First Aid given to a victim of electric shock is meant to:
Why is it advised to build an incinerator in every hospital and health centre?
Which of the following apparatuses are used for magnifying specimens?
Fire accident can be caused by the following except:
A. electric fault.
B.burning of candles
C.burning of charcoal stove
D.smoking in areas selected as smoking zones
Choose Answer :Which of the following is not a proper method of waste disposal?
A victim of electric shock can be saved from danger of death by giving one of the following First Aid:
Which of the following is the proper method for disposing plastic bottles?
Which disease spread rapidly as a result of poor waste disposal?
Which one of the following is recommended as a First Aid procedure for a victim who has been stung by bee?
Which of the following types of waste cannot be recycled? ......... .
Which step will you first take when giving First Aid to a bus accident victim who has severe bleeding?
Which method is advised for disposing hazardous materials?
The following are solid wastes except
Why a faint victim should be laid down with the head lower than the feet when rendering First Aid?
Which First Aid is provided to a victim of hiccup?
First Aid given to a victim of electric shock is meant to:
(viii)Effective ways of reducing waste are displayed in each of the following except:
A.buying new plastic bags every time we go for shopping
B.carrying woven basket when we go for shopping
C.selling used aluminium tin and other metals to factories D. using waste paper to make tissue papers
Choose Answer :It has been observed that some people dispose wastes around the lake which supplies water to the surrounding communities. Briefly explain three problems which are likely to happen to the area.
View Ans4. (a) State two principles of waste disposal.
View Ans(b) Suggest three proper ways of waste disposal in the community.
View Ans(a) State three basic principles of waste disposal.
(b) Why poor waste disposal at home is said to cause adverse effects?
View Ans(a) What do you understand by the term First Aid?
(b) State how you would render First Aid to a person who has been shocked by electric current.
View Ans4. (a) Give the meaning of the following terms and identify two examples for each:
An accident
Elaborate four procedures of giving First Aid to a person who has been injured in a bus accident and has severe bleeding.
View AnsHow can fire accidents be avoided in the school laboratory? Give three points.
View AnsSuggest three causes of cut accidents at home.
View Ans11. Give four common accidents at home and school, for each case explain the causes and three prevention measures.
View Ans4. (a) Define the following terms as used in Biology:
First Aid kit
An accident
(b) Outline four procedures of giving First Aid to a person who has been stung by a bee.
View Ans9. (a) Mention any four laboratory safety rules.
View AnsSome of the chemicals and apparatus used in Biology are harmful/dangerous. In what way are the following substances harmful/dangerous?
Toxic substances
Highly flammable substances
Corrosive substances
Radioactive substances
A good mannered person will always greet others ..
View Ans(ii) Petrol, diesel and other chemicals can be kept in soda bottles and stored in cup boards at home only
View Ans
9. (a) List five accidents which are common at school and home.
(b) Differentiate the term waste from waste disposal
View Ans
(c) Why it is not healthy advised to give alcohol to a snake bite victim? Briefly explain.
View Ans
4.Complete each of the following statements by writing the correct answer in the space provided.
(i)A temporary treatment carried out to a sick person before arriving to the hospital is termed as .
(ii)Turning waste into useful products is termed as .
(iii)A place where solid waste is buried in the ground is called .......... .
(iv)An involuntary ejection of substances from the stomach through the mouth is called .
(v)The combustion of waste at high temperature is known as ...............
View AnsDescribe how you can provide First Aid to a person who has been "bitten by a snake" and the one who has "fainted during ground parade".
View Ans8.(a) Mention four basic principles of waste disposal.
(b)State three effects of poor waste disposal to the community.
View Ans5.What do you understand by the term "Personal hygiene"?
(b) State four principles of personal hygiene.
(c) State four principles of good manners:
View Ans(a) What is First Aid?
(b) List four components of the First Aid Kit.
(c) State the procedures of giving First Aid to a person who has been bitten by a snake.
View Ans"KEEP THE ENVIRONMENT CLEAN". This slogan emphasizes on maintaining the cleanliness of surroundings of the community through proper waste disposal. Write an essay on the above using the following guidelines:
(ii)A victim of an electric shock should be moved by using a metallic object
View AnsGive a reason as to why it is necessary to put on gloves when giving first Aid to a bleeding person.
View AnsMr. Shamba got a car accident and was badly injured. During the First Aid process Mr. Sai put on gloves, took a cotton wool and gave him painkillers. What was the use of;
(a) gloves?
(b) cotton wool?
(c) pain killer?
View Ans(a) Explain the uses of the following First Aid kit components:
(iii)Adhesive plaster
(iv)Iodine tincture
(b) Outline the procedure of giving First Aid to a victim of nose bleeding.
(c) Explain the importance of giving First Aid.
View AnsMatch the descriptions of warning signs in List A with the corresponding warning sign label in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the item number in a table provided.
List A | List B |
(i) Substances which are dangerous and may cause death. (ii) Substances which can catch fire easily. (iii) Substances which emit harmful radiation. (iv) Substances which can damage the skin and other tissues. (v) Substances containing microbes which can cause disease. |
List A | (i) | (ii) | (iii) | (iv) | (v) |
List B | | | | | |