table     


        (c) Name heat sources used in the laboratory 

        (i) ………………………………………………………………………………

        (ii) ……………………………………………………………………………..

        (iii) ……………………………………………………………………………

        (iv) …………………………………………………………………………… 


     10. (a) Show how the following change in the periodic table:

      (i) Electronegativity ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Ionization energy ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(iii) Atomic size ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(b) “Chemistry is the useless subject” Discuss the above statement with reasons



(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………..


(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………

      ………………………………………………………. ………………………………..

(iv) …………………………………………………………………………………………



11.      a) What is the hardness of water?

b)  Briefly explain types of hard of water.

c)   State the causes of hardness of water for each type mention in (b) above.

d)  Explain how you would remove the hardness of water according to its type.

e)  Give three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of the hard water.

12.   Balance the following equations: 

  (i)Ca + H3PO4→ Ca3(PO4)2 + H2

  1.                      Cu + HNO3 → Cu (NO3 )2 + NO2 +H20
  2.                      SnCi2+FeC13→SnC14+FeCI

13.     Give the name of the types of reaction represented by each of the following chemical equations.

  1.                      C3H8(g) +50,(0)→ 3CO2 + 4H20(1)
  2.                      2Pb (N 03),(,)→2Pb0(,) + 4NO2 +02(g)

(iii)Zn(s)+CuS04(aq) —>ZnSO4(aq) +CU(S)

14.     Complete the following equations and determine the type of chemical reaction involved in each case.

(i) Zn(s)+ H2SO4(aq)

(i) AgN 03(aq) + NaCl(aq)

(iii) N2(g) + H2(g) 











  1.                This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fourteen (14) questions.
  2.                Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C.
  3.                Sections A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks.
  4.                Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5.                Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).
  6.                The following constants may be used.

 H 1,    C = 12,  0=16,    N = 14,  Cu = 64,   Pb = 108.

                  A vogadros number = 6.02 x 1023.

GMV at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3.

1 Faraday = 96,500 coulombs.

Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg.

Standard temperature = 273 K.

1 litre = 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3.


SECTION A (20 Marks) 

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

 (i) Which of the following is an agricultural chemical products made by the application of chemistry?

  1.              Drugs           
  2.              Pesticides        
  3.              Clothes 
  4.              Yeasts 
  5.               Cement.

 (ii) A current of 0.2 A was passed through an electrolyte for 16 minutes and 40 seconds. What is the quantity of electricity produced in coulombs?

  1.               2000 C  
  2.              1000 C 
  3.               200 C 
  4.               0.20 C 
  5.                7686 C.

(iii) Substance X liberates chlorine gas from acidified potassium chloride. The behaviour of X is described as:

  1.   an oxidising agent    
  2.   an oxidising and reducing agent
  3.   catalyst   
  4.   a reducing agent
  5.   bleaching agent.

(iv) Which carbonate is the most stable to heat?

  1.               Calcium carbonate   
  2.               Copper (II) carbonate
  3.               Lead (II) carbonate 
  4.               Zinc carbonate 
  5.               .Iron (II) carbonate.

(v)  Aluminium does not react with water and does not corrode much in air because

  1.               it is below hydrogen in the reactivity series
  2.               it forms a stable carbonate which prevents reactions
  3.               the metal is covered with a protective coating of an oxide 
  4.               aluminium ions have positive charges
  5.                it is very stable.

(vi) Which of the following compounds does NOT belong to the alkenes homologous series?

  1.               C2H4 
  2.               C3H6  
  3.               C4H 8 
  4.               C5H10 
  5.                C6H 14.

(vii) In the following equilibrium equation, 2S02(g) +O2(g) 2S03 The forward reaction is exothermic. Which change would increase the production of sulphur trioxide at equilibrium?

  1.               Increasing temperature
  2.               Decreasing temperature
  3.               Decreasing sulphur trioxide concentration 
  4.              Decreasing pressure 
  5.               Adding a catalyst.

(viii) When a burning fuel produces blue color it means there is

  1.    adequate supply of oxygen with production of soot.
  2.     inadequate supply of oxygen without production of soot. 
  3.     inadequate supply of oxygen with production of soot.
  4.     adequate supply of oxygen with production of less heat.
  5.      adequate supply of oxygen with production of more heat.

(ix)  Which of the following equations represents the combustion of methane with the products collected at 120oC?

  1.               CH4(l) +2O2(g) →CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
  2.               CH4(g) +2O2(l) →CO2(s) + 2H2O(l)
  3.               CH4(g) +2O2(g) →CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
  4.               CH4(l) +2O2(l) →CO2(l) + 2H2O(g)
  5.                CH4(l) +2O2(g) →CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)

   (x) Which of these can be reduced when heated with carbon?

  1.               Aluminium  
  2.              Calcium carbonate
  3.              Iron (III) oxide 
  4.              Magnesium oxide 
  5.                Sodium oxide.


2.   Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct            

List A

List B

  1.  A gas with pungent choking smell and forms misty.
  2.   A compound used in domestic water - softening.
  3.  The hardest allotrope of carbon.
  4.  A gas which turns lime-water milky.
  5.  A substance which is amorphous form of carbon.
  1.               Carbon dioxide
  2.               Carboxylic acids
  3.               Iron (III) oxide
  4.               Nitrogen
  5.                Diamond
  6.                Sodium carbonate
  7.               Hydrogen chloride
  8.               Sulphur
  9.                  Graphite 
  10.                 Ethanol
  11.               Chlorine
  12.                Calcium
  13.             Ammonia gas
  14.               Plastic sulphur
  15.               Coke

SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. (a) Define the following terms: 

  1. Neutralization.
  2. Unsaturated solution.
  3. Thermal decomposition.

(b) State three main physical properties of water and show the usefulness of each property.

(c)   State three industrial application of electrolysis.


4.   (a) Copper obtained from copper pyrites (CuFeS2) is impure for electrical wiring and has to be purified by electrolysis.

(i) Name the electrolyte and the electrodes used during electrolysis. 

(ii) Write the observations that can be made during the electrolysis.

(b) The following flow diagram shows the stages in the contact process

 (i)     Give the names of element A, catalyst B and an acid C.

 (ii)  Write  a balanced chemical equation for the formation of sulphur trioxide in stage 2

5. (a) Suggest one method of separating each of the following:

(i)             Green solution from leaves. 

(ii)      Alcohol from water.

 (b)   Elements K, L, M and N have atomic numbers 6, 8, 9 and 20 respectively. Classify each element into its respective period and group.

6.  (a) Give one example in each of the following:

 (i) Alkali earth metals.

(ii)  Noblegases .

(iii) Transition elements.

(b) Write the names of the following processes of changing matter from one state to another.

(i) Gas to liquid. 

(ii) Ga s to solid. 

(iii) Solid t o gas .

7 (a) Define the following:

   ( i ) Mole .

 ( i i ) Molarmass .

(b) 112 dm3 of oxygen gas was collected at s.t.p when a sample of lead nitrate was completely decomposed by heat. Calculate the volume of nitrogen dioxide gas produced.

8. (a)   Identify and state the environmental problem caused by the gas which is released from the blast furnace in the extraction of iron from its oxide.

(b)  The following equation shows the reaction between hydrogen and iodine gas to form hydrogen iodide gas,H2(g)  + I2(g)  ↔ 2HI (g) ?H= -800Kj/mol.                   Giving a reason, explain what would happen to the position of equilibrium if 

(i) temperature is lowered.

(ii) hydrogen iodide gas is pumped into the system.

9.  (a) Name two elements which are expected to show similar chemical reaction with magnesium. What is the basis for your choice?

(b) State the main raw material and the process involved in the manufacture of the following products.

