Main Comentance Specific Comentance Content Covered Date Started Date Ended Teacher's Comment H.O.D Comment H/M Comment
1.0 Applying good grooming practices1.1 Developing personal hygienic habitsa) Describing procedures of caring for hairs growing in various parts of the human body by observing safety and correct use of proper tools b) Describing the proper ways of storing the materials used during menstruation
1.0 Applying good grooming practices1.1 Developing personal hygienic habitsc) Describing the ways of maintaining the bedroom and required beddings
1.0 Applying good grooming practices1.2 Caring for clothes and maintaining cleanlinessa) Analyse the benefits of proper cleaning of personal garments, ironing and the disadvantages of not adhering b) Describing procedures of caring for undergarments c) Analysing procedures of caring for shoes
1.0 Applying good grooming practices1.3 Caring for the environment and maintaining sanitation in school and home environmenta) Analysing the benefits of gardens in our habitats b) Analysing the benefits of proper waste management and the consequences of not following the procedures
1.0 Applying good grooming practices1.3 Caring for the environment and maintaining sanitation in school and home environmentc) Identifying methods of controlling pests in the environment and gives relevant examples
2.0 Mastering cooking a variety of foods2.1 Recognising rules required for cooking different types of foodsa) Analysing the consequences of violating hygienic rules in food preparation b) Describing the consequences of not following good eating manners

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