Main Topic Sub Topic Content Covered Date Started Date Ended Teacher's Comment H.O.D Comment H/M Comment
PRE COLONIAL AFRICAN SOCIETIES Pre Colonial Social FormationsBy the end of this subtopic the student should be able to: a) explain the following concepts used in the study of the basis of life of society: � Labour � Means of labour � Objects of labour � Means of production � Productive forces � Relations of production � Mode of production. b) analyse the modes of production which were developed in Africa and their characteristics.
PRE COLONIAL AFRICAN SOCIETIES Pre Colonial Social Formationsa) assess why Pre- colonial African societies did not develop the slave mode of production. b) explain why some Pre- colonial African societies developed the feudal mode of production while others did not.
PRE COLONIAL AFRICAN SOCIETIES Political Organizations in Pre-Colonial AfricaBy the end of this subtopic, the student should be able to:
a) judge the reasons for the development of political organisations in different societies across time.
b) appraise the role of Islam in the formation of states during the 19th century.
c) show the influence of Mfecane in the formation of states during the 19th century.
PRE COLONIAL AFRICAN SOCIETIES Pre-Colonial Education and CultureBy the end of this subtopic, the student should be able to:
a) explain the concepts of pre- colonial education and culture.
b) assess the objectives and aspects (types) of pre-colonial education.
c) appraise the role, strengths and weaknesses of pre-colonial education.
AFRICA AND EUROPE IN THE I5THSystems of ExchangeBy the end of this subtopic, the student should be able to:
a) explain the significance of trade and exchange in society
b) analyse the impact of trade on political, social and economic systems in both Western Europe and Africa;
c) compare and contrast the value of commodities exchanged between Western Europe and Africa in the I 5th Century.
AFRICA AND EUROPE IN THE I5THSystems of Exchangeb) analyse the impact of trade on political, social and economic systems in both Western Europe and Africa;
c) compare and contrast the value of commodities exchanged between Western Europe and Africa in the I 5th Century.

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