  1. Wood charcoal
  2. Coke
  3. Lampblack.


(c) (i) Name the compound which causes temporary hardness of water and the compound which causes permanent hardness of water.

(ii) Write one balanced chemical equation in each case to show how to remove temporary and permanent hardness of water.

10. (a) Suggest one best method for separating each of the following mixtures:

(i)  Common salt and water

(ii) Iodine and sand.

(iii) Pieces of iron and sand.

 (b) Carbon dioxide can be prepared by adding an acid to calcium carbonate.

(i) Using a named acid, write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. (ii) Name all the products formed in (b) (i).

 11 . ( a ) With the aid of a chemical equation, describe how you would prepare pure solid sodium chloride by the action of an acid and a base.

  (b) (i) Why petroleum and coal are non-renewable sources of energy?

(ii) Give three alternatives to non-renewable sources of energy. 

 12. Three moles of nitrogen gas combine with five moles of hydrogen gas to form ammonium gas by Haber process.

  1.                 Which reactant is present in smaller amount?
  2.                 Calculate the grams of the reactant left in the container.
  3.                 How many moles of NH3 are produced?
  4.                 How many litres of NH3 are produced at STP?


SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer one (1) question in this section.

13.(a) Give three advantages of using chemical equations over word equations.

(b) You are provided with a compound composed of 22.2% zinc, 11.6% sulphur, 22.3% oxygen, and the rest percentage is water of crystallization. Calculate the molecular formula of the compound if its molecular mass is 283.

14. Explain six measures for minimizing the environmental degradation caused by extraction of metals in Tanzania.








Time: 3Hours


  1.              This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2.              Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE (1) question from section C.
  3.              Section A and C carries 15 marks, while section B 70 marks
  4.              Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5.              Non programmable calculators may be used.
  6.              Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.              Where necessary the following constants may be used;

Atomic masses; H=1, C=12, N=14,O=16, Na=23, S,=32, Ca =40, Cl =35.5, Cu=64, Zn=65.

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023

GMV at s.t.p = 22.4dm3

1 faraday = 96,500 coulombs.

Standard temperature = 273K

Standard pressure = 760mmHg.

1 Litre = 1 dm3 = 1000cm3

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i)Why oxygen differs from other gases?

  1. It neither burns nor support combustion.
  2. It supports combustion but does not burn.
  3. It burns but does not support combustion.
  4. It burns and supports combustion.
  5. It explodes and support combustion.

(ii)  Why is hydrogen gas collected over water and by upward delivery method?

  1. It is insoluble in water and less denser than air.
  2. It is soluble in water and denser than air.
  3. It is insoluble in water and denser than air.
  4. It is soluble in water and less denser than air.
  5. It is soluble in both water and air.

(iii) The following are the uses of chromatography except:

  1. to analyse blood in crime scenes.
  2. to detect different fibres.
  3. to detect water pollution.
  4. to bleach dye/colour.
  5. to test purity of organic substances.

(iv) Which statement is the most correct about chemistry laboratory?

  1. Is a special room designed for conducting chemical tests.
  2. Is a special room designed for science practicals.
  3. Is a special room designed for keeping apparatuses. 
  4. Is a special room where data analysis is carried out.
  5. Is a special room where students learn chemistry.

(v) Which carbonate is the most stable to heat?

  1.   Calcium carbonate   
  2.   Copper (II) carbonate
  3.   Lead (II) carbonate 
  4.   Zinc carbonate 
  5.   .Iron (II) carbonate.

(vi) In the following equilibrium equation, 2S02(g) +O2(g) 2S03 The forward reaction is exothermic. Which change would increase the production of sulphur trioxide at equilibrium?

  1.                      Increasing temperature
  2.                      Decreasing temperature
  3.                      Decreasing sulphur trioxide concentration 
  4.                     Decreasing pressure 
  5.                      Adding a catalyst.

   (vii) Which of these can be reduced when heated with carbon?

  1.  Aluminium  
  2. Calcium carbonate
  3. Iron (III) oxide 
  4. Magnesium oxide 
  5.  Sodium oxide.

(viii)   Which of the following is the electronic configuration of an element Y found in period 3 and group II of the periodic table?

  1.  2:8 
  2.  2:8:2    
  3.  2:6
  4. 2:8:8:2   
  5. 2:8:4 

(ix) Which of the following is NOT among the composition of air?

  1. Noble gases 
  2. Carbon dioxide 
  3. Nitrogen 
  4. Hydrogen 
  5. Water vapour.

(x)  If a stead current of 2 amperes was passed through an aqueous solution of iron (II) sulphate for 15 minutes, then the mass of iron deposited at the cathode will be:

  1. 54 g.
  2. 56 g.
  3. 0.54 g.
  4. 28 g.
  5. 0.52 g.

2.  Match the items in List A which the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. Its nitrate decomposes to the metal, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. 
  2. Its chloride is used as a drying agent for most gases.
  3. Its carbonate is used to remove hardness of water.
  4. Has maximum valency of five.
  5. Burn with a lilac color flame.
  1. Copper
  2. Sodium
  3. Potassium
  4. Calcium
  5. Phosphorous
  6. Silver
  7. lead

SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. An atom of element X having atomic number 11 combines with an atom of element Y haying atomic number 9 to form a compound.

(a) Write the formula of the compound and state the type of bond formed in the compound.

(b) Give four properties of the compound formed in 7(a).            (7 marks)


  • Soluble in water
  • High melting and boiling point
  • Contact electricity in molten state
  • Consists of ionic structure.

4. Explain how to handle chemicals having the warning signs of flammable, corrosive, harmful, explosive and toxic in the laboratory.

5.   (a) Copper obtained from copper pyrites (CuFeS2) is impure for electrical wiring and has to be purified by electrolysis.

(i) Name the electrolyte and the electrodes used during electrolysis. 

(ii) Write the observations that can be made during the electrolysis.

(b) The following flow diagram shows the stages in the contact process 

 (i)     Give the names of element A, catalyst B and an acid C.

 (ii)  Write  a balanced chemical equation for the formation of sulphur trioxide in stage 2

6. (a) Copper can be obtained from the ore, copper pyrites (CuFeS2). The ore is heated in a limited amount of air giving the following reaction:

 4CuFeS2 + 11O 2 ? 4Cu + 2Fe 2 O 3 + 8SO2 .

(i) Calculate the maximum mass of copper that can be obtained from 367 kg of copper pyrites.

(ii) State why the gaseous product from this reaction must not be allowed to escape into the atmosphere.

(b)   State three industrial application of electrolysis.

7. A student attempted to prepare hydrogen gas by reacting zinc metal with dilute sulphuric acid. In this experiment zinc metal granules of about 0.5 cm diameter and 0.20 moles of acid were used.

The rate of formation of hydrogen gas was found to be slow.

(a)Explain three ways in which the rate of formation of hydrogen gas could be increased.

(b)If the student wanted 36 cm3  of hydrogen gas at s.t.p, what amount of the acid would be required.

8.  (a) 20 cm3 of a solution containing 7 g dm-3 of sodium hydroxide were exactly neutralized by 25 cm3 of 0.10 M hydrochloric acid. Calculate the concentration of sodium hydroxide in moles per dm3.

(b)  Give two examples in each of the following solution.

(i)  Gaseous solution.

(ii) Solid solution.

9. The flow chart in Figure 3 shows the process of obtaining a sample of nitrogen gas. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify X (I mark)

(b) Write an equation for the reaction with heated copper turnings. (1 mark)

(c) Name an impurity in the sample of nitrogen gas. ( I mark)

10. (a) Name two ores in which sodium occurs.

