Main Comentance Specific Comentance Content Covered Date Started Date Ended Teacher's Comment H.O.D Comment H/M Comment
1.0 Identifying different events occurring in his or her environment1.1 Conserving one’s surrounding environmenta) Analysing natural disasters caused by environmental degradation and their effects on our daily life b) Analysing the link between environmental degradation and natural disasters c) Analysing the precautions to take in order to deal with the effects of natural disasters by giving examples
1.0 Identifying different events occurring in his or her environment1.1 Conserving one’s surrounding environmentd) Analysing the causes of fire disasters and showing how to prevent them e) Explaining how to use the principles of firefighting and rescue in his or her environment
1.0 Identifying different events occurring in his or her environment1.2 Keeping records of historical eventsa) Comparing the development of tools of production during the Stone Age, Iron Age and the present Age of science and technology
1.0 Identifying different events occurring in his or her environment1.2 Keeping records of historical eventsb) Differentiating the changes in development between the Stone Age and the Iron Age in economic, social, political and cultural aspects c) Discussing technological effects on the society during the Stone Age and the Iron Age
1.0 Identifying different events occurring in his or her environment1.3 Using knowledge of weather conditions in everyday activitiesa) Analysing the climatic zones of Tanzania and their characteristics in relation to daily activities b) Clarifying the factors affecting climate in Tanzania in relation to daily activities carried out
1.0 Identifying different events occurring in his or her environment1.3 Using knowledge of weather conditions in everyday activitiesc) Analysing the climatic changes in Tanzania and their effects on daily activities

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