Main Topic Sub Topic Content Covered Date Started Date Ended Teacher's Comment H.O.D Comment H/M Comment
TRANSPORTATION Transportation in plantsa) identify vascular tissues in plants.
b) describe vascular tissues in plants and how they are adapted to their function.
c) distinguish between passive and active transport in plants.
TRANSPORTATION Movement of materials across the roota) describe paths of movement of water and mineral salts across the root (Symplasmic, vacuolar and apoplasmic)
b) explain the role of Casparian strip.
TRANSPORTATIONUpward movement of water and mineral saltsa) explain the path of upward transport of water and mineral salts.
b) describe the forces governing the upward movement of water and mineral salts.
c) outline the mechanism of stomata opening and closing (basing on Osmotic pressure differences theory).
d) explain the effects of transpiration in plants.
e) distinguish between transpiration and gutation.
TRANSPORTATIONTranslocation of Manufactured Food a) identify the path of manufactured food.
b) explain mechanism of transport of manufactured food materials.
GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Mitosisa) explain the events that take place during mitotic stages.
b) illustrate stages of mitosis in plant and animal cells.
GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Mitosisa) explain the events that take place during mitotic stages.
b) illustrate stages of mitosis in plant and animal cells.

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