(b) During extraction of sodium using the down's process, calcium chloride is added to the ore. Give a reason for the addition of calcium chloride. (1 mark)

(c) State two uses of sodium. ( I mark)

11. Figure 3 shows the apparatus used to burn hydrogen in air. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

State the role of substance X.

(ii) Give the name of the substance that could be used as X. (1 mark)

(iii) State the role of the suction pump. (1 mark)

(iv) Name the product Y formed. (1 mark)

(v) Give a simple physical test to prove the identity of Y. (1 mark)

(vi) State the difference between 'dry' and 'anhydrous'. (2 marks)

12. (a) Consider elements with atomic number 1, 11, 12 and 17.

(i) What are the types of oxides formed by elements with atomic number 11 and 12?

(ii)  Write an equation which represents a reaction between the element with atomic number 1 and 17.

(iii) Write a balanced chemical equation between the oxide of the element with atomic number 11 and aqueous solution of the compound formed in 4 (a) (ii).

 (b) Suggest one method for the separation of each of the following:

(i) Iodine and sand.

(ii) Green solution from leaves.

(iii) Alcohol and water.

(iv)  Iron fillings and powdered calcium carbonate.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer one (1) question in this section.

13.  25 cm3 of 0.1 M HCl were neutralized by 23 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution. Calculate the concentration of the alkali in grams per litre.

14. Describe four common stages for the extraction of metals. Does the extraction of gold follow all four stages? Give reasons.








Time: 3Hours


  1.            This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2.            Answer all questions in section A and B and ONE (1) question from section C.
  3.            Section A and C carries 15 marks, while section B 70 marks
  4.            Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5.            Non programmable calculators may be used.
  6.            Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7.            Where necessary the following constants may be used;

Atomic masses; H=1, C=12, N=14,O=16, Na=23, S,=32, Ca =40, Cl =35.5, Cu=64, Zn=65.

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023

GMV at s.t.p = 22.4dm3

1 faraday = 96,500 coulombs.

Standard temperature = 273K

Standard pressure = 760mmHg.

1 Litre = 1 dm3 = 1000cm3

 SECTION A (20 Marks)

 Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. 1.4 g of potassium hydroxide is dissolved in water to form 250 cm3 of solution. What is the molarity of this solution?
  1.  0.01 M
  2.  0.1 M
  3.  1.4 M
  4.  5.6 M
  5.  6.0 M
  1. In the blast furnace carbon monoxide is prepared by passing carbon dioxide over a red­hot coke. Carbon dioxide is
  1.  an accelerator
  2.  an oxidizing agent
  3.  a reducing agent
  4.  a catalyst
  5.  oxidized.
  1.                     A catalyst can be described as a substance 
  1. that alters the rate of reaction
  2.  that slows down the rate of reaction
  3.  used in every reaction so as to speed up rate of reaction
  4.  that starts and speeds up the rate of reaction
  5.  that terminates chemical reaction.

 (iv) A covalent bond is formed when

  1.  a metal combines with a non­metal
  2.  potassium and oxygen combine
  3.  ammonia is formed
  4.  two metals combine
  5.  atom looses an electron.

 (v) A solvent can be obtained from a solution by

  1.  evaporation followed by decantation
  2.  filtration and condensation
  3.  evaporation and filtration
  4.  evaporation and condensation
  5.  crystallization followed by sublimation.

 (vi) Aqueous sugar solution is a poor conductor of electricity because

  1.  water and sugar are covalent compounds
  2.  water is a non­electrolyte
  3.  sugar is a non­electrolyte
  4.  sugar is covalent when in liquid form
  5.  sugar dissolves completely in water.

 (vii)  In order to produce the greatest amount of hydrogen in a short time, one gram of magnesium ribbon should react with

  1. 10 cm3 of 0.5 M sulphuric acid
  2. 40 cm3 of 0.5 M acetic acid solution
  3. 40 cm3 of 0.5 M sulphuric acid solution
  4. 20 cm3 of 1 M sulphuric acid solution
  5. 20 cm3 of 1 M acetic acid solution.

 (viii)  Fractional distillation process of a mixture of water and ethanol is possible because

  1. water and ethanol have the same boiling point
  2. water has lower boiling point than ethanol
  3. ethanol has lower boiling point than water
  4. water and ethanol form partially immiscible liquid solution
  5. water and ethanol are immiscible liquids.

 (ix)  Which of the following substances represent a group of acidic oxides?

  1. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide
  2. Sulphur trioxide, nitrogen dioxide and nnitrogen monoxide
  3. Carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and dinitrogen oxide
  4. Sulphur trioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide
  5. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide.

 (x)  What will the molarity of a solution which contains 26.5 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in 5 dm3 of solution?

  1. 0.05 M
  2. 0.25 M
  3. 5.30 M
  4. 0.025 M
  5. 0.50 M

2. Match the items in LIST A with the responses in LISTB by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. A gas that explodes when flame is applied in presence of air.
  2. An element with atomic number 40.
  3.                     A gas prepared in laboratory by isolation of air.
  4.                      An element with electronic configuration of 2:8
  5. An element used in making jewelers.
  1. Mercury
  2. Diamond
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Zinc
  5. Sodium
  6. Calcium.
  7. Neon
  8. Argon
  9. Nitrogen.

SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. Hydrogen has can be prepared by passing steam over heated magnesium ribbon as shown in the figure 2.

(a) Write an equation for the reaction that produces hydrogen gas. 

(b) Explain why the delivery tube must be removed from beneath the water before heating is stopped. 

(c) Explain why sodium metal is not suitable for this experiment. 

4. A solution contains 40.3g of substance XOH per litre .250.0cm3of this solution required 30.0cm3 of 0.3M sulphuric(VI)acid for complete neutralisation.

(a) Calculate the number of moles of XOH that reacted. 

(b) Determine the relative atomic mass of X. 

5. (a) Explain the following observations:

(i) The colour of aqueous copper(ii) sulphate fades when a piece of magnesium metal is dropped into the solution. 

(ii) A piece of iron bar is coated with a brown substance when left in the open on a rainy day. 

6. A mass of 1.24g of a divalent metal was deposited when a current of 6A was passed through a solution of a metal sulphate for 12 minutes.Determine the relative atomic mass of the metal( Faraday = 96,500 C mol-1

(d) State two application s of electrolysis. 

7. 30.0 cm3 of aqueous sodium hydroxide containing 8.0 g per litre of sodium hydroxide were completely neutralised by 0.294 g of a dibasic acid. Determine the relative formula mass of the dibasic acid. (Na = 23.0 ; O = 16.0 ; H 1.0) 

8(a). Using iron filings, describe an experiment that can be conducted to show that oxygen is present in air. 

(b)  Element U has atomic number 12 while element V has atomic number 16. How do the melting points of their oxides compare? Explain. (3 marks)

9. (a) Name two ores of iron. 

(b) Describe how the amount of iron in a sample of iron(III) oxide can be determined.

10.(a) Give three advantages of using chemical equations over word equations.

(b) You are provided with a compound composed of 22.2% zinc, 11.6% sulphur, 22.3% oxygen, and the rest percentage is water of crystallization. Calculate the molecular formula of the compound if its molecular mass is 283.

11.(a) (i) Name the compound which causes temporary hardness of water and the compound which causes permanent hardness of water.

(ii) Write one balanced chemical equation in each case to show how to remove temporary and permanent hardness of water.

(b) State four steps employed in the extraction of moderate reactive metals.

12.(a) Giving three reasons, explain why air is said to be a mixture of gases.

 (b) (i) People suffering from heart burn usually use wood ashes for relief. Mention characteristic which makes the ashes to be used for heart burn relief.

 (ii)Give four compounds found in laboratories which show the same characteristics as ashes.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer one (1) question in this section.

13. Describe four common stages for the extraction of metals. Does the extraction of gold follow all four stages? Give reasons.

14. Read the following information carefully then answer questions that follow: 25 cm3 of potassium hydroxide were placed in a flask and a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added. Dilute hydrochloric acid was added until the indicator changed colour. It was found that 21 cm3 of acid were used.

(b) (i) What piece of apparatus should be used to measure out accurately 25 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution?

(ii) What colour was the solution in the flask at the start of the titration?

(iii) What colour did it turn when the alkali had been neutralized? 

(c) (i) Was the acid more concentrated or less concentrated than the alkali? Give reasons for your answer.

(ii) Name the salt formed in the neutralization.

(iii) Write an equation for the reaction. 

(d) Utilizing the given information describe how you can obtain pure crystals of the salt. 









Time: 3Hours


  1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of 14 questions
  2. Answer all questions in section A and and ONE (1) question from section C.
  3. Section A and C carries 15 marks, while section B 70 marks 
  4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  5. Non programmable calculators may be used.
  6. Write your number on every page of your answer booklet.
  7. Where necessary the following constants may be used;

Atomic masses; H=1, C=12, N=14,O=16, Na=23, S,=32, Ca =40, Cl =35.5, Cu=64, Zn=65.

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023

GMV at s.t.p = 22.4dm3

1 faraday = 96,500 coulombs.

Standard temperature = 273K

Standard pressure = 760mmHg.

1 Litre = 1 dm3 = 1000cm3

                       SECTION A (20 Marks)

                       Answer All questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i)-(xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

  1. The region around the nucleus of an atom where electrons are found is called:-
  1. Shell (orbits or energy levels)
  2. Solar or Lunar eclipse                                
  3. Ozone layer
  4. Outer most shell.
  1. The following is a chemical property of oxygen.
  1. It burns completely when exposed and produce a “pop sound”.
  2. It supports combustion .                            
  3. It produces unpleasant smell
  4. It reacts with vapour to form carbon dioxide gas.
  1. _________ is one of the use of hydrogen 
  1. it is used by mountain climbers
  2. it is used in painting
  3. it is used in manufacturing of ammonia       
  4. it is used for breathing.
  1. A special catalyst used in the laboratory preparation of oxygen gas by using potassium chlorate (KClO3) is:-
  1. Manganese (IV) oxide
  2. Zinc granules                                                 
  3. Anhydrous copper (II) sulphate
  4. Gas jar
  1. Which of the following chemical species have the same number of electrons?
  1. Cl, Be and O2-
  2. K+, Ca2+, Cl-  
  3. O2-, Ca2+ and  Ar                                     
  4. Na+, Mg2+, Be2+ and Li.
  1. Match each item in list A with response in list B by writing its correct letter to the number of the corresponding item in the table provided below.




  1. Chemical test for oxygen
  2. A substance which alters the rate of chemical reaction but itself remains chemically not changed at the end of the reaction.
  3. Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed
  4. Forces holding the opposite charged ions
  5. Combining capacity of element
  1. Ionic bond 
  2. Ionic equation
  3. Chemical composition
  4. Potassium chlorate (KClO3)
  5. Catalyst
  6. Dalton’s atomic theory
  7. Three (3) sub atomic particles called protons, neutrons and electrons.
  8. Valence
  9. It produces a “pop sound” when a burning splint is dipped in a gas jar containing it.
  10. It re- lights a wooden glowing splint. 
















  1. (a) use the following information about elements  P,Q,R,S and T shown in the table below to answer the questions that follows.


Atomic number

Atomic mass

















  1. Write down the electronic configuration of elements: P,Q,R,S       and T.






Electronic configuration






  1. How many neutrons are present in element T?




(b) Write the chemical symbols for the following elements:-

(i) Magnesium________ (ii) Tin _______(iii) chromine_____    (iv) Lead______


(c ) For each of the following chemical symbols of elements write its corresponding chemical name:-

  1. Si______________        (ii) Cu____________       (iii) Mn_____________
  1. The figure below is part of the periodic table which includes  the first 20 elements. Study it carefully and answer the question that follows.




























Transitional elements









 For each number write the chemical symbol of the corresponding element




















  1. Write the formula which represents a compound formed between an element with atomic number 1 and element with atomic number 17. ___________
  2. Considering the elements with atomic number 12 and 17, which is a metal and which is a non – metal?

Atomic number






  1. Write the number which represent an element with a property of burning in oxygen to form waters________________________
  2. Write the number which represent and element with inert property._________


  1. (a) Define the following
  1. Empirical formula
  2. Molecular formula 

(b) 0.7g of nitrogen combines with 1.6g of oxygen to form a nitrogen oxide. Given the molecular mass of a compound is 92.

Calculate: (i) The empirical formula

       (ii)The molecular formula

            (Use atomic masses  N= 14, O= 16). 

  1.  (a) (i) What is water?______________________________________________

              (ii Write a chemical formula for water_______________

  1. Outline three (3) uses of water ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(b) (i) What is a fuel?_____________________________________________

(ii) Give two examples for each of the following categories of fuels in terms of their states of matter

Solid fuels_____________________________________________________

Liquid fuels_____________________________________________________

Gaseous fuels__________________________________________________


6. (a) Define the term a chemical equation. 

(b) Write down components of a chemical equations list only three (3). 

(c) Balancing the following chemical equations;

  1. Al(NO3)3(aq) + 3NaOH(aq)                      Al(OH)3(s) + NaNO3(aq) 
  2. Ba(NO3)2(aq) + (NH4)2SO4(aq)                   BaSO4(s) + NH4NO3(aq)
  3. CaCl2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq)                      NaCl(aq) + CaCO3(s) 
  4. Zn(NO3)2(aq) + Na2S(aq)                    NaNO3(aq) + ZnS(s)  
  5. Na2CO3(aq) + HNO3(aq)                    NaNO3(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

7. (a) Give the IUPAC names for each of the following compounds:-

  1. Cu2O______________________(ii)Na2SO4_________________________________
  2. Fe2O3__________________________

(b) Calculate the oxidation number of underlined elements:-

(i) CO2-            (ii) HCO3                                          (iii) KClO3


(c) Write the electronic configuration of Cl-  and hence draw its electronic diagram.

8. Explain the meaning of each of the following types of chemical reactions and support your explanation with the help of a relevant chemical equation.

  1. Synthesis (combination) reaction
  2. Decomposition reaction
  3. Precipitation reaction
  4. Single displacement reaction
  5. Neutralization reaction 
  1. Soap solution of different amount of water are tested from four different sources and produces lather observed for 30 seconds. The three groups of waster were the untreated; boiled and treated by ion exchange. The results are as follows;



Volume of soap (cm3) used for water that was



Passed through ion exchanger


















                Use the above results to answer the following questions; 

  1. Which is the hardest water sample? Why? 
  2. Which sample is like distilled water? Explain. 
  3. Which chemical substance might be the cause of hardness in (i) Sample A   (ii) Sample B? 
  4. Write an equation for the reaction of removing hardness in sample C. 

10. (i) Define the following terms;

  1. Soft water 
  2. Hard water 
  3. Permanent hardness of water 
  4. Temporary hardness of water 

(ii) Explain why the ability of temporary hard water to conduct electricity falls when the water is boiled but does not fall when temporary hardness is removed by addition of washing soda.

 11. Give a brief account to the following 

  1. Why does water note have any effect on litmus paper?
  2. (i) What would happen to a well stoppered   bottle full of water left in a deep freezer over the night? Why does this happen?

(ii) Why is iron not usually recommended in the construction of steam pipes and boilers.

  1. (i)  Name two compounds which may cause temporary hardness of water and two   ions which largely cause permanent hardness of water.

      (ii) Write one balanced chemical equation which shows how temporary hardness can be removed by boiling. Also write  one balanced equation which shows how sodium carbonate can be used to remove permanent hardness of water.

12. (a) Define the following words:-

  1. Deliquescence
  2. Efflorescence

(b) Give at least three (3) uses of salts

(c ) When zinc granules and dilute sulphuric acid are reacted together, gas M is produced. The gas produced is collected by downward displacement of water. Use this information to answer the questions below:-

  1. Name the gas M
  2. How is gas M tested?
  3. Why is a the gas collected by down ward displacement of water?


SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer one question in this section.


13. For each of the following write equations for the reactions that would take place.

  1. Action of heat on Sodium nitrate, Lead (II) nitrate and mercury (II) Nitrate.
  2. Action of heat on sodium carbonate and copper (II) Carbonate.

14.  (a) 416g of anhydrous barium chloride where obtained when 488g of hydrated salt were heated. 

       Calculate the value of n is the formula BaCl2.nH2O (Ba = 137)


(b) Give the meaning of the following;

       (i) An acid

      (ii) Molar solution of an acid 

     (iii) Give three characteristics of acid. 






NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………TIME: 3HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fourteen (14) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
  5. The following constants may be used;

H = 1, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, Na = 23, Pb = 207 

Al = 27, Cu = 64, Ca = 40, Cl = 35.5, Mg = 24. 

Avogadros number = 6.02 x 1023

GMU at stp = 22.4dm

Faradays constant = 96500C 

Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg 

Standard temperature = 273K. 

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1. From each of item (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.
  1. How many moles of sodium carbonate are present in 200cm3 of a 2M solution of the salt?
  1. 0.4 Mol      B. 0.01 Mol    C. 0.5 Mol     D. 10 Mol
  1. The chemical properties of an element is determined by;
  1. Mass number
  2. Mass spectrometer
  3. Number of neutrons
  4. Number and arrangement of electrons
  1. A solution can be define as a;
  1. Uniform mixture of two substance
  2. Heterogenous mixture of solute and solvent
  3. Homogenous mixture of solute and solvent
  4. Uniform mixture of two insoluble substance.
  1. An ion of element Y has 2:8: 8++ as its electronic configuration. The number of proton is the atom of y is;
  1. 18    B. 16    C. 40    D. 20
  1. Which of the following chemical can be used to prepare oxygen without applying heat?
  1. Hydrogen peroxide
  2. Potassium chlorate
  3. magnesium oxide
  4. Zinc carbonate
  1. Calcium and magnesium are members of  group of element in the periodic table called;
  1. Alkali earth metals
  2. Alkali metals
  3. Transition metals
  4. Amphoteric metals
  1. In the electrolysis of CUSO4 the weight of copper plate out of the cathode by a current of 0.70 Amps flowing for 10 minutes is;
  1. 0.139gm     B. 10.48gm    C. 14.48gm    D. 1.148gm
  1. In the reaction;

2FeCl2 +     Cl2                          2FeCl3

Chlorine may be regarded as; 

  1. A reducing agent
  2. An oxidizing agent
  3. A catalyst
  4. Halogens
  1. When 0.125 Faraday of electrolysis are passed through a copper (II) Sulphate soln. The mass of copper deposited will be;
  1. 4g    B. 8g     C. 64g    D. 32g
  1. The percentage of water of crystallization in MgSO4.7H20 is;
  1. 53.4%      B. 51.2%    C. 49.2%    D. 47.3%
  1. Match the item in list A with their responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response against the item number;



  1. A homogeneous mixture of two or more substance.
  1. Is a liquid metal.
  1. Ionization energy
  1. Is a method of extracting oil from nuts.
  1. Simplest formula
  1. Antibiotic solution
  2. Existence of element in different physical form of the same state.
  3. A group of atoms acting as a single substance.
  4. Have both acidic and basic properties.
  5. Shows different colours in acidic and alkaline medium.
  6. The energy required to remove and electron from the influence of the nucleus of the atom.
  7. Bonding
  8. Solution
  9. Suspension
  10. Mercury
  11. Copper
  12. Solvent extraction
  13. Empirical formula
  14. Molecular formula

SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1. (a) Differentiate between;
  1. Atomic number and Atomic mass
  2. Distillation and sublimation

(b) Define the following terms;

  1. Molar solution
  2. Ion
  3. Molar mass
  4. Neutralization
  1. (a) How many electrons will be needed to discharge 0.135g Aluminium?

(b) A solution of acetic acid (CH3COOH) was made by dissolving 3.00g of the acid in 0.5 

dm3 of solution. Upon titration 12.00cm3 of this solution required 25.00cm3 of 

sodium hydrogen carbonate for complete neutralization. Calculate the molarity of the 

bicarbonate (NaHCO3).

The ratio of the reacting moles is 1:1.

  1. (a) Give the name of substance or apparatus which fits the following descriptions;
  1. It is used for measuring fixed volume of liquid
  2. It is used for holding and keeping apparatus up right.
  3. It is used as a drying agent.

(b)Write down three differences between potassium ions and potassium atom. 

  1. Carefully study the electronic configuration of the following element;
  1. : 2 : 4     B. : 2 : 7    C. : 2 : 8     D. : 2 : 8 : 2  

E. 2 : 8 : 8 : 2F = 2 : 8 : 6 

(a)Which of the above elements would you expect to be; 

  1. Metallic
  2. Non metallic
  3. Inert gases

(b)What would you expect to be the formula of the compound formed in each of the following pairs; 

  1. A with B
  2. B with E
  3. D with F

(c)Deduce the period and group in the periodic table of; 

(i)E(ii) F 

(d)Write down a balanced chemical equation showing what would happen if an oxide of element E was treated with dilute hydrochloric acid. 

  1. (a) Differentiate between water treatment and water purification.

(b) Mention three methods of purifying domestic water. 

(c) What causes the following; 

i. Temporary hardness in water 

ii. Permanent hardness in water 

(d) i. With the aid of chemical equations explain why it is possible to soften temporary 

hardness by boiling.

ii. Mention one advantages of using hard water. 

  1. (a) State Faraday laws of electrolysis.

(b) An element Z has a relative atomic mass of 88. When a current of 0.5 amperes was 

passed through fused chloride of Z for 32 minutes and 10 seconds 0.44 of Z were 

deposited at the cathode; 

  1. Calculate the number of Faradays needed to liberate one mole of Z.
  2. Write the formula of the  Z ions
  3. Write the formula of hydroxide of Z. 
  1. (a) What is the meaning of the following terms;
  1. Exothermic reactions
  2. Endothermic reactions

(b) Draw the energy – level diagram for exothermic reactions and Endothermic reactions. 

(c) Name four (4) characteristics of good fuel. 

  1. 20cm3 of solution containing 7g/dm3 of metal hydroxide XOH, were exactly neutralized by 25cm3 of 25 cm3 of 0.10M hydrochloric acid.

(a)Write a balanced chemical equation for neutralization of metal hydroxide XOH.

(b) Calculate the concentration of metal XOH in mole per dm3

(c)i. Calculate molar mass of XOH 

ii. Identify element X. 

  1. (a) i. List down three (3) factors affecting the selection of ion discharge at the electrode.

ii. Define the term electrolyte. 

(b) A bluish copper sulphate aqueous solution was electrolysed by using copper 


  1. Write ionic chemical equations for the reactions which occurred at the cathode and anode.
  2. Explain what will happen to blue colour of copper sulphate solution as electrolysis continues.

(a) Define and point of titration

(b) What colour change indicate end point in the titration of a base against an acid on using (i) Methyl orange?(ii) Phenolphthalein?

(c) A teacher of chemistry provided his F3 students with the following:

AA – A solution of 0.12 0M HCl 

BB – A solution of hydrated sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 containing 14.30g/dm3. On titration by using a 20cm3 pipette one of the best student obtained the following readings from a standard burette 

Burette readings






Final volume (cm3)






Initial volume (cm3)






Volumeused (cm3)

(i)Suggest the colour change at the end point 

(ii)Suggest the indicator used by the student in the titration

(iii)Complete the table above

(iv)Calculate the average volume used for complete neutralization of the base by acid

(v)Find the value of X in the formula Na2CO3X H2O

12.(a) State three main physical properties of water and show the usefulness of each property.

(b)State three industrial application of electrolysis.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer one (1) question from this section.

12. Explain how to handle chemicals having the warning signs of flammable, corrosive, harmful, explosive and toxic in the laboratory.

13. Explain six measures for minimizing the environmental degradation caused by extraction of metals in Tanzania.








TIME: 2:30 HRS



  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fourteen (14) questions.
  2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and one (1) question from section C.
  3. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room.
  4. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).
  5. The following constants may be used.

Atomic masses: H 1, O- 16, N- 14, S = 32, Zn - 65, Cl -35.5, cu - 64.

Avogadros number= 6.02 x 1023 image

GMV at s.t.p =22.4 dm3 .

1 Faraday= 96,500 coulombs.

Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg. Standard temperature 273 K.

1 litre =1 dm3 =1000 cm 3.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) — (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) "Water is referred to as the universal solvent". What does this mean? 

  1. Water is neither acidic nor basic as compared to other liquids.
  2. Water exists in three states of matter than any other liquids.
  3. Water dissolves both organic and inorganic solutes. 
  4. Water is used more domestically than any other liquids.
  5. Water dissolves more substances than any other known liquids.

(ii)  What is the proper set of apparatus would you use to grind granules of a solid substance into fine powder in the laboratory?

  1. Pestle and filter funnel   
  2. Separating funnel and mortar
  3. Pestle and filter paper                  
  4. Pestle and mortar
  5. Thistle funnel and mortar


(iii)  Which of the following sets of processes uses a gas that ignites with a "pop" sound when a lighted splint is passed through it?

  1. Balloon filling, welding and diving 
  2. Hardening oil, balloon filling and welding
  3. Hardening oil, balloon filling and diving
  4. Fueling rocket, diving and welding
  5. Balloon filling, fueling rocket and diving


 (iv) A current of 0.2 A was passed through an electrolyte for 16 minutes and 40 seconds. What is the quantity of electricity produced in coulombs?

  1.  2000 C  
  2. 1000 C 
  3.  200 C 
  4.  0.20 C 
  5.  7686 C.

(v)  Aluminium does not react with water and does not corrode much in air because

  1.  it is below hydrogen in the reactivity series
  2.  it forms a stable carbonate which prevents reactions
  3.  the metal is covered with a protective coating of an oxide 
  4.  aluminium ions have positive charges
  5.  it is very stable.


(vi) When a burning fuel produces blue color it means there is

  1. adequate supply of oxygen with production of soot.
  2. inadequate supply of oxygen without production of soot. 
  3. inadequate supply of oxygen with production of soot.
  4.  adequate supply of oxygen with production of less heat.
  5.  adequate supply of oxygen with production of more heat.


 (vii) Which of these can be reduced when heated with carbon?

  1.  Aluminium  
  2. Calcium carbonate
  3. Iron (III) oxide 
  4. Magnesium oxide 
  5.  Sodium oxide.

(viii) Which of the following is NOT among the composition of air?

  1. Noble gases 
  2. Carbon dioxide 
  3. Nitrogen 
  4. Hydrogen 
  5. Water vapour.


(ix) If a steady current of 2 amperes was passed through an aqueous solution of iron (II) sulphate for 15 minutes, the mass of iron deposited at the cathode will be.

  1. 30g.
  2. 56g.
  3. 0.54g.
  4. 28g.
  5. 0.52g.


(x) Two substances are allotropes of carbon if

  1. Both reduce heated iron (II) oxide to iron
  2. Have different crystalline structure
  3. Have equal masses
  4. Have equal shape
  5. Have the same arrangement of atoms

2. Match the descriptions in List A with the corresponding scientific procedures in List B by writing the letter of the correct response besides the item number in the answer booklet provided.



  1. A statement of how the results relate to hypothesis.
  2. A series of investigations.
  3. A statement that identifies an event, fact or situation.
  4. A tentative explanation.
  5. A step in which the researcher explains the results.
  1. Conclusion
  2. Data analysis
  3. Data collection
  4. Experimentation
  5. Hypothesis
  6. Observation
  7. Problem identification


SECTION B (70 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. (a) How many chlorine molecules are in 20 cm of chlorine gas at s.t.p? 

   (b)Calculate the number of ions present in 5 g of copper II nitrate. 

4.  (a) Distinguish temporary hardness from permanent hardness of water.

 (b) With the help of chemical equations, explain how you can remove each type of water hardness in 5(a).

5.   (a) Copper obtained from copper pyrites (CuFeS2) is impure for electrical wiring and has to be purified by electrolysis.

(i) Name the electrolyte and the electrodes used during electrolysis. 

(ii) Write the observations that can be made during the electrolysis.

(b) The following flow diagram shows the stages in the contact process image

 (i)     Give the names of element A, catalyst B and an acid C.

 (ii)  Write  a balanced chemical equation for the formation of sulphur trioxide in stage 2


6.  (a) Give one example in each of the following:

 (i) Alkali earth metals.

(ii)  Noblegases .

(iii) Transition elements.

(b) Write the names of the following processes of changing matter from one state to another.

(i) Gas to liquid. 

(ii) Ga s to solid. 

(iii) Solid t o gas .

7. (a) State four steps employed in the extraction of moderate reactive metals.

(b) Write balanced chemical equations to show how chlorine reacts with the following:

  1. water.
  2. aqueous iron (II) chloride solution.
  3. hydrogen sulphide.


8. (a) State three main physical properties of water and show the usefulness of each property.

(b)   State three industrial application of electrolysis.

9. (a)An atom M has an atomic number 14 and mass number 28. 

(i)What is the number of protons and neutrons?

 (ii) Write the electronic configuration of atom M.

(b) Calculate the volume of water which was produced when 1,120 cm3 of oxygen at s.t.p. was liberated during the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. The density of water = 1.0 g/cm3 


10. (a) Determine the empirical formula of a substance that has the following composition by mass; 49.5% oxygen.

(b) Give one reason why Alluminium is chosen to make each of the following items:

  1. Cooking foil
  2. Overhead electric cables
  3. Window frames


11. (a) Identify and state the environmental problem caused by the gas which is released from the blast furnace in the extraction of iron from its oxide.

(b) (i) Draw a labeled diagram of a simple electrolytic cell which show how copper is purified.

(ii) Write balanced ionic equations to show the electrode reactions which occur when copper is purified.

12. (a) (i) Why chemistry laboratory exits open outward?

 (ii) State the uses of any four items found in a First Aid Kit.

(b)  (i) Arrange the following metals in order of increasing reactivity; zinc, magnesium, calcium, copper and mercury.

 (ii) Which one of the metals in (b) (i) above reacts with steam to form an oxide which is white when cold and yellow when hot?


SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer one (1) question from this section.

13. In Tanzania, soil conservation is very important for Industrial Materials production. Explain six methods that are used to manage loss of plant nutrients from the soil.

14. 0.48g of a metal, M was placed in a test tube and hot copper (II) sulphate solution was added to it and stirred until the reaction stopped. The metal (M) displaced copper from copper (II) sulphate solution. Copper was filtered, washed with water, dried at 1000 C  and the mass found to be 1.27g. Given that, the balanced chemical reaction that occurred is M (s)  + CuSO  4(aq)  imageMSO  4(aq)  + Cu  (s) 

(a) Calculate;

  1. The number of moles of copper that were formed and the number of moles of M that were used in the reaction.
  2. The relative atomic mass of M and hence identify metal M.

(b) State the appearance of the metal formed (Cu).

(c) With ionic equations, explain why the reaction can be considered to involve both oxidation and reduction.























TIME: 2HRS                                                                                           2020



  1. This paper consists of 3 sections A, B,and C
  2. Answer all questions in all sections
  3. Phones and electronic calculators are not allowed
  4. All work should be done using blue or black pen
  5. The following information and constants may be useful

H=1, N=14, O=16, C=12, Fe=56, Pb=207, Cl=35.5, Ca=40, Mn=55, K=39, 1litre=1dm3=1000cm3

Avogadro’s constant=6.02x1023 particles

1 faraday=96500 coulombs

GMV at STP=22.4dm3


1. For each item (i-x) choose the correct answer from given alternative and write it beside the item number in answer booklet provided.

(i) An element in periodic table with atom number 18 belongs to which of the following

  1. Group 1 and period 1
  2. Group O and period III
  3. Group III and period III
  4. Group V and period IV
  5. Group VII and period IV

(ii) The ionic equation when ammonium chloride react with sodium hydroxide is

  1. 2NH+4(aq) + 2Cl- image 2NH3 + Cl2 + H
  2. NH+4 +  OH- image NH3  + H2O
  3. Na+   + Cl- image      NaCl
  4. 2NH+4      + 2Cl-(aq) image 2NH3(g) + 2Hcl(g)
  5. H+   + OH- image H2O

(iii) The reason why white anhydrous copperII sulphate turns Blue when exposed to atmosphere is

  1. Reacts with carbon dioxide
  2. Reacts with oxygen
  3. Becomes dry
  4. Absorbs water vapour
  5. Decomposes

 (iv) Chemical change means

  1. Change in reversible
  2. Can easily be separated
  3. Change is complete
  4. Produces no change in mass
  5. New substance is produced

 (v) If a stead current of 2 amperes was passed through an aqueous solution of ironII sulphate for 15 minutes, then, mass of iron deposited will be.

  1. 54g
  2. 56g
  3. 0.54g
  4. 28g
  5. 0.52g

 (vi) Which of the following solutions is the most concentrated?

  1. 50g of calcium carbonate in 100cm3 of water
  2. 60g of sodium chloride in 200cm3 of water
  3. 65g of potassium nitrate in 100cm3 of water
  4. 120g of potassium suphate in 200cm3 of water
  5. 50g of sodium hydroxide in 200cm3 of water

 (vii) Copper can be separated from mixture of zinc and copper by adding to the mixture

  1. Concentrated sulphuric acid
  2. Dilute sulphuric acid
  3. Aqueous solution of ZnSO4
  4. Catalyst
  5. Concentrated nitric acid

 (viii) 10cm of 0.4M sodium hydroxide are added to 40cm3 of 0.2M Hcl. The resulting mixture will be

  1. Neutral
  2. Alkaline
  3. Dilute
  4. Acidic
  5. Amphoteric

 (ix) The only metal which does not react with dilute Hcl is

  1. Magnesium
  2. Alluminium
  3. Copper
  4. Zinc
  5. Sodium

(x) During electrolysis of molten aluminum oxide; 3 faradays were needed to deposit one mole of aluminum. The number of electrons of aluminum will be:

  1. 6.02 X 1023
  2. 1.806 X 1023
  3. 18.06 X 1023
  4. 180.6 X 1023
  5. 1806 X 1023

2. Match the items in list A with responses in list B by writing the letter of correct response beside item number in separate answer sheet.



(i) Its nitrate decomposes to metal, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen

(ii) Its chloride is used as a drying agent

(iii) Its carbonate is used to remove hardness of water

(iv) It is stored paraffin

(v) It hydride ion is metallic in nature

(vi) Exists into two main physical forms

(vii) Greenish- yellow gas

(viii) Forms insoluble sulphate

(ix) Reacts with carbon dioxide to form an oxide

(x) Used as sacrificial element in catholic protection

  1. Potassium
  2. Zinc
  3. Argon
  4. Calcium
  5. Magnesium
  6. Chlorine
  7. Carbon
  8. Load
  9. Nitrogen
  10. Beryllium
  11. Neon
  12. Hydrogen
  13. Helium
  14. Sodium
  15. Boron
  16. Iodine
  17. Manganese
  18. Phosphorus
  19. silver


3. a) Why do chemistry laboratory exits open outward? 

State uses of any four items in first Aid Kit

b) i) Arrange the following metals in order of increasing reactivity – zinc, magnesium, calcium, copper, mercury

ii) Which of the following metals b (i) reacts with steam forming an oxide which is white when cold and yellow when hot?

4. a)20cm of solution containing 7g dm3 sodium hydroxide were exactly neutralized by 25cm of 0.1M Hcl. Calculate the concentration of sodium hydroxide in moles per dm

b) Give two examples of

(i) Gaseous solution

(ii) Solid solution

5. a)The table below show part of periodic table study it and answer questions that follow




















 Fill all missing elements

(i) Write the reaction equation involved in industrial manufacture of sulphuric acid in contact process; starting with sulphur metal

(ii) Explain why sulphur trioxide is not dissolved directly in water to obtain sulphuric acid

6. a)Explain how you can separate crystals of copper II sulphate from pieces of broken glasses

b) With aid of equation explain how washing soda removes hardness of water

7. Table below give information about composition of three samples of water Mineral content per Mg per litre

Ions Kahama Maswa Bukombe
Ca2+ 28 82 18
Mg2+ 14 41 13
Cl- 53 7 22
Na+ 7 143 39
HCO-3 281 5 93
SO42-  2 14 16

(i) State two ways in which these ions get into water

(ii) Give two reasons, state hardest water sample

(iii) State two ways that can be used to remove hardness in (II)

b) Write the following molecular equation to ionic

(i) Fe(s) + CUSO4(aq)  → FeSO4(aq)    + Cu(s)

(ii) Na2SO4(aq)  + Bacl2(aq) → BaSO4(g)   + 2Nacl(aq)

State the type of chemical reaction

(8) a) When a burning splint is introduced in gas for containing CO2, the flame goes off.

i) What two properties of CO2 does this experiment lustrate?

ii) What type of equipment widely used in everyday life makes use of these two properties?

b) The equation below show dissociation of calcium carbonate 

CaCO3(s)    → CaO(s) + CO2(g)   H

(i) Is the forward reaction endothermic or exothermic?

(ii) What factors favour forward reaction?

(iii) What will be the effect on proportion of CaCO3 in the equilibrium mixture if temperature is decreased?

9. a)Lead nitrate decompose on heating as follows

2 Pb (NO3)2(g)   →     2PbO(S) + 4NO2 (g) + O2(g)

112dm3 of O2 were collected at STP when a sample of a lead nitrate was completely decomposed on heating. Calculate mass of load II nitrate in the sample.

b) Define the following terms

(i) Mole

(ii) Titrant

(iii) Analyte

(iv) Molar solution

10. a)Differentiate between

(i) A base and alkali

(ii) Atom and isotope

b) An organic compound P consists of 52.2% carbon, 13% hydrogen, and 34.8% oxygen.

The vapour density of P is 23. Calculate the molecular formula of compound P

11. Describe the extraction of iron using the blast furnace


12. Assume that you are a chemist in a chemical plant and want to produce 100litres of chlorine gas per hour so as to reach company goal of producing 2400litres every day. What current of electricity will you allow to flow per hour?

13. A solution of hydrated sodium carbonate was nitrated with 1.68M nitric acid solution. 30cm3 of the solution required 28.75cm3 of nitric acid for complete reaction. If the solution was prepared by dissolving 12.056g of the carbonate to make 600cm3 of solution, determine the molecules of water of crystallization in hydrated sodium carbonate.








NAME………………………………….………………..CLASS…………………………….……………TIME: 3HRS


1.This paper consists of sections A,B and C

2.Answer all questions in all sections

3.Whenever necessary, the following constructs may be used.

  • Atomic masses : O= 16, Na= 23, S=32,H=1, K=39, Al= 27,
  • GMV  at STP = 22.4dm3
  • Avogadro’s constant = 6.02 x 1023
  • 1litre = 1dm3= 1000cm3.


SECTION A (15  marks)

  1. Write the  letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet (s) provided for each of the following questions (i)  to (x).
  2. All domestic utensils made of iron undergo rusting when exposed to:-
  3. Air and fire
  4. Air and oil
  5. Air and water
  6. Water and oil
  7. When a small amount of common salt is dissolved in a glass of water the mixture formed is:-
  8. Heterogeneous
  9. Homogenous
  10. Immiscible
  11. Suspension 
  12. A chemist should acquire all of the following skills EXCEPT:-
  13. Experimentation
  14. Observation
  15. Problem identification 
  16. Surgery 
  17. An important property of oxygen which distinguishes it from other gases is that it:-
  18. Burns and supports combustion
  19. Burns but does not support combustion 
  20. Neither burns nor support combustion
  21. Support combustion but does not  burn
  22. The process of chlorination in water treatment aims at:-
  23. Forming suspension
  24. Killing micro- organisms
  25. Making syrup
  26. Removing bad odour



  1. One of the following is not correct about coke being a better fuel than coal as it:-
  2. Does not produce carbon dioxide gas
  3. Does not produce poisonous gas
  4. Has a higher heat content
  5. Is clean and smokeless
  6. Class E fire can best be extinguished by using:-
  7. Carbon dioxide
  8. Fire blanket
  9. Sand
  10. Water
  11. The following is a set of apparati which are used for heating:-
  12. Crucible, test tube, evaporating dish
  13. Evaporating dish, tongs, crucible
  14. Test tube, evaporating dish, tongs
  15. Tongs, crucible, test tube.
  16. Which of the following methods can be used to get oil from cotton seeds?
  17. Decantation
  18. Distillation
  19. Grinding and distillation
  20. Grinding followed by squeezing 
  21. Which of the following apparati is suitable for measuring volumes of smaller quantities of liquids?
  22. Beaker
  23. Burette
  24. Conical flask
  25. Measuring cylinder
  26. Match each item in list A with response in list B by writing its correct letter to the number of corresponding item in the answer sheet(s) provided.



  1. Chemical equation
  2. Contain H+ as the only positive ions
  3. Freezes at 00C and boils at 1000c
  4. Deliquescent
  5. X2+ + 2 e-           X
  1. Oxidation reaction
  2. Summary of many words in chemistry
  3. Reduction reaction
  4. Representation of reactants and products in a chemical reaction
  5. It turns lime water milky
  6. Acid
  7. Base
  8. Turns brown on exposure to air
  9. Water
  10. Compound which absorb water vapour from the atmosphere and form solution.


SECTION B (70 marks)

  1. (a) Define the term “neutralization reaction” (give one example)

(b) Write down the names and formulae of three common acids in the laboratory.

(c ) What is an indicator? Give four (4) examples of acid- base indicators.

(d) Write down the products formed when each of following pairs of compounds react:

(i)        Acid and metal

(ii)       Acid and metal carbonate

  1. (a) Complete and balance the molecular equations for the following reactions:-

 (b) Write a balanced chemical equation and its corresponding ionic equation for the reaction between dilute sulphuric acid and:-

  1. Sodium  hydroxide solution.
  2. Zinc granules.

N.B.  show all the state symbols.


  1. (a) Define the terms  (i) Mole   (ii) Molar mass

(b) Calculate the molar mass of  (i) Al(SO4)3   (ii) Na2 CO3 10H2O

( c) State the Avogadro’s law

(d) How many oxygen molecules are there in 20cm3 of oxygen gas at STP?

  1. (a) (i) Name any four heat sources in the chemistry laboratory

     (ii) Name two types of flames produced by the Bunsen burner

    (iii)How do the two above mentioned flames differ?

(b) Write down four (4) careers that are a result of studying chemistry.

  1. The diagram below represents the laboratory preparation of oxygen, study the diagram and then answer the questions  which follow:-







  1. (i) Label the parts indicated with letters A, B, C, D in the diagram

              (ii)     Does Oxygen burn? Why?

  1. The formula of manganese (iv) oxide is MnO2  and that of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. Which compound produces oxygen?
  2. (i) What is the name of the method of collection the gas?

(ii) Explain the meaning of catalyst.

             (iii)How can you test for oxygen?

  1. Study the following part of the periodic table and then answer the questions that follows.

Note: The letters used are not the scientific symbols for the elements concerned.


  I                                                                                                                                  O


































  1. Identify and write down the electronic configuration for the elements K,N,P and L
  2. What type of bond will exist in a compound formed when Q combines with L? write the chemical formula for the compound formed and list two chemical properties of the compound formed.


9.  (a) Write the chemical symbols for beryllium, boron, neon, nitrogen and phosphorus.

      (b) Why some of the elements in 9(a) are assigned symbols with only one letter while others bear symbols with two letters?

10. (a) Give three advantages of using chemical equations over word equations.

(b) You are provided with a compound composed of 22.2% zinc, 11.6% sulphur, 22.3% oxygen, and the rest percentage is water of crystallization. Calculate the molecular formula of the compound if its molecular mass is 283

11. (a) Which ways are the fossil fuels detrimental to the environment? Give four points.


     (b) Briefly explain how biogas is produced by using domestic waste.


12. (a) Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds 

  1. NaClO3 
  2. K1O3 
  3. NaH
  4. Ca(NO3
  5. NO


(b) Write the chemical formula of the following compounds 

(i) Lead (II) chloride 

(ii) Aluminium hydride 

(iii) Sodium hydrogen phosphate (v) 

(iv) Sulphur oxide (VI)

(v) Ammonium chloride


SECTION C (15 Marks)


Answer one (1) question from this section.

13. (a) Differentiate between basic salt and acidic salt.                                                

 (b) Categorize the following salts; 

       i.  PbSO4    ii.  MgHSO4     iii. Zn(OH)Cl   iv. MgHCO3  

         v. NH4HSO4     vi. Ba(NO3)2 






(c) 1.16g of magnesium was allowed to react with excess dilute sulphuric acid. What 

      volume of Hydrogen gas at STP was liberated.                                            

14. (a) Define the following;

  1. Molarity 
  2. Standard solution 
  3. Equivalent point of titration 
  4. End point                                                                                                                 

 (b) On titration 20cm3 of a solution containing 2.65g per 500cm3 of A2CO3, exactly 

react with 20cm3 of 0.1M hydrochloric acid solution. Write balanced equation; 

  1. Molarity of A2CO                                                                                                  
  2. Molar mass of A2CO3                                                                                                                                                                    
  3. Atomic mass of A                                                                                                    
  4. Identify element A                                                                                                  